Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 8 Chapter 224: Lola Battle (2)

Contreuni said that he was worried about what Segovani was worried about. Then he was strongly opposed when he discussed with the other leaders of Kautini in close contact, so that he could only give up. .

But the battle changed so fast that it was too late for him to come up with a better solution to the problems of the Nakonian army. The rumors in the city of Beneventum are what he let people release to achieve confusing purposes, although it seems to work well, but this is only a matter of expediency. It is also a matter of expediency to let the tribal forces of Nakonya be dispersed in the military corps. But if you don’t send them out to fight, where are the more than 2,000 Nakoniya fighters? Is Kautim still Abela? This will only make Segowani even more uneasy, and he firmly believes that only under such an arrangement will the Nakoniya fighters fight hard and not dare to come.

This is indeed the case. The reason why Vasson is anxious is because the Nakoniya army seems to be a whole. In fact, there is no leader who can convince everyone to obey the command. Everyone is temporarily elected and led for the first time. Young people, no one has any prestige, including Vasson. Although it is known that this order of Segowani is not good for them, but under the siege of the Nakoniya army and surrounded by other tribal warriors, no young Naconian leader has the confidence and courage to stand up. When the vibrating arm screams, then all the Nakoniya fighters will obey the command and launch a mutiny.

Therefore, although the Nakonya generals expressed their opposition, they eventually refused to obey the orders and took their troops away. And this dispersion, in the battle, it is impossible to connect with each other, and it is even more impossible to achieve unified action.

Vasson was incapable of seeing things. He could only curse the savage and treacherous Segovani in his heart and wait for the opportunity.

Segowani adopted the traditional way of fighting between the Samonais and the Greek army. The ranks of the military array were long and three miles long. The length of the column was not small. This was because of the battlefield of Samona. Very loose, the distance between the warriors is very large, easy to intersperse with each other.

At dusk, when the sun had fallen above the sea to the west, the sky and the sea were dyed golden, the enemy appeared in the vision of Segovani, and their thick armor was slanted by the sunset light. Flashing without glare.

Opposite the wall of light does not make Segovani and the soldiers fear, on the contrary they feel relieved, because in the past they have defeated such opponents numerous times, but the length of the opponent’s army is beyond the expectations of Segovani. It extends to the sides, making Segovani even unable to see its ends, which is somewhat different from the dense and thick tactics of the Campania army.

Is this the way the Devonians fight? Segovani was groaning in his heart. He said that although he and the Dionyta had fought once, it was a chase and the two sides had not yet had a formal battle.

But he can see that the other soldiers are still densely arranged, so that the other side's column must be thin. Of course, Segovani can guess why the other side has not yet reached the battlefield, and it is clear that the Campanias have learned the lessons of the past because the clumsy Campania army is always In the slow array, they were attacked by the fast-moving Kautini fighters.

Segowani hesitated, but decided not to adjust the deployment first, first test it for a while, look at the situation.

The Dionysian coalition stopped moving forward when it was less than 400 meters away from the other side. This army of 3.2 long, but only three rows, has been twisted after a certain distance. Before the battle, let the front line return to a straight line.

More than 6,000 heavy infantry in the middle of the military array (including about 1,500 reserve army soldiers in Dionia), and then 3,000 light armor and light infantry mixed forces including the Diaonian light infantry brigade on both sides Connected, there are 500 Dionysian light armor at each end, and there are more than 200 Campania cavalry on the outermost side of the left wing, with a total strength of about 11,400.

The opponents of Deonia's opponent Kautini have more than 9,000 troops, and they are three miles long. Most of their army is light infantry. These light infantry are also divided into two types, one is a pure javelin thrower. The other is a light-armed infantry with a long shield, both capable of bidding guns and spears. They form the main component of the Kautini army. Only the armored infantry of nearly a thousand people behind the middle road Segovani personally led.

The two decades-old enemies of Kautini and Campania have each devoted themselves to the edge of the eastern plains of Campania, and will soon have a battle to determine their respective destinies. .

But when the Dionyrian coalition stopped and began to reorganize its formation, Segovani had already issued an order first. The light infantry in the middle of the Kautini army began to move forward. The middle road moved, the left and right wings. It has also moved with it.

The movement of the Kautini Army is different from the movement of the Greek Army, which is heavy and slow, and its speed is very fast.

Ealos knew this well. As the general of Naples, he stood in the front row of the array. Zantitips once persuaded him to "do not go to the front line, but to command the whole situation at the rear." He was rejected by his rumors. Most of the generals elected by the Greek city-states are often on the front line in combat, in order to show that there is no difference in identity with the soldiers, so as not to be accused by the citizens after the war, and Naples is no exception, especially in such an important time.

At this moment, he did not hesitate to take the Corinthian helmet and threw it on the ground. The other Campania heavy infantry also took off the Collins helmet according to the prior plan, just like Ealos. Open and relaxed. Only the Diaonian heavy infantry did not take off because it was wearing an open helmet.

E Alos looked around and raised his spear in his hand and shouted: "Apollo bless! We must fight for it, never stop!"

The surrounding soldiers and team officers also followed and shouted: "Fighting and chasing, never stop!!..."

When the Kautini army approached 50 meters, all the Dionyrian coalition soldiers almost shouted and their fighting spirit was very high.

At the rear, Zantitipis, who was riding on the horse, heard the thunder of the thunder and made his nervous mood calm.

"Offensive!" he exclaimed.

"Hey!..." Gao Song’s squadron made the entire long army, whether heavy infantry, light infantry, light armor, or cavalry, began to march forward.

The sudden movement of the Dionysian coalition did not affect the top fighters of the Kautini Army. They stopped at a suitable distance, throwing their javelins in the same way as usual. Ready to go through the gap and retreat, so that the soldiers behind them are at the forefront, and they continue to throw the javelin... so repeatedly, so that even if the other party is moving forward, they are always far away from each other. The throwing of the javelin continued, giving the other party a huge square of damage.

In the past, the Campania League did not have special training. There were neither light infantry that could compete with it nor tactics designed for independent light infantry. Temporary recruitment of civilian light infantry could not be possible against almost all members. It is a powerful Kautini javelin, so after three or four rounds of throwing, the Campania Army has to stop moving forward.

Then, Kautini soldiers immediately turned from attack to attack, or a wave of javelin throwing attacks. When they cast the javelin in their hands, the Campanias were basically in chaos because of the casualties. The final impact of Kautini's armored infantry and lightly armed spearmen was often a one-touch defeat and a victory.

But now, the Kautini soldiers are surprised to see that the heavy infantry on the opposite side has stepped up in the process of moving forward, and it is getting faster and faster.

Are they going to charge? ! Don't they know that we can't hedge against And with their cumbersome speed, they can't catch up with us! ... Although the Kautini soldiers are surprised, but as the distance gets closer, they also have to the back side, and their first round of javelin, according to the habit, because the distance is still far (more than 30 meters), so it is taken Slightly upward throwing, this can make the javelin fly longer distance, the position of the drop is often the middle and rear part of the opposing army array, which causes the chaos of the entire military array, so that it is out of front and back, which is convenient for the next attack. However, the sudden acceleration of the opponent and the too thin column made most of the javelins thrown out empty.

The coalition heavy infantry who escaped the javelin attack had more confidence. They slanted the round shield and half protected the top of the head. The pace at the foot was stronger and faster. This caused the distance between the two sides to be quickly pulled down to within 20 meters, and the Kautini warriors who subsequently threw the javelin were not ready to be fully prepared, and they hurriedly dropped the javelin in their hands.

The 500 Nakoniya fighters led by Vasonic are part of this second wave of attacks. They have all received the hint of Vasson beforehand. Most of the soldiers randomly throw the javelin into the sky, and then immediately withdraw.

The momentum of the Greek heavy infantry's desperate assault caused Vasson's heart to turn sharply.

Even though the Kautini fighters were thrown in a hurry, the experienced them took direct shots in this round of javelin throws, and countless heavy javelins were driven by the pistols under the powerful arms of the soldiers, in flight. With some rotation, straight to the shield of the heavy infantry bodyguard, many javelins directly penetrate the shield, causing some heavy infantry injuries.

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