Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 8 Chapter 158: Appointment of the Roman Administrative Officer

For Mickris, he didn't really care much about how much official position he played in the Kingdom after Enanilus came back again, but as long as he appeared in the officialdom of the kingdom, he showed the king to the king of the kingdom. The understanding of the Kris family will no longer hinder the development of the family in the future.

Therefore, the atmosphere of the whole talks has become more relaxed, and it has been talked about the two days when the merchants of Dionya transferred their materials at the port of Ostia, and began to develop their own enclaves, build merchants, and find business opportunities. Busy situation.

In the end, Michelle left the Roman Senate with a smile, but Alci Bidas stayed, because then Davers would hold an executive meeting here.


The main participants in the conference were Yassister, NikoMarcus, Antrapolis and other veterans.

"You, the place where you are sitting now is the Roman Senate." Davers saw the bureaucrats who came in to look at them curiously, so they briefly introduced one.

"It’s much smaller than our big parliament," said Assisis.

"But the city of Rome is bigger than the inner city of Turui." NikoMarcus said with compliment: "From the perspective of the density of the houses, the population is also very large. It is hard to imagine. You only spend one day. I have captured such a magnificent city!"

"Niko Marcus, you are a compliment to the Legionnaires who participated in this siege!" Davers laughed.

"So I am proud of the amazing record set by the soldiers!" NikoMarcus responded quickly.

"The soldiers have laid down this big city, but then they have to rely on your hard work to turn this big city into a city that belongs to Dionia." Daves followed the words and made the officials straight. chest.

Then, Davers began to turn to the topic, facing everyone, he said: "You should have some understanding of the area before you voluntarily come to Latin, and you know more in Ostia, but The situation we are in now may not be clear, so you must now have a comprehensive understanding of the battlefield of Latin."

Daves said here and made a gesture to Henipolis.

Henipolis immediately asked the two guards to lift the map board with Rome and the surrounding city-states and walked to Daves.

"Sit forward, so you can see more clearly."

As soon as Daves spoke, the officials did not care about the status. They both squeezed into the first and second rows of the venue, raised their heads and looked at the map seriously.

"Rome is indeed the largest city-state in central Italy." Daves finger map, said in detail: "It and the area around it have as much land area as our Tulibi plain in Turui, even bigger. Although we captured Rome, in the south of Rome, it is all its Latin alliance and colonial city; in the north of Rome, it is also its Etruscan ally and colonial city; plus before the discussion The Roman army of about 70,000 people in the Helsinki is returning quickly... We are now like a lion, surrounded by countless wolves, and the situation is very serious! Fortunately-"

Daves Point's finger in Rome City slides down the Tiber River and stops at Ostia: "The Tiber River is under our control, allowing us to transport materials and people through the waterway." But if we can't break this lonely situation, the waterway will be cut off, and Rome will be completely surrounded by it. The victory we have won before we paid a huge price is also in vain. So I ask you to go to work immediately and take over the city of Rome, not only to restore stability as soon as possible, but also to help us fight for our next battle!"

The words of Davers made the elders and administrative officials here feel pressure. The faces on the maps were serious, but the eyes flashed with excitement. After all, they voluntarily chose to come to these Diavian officials. Most of them are citizens who reject mediocrity, boredom and stability, and are enterprising or adventurous.

Daves's gaze swept through them, feeling the strong heart they conveyed, and smiled in his heart, saying: "Here, I will announce the appointment of administrative duties in Rome during the war."

The reason why Daves emphasized the word "wartime" was that it was a temporary appointment. By the end of the war, the administrative arrangements of the occupied territories would need to be re-examined by Daves and the Senate, as well as the Kingdom Officials Management Committee.

Most of the bureaucrats sat down in the body subconsciously.

"Roman Chief Executive -" Davers looked at his former commander and said loudly: "The elders of Assisi!"

Before leaving Turui, Assisi was summoned by Daves, knowing his arrangements for himself, so he looked calm.

NikoMarcus, Antrapolis, etc. Several veterans are obviously unable to compare with Assisi in their qualifications, but they cannot become such a top manager in the kingdom, which is one of the best in the kingdom. There is still more or less loss in my heart.

Davers looked in his eyes and continued: "Niutum, Knapetia, Mesagne, Enona... Isias has been in the company for more than ten years in the establishment of Dionia. The chief executive of the newly conquered alien region has excellent political achievements and rich experience in governing the affairs of the aliens. This is why I chose him as the chief executive of Rome..."

After explaining a few words, he said: "Niko Marcus, Antrapolis... You are temporarily serving as the administrative adjutant of Rome, and I am governing Rome with Assisi, and an administrative adjutant is me. The appointed Romans hope that you will be able to get along with him and give full play to his role."

Several veterans were surprised, but the political experience was not weak. They quickly understood the intention of Daves's move and immediately restored calm and made a statement.

Then, Davers appointed several important intermediate officials in Rome, all of which were recommended by ministers from various departments.

"...The Roman business officer is served by Fracus."

Daves just finished, a Dionian official stood up in the meeting and said loudly: "Thank you for your trust!"

Davers looked at him and solemnly said: "Roman city cannot trade with the surrounding forces in a short time because of the war, but there are many businessmen coming from the kingdom. They bring us materials and wealth. It will also cause some confusion... Marigi praises you as the best management trade officer under his command. I hope that you can manage them and make them help in this war, not trouble!"

"Please rest assured!" Flacus answered with confidence.

“The Turif Chamber of Commerce, the Lijim Chamber of Commerce, and a small number of businessmen from Crotone and Tarantum... They all donated a huge amount of military food and supplies to the war, so you are strengthening management. And let them get the benefits, we can't treat these businessmen who have contributed to the kingdom, so you have to grasp this scale!"

While Daphus was jealous of him, he said with relief: "You don't have to worry too much. I have found a good superior for you."

As he said, his gaze turned to the Diaonian veteran who had been silent on the side of the venue and had not been in office for a long time: "Alcibidas, I appointed you as the administrative adjutant of Rome, specializing in business affairs."

"I?!" Alcibidas was a bit ignorant. Before Daves let him stay in the meeting, as a newcomer to the kingdom's political arena, he was prepared to listen.

"You didn't get it wrong, it's you!" Daves joked: "The kingdom officials who come here are all working. Now food is tight, we don't have idlers."

Yasisters smiled on their faces, but no one laughed. The top-ranking officials of the Kingdom of Dionia were able to sit at the venue. The news was well-informed. Of course, I knew Alsie. What is Das identity.

"I didn't give you this appointment because you are my relative, but because you are both a veteran of the kingdom and the head of the Lijim Chamber of Commerce, you can better coordinate and communicate with the Diaonian businessmen who come here. Of course, as a kingdom official, you must treat every businessman equally on a neutral standpoint, not just a Lijim businessman,” Daves reminded.

Alcibidas had some heartbeats. He remembered what his father had said to himself: "...this is also Since you have decided to merge Lijim into Dionia, I will not stop it. You are... but you have to understand that there are many powerful and capable people in Dionia. You can't do what you want to do as you did in Lijim! Daves is your brother-in-law, but With his character, I will never give you more care. And your relatives as a royal family will become the object of many people's attention. If you don't want to be the object of ridicule, then work hard... in Dior The Nigerian Senate has a firm foothold, which will give your sister more support..."

Looking back on the past, Alcibidas said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, I really want to do things for the kingdom, but I am not familiar with the laws and systems of the kingdom..."

"Alcidadas is an adult." Flacus said busyly: "You don't have to worry, I will do my best to help you!"

Davers praised the newly appointed business officer and said, "Don't hesitate, Alcidadas! With the full help of Frakus, what else can you worry about!"

Alcibidas immediately stated: "Your Majesty, since you trust me like this, I am willing to accept this position."

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