Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 8 Chapter 173: Ostia crisis

After a period of bombardment, Titus sent a second wave of soldiers who had rested for a while to continue the siege, while the Deonian defenders had been busy defending against attacks and escaping from stone bombs. As time went by, the Romans gradually began to level with the defenders in physical strength and energy.

In addition, when the Romans attacked the city, there was a place where the guards had a headache. Their heavy infantry was not busy in the city except the soldiers climbing the ladder. They used a long shield to protect themselves while The city head projects a javelin.

Throwing a javelin with heavy infantry - this is the tactic of the soldiers of the Dionyrian Army. After playing against the Dionyns in Worthy, Camilles noticed the power of this tactic and began to The Helsnikis tried to use them in the battle and achieved some results. Before this appearance, when Camilles and Titus discussed how to attack the city of Ostia, once again mentioned the use of this tactic when attacking the city, although the heavy infantry of Rome is not like the soldiers of the Daiyan Army. Long-term training, throwing javelin is not only accurate and powerful, but also rich in tactical changes, but the low wall of Ostia has increased the lethality of the Roman soldiers throwing javelins, and the Roman army is far more than the number of heavy infantry in the city. It is the key to becoming the defender of the Diaonian who used the javelin to suppress the city.

The Roman siege soldiers retreated, and another wave of black pressures came up. As the raging tide continued to impact, the number of casualties in the Daonian garrison increased, and the defenses declined. The enemy had been attacked several times.

Jules had to send a reserve team, but he lacked the experience to dismantle these temporary forces, split them into the city's defenders, and the soldiers prepared the troops to command them. Instead, they let them form a team. Replacing the position of the vacant city, the result of the defense has not been greatly enhanced, but there has been a lot of confusion.

"General, look! The wall is falling!!" The followers began to cheer at the front.

Titus is also difficult to suppress the ecstasy of the heart.

A few days ago, the wall of Ostia had just experienced the baptism of the cannons of Dionia. Although it was repaired, it was not enough for just a few days to fully recover it, and then it was repeatedly fired by the Romans. Attack, finally a section of the city wall whining, collapsed.

With the exclamation of the soldiers on both sides, the dust and fog dissipated and revealed a gap.

When Titus saw this situation, how could he let go of the opportunity to break the city and immediately ordered: "The guns stopped bombardment, and the whole army immediately pressed the attack!"

It is said that the whole army is under pressure. In fact, only the Roman civic soldiers who are fully engaged in the offensive, after all, march long distances during the day and continue to fight at night. Although there are intermittent breaks in the middle, all the soldiers are extremely tired, plus the storms that ignore casualties. The Latin Allied forces and the Etruscan Allied forces have been complaining. Their generals have repeatedly protested to Titus, and their soldiers have begun to fight passively. Only the Roman colonial cadres with less than 5,000 people are still there. Under the support of the conviction of “recapture the motherland”, under the strict discipline, the collapse of the walls of Ostia also gave them hope for success. In the loud military sound, they screamed and re-entered the city of Ostia. Initiated a storm.

The high morale of the Roman soldiers also infected the Allied forces, and they barely followed.


Giorgio Lisbon is a cautious person, and with Klotok Katex, he became more cautious, so he arranged four Clippers to lead in the front, the other ships were parallel, and there were larger At intervals, all the boats ignite torches, like a fire dragon in a river, going downstream along the running water.

The caution of Gio Gris played a role. On the way, there was a pilot boat that collided with the Clippers, which was ready to go to Rome to report the sinking. A pilot boat failed to control the direction at the river bay. The reef and sinking...

All the transport ships were not affected, and the peace was close to the mouth of the Tiber River, but the soldiers on the ship were shocked by the sight of the distant shore: it was already late at night, but the sky was not yet present, and the moon was still hanging. In the sky, the sky is still dark, it is the best time for people to sleep, but the direction of Ostia City is full of fire, killing the sky...

Is the city of Ostia already falling? ! Whether Gio Gris, team officers at all levels, or soldiers have similar concerns in their hearts, with the guidance of distant fires and port lighthouses, and in order not to attract the attention of the enemy, Giognes immediately ordered: " Extinguish all the torches on board!"

Soon, the port's patrol boat came out to meet, and after learning that Ostia did not fall, the fleet quickly entered its port.

After taking the boat to the dock, Gio Gris first came ashore, but he was surprised to see that the crowds of sailors dressed up were gathering together and began to wear armor. The arrival of the Fifth Army soldiers was warmly welcomed by them.

After Gio Gris asked, he learned that the Roman army had attacked the city from dusk and had not stopped. They ignited a pile of fires outside the city as lighting to facilitate the Roman soldiers to attack. Due to the continuous onslaught of the Romans, the reserve team led by Julius suffered a lot of casualties. Not only did the reserve team composed of Latin refugees and slaves send the city to the city, but also the sailors of the warships in the dock. , ready to reinforce.

With the help of the sailors of the Third Fleet, the soldiers of the five squadrons of the Fifth Army all quickly landed, and under the leadership of Gio Gris, they quickly rushed to the city.

Just then, the front came and exclaimed: "Not good!! The wall is falling!!..."

Gio Gris was shocked and the situation was urgent. He immediately ordered: "The whole army is advancing rapidly!"


The repeated hardships, coupled with the collapse of the city wall, have caused the soldiers of the city to float, and the Romans took the opportunity to launch a much larger attack than before.

The black-pressed Roman soldiers have not crossed the trench, and some of the liberating slaves in the city have never seen such a big voice, and they turned and fled.

Jules hurriedly led the Guards to stop, and decisively killed the slaves who took the lead to stabilize the military. However, the length of the city wall, he took care of this head, can not care about the end, with the approach of the enemy, the chaos of the city not only did not calm down, but increased.

The fussing of Jules did not even have time to assign troops to block the gap, and at the end he even lost confidence in himself...

Just when he was at a loss and ready to give up, "Hey!..." The city heard his familiar slogan, followed by a uniform humming voice: "Great Hades, you are the kingdom. Protect God, the ruler of the night, the embodiment of justice and sternness!..."

Before the reaction of Jules, the soldiers of the Legion of the city have already begun to shout: "Our reinforcements are here!! Our reinforcements are coming!!!"

I saw the fire in the city (in order to facilitate the soldiers to fight in the city, Julius learned that the Romans also ignited the fire in the city), a black long dragon is rapidly advancing down the street along the street.

The face of the tallest soldier at the forefront is clearly identifiable. He is wearing a thick dog skin, and a banner of the Legion is held high in his hand. The statue of the top is shining.

"The Fifth Army! It is the Fifth Army!!..." The sharp-eyed soldiers shouted loudly.

The city of Ostia is saved! The Legion prepares the soldiers with confidence, and the originally confusing Ostia reserve team soldiers are also fleeing, and Jules is also determined.

Titus, who was outside the city, also heard the sound of the army and the humming sound. He didn’t even think that this was a reinforcement from the enemy. He thought that it was Dionia who would use these to inspire the soldiers and defend them. After all, he The experience to judge, at this special point in time, there will be no enemy reinforcements coming, so he frowned and whispered: "At this time, the Diaonians have such morale! Just like dictatorship What the official said, the army of this kingdom really can't be underestimated!"

At this time, someone in the city shouted: "Is the adult of Julius?! Julius adults!..."

Julius helped the city and looked down: I saw a young black helmet with a black helmet and a red cap on the top of the wall.

"I am Julius!" He responded immediately.

The team officer hurriedly saluted and said: "I am the adjutant of the 5th Army leader Giorgio. The head of the army told me that he will lead the troops to block the gap and let you focus on the defense in the city. A reinforcement consisting of the third fleet of sailors will help you!"

After deliberation with the deputy officer of the Fifth Corps Jules urged the team leaders to lead the soldiers back to their respective defensive wall sections, and placed more light infantry above the gap and began Prepare enough tar, because Gio Gris is ready to return the pain suffered by the former Fourth Army to the Romans when they attacked the Roman city.

Titus saw far away from the city under the blazing fire. The heroic Roman soldier rushed into the wall gap with his arrows and rain, which made him feel excited and thought that victory was in sight.

It didn't take long for the entire gap to be filled with Roman soldiers. The men who went to listen to the news came back and reported: "There are Dionia troops blocking in the gap, and the soldiers are temporarily unable to break through their defense!"

At this time, the messenger sent by Camilos also rushed outside the city of Ostia (because in the dark, the messenger did not dare to let go, so he fell behind the fleet) to report to the proposed Tus : "The Dionys sent thousands of soldiers from the city of Rome and are taking the boat down the river!"

Titus was hit hard, but he still had a hint of fantasies in his heart. He ordered the snare drums and the military number to scream to encourage the soldiers to attack. On the one hand, he sent his men to the city to pay close attention to the changes in the situation. At the same time, they also called back the Etruscan allies who were honed at the end of the offensive team, letting them line up in the rear to prepare for the event.

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