Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 8 Chapter 226: The ending of the Samonet tribal coalition (1)

The Afan Gum tribe center blossomed, and the soldiers of the coalition soldiers smashed behind them. They were unable to prevent them from being attacked by the Kautini soldiers who were attacked before and after. Some soldiers also loudly reminded other tribes: "Nakonia rebellion! Naco The Nigerians have rebelled!!..."

Mixed with the neat and grand shouts of the Afan Gum: "Nakonia revenge!!..." Even if this area is screaming and screaming, these sounds can still be transmitted to farther areas. Let other tribal warriors hear and let the Kautini warriors be alert, but also let other Nakonian tribal warriors know the situation, forcing them to take immediate action.

As a result, one after another Nakonian tribal warriors successively launched a rebellion to attack the surrounding Kautini fighters.

Originally, Segowani scattered the various tribes of Nakonya in the military squad, in order to prevent them from rebelling, and forced them to fight for their own survival in the military squad, but did not expect to move the scorpion. On his own feet, the sudden rebellion of the various tribal warriors of the Naconia made the entire army of Kautini’s army confusing.

Zandiparis found the enemy's anomaly, and took the opportunity to inform the light armor at both ends to attack the inside. Together with the attack of the coalition soldiers who chased them up, the Kautini army quickly changed from the original planned retreat to complete. Rout.

There were even some Kautini warriors who were scared by the news of the rebellion. They began to be suspicious and speared at their unwillingness to get close to their teammates. In the dim sky, Kautini warriors have no fighting spirits, trampled on each other on the way to flee, kill each other, and countless dead and wounded.

By the time the dark, the Dayian coalition forces stopped chasing, only nearly 2,000 Kautini fighters were able to escape, including the great leader Segovani, who eventually fled into the city of Sesara. The coalition lost less than 500 people and received more than 2,000 Nakonian fighters to strengthen their strength.

Early the next morning, after a night of rest, the Dionyrian coalition split into the north and headed to Sesala and Abela.

As soon as noon, the army dominated by the Campania soldiers arrived in the city of Sesara, but found that it had become an empty city.

It turned out that after Kautini’s remnants fled to Sesara, Segovani, who calmed down a little, was angry and cursed the rebellious Nakonians and realized that he could not stay in the city because When the enemy is attacking, he only needs to split some troops to surround Sesara, where only 2,000 soldiers are stationed. He can directly attack the Abela, who is in the mountain pass and has no defense, so that he can defend the same emptiness. Kautim, in that case, Kautini is all over.

Thus, Segowani mobilized the entire city to relocate.

Although the Sesara people were extremely reluctant, they did not want to repeat the mistakes of Lola, so everyone took the family, took the old and helped the young, and retreated to Abella and Kautim overnight.

Therefore, when the Dionyrian coalition forces, mainly Daikonian and Naconian soldiers, arrived at the mountain pass, Segovani led the only 2,000 soldiers to the small town of Abela, blocking the coalition’s eastward advancement. Ramp.


Also on this day, some 10th and 11th Legionnaires led by Capps took about 10,000 people. After a hard day, they captured the small town of Equium, led by Alexis, west of the Samonei mountain range. The coalition forces echoed, and there was a great tendency to completely surround the hills of Hilpiny.

After the Kautini and Pentini tribal forces left, the military strength in the city of Benevenvent was significantly weakened. In order to reduce unnecessary casualties, Leskog has stopped the attack on the city, but instead The soldiers of the Nigerian army approached the city, but they did not come to the siege. Instead, the leader of Abenimum, Gilny, shouted with the people under the city.

Gailney counted the failures that Leskuk had suffered since he waged a war against Dionia, as well as the number of casualties and captured Heppini fighters.

He also yelled at the city: "The compatriots of Hilpini, now Aquilonia and Ecuum have been captured by the Dionysian army, and the Hilpini territory is already surrounded by coalition forces, so Don't blindly follow Les Couch and continue to fight against the Dionyrian coalition. Otherwise, the coalition forces will send troops to capture your town, destroy your settlement, capture your family, and completely destroy your tribe!... ”

At the same time, he also made a promise: "As long as the tribal leaders and soldiers return to Dionya, if it is better to capture Lexkok, not only will your previous violation of Dionia be forgiven, the territory and family will get The preservation, and the originally captured native fighters will be released home, and the wounded soldiers will also receive careful treatment from Dr. Diaonia..."

Garni’s repeated shouts under the city have had a great impact on the Hilpini tribe leaders and fighters in the city.

LeSkouk began to see the leaders of the tribes of Hilpini quietly summoning their own warriors, secretly discussing what, let him secretly scared.

Not long after, the news that the Kautini army suffered a fiasco in the plains of Campania came to the city of Benevenvent, which was even more disturbing.

At this moment, under the repeated urging of Alexis, the leader of Aquilonia rushed to the coalition camp. He also followed Garni under the city and finally led to being sent to Benevenum. The Aquilonian soldiers who went to Legouch came out first and asked Leskuk: they would respond to the call of the leader, leave Benevenvent, and join Dionia.

As the third largest tribal town in the Hilpini tribe, Aquilonia still has more than 700 warriors after several battles, which is quite similar in the Sempini army, which has more than 4,000 fighters today. Large proportion. And after Aguilonia, the soldiers of Equium, they also decided to return to Dionia to save the captive family.

The tribes of the Hilpini tribe are equal in political status. They elect the big leader and obey the orders of the great leader, but this is not a legal mandate, but a long tradition based on tribes, but the tradition is also It is stipulated that they can refuse to execute the orders of the great princes at any time according to their own circumstances, so whether it is the Sempini tribe or other Samonai tribes, they are actually still a loose political alliance.

Perhaps because of the nature of the mountain people's race, the tribes and tribes have inconvenient transportation and are difficult to unify their jurisdiction. Therefore, they are more independent and free in political status, but this makes Leskok unable to use politically or militarily. Mandatory means to force them to stay (Akullonia and Equium warriors add up to 800 people, which also makes Leskog a rat.)

In the helpless manner of Leo Guk, they had to swear in the name of the Savoni god: after surrendering to Dionia, they must not be enemies with all the Samonna tribes.

Aguilonia and Equim warriors did it.

So, Lesguk can only order: open the gates of the city and let the soldiers of the two tribes leave.

Alexis, with the top leaders of the coalition, welcomed them to surrender.

The other tribal leaders who witnessed the whole process in the city finally no longer hesitated, and asked Liskeuk to leave Benevenventum and go back to defend their homeland.

Leskuk knew that these people were telling lies, I am afraid that they would let them out of the city, and they would all go to Diaonia in a blink of an eye. He expected this to happen when he left Akullonia and Equum warriors. These together, the Hilpini tribal warriors who joined together to force the palace together have more than 1,000 people, if they do not let them leave, once Let them get up in the city, but it will cause even greater disaster.

Leskuk thought twice and finally nodded.

The Hilpini tribes left, causing people in the city of Beneventoum to feel the hearts of the people, even affecting the army of Kalasheni, and their leaders and soldiers have asked Contruk to leave Benevenvent and return to their own home.

Although Contruk is stubborn and conservative, he also knows that the defeat of the Samonna coalition has been fixed, the enemy is so low, and the fall of Benevenvent is only a matter of Kalasheni army continues to stay In the city, there is danger of the whole army being annihilated.

Therefore, on the grounds of being “forced by the leaders of the tribes of Karačini”, he was too embarrassed to go to see Leskok in person, so he sent a man to greet him with a sergeant, and he led the team directly from the North City. The door went out of the city, crossed the river, and left Benevenventum.

The reinforcements left one by one, and the people in the city were completely caught in panic. The leaders of the tribes of Benevenventam came to see Les Guk, the request of Ai Ai: the situation is now critical, and Beneventtum is difficult to support. The life of the tribal people is safe, and it is hoped that Les Gyuk will be able to surrender to the whole city and civilians to Dionynia.

The sorrowful Leskuk looked at the leader of the petition and had the elders of his own tribe. His face was even more gloomy. He was silent for a long time. Under the repeated urge of the leaders, he said coldly: "Let me Consider considering..." After that, let the guards leave the crowd.

Looking at the empty living room, Leskouk’s heart was also empty. He remembered what Segovani had said before him. “You are not worthy to be a big tribal leader. It’s not decisive enough, the means is not hot enough...”

Leshkok smiled and whispered to himself: "Segovani, you are right... But I really want to know how you will save Kautim in the next step, but unfortunately... ...I can't see it..."

It was night, Leskuk committed suicide in the government, the people in the city were terrified, the leaders urgently negotiated, and the next day they sent messengers to the Daonian military camp.

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