Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 8 Chapter 268: surrender

With his father's compliment, Croto Katex showed a happy smile.

"Just--" Daves paused and said softly: "I used to say that you were too gentle, but this time it was a bit more intense. Kautini’s leader Segovani has been We captured and have cut off his head to appease the Naconians and Campanias, but to punish the heads of the Great Puntini and the tribes of the two tribes, they can make the people happy, but In fact, it may lead to dissatisfaction between the two tribes, making the Samona war not end soon. This is not what we hope.

You have to know that the tradition of the Samonais is the strong, the great princes of Puntini and the leaders of these tribes have lost their battles. Losing the land will lose prestige among their people, lose their appeal, and we forgive them. Supporting them to continue to serve as tribal leaders will not only be grateful to them, but will also be more conducive to our control of the Samonet. We can add one to the covenant, ‘the great chiefs of the various tribes of Samona must be confirmed by the kingdom in order to formally exercise power in the tribe,” so that the authority of the kingdom can be established in the tribes of Samona.

Of course, you propose that Kautini’s new big leader is selected from the Nakonian tribes, very good! I can see that the young Nakonia leader who first rose up against the Kautini in Lola’s battle called..."

"Your Majesty, called Vasson, who belongs to the second largest tribe in the Nakonya region, Afan Gum, has just been elected as a tribal leader because his father was killed by Segowani, but he seems too young. Some, only 20 years old." Tolmide also reminded me of the brief introduction of this person's situation.

"Young doesn't matter, as long as he trusts Dionya, then Deonia will give him support and he will be a big leader!" Daves said proudly.

"Your Majesty is right! After the Samonai tribes have no support from the kingdom, they cannot survive in the mountains!" Henipolis said loudly.

Klotto Katex and Thormy are thoughtful.

"In addition, there is another important one. I forgot to say last time. Croto did not notice that this time the Samonais were able to provoke a war. In addition to the agreement of the four great leaders, who still In it plays a big role?" Davers asked again.

"Samone High Priest!" Klotok Katex blurted out.

"Yes, the high priests of Samone and the priests of his Majesty, who are above the tribes, have a great appeal to the Samonese people. I even suspect that they are the primary initiators of this war. Because the kingdom of Hades priests entered the mountains, spreading faith and breaking their fundamental interests.

Therefore, we must ask them to dissolve the priests, and the tribes themselves will elect their own high priests. It is also confirmed by the kingdom that the Savannah Sacrificial Ceremony of Samonah must be coordinated by the kingdom. The four priests Take turns to be responsible for hosting. ”

Croto Kataks pondered what Daves had said, and he experienced the use of political wisdom, and nodded frequently, but he also had some doubts: "Father, this article involves the faith of the Samonets and For many years of tradition, I am afraid they will not agree easily."

"Gerney will certainly agree that their Abelums have been subjected to the oppression of the priests, and I am afraid that I have long wanted to have my own high priest.

Kautini must agree, because this tribe has suffered heavy losses and is almost destroyed.

The Pentneys had to agree, because their central town was under siege for so long, and it was about to be taken. Just change the tradition and you can exchange for the survival of the ethnic group. I think they will eventually agree. As for Karačini - "Daves sneered: "The other tribes have their own high priests, and the Samona priests they own are probably only used by themselves (the birthplace of the Samona race) On the territory of Kalasheni, there is the sacred mountain recognized by the Samonet, so it is also the place where the Samonah priests are entrenched. If we do not take advantage of the weakest of the Samone, solve this problem. Later, the Samonais may bring a lot of trouble to the kingdom! ”

"I understand." Croto Katex replied with conviction.

"Herni, according to what I said with Klotto, write to Alexis, let him talk to Pentini and Kautini according to the opinions in the letter." Davers finished, no Hear the response.

"Father, Uncle Henney just went out." Croto Kataks pointed out the account and reminded Davers.

The tabernacle was opened, and Henipolis came in again: "Your Majesty, there are two more battle reports. One from the Third Fleet and one from Sicily."

"Oh..." Daphus reached for the letter and took a look. The pleasant look disappeared without a trace.

"Your Majesty, is the bad news?" Henipolis said, curiously asked.

"Not too bad." Daves quickly calmed down and said faintly: "The fleet of infantry of the Third Fleet came ashore and attacked a Phoenician village in Sardinia. As a result, he was confronted with Phoenician. The army, the two sides fought, the third fleet lost more than 400 people, but fortunately the last successful retreat."

"More than 400 people?! This is no small loss!" Henipolis was a little surprised.

Davers knows that Sardinia is different from Corsica. It is a large island with a small area, many large rivers, fertile hills and plains, and can be grazing and planting. The Nikkis have a large number of people on this island, and they have established the larger city-states of San Ibania, Olbia, Saros, Kalaris, Nora, Surgu... they have enough The young and middle-aged citizens have established a coalition of no less than 10,000 people. The news that the third fleet captured Alenia could not win the Sardinian Phoenicians who were not far from Corsica. It was normal for them to have defenses, just because of the previous Winning and ignoring them, suffering such a setback can also make him awake in his future actions.

"Your Majesty, how can I reply?" Henipolis asked.

"I said that I already know, I hope they can learn the lesson, and the future military action should be more flexible and cautious. We must use the advantages of the Navy to extend the scope of the harassment to the whole island, so that the Phoenicians cannot judge the movement of the Third Fleet. ......"

"Father, don't you send reinforcements to support the Third Fleet?" Klotok Katex interjected.

"The Phoenicians of Sardinia have been blessed by Carthage for years, and they are eager to be happy. They only want to hold their own territory. They have no ambitions and will not pose any threat to us. It is not an issue that we urgently need to solve now. There is a third fleet to drag it on." Daphus raised another letter in his hand and sighed: "Our biggest threat is still from Sicily. Although Seckley is still alive, I was delighted, but Miltias died, the 4th Fleet was killed, the friendly city-states of the south coast of Sicily fell, and Syracuse suddenly declared war.... These bad news made me feel uneasy! The Carthage army led by Ma Ge is very prosperous, and our Sicilian territory will be attacked by them fiercely..." Daphus said with some concern, and after the letter was placed on the table, he did not speak again. However, he took his hands and started to walk back and forth in the account.

Henipolis was curious to pick up the letters and looked at it. Klotok Katex was not as bold as he was. After all, he was trained in military training and knew the military law. He knew that without permission, private peeks of military intelligence were severely punished. So, despite his curiosity, he only used his eyes to look at Henipolis.

"The Carthage army and the Syracuse people launched an offensive against our Sicilian territory! Hena, Paragonha, and Tonys were attacked at the same time!" After Henipolis saw it, the whispered gram Lotto Kataks said.

"How many enemies are there?"

"The letter says that at least 100,000 people are involved in the offensive! We only have more than 20,000 troops in Sicily?!"

"Accurately... there are about 30,000 people, the seventh and eighth legions, plus the Sicilian legion reserve team..."

Two people whispering

Davers stopped his way said: "Clotto, you are going to call Tormid, it seems that it is time to take the city of Satnikum."

"Yes!" Klotok Katex excitedly got out of the big account.

"Your Majesty, is it too early to attack the city of Satnikum? The last time I stormed Antioum, although the Romans had only 3,000 defenders, but we also paid a lot of money, this Saturni There are many more Roman soldiers in the city of Qom than in Antiom!” Henipolis couldn’t help but remind him.

"According to the observations of the mountain scouts, the number of round-trip patrols on the city's garrisons has decreased significantly over the past two days, and when the Romans' families were persuaded to descend under the city, they squatted on the battlements, and their team officers did not stop... It is a phenomenon that has never happened before, indicating that the morale of the Roman garrison has dropped significantly. I originally wanted to wait for a while, maybe the Roman garrison will surrender automatically, but now I can’t wait, the sooner I end the war here, I can The sooner the rescue Sicily!"

Davers's tone was firm, and Henipolis did not persuade, but began to write a letter to Alexis in accordance with the instructions of Daves.

At this time, the court guard Martius went into the big account: "Your Majesty, the head of the Matonis army has important things to ask for."

"Let him come in."

Matones walked into the big account with a big smile and said loudly: "Your Majesty, Saturnicum sent a Roman messenger and they asked for surrender!"

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