Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 6 Chapter 118: Crotone Battle (1)

"Ah...sorry!" Although Azusa was apologizing, the joy of her face was still unstoppable.

Christoa, lying on the head of the bed, looked at her and couldn't help but be infected by her. She showed a smile: "I heard your laughter far away, say, what's the good thing?"

"Mrs., Mrs. Grace, ...... No, two Kings! Congratulations, the Senate just announced that the Daves is the King of Dionia!" Asuna said in her heart. come out.

Clithista’s pretty face was also filled with joy, completely obscuring the weakness after childbirth. At this moment, she suddenly remembered: After a love, Daves once said with enthusiasm, ‘Little Cyrus is nothing great, I will let you become Wang Hao in the near future! ‘...Davers, he really did it!

Ai Ge Sisi is not as excited as Cristiano and Asuna. After all, Great Greece has been away from Wang Zheng for hundreds of years. There is not much feeling about it. She is just happy for her husband.

"Two kings and grandmothers, when Cynthia and Adoris came back from school, we held a banquet to celebrate this good news, how?" Azna made a suggestion, and Clithista shook her head with only a little thought. Said: "Now the people in the league are worried about the war and worry about their loved ones. We will hold a banquet to celebrate at this time, which will be offensive and will damage the reputation of Dafos!"

"Wang Hao is right," Asuna said quickly.

"Don't say the word "Wang Hao", things have not been completely determined, we should not be too proud!" Clithista reminded her.

"Yeah, I think it's still a good name for the past, and it makes people feel kind." Ai Gnish interjected: "Not at night, we are offering sacrifices to God at home, thank them for their blessings and hope that they can Blessing Duffus can come back safely!"

"My sister's proposal is very good! We should sacrifice to Hades, thank him for blessing our husband! At the same time -" Clithistia smiled and looked at Ai Ge Ni Sisi: "We still want to La sacrifice, thanked her for blessing me to give birth to a healthy Eunice, and hope she can bless you and give birth to a child!"

"Yeah!" loves Grace to caress the slightly convex abdomen, revealing a kindly smile.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!..." At this moment, Eunice in the cradle woke up.

"Hey, my little princess!" Asuna was busy picking it up, and opened the diaper and looked at it: "She pulled it, still a lot!" Saying, very skilled to change the diaper...


In the early morning, the people of Crotone were screamed by the slogans that continued to sing outside the city.

"What happened?"

"I am afraid that the Syracuse people want to attack the city!"


The people’s thresholds looked at the city heads full of soldiers in the distance.

Suddenly, a black spot swept through the wall.

"Fast escape!" The people reminded each other that the direction of the stone bullets was scattered and ran away. They are already familiar with the terrible weapon of Syracuse, and the attacks on the city of Crotone have not stopped in the past few days.

However, today's situation is obviously different from the previous two days. The stone bombs flew one by one across the city and slammed into the neighborhood of the city near the city wall, which quickly led to the broken houses and rubble. The people supported the injured relatives and fled...

The stone bombs bombarded the wall again and again, causing the stone skin to fall down one by one...

In the heart of Lucias, who looked at it all at the head of the city, he began to worry: "Why did Dionya’s artillery team not fight back and let the enemy launch such an unscrupulous launching stone?"

"Lyce Ass, the Diaonians have no choice." Ascamas, who has communicated with the artillery team many times, explained: "The towers on our walls are too narrow to fit into one." Guns, they can only put the guns under the city. But the walls are too high, the guns have to raise the elevation angle, so the range will be shorter..."

"That is, they can't attack the enemy's guns!" Lucias understood.

"Yes. So the Dionyans made a suggestion, don't expose us to possession of guns, and then give them a heavy blow when the enemy is at ease." Astamas said that he did not like Dionia before, but The enemy is currently, he also knows the importance of unity, so he candidly said: "I think this method is feasible."

Lucias thought for a moment and reluctantly approved the advice of the Dionia artillery team: "But what do we do now? The number of guns used by the enemy today is significantly more than the previous two days. I am afraid that the wall will be collapsed. !"

"Don't worry, this will not happen for the time being." Ascamas comforted him and said: "We only have to wait for the enemy to attack and then attack them! I believe that the Syracuse will take action soon!"

Ascamas spoke, but his eyes kept staring at the wide, harder than the city wall built by the Syracuse people dozens of meters away from the front of the city. He thought that compared This is the thing that really threatens the defense of the city. Yesterday he sent a soldier to venture out of the city and tried to destroy it. The result was defeated by the Syracuse who had been prepared for it. He also thought about digging the tunnel in the past. He was surrounded by a moat outside the city. When the tunnel was dug under the moat, water leaked, and the soldiers were forced to retreat. Otherwise, they would probably be drowned in the tunnel. Finally, the Dionyns told him, ‘There is a way to destroy the land. ‘Let him temporarily let go of his heart.

Ascamas knows: Don't look at the current land barrier, there is no one. When the siege begins, it will stand above the Syracuse archers and fire the arrows on the soldiers on the city...

"I am going to see the Trina people, I will give it to you here!" Lucyas said solemnly, the constant roaring made him feel very nervous, as if the city wall would collapse at any time, so he wanted to hurry. leave here.

Just as today, Cypress led the Trina soldiers to defend the North City, as the chief general of Crotone, of course, it is necessary to give condolences. At the same time, there are thousands of soldiers in the Xi Liting who are defending the Nancheng. It is also a force that can be relied upon. Because Syracuse slaughtered the city of Sirikit, the relatives and friends of these soldiers were not killed, they were sold as slaves, and they were sent to a foreign land. The anger of the Syracuse soldiers must be calmed down by the blood of the Syracuse. They are the most I hope that the Syracuse people will come to attack.

Lucias was just about to leave, but the guards sent an urgent report: there were countless Syracuse warships outside the port, and they were preparing to break into the bay.

Crotone is somewhat similar to Tarantum. Their port and the city itself are integrated, but the port is built in the bay. Because of the large bay, the Crotones are impossible to block, so when the enemy When the fleet comes in, it may land in the side of the city of Crotone (that is, the southeast of the city). Although there are also walls built there, while defending the walls, you must also guard against the enemy’s sudden entry into the port and landing at the dock. This has higher requirements for command and judgment of the generals, especially in the case that Crotone does not have much strength.

"We need an experienced general who will command a small number of soldiers in the port area to stop the enemy from attacking our rear!" Ascamas said with dignity.

Lucias understood what he meant and said without hesitation: "I will send Milon."

Milon, the former chief of Crotone, has been expelled by Crotonian citizens since he led the army to defeat Dionya. He has to run to the Peloponnese peninsula not far from Crotone. In the seaside town of Corus, in Ellis, she retreats.

It was not until the Syracuse army invaded the Great Greece that Crotone decided to recall the former exiled people in order to work together with the Syracuse. Upon receiving the news, Milon returned to Crotone immediately, but at that time the Crotone army had already set off for the West Chamber, so he stayed in the city as an ordinary citizen and was activated today.

After listening to Lucias, Askamas showed a smile, but the smile soon disappeared because the enemy started to attack...


A few hundred meters away, the large, loose, seemingly boundless battle of the Syracuse people is slowly approaching the city wall. At the forefront are some grotesque engineering instruments promoted by the Syracuse people, such as siege hammers, and many roof-like shelters like the siege hammers, built-in personnel, wooden wheels up to five or six meters long. car……

The most worrying about Askamas is the three large, movable wooden towers that are taller than the city although Ascamas was the first to see in the war But his mind immediately flashed a word - the siege tower. I heard that the Syracuse people used the siege tower to capture many of the cities in Carthage on Sicily. This time they saw the real thing. It was so shocking to him.

The soldiers saw the huge engineering tower slowly approaching them, and they were equally shocked and overwhelmed.

"Get up!" Askamas shouted, continuing to cheer the soldiers, but also cheering on himself: "Don't look at that thing, but it can't pass the moat!"

Yes, there is a moat, and the monster can't come! The soldiers temporarily relaxed their hearts, and then they saw the enemy’s siege line stop moving forward, from which thousands of naked men were carried, carrying a bag, squatting towards the wall, and being armed behind them. The Syracuse light infantry, pushing the archery behind it...

Is it a slave to Syracuse, ready to fill our moat? ! Krebs and his companions all held the same idea and clenched the javelin and bow in his hand.

Ascamas felt a little uneasy in his heart.

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