Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 6 Chapter 108: Conspiracy and decision

This time, Adpiegis came from Cosenza specifically to report to Aristilas: after the failure of the Battle of Ramatu, the fifth army soldiers released by Dionysius against Brudy Some of the impacts caused by the region are expected to arouse the vigilance of the Senate. I didn't expect to run into this incident. Because he used to graze year after year when he was a slave, he was very skilled in riding and familiar with the terrain of the Cosenza Plateau. It is possible to send long-distance letters in the dark.

At this moment, after understanding the beginning and the end of the matter, Aristilas knew that this matter was of great importance. He did not dare to make a slight mistake. He immediately made a decision: "Go, you and I will go to see Mariji adults immediately!"

Why go to see the business officer Mariji, not the sect of the sergeant Sesta, who is guilty of the ruling of the elders who are leaving the post, or the Kono Gorata who is temporarily responsible for the entire administrative power of Dionia?

That's because Margit is the confidant of Daphus, familiar with the intelligence department that Aristilas is responsible for, and Aristilas has seen Kuno Gorata several times, obviously feeling his dislike of himself. . As for Sesta, it is mainly unfamiliar and afraid of delaying time.

After listening to this amazing news, Mariji went to see Sesta without any hesitation. Sesta immediately sent people to these old houses to check, and it was really people going to the building.

As a result, everyone immediately joined the Kuno Gorata House.

After all, Kuno Gorata is old, although he is not late at night, he has already slept. After being awakened, there was still some confusion. He could hear Sesta said: "Petaru, Bergam, Kadurk left Turui and sneaked to Brudy, which may lead to judgment. Chaos!"

His sleepiness was all scared.

"Whether they leave because the tribe has an urgent need to deal with it, or for other reasons, without the approval of the Senate, leaving without authorization is a violation of the law of the Union!" Kunogolata is euphemistic, but difficult to hide. Anxiety: "Send a cavalry immediately and rush to the Brudy area to see if they can get them back! If you don't catch up, rush to Cosenza and inform Hilos to strengthen the alert and search. Once they are found, they will immediately They 'care up'!"

At this time, there were 500 cavalry in the city, but they were all citizens and they were not armed. It was so late that they would go door-to-door to wake up, so Kuno Gorata reminded him again: "When you gather the cavalry Don't make too much noise, so as not to cause panic among the people!"

"What if the cavalry catch up with them, what should they do?" Sesta said coldly.

"It's best not to hurt them, there is really no way to hurt them, but never -" Kunuo Gorata's voice just fell, and Seta has strode out.

"There is one thing I forgot to say... In fact, Aristilas has sent people to grab the game in Petalu before they rushed to Cosenza to inform Hilos." Mariji promptly interjected as the Daves The intelligence officer expressed his strength.

"Oh, is it?!" This is really an unexpected surprise! Kunogolata is busy looking at Aristilas standing in the corner of the living room.

"The situation was urgent. The decision I made was just to make Cosenza’s chief executive, Hilos, be vigilant. My people are rushing to Cosenza, and now it’s hard to go, I hope he can get there before them. Cosenza," explains Aristilas.

Because the previous prejudice made Kno Kollata unable to say the praise of the intelligence leader, he just nodded and said to Mariji: "Although it is very late, we must inform other veterans and tell them tonight. The things that make them have a mental preparation. So, Majiji adults, trouble you to go and let them come to me." Kunogolata, this is after the remedy, to avoid others saying that he is arbitrarily good, good to Davers There is an account.

"Good!" Marji replied simply, turning and going out.

Aristilas also followed and was stopped by Kunogora: "You stay."

Aristilas looked at Kuno Gorata in amazement and asked, "What is your name?"


"Aristilas, you did a good job before!" Kunogolata said with a serious look: "I know that you are the eyes of Daphus. Now the situation in Dionia is not very good, I hope Can you do me a favor temporarily?"

"As a Diaonian citizen, it is my duty to contribute to the alliance." Aristilas immediately expressed his position.

"I want you to send people to pay attention to the movements of several other Brutus veterans in the Senate. Before the Daphus adults return, please tell me any abnormalities. When Davers returns, I will explain to him. Kuno Gorata stared at him.

Aristilas hesitated for a while and barely nodded and said, "Well, Mr. Kunogora, I will report to you every day."

Out of the village of Knogorata, Aristilas flicked his fist and smiled on his face: they used to be sneaky and disgusted by some veterans. This time they can get important figures from the veterans. The recognition of Kunogolata can be said to be a big step away from the intelligence department.


On the avenue leading to Cosenza, dozens of people, such as Begham, Petalou, Kadurke, held torches and went all the way.

The line of sight crossed the range of the light, and the front was a black and secluded wilderness. I could only hear the strong mountain wind passing over the plateau without any obstruction, making a whistling sound, as if women were crying...

Petalou wrapped his leather robes tighter. On this bad night of winter, he not only felt cold, but also a little cold in his heart: although he had made up his mind to leave the Dionysian Union, it was true. Take action, how is the future of him and his tribe? Just like the road in front of the five fingers, he can't estimate...

"You listen, what is this sound?!" Kadulk suddenly shouted.

"It’s a wolf!" Someone discerned from the wind and shouted loudly: "Be careful with wolves in front!"

The people hurriedly gathered together and did not dare to leave. In the dark night, meeting a wolf is a headache.

Everyone is careful.

Not long after, they saw five or six wolves beside the road. The big household torches, lancets and short swords dispelled these green-eyed, grinning wolves. They didn't go far, but they wandered around.

"It's a horse!" Everyone saw what the wolf was biting.

"It shouldn't be long before death." After listening to the tribes, Bergam's face became dignified: "It seems that someone rode through here not long ago."

Petalou’s heart was “squeaky” and his face was also ugly: “It’s very likely that someone discovered our actions and went to Cosenza for a sneak peek!”

"We are so secretive, they can't know in advance, and going to Cosenza is the fastest way. Even if it is discovered, it is impossible to walk in front of us. This is a coincidence. Who must be the horse?" Closed, let the horse sneak out and be killed by the wolf..." Kadulk argued.

"But this is not Brutima." Beckham, who was close to the horse's corpse, observed him: "The skeleton of the horse on the ground is bigger than the little Brutma."

"You don't know. There are a lot of tribes on the Cosenza plateau that have raised some horses from other places." Kadurke retorted again.

"Well, don't argue, no matter where the horse comes from, we must be vigilant." Petalou quickly went up to the round and said: "I decided to go to the south of Cosenza, my original branch. The tribe (as one of the main initiators of the Bruty War, the main accomplice of the Piulen tribe - the Petra of the Petra was split after the war, one near Cosenza and the other Was moved to the edge of the territory of Kna Petia."

"I have to go back to Cosenza," Kadulke said. When he opened the gate and led Diony to break into the inner city of Cosenza, he was rewarded by Dionia. His tribe was intact and not moved. It is now in many small tribes in Cosenza. One is big.

"You have to be careful." Petalou can only say this, because Kadulke does not sneak back into the tribe, take away enough fighters, and does not help them in rebellion. This is also his prejudice. The reason why I am willing to join him.

"After you convince your tribes, don't forget to lead them to Ambaria as soon as possible! Only when we get together will we become strong and let the Diaonians not dare to commit crimes. We have enough time. Go for more choices!" Beckham reminded the two.


After Brilliance was merged into Dionia, The city of Cosenza has changed a lot in recent years.

The inner city is an administrative area, mainly including the city hall, the council hall, the court, the temple, the square, and the military department, the chief executive's residence, and the residence of the bureaucracy.

The role of the Chamber is mainly: the Chief Executive of Cosenza and the leaders of the tribes of Bruti have discussed some of the management issues in the Britti area. From this point of view, other Greek cities are still preparing local councils, and Cosenza has been implementing similar mechanisms. Of course, this is related to the tribe-based living conditions in the Bruti area, and a similar mechanism is implemented in Grummentum in Lucania.

Speaking of the courts in the city of Cosenza, the "Dyonia Law" stipulates that: the tribes can break the law according to their ethnic rules, but if the people do not accept it, they can appeal to the Cosenza court, according to the judge. The Dionysian Citizenship Law is re-trial and eventually resolved in consultation with the tribal leader. Since tribes often originate from the interests of the tribe as a whole or the leader, most of the perpetrators are not obeying the penalties they have made, and they turn to the Cosenza court, although this makes the judge’s work more and more busy, the court is also One has increased to five, but its fairness has increasingly gained the approval of the Blutty people.

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