Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 6 Chapter 89: Puamo's decision

Pu'amt saw a row of high-definition Dainuya soldiers who passed through him and couldn't help but admire: "It's a powerful army! There are so many brave soldiers in Dionia, and Who dares to invade! No wonder the Samonais are not your opponent of Daphus!"

"The great leader of Pu'am, the army of Samona, was defeated by the brave warriors who led the brave soldiers." Daves said humblely.

"Daveus, if you didn't lead the army to first annihilate the Samonet's reinforcements sent to Poseidon, they made a careful plan, sent soldiers to sneak into the enemy camp, disrupted the enemy, and sent their men to contact us. Convince us to carry out a night attack... relying on ourselves alone, how can we defeat this fierce Samonese!" Polete said bluntly.

"You and I should not be humbly accommodating each other! To be able to win such a victory and restore peace to this land is the result of unity and cooperation between Dionia and Potentia!" Said.

"Yeah, thank you Ashinu! Let Potentia join the Diavian League very fortunately. Without the full help of Dionia, there will be no Potentia today! Potentia will Always remember this kindness!" Pu Amote sighed from the heart.

Other leaders have also expressed their gratitude to Dafos.

"Daveus, we have prepared a camp for your army, and you are close to the city of Potentia. It used to be a tribe of ours. Because of the rush of time, we didn't fully clean up. There are some houses in the house. The Monets were ruined," Polett said. Following the days of the Dionysian army, he knew what Daves needed most at this time.

"Thank you so much, this solves our big problem!" Dafos heard the news and said: "It doesn't matter if the camp is dilapidated, but these torches will be used by us."

"Daveus, we have a welcome banquet for you and your soldiers tonight, to celebrate the victory. When you camp, our people will carry hundreds of cattle and sheep, as well as wine." Go to your camp..." Puamot saw the atmosphere very well, so he said aloud, but when he had just said half of it, he was interrupted by Deverus euphemism: "The great leader of Pu'am, and the leaders, I Thank you very much for your kind invitation and your friendship with Diaonia! But I heard that this time the invasion of the Samonais caused great losses to you, the villages and farmland were burned, and many people were slaughtered or Captive, lost a lot of livestock... You are now a little nervous about food supply, and take food out to help us, do you say we can eat it?"

The words of Devers's emotions are talking about the weakness of the leaders of the Potentia, and the people who do not speak, only take the eyes of their great leaders.

Pu'amote hurriedly said: "Darvers, we are a little difficult, but you-"

Davers once again interrupted his words and said seriously: "The great leader, our "Dyonia Military Law" has provisions that during the war, the army must not drink, entertain, celebrate. I have received news at Elia. The army of Syracuse has just invaded the Great Greece! So the war here is over, the war in the south is just beginning. We have to go back to Turui to get rid of the enemies of Sicily... On the day of the victory, wear Onnia will hold a victory parade. At that time, Dionia will invite the great leader and the leaders to travel to Turui to celebrate this hard-won victory!"

When it comes to this, the leaders of Potentia are not good enough to persuade anything, and this is in line with the practice of many people. Pu'am, who has never been to a distant place, even made a promise: "I will definitely go when I arrive!"

"In addition, after the capture of the city of Poseidon, we seized a large amount of food that the Syracuse people gave to the Samonai. In view of the difficulties in the livelihood of the people of Potentia, I decided to transfer this material to the wave. Tentia, so that this land can be restored to life as soon as possible." Daves solemnly said.

Everyone present was stunned.

" can it!" The Pu'am language, which has always been calm and calm, does not know what to say.

"Daveus, that is your spoils, and your huge army needs food." Pollett said quickly.

"That's it!" Daves said calmly.

"Benevolent Davers!"

"Thanks to Master Davers!"

"I thank you for the people of the Laimham tribe!"


Many leaders are eager to express their gratitude, this time is completely from the heart.

Davers smiled. In fact, as Pollet said, his 30,000 army also gave up tension, the soldiers’ rations had been eaten, and the grain was transported from Grummentum by land and sea, and 1/3 of the light was consumed. It’s not bad to be able to maintain the army for ten days in Pau. Although the war here is over, there is still work to be done. Even so, he did not hesitate to donate to Potentia's amazing amount of materials, not for the present, but for the future.

At this time, the atmosphere of the scene was more harmonious, and Davers talked with the leaders...

And in the mountains not far from them, a pair of hateful eyes are watching the grand scene of the mountain.

"The leader, do you really decide to go to the camp tonight?! There are tens of thousands of people in Diaonia, and we only have more than a thousand people. Most of the people are still hungry! It is better to wait for the big leader and Lexuk. After the leaders have merged, it is not too late to attack the enemy!" The soldiers showed a hesitant look.

"It’s already late! Only when the Dionyns are marching here, they are over-tired, the chances of success in attacking the camp will be great! Potentia... Potentia can... ...cough...can do it, we can!" Gherny sighed and cheered the people, but couldn't stop coughing up. Last night's experience was like a nightmare. If it wasn't for the night attack, he wouldn't even mention the term "Bottenia."

"Let's say we have been looking for a day today, I haven't met... my father... and Leskuk they..." When he said it, his expression was slightly worried and frustrated, but he quickly dropped the troubles. His thoughts, once again cheered the people: "We must act now! Otherwise, tomorrow, the army of Dionia may attack Kopsa to the north! We must do our best to defend Abeniyarum and neighbors. soil of!"

"Yes..." The answer from the Samonei soldiers was weak.


Late at night, Pu'am returned to his home, and the emotions were still in the excitement of the conversation: "Polet, what do you think of Davers?"

"A great Greek leader! A great army commander!" Pole was concise.

"So, do you think he can lead the Dionyns to repel the army of Syracuse?" Puamot continued to ask.

Bolet hesitated, and then affirmed: "I have not seen the army of Syracuse, but the Daoniya Army is the most disciplined and powerful Greek army I have ever seen, I believe them. Can win!"

"I also believe." Puamot finished, saw his brother surprised and smiled: "I have not participated in the battle, but Davers is the one I have ever seen to restrain my desires and control his men. The Greek general of desire! Such a person, like a pine tree growing in the rock, will never yield if he encounters setbacks, he will win the final victory! So—"

After taking a few steps, Puamot came to the statue of Asinu and prayed for his final determination: "I decided to dedicate Bosnia and Herzegovina to Dionia."

"What?!" Pollard was shocked.

"In fact, Poseidonia is now in the hands of the Diaonians, they have won them from Samona. Just now Daves has not mentioned how to deal with this city, so it is better to take the initiative It was given to Dionia. Anyway, the people there were not killed, they became captives, and we were unable to help them. Then they should be handed over to the Diaonians for help.” Puamot sighed. The more the eyes are brighter: "I see Daves is a man with a broad chest. The Bruti people surrendered, South Lukania surrendered, many Greek city-states also surrendered, and the Samonais were defeated... ... This land will be decided by the Diaonians in the future. We must make choices early so that Daves will not treat us to Potentia."

"I understand, Big Brother. You are the great leader of Potentia, you have the final say I listen to you." Polite said sincerely.

"No, I am getting older. Potentia will be in your hands in the future. I believe that you will handle the relationship with Potentia." Puamot said calmly, he has no children, Poule Especially his younger brother is more like his son.


Late at night, the Camp in Dionia snorted and awakened Deavers from his sleep.

"What happened?" Davers looked calmly into the house's generation of guard captain Rodom and the commander Tormid.

"Adults, there are Samonets who attacked the camp and were discovered by the sentinels. Because they are in the defense zone of the Second Legion, the head of the Armintas army has already led the team and they believe that they will be able to repel them soon." Tormid Said.

"After hitting Amintas, it is also a bad luck for the Samonet. This guy hasn’t gotten a big beating because he came to the Lucania area. He is suffocating in his heart. The three legions played the main force, the first and second legions made the final encirclement and impact, and the victory came too easily. The camp of the Samonna camp in Potentia was inexplicably collapsed, and Amintas, who had been beaten up, was naturally dissatisfied. .)"

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