Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 6 Chapter 92: Battle of the Ramatu River (1)

This area is not too flat, the ground is undulating, and there are few mounds and thorns everywhere. On the west side is the Lamato River, while on the north side is the middle reaches of the Kolac River from the northwest to the southeast.

Apparently, Felicius chose to arrange here, taking into account the Syracuse cavalry, and want to use the terrain to limit its play and detour. At the same time, such terrain is undoubtedly more advantageous for the more flexible and flexible Devians infantry.

Dionysius certainly saw the disadvantage of this terrain on his own side, but he still led the army.

More than 100,000 people from both sides gathered in the land of a dozen or so miles, dense and dense, like mountains and seas, stirring up the dust and the sky, smashing the sky...

Dionysius squinted and tried to look forward. Even though the dust was causing the line of sight to be blocked, the black dresses of the Dionian Legionnaires were exceptionally conspicuous, and they were directly opposite Dionysius. .

"The Diaonians are in the middle!" Dionysius was in the heart, because he also invested in his most elite 15,000 soldiers in the middle, they are all mercenaries from Campania and Greece. After many years of fighting with him in Sicily, most of the soldiers were given citizenship, obtained a part of the land, and became a new citizen of Syracuse. This is the core force that is most loyal to him and his most trustworthy.

"In this way, according to the previous cases of the Dionyrians, their attack center of gravity is on their left wing!" Fibidas reminded: "I suggest that at least 20,000 soldiers should be placed on our right wing in order to block the enemy. Attack!"

Dionysius did not answer immediately. He leaned his head and looked to the left.

What he saw was the shadow of the people in the dust, and the South Italian coalition, still in the queue, the noisy noise and turmity extended beyond the line of sight...

A moment later, he issued an order: "All the Syracuse civics are sent to the right wing!"

The commander was ordered to go east.

Dionysius turned to the Spartans and said in a deep voice: "Fibidas, I appointed you as the right-wing generals. I hope that you can lead the army to block the enemy's attack and win time for victory. I hope you can accept it. !"

"This is my honor!" Phibidas readily accepted his life. There is no pride in "I am a Spartan, you have no power to appoint me". You can lead more than 20,000 soldiers to participate in this large-scale The battle was the first time for Phibidas, and I am afraid it was the last time, so the temptation to him was too great for him to refuse.

"In addition, when you encounter difficulties, you have the right to order the Numidia and Celtic cavalry on the outside of the right wing." Dionysius emphasized again.

Pfeidas felt trust, and he had a rare military ceremony to Dionysius.

"Astargrass." Dionysius then shouted.


"You led the city-state forces of Sicily to guard the left wing with the army of Hiberian! Remember, I only need you to drag the enemy, you don't need to be too aggressive, understand?!" For this brave man, Dior Nisius gave a harsh order.

"Yes, adults!" Astargrass glimpsed.


"Commander, Trina's troops have arrived at the battlefield. Master Sipros told me that the Trill forces had a total of 8,500 soldiers!" The commander rode on horseback and reported to Felicius.

8500 people! ! Filipius heard this number and was taken aback. This is not to say that there are only a few hundred soldiers left in the city of Trina. Because yesterday's discussion of today's battle plan, Trina's representative has said that they can send up to 6,000 people to participate, I did not expect to increase the number of 2,500 people today. Immediately, Felicius thought of the intention of the Trina people: this is to prepare for the full effort!

Felicius was also encouraged at the moment, he said aloud: "You tell the adults of Assisi, let him move all the Silean troops that were supposed to be placed on the right wing to the left wing, and let the hammer of the hammer become Be thicker!"

"Yes!" A commander transferred his head and resigned east.

"You go to tell the Emperor Cypress, Trina's troops are next to the Dionysian army, in the right wing array, the distance between the far side of the square and the Lamato River is not too great to prevent the enemy. The cavalry slammed back!"

"Yes!" Another commander was ordered to go west.

Seeing that the commander disappeared into the dust, Felicius once again looked at the soldiers in front of the Dionia. Only by watching the well-trained team and array of these well-trained Legionnaires can he feel at ease and get rid of his heart. Nervous and irritated.

After watching it for a while, he suddenly felt something wrong. He said, "I will immediately inform the two heads of Dracos and Epidini, and slow down the speed of the soldiers. Wait for the Allied troops on both sides. Early exposure of our intentions!"

"Yes!" The other two commanders went forward.


"Finishius is too careful, with the strength of our army, there is no need to play with this little trick. Blow the offensive number and kill it directly!" Dracos received some orders from Felicius and was somewhat dissatisfied.

But he did not dare not follow the orders of his superiors, so he said to the adjutant: "Go to the team officers, let the brothers slow down the speed array, don't prematurely excite, slow down, save strength and spirit to charge. Moment."

"Understand, the head of the army!"


"Oh, if it wasn't for the reminder of Filipinos, I almost forgot this! Adjutant, let the brothers slow down and wait for the Trina people next to them. But, to be honest, make them quicker." If you want to slow down, how many years have we not practiced like this... haha..." Epiphanis tweeted to order.

The adjutant held back his smile and said: "Understood, the head of the army!"


Before and after the long array of the two sides, hundreds of commanders and cavalry were seen going back and forth to convey the order. The team officials at all levels in the noisy array are also shouting loudly. Two huge squares are slowly forming...

The time spent on more than 100,000 people is quite long. The Syracuse people completed the array faster than the South Italian Allied Forces. After all, most of its troops came from the same city-state and often fought together. Unlike the South Italian coalition, not only from several city-states, but also Cooperate with one battle.

At noon, the huge snoring gradually subsided, and the dusty sand gradually dissipated because of the soldier's stillness...

The soldiers in the forefront of the phalanx have been able to clearly see the enemies hundreds of meters away. In their eyes, the dense square of the other side is like an endless extension of the thick steel walls to the ends...

The noon sun in the early winter is not hot, but it shines on the soldiers' armor and weapons, and the dazzling light is connected, making it impossible to look directly. Only when the line of sight falls in front of the Dionysian phalanx, the unique and uniform equipment of the Daiyan Army soldiers naturally attracts the eyes of the Syracuse soldiers, and they feel guilty because black is always It means no details.

The sea breeze blew from the Squillache Bay, so that the soldiers who had just tossed and sweated were a little cool...

The long and small array of large and small military flags on both sides fluttered in the wind, and the largest flag was erected behind Dionysius, not only with the traditional "three-legged" logo of Syracuse, but also by Dionysius. The real name is also greatly embroidered on the flag. In comparison, the commander of the South Italian coalition, Felicius, was a bit chilly. Due to the hasty time of his appointment, as the commander of the two legions, the military department had no time to give him a special statue of the flag, only the flag of the legion. And simply match a bigger flag.

Felicius did not care about this. At this time, he was surprised to see that the flag representing Dionysius in the opposite army was slowly moving forward. After a while, the military chess had already moved to the front. The military is closely followed by the generals of the Golden Helmet.

Such a gorgeous dress should be Dionysius himself? Felicius hesitated a moment and marched forward.

The two met in the middle of the battlefield, and Dionysius looked at Felicius with a sharp gaze, and Felicius returned with gaze.

"You are the commander of the South Italian Alliance?"

"You are the lord of Syracuse, Dionysius?"

"I am Dionysius."

"I am the commander of the Dionysian army, the commander of the South Italian coalition, Felicius!" Under the silent gaze of Dionysius Felicius aggravated the subconscious volume.

"Firisius, it seems that you are the name of the commander, your men do not agree." Dionysius turned his head to look at his sides, his face with a mocking smile, only see things two There are cavalry on the side that quickly come here.

"The cities and towns within the Nanyi League are equal, not like the Greek city-states of Sicily!" Felicius looked red-faced and learned the voice of the Dionysian Senate in the debate.

Dionysius laughed: "In the battle, should the army not obey the instructions of one person to ensure the unity of the whole army? I think your governor, Davers, should be very clear. Didn't he tell you? ”

Felicius found that he was not the opponent of Dionysius at all in eloquence, so he simply said nothing, but looked at him coldly.

Dionysius converges with a smile, revealing a sullen look: "There is a saying that you are right, the Greek city-state of Sicily is the one who has the final say! And after this battle, the Great Greece will also be alone. Have the final say!"

"I don't know until after I have played it!" Felicius answered the conciseness.

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