Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 6 Chapter 104: Burnt two

Dionysius gave the Celi court a condition of surrender: the Columania provided support and the army, and cooperated with the Syracuse army. In exchange, Syracuse will not enter the city of Cologne.

Of course, the Colognesians did not know that, for their surrender, Dionysius also wrote a letter to his nephew, Chief General of Morley, Demodokas.

Because Lockley fully supported Dionysius's invasion of the Great Greece, he once asked: I hope that Dionysius will hand over the city of Cologne to them after the fight against the South Italian alliance. Dionysius expressed his agreement.

To this end, Dionysius had to reassure the Lockleys that the disposal of Cologne is only temporary, and that everything is designed to defeat Crotone and Dionia as quickly as possible. The measure. After the real conquest of these city-states, Coulenania will also be handed over to Lockley in accordance with previous commitments.

The Lockleys accepted the interpretation of Dionysius.

Of course, the Colognesians did not know that their fate had long been doomed. They thought they had escaped the disaster and were anxious to show obedience to Dionysius. They soon sent 5,000 soldiers and a large number of people to go to the West Chamber.

The surrender of Coulenia made the Rocky army, which had been besieging in Cologne, spared, and they quickly turned south and crossed the mountain.

Although Fiddun was wary of the east because the person who sent the letter had not returned, he sent a small unit to the entrance of the mountain road for the sake of insurance. However, after the news in the north was completely blocked by the Syracuse, he was completely blinded by his eyes. He never thought that the situation in southern Greece had changed greatly in just a few days.

There are so many people in the rapid rise of the Rocky people (15,000 people), and so fast, the Lijim forces of the Yamaguchi defense of less than a thousand people were quickly defeated.

Feidun was leading the army to besiege of Medma. After receiving the news, he was shocked. He couldn’t organize the troops to fight, and the Rocky troops who were killed by the rushing rushed into the camp...

When the Philippine Pier and the countless squadrons fled the Maro River and fled into the city of Taurus, the original 10,000-strong troops had less than 7,000 people.

Dionysius was overjoyed after learning that Cologne had surrendered and Lijim was defeated, because at this time, except for Lijim, the southern part of Greece has been completely settled, and he can safely attack the north with full force, and the long-lost Lijim Only Locke is enough to deal with, no need to worry about him.

So he ordered Leptinies: In addition to leaving a few warships stationed in the port of Trina, he continued to cut off the maritime ties between the West Coast Dionya and Lijim, and the rest of the warships participating in the war turned to the West Riding port.

At the same time, he asked the troops to complete the rest as soon as possible and prepare to move north.

The war between the South Italian Alliance and Syracuse is not only between the big Greeks and the Greek city-states of Sicily, it also attracts the attention of many forces in the Mediterranean.

Not long after the end of the Battle of the Ramatu River, the news of the victory of Syracuse quickly spread throughout the Western Mediterranean, and the city-states and forces associated with it were pondering the impact of the war on themselves and even started to play small. abacus……


On this day, the Diaonian Senate is in a regular meeting, mainly discussing two issues: one is that the Sixth Corps who just went to Crimea added logistical pressure to the Ministry of Military Affairs, resulting in insufficient personnel for transporting food; It was the proposal submitted by the Navy commander Sekleian Byto Hilonims. The departure of the Sixth Legion led to the shortage of combat soldiers on the ship, and he requested the formation of a new legion. At the same time, the sailors of the Dionysian Joint Fleet are just enough. Once there is a loss in the naval battle, it is difficult to be supplemented. He hopes to recruit sailors from the allies as backup.

"I think... It is very simple to solve the problem of the shortage of heavy personnel in the Ministry of Military Affairs." Turui Chief Executive Kunogorata thought and said: "Since the sea route was hit by the Syracuse Navy, the merchant ship Significantly reduced, port porters, warehouse managers, ship repairers, coachmen and many other laborers have not worked hard, doing nothing all day, but added a lot of trouble to the public security. The Ministry of Military Affairs can recruit some workers at the port, and even There is no need to pay, as long as they guarantee their food supply, they will do a good job and reduce the pressure on the port patrol..."

"This is really a good idea!" Marji praised and reminded: "However, even with food as a reward, we must pay attention to controlling the supply. As the war progresses, the grain will only be more than Drachma. precious."

Hieronymus nodded and said that he understood.

At this time, Kunogola Tower asked: "I don't understand why Seclín is going to call the sailors of the Allies?! There are so many spare people in our port, why not?!"

Seklelyn is not a veteran, not at the venue, and can only be answered by the only remaining staying chief of the military ministry, Hironimos, although he is not good at it: "Well... now time is tight... um... Syracuse The fleet of the squad will come at any time, and Seckley needs a skilled sailor who can spend less time training..."

"Seclyan's responsible fleet took up a lot of manpower in Turui, but he always hid in the Krati River. What the **** is he doing?! Should lead the fleet to drive the battle of Siracusa in the Taranto Bay. Boat, even if we let us resume a day or two of the route!" Marigi complained.

"I don't know much about the navy, but I know that Master Daphus asked him to do this."

Just after the words of Hieronymus, Marigi immediately smiled twice and said: "Since Davers has been arranged, it seems that we don't have to worry too much about the Syracuse fleet."

In the Senate, like Ma Liji, blindly believe that Daves’s veteran is not a minority, but after receiving the defeat of the South Italian coalition in the West, the two days of some thoughts, Petalu felt that Mariji’s flattering face made him sick. .

He sneered a few times in his heart, and then turned his attention to the same absent-minded Caduk.

"Let's do this, we send people to discuss with Castellon and Heraklia, recruit some sailors to come over..." Cornelus stood up and just said his suggestion, the door of the venue was suddenly pushed away.

The guard captain responsible for the defense work of the Senate rushed in.

The rotating chairman, Kunogolata, saw him look flustered and asked: "What happened?"

"You adults, just received an urgent letter, Mehta Pontum was captured by Tarantum!"



Tarantum’s governor, Diomelas, stood in the city of Metapentum, and the soldiers who overlooked Tarantum rushed into the already opened door, struggling in various blocks in the city. Resistance to the people of Metaponum...

The attack on the Tarantum army was very smooth, and they quickly advanced to the square in the center of the city.

The killing sound passed to the ears of Diomelas has gradually become sparse.

"Go, go to the Acropolis!" Dai Olilas can't wait to pick the fruits of victory.

Diomeras went down the city, turned over the horse, and marched forward with the entourage. The body of the Metapumpu people and the wounded who were struggling to cry for help were seen everywhere on the street. He did not see them: these rogues were in Tarantu. Since the descendants of the blood of the people have chosen to betray, they will again think of the forgiveness of Tarantum.

When Diomeras had just arrived at the square, his men came to report good news to him: "The Mehta Pontum Acropolis has already won!"

“Are so fast?!” Although Diomeras is confident that the quality of Tarantum’s soldiers is far better than that of Mehta Pontum, she did not expect a fortress of the city’s core – the defense of the Acropolis is actually the same. weak.

"Isarokas advised them to drop the soldiers stationed in the Acropolis." The men explained.

"It turned out to be the case." Dai Amiras released doubts.

After all, Metapentum was once a sub-state of Tarantum. Although after several hundred years of development, the blood of both sides has become weak and the politics tend to be independent, but in an alliance, it has been sheltered by Tarantum for many years. The people of Metatunum who are close to and envious of Tarantum are everywhere, just because Tarantum’s wrong aggressive policy in the past few years has caused Meta Pontum to suffer huge losses, but Tarantum’s Deliberately, it made the Metapumpu people vote for a stronger neighbor than Tarantum to avoid greater losses - the Dionysian Union ~ ~ Dionia is more tolerant of the Allies The policy puts Meta Pontum down, but that doesn't mean that Metapontom is going to cut off relations with Tarantum. On the contrary, once the crisis has passed, the Metapentams have begun to miss their mother country, and with the help of the pro-Talantum, headed by Isalokas, the relationship between the two sides is Rapid recovery, and the number of contacts is increasing (and of course there are conflicts). After all, Mehta Pontum is closer to Tarantum, and the number of people who are elected by the annual Meda Pontum and the members of the Senate, the Dionia and the pro-Talantum, can be seen. come out.

At each meeting of the Senate, these two factions tend to be fiercely debated and even have conflicts because of the fact that one of the bills designed to Dionya and Tarantum is more biased. In fact, the strength of the pro-Ionian group headed by Tudepres is weaker than that of the pro-Talantim faction. After all, the days when Dionia became its alliance are still short, but Diaonia is expanding rapidly. The power of them gave them the strength, so that at every crucial time, Isalokas took the initiative to give up because they were afraid of angering Dionia.

The Dionysian Senate is also very aware of the situation of Metapentum, considering the relationship with Tarantum and the alliance treaty with Meta Pontum, it is not easy to intervene in its internal affairs. But they are convinced that as the strength of Dionia is growing, Mehta Pontum will naturally follow more and more.

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