Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 9 Chapter 162: Landing in Thessaly (4)

The Lamians are not too panic about this. They have continued to renovate the hills around the city for a hundred years, making the hillside close to the city completely unfavorable for climbing, and the top of the mountain is at a parallel distance from the city. A hundred meters away, the threat of shooting arrows at the Lamians in the city from a condescending position was greatly reduced.

But soon the Lamians began to panic: the slap-big boulders continued to whizz down from the tops of the mountains on both sides. No matter how strong the houses were, they were easily smashed by them like paper. The death was so miserable that even the temple of the Acropolis could not escape its attack. After just over 10 minutes, the core city of Lamia became chaotic.

Just when the Lamians were panicked, Patroclus sent an emissary and made a stern request: As long as Lamia surrenders immediately, Dionia will ensure the safety of the Lamian people, otherwise it will completely destroy the city , Turn all the people in the city into slaves!

Now Dionian’s war in Greece has become the focus of all Greek people’s attention. Of course, the Lamians know the tragic experience of the Taigea people before, not to mention that they have just seen Olia Dionian. The huge numbers of the army and the savage methods thought it was difficult to resist, so he had no choice but to surrender.

Patroclus fulfilled his promise and did not harm the surrendered Lamian people, but he sent two brigades to the city's acropolis and completely controlled the city-state.

It was already afternoon, and it was unrealistic to continue to lead the army across the mountains to the north and enter the territory of Thessaly, but Patroclus did not let the soldiers rest here, but gave orders to attack south.

In fact, with the exception of the 12th Army and the Gaul Battalion, the other corps did not participate in the battle. They had enough rest in front of Lamia, and they were more eager to win a victory by themselves.

So the soldiers of the Tenth, Eleventh and Third Cavalry Regiments energetically followed the route of the Persian army’s invasion of Greece several decades ago, quickly crossed the Sperchios River, and approached Heath at dusk. Laclia.

Heraclea is facing the city of Lamia, only a dozen miles away. It is located at the northern foot of the northern mountains of Central Greece and is the northern gateway to Central Greece from Thessaly. There are two roads to the south through it. One is to go directly to the south, trekking through the trails between the mountains, and finally enter Doris, but the northern border mountains are high and towering, the mountain roads are bumpy, and the transportation is extremely inconvenient, which is not conducive to the passage of large troops. At the time, the Persian army did not choose to take this route. Instead, after arriving in Heraclea, they turned to the east, passed the hot springs close to the coast, and then proceeded all the way south along the coast. As a result, it triggered the King Leoni of Sparta. The legendary story of the 300 fighters who resisted the Persian army and died heroically.

After Sparta defeated Athens and became the overlord of Greece, he kept Heraclea and Hot Springs in his hands. After the Battle of Leuktra, Jason led the Sesali army to destroy Heraclea and took control of the Wenquan Pass, but he soon regretted it because the Wenquan Pass was only a pass, and the area there was extremely narrow, which was not conducive to the great The troops stationed for a long time can only rely on the logistical support of Heraclea, which is very close to it.

In order to control the road south for a long time, Jason had to rebuild the city of Heraclea. But a few months later, the Dionian army landed in the Peloponnese and triggered a new war. When Jason led the army to the south, Heraclea had just built a circle of earth walls, and there was no city gate. , He left 3,000 soldiers garrisoned, and hurried south.

3000 soldiers is a large number for any Greek city-state. Even if the city is not perfect, but it is dangerously occupied, it is enough to block the possible attacks of these Greek city-states to the south, so as to ensure the back of Thessali army. Safety.

However, Jason Wanwan did not expect that the attack came from the north, and the number of soldiers was so large, and the attack was so fierce. Three thousand Thessari soldiers were quickly surrounded and defeated by the madly influx of Dionian soldiers into the city. .

At this time, night was about to fall, and Patroclus stood on the dirt wall and looked east. The afterglow of the setting sun coated the earth with a layer of gold, and the scenery that caught his eyes was extremely clear, but even so, he could not see the outline of the nicknamed "Hot Hot Spring Pass (there are many hot springs near the Hot Spring Pass) There is always hot air, hence the name).

Pressing down on the regret in his heart, he ordered: the soldiers camp on the spot and raise their spirits to prepare for another fight tomorrow.


When the Dionian armies in the south gathered in Lamia, the armies in the north also passed through the valley pass, four infantry regiments and one cavalry regiment, plus a Balearic slinger group (2000 People), a total of nearly 40,000 people took a rest in Taniguchi, and Martonis and Lizaru ordered at the same time: march south and target Larissa.

This time, the army did not carry out a rapid march. The soldiers arranged in a column with a wide front. Along the south bank of the Pinios River, on the flat and soft land, marching southward mightily, and the Third Cavalry Regiment was walking in. The top of the queue.

The city of Larissa is located in the center of the northern plain of Thessaly, on the Pirios River. It has vast farmland and a large population. It was once a strong state in the northern plains of Thessaly and has long been the central city of Thessaly. . But after Philae's rise, Jason conquered this neighboring city-state and deliberately suppressed it, causing its strength to be much lower than before. When Jason was mobilizing for the military this time, he also specifically emphasized that Larissa must provide no less than 5,000 soldiers.

For this reason, Larissa enlisted most of the young and middle-aged citizens to join the army, and just a few hours ago, they received the order of Polyurus: The Dionian army is landing on the coast of Mildoros, and the city-states send it as soon as possible. The army is here for reinforcements!

Larissa had to dispatch another 1,000 citizen soldiers urgently.

When Peleus’ messengers came to ask for help, the Larissas had almost no soldiers to send, but they knew very well; it’s okay for Peleus to be captured, but once the Dionian troops rushed through the valley pass In the northern plains of Sali, that is extremely terrible.

So Larissa had to piece together nearly 300 soldiers (including some citizens over the age of 50), and asked them to rush to the Taniguchi Camp for defense, and at the same time sent a messenger to Polydorus for help.

When Larissa's reinforcements walked halfway, they saw that the ground level in front was enveloped in dust, and even the ground was trembling slightly.

The army of Dionia has arrived! ...Larissa looked at the countless hidden figures of soldiers in the dust and fog, almost frightened, turned around and fled.

At the same time, the Second Cavalry Regiment of Dionia also spotted them and immediately chased them up. The unscrupulous Larissa reinforcements raised their hands and surrendered.

Although it was already in the afternoon, Martonis and Lizaru learned from the prisoners who were interrogated that the city of Larissa was vacant and there was a serious shortage of major generals, while the remaining forces of Cesali were all concentrated on the coast of Armiros. I don’t know anything about the attack of the Onian army from Peleus... Both commanders thought this was a great fighter opportunity and immediately ordered the army to accelerate.

Larissa was nearly 40 miles away from Taniguchi, and it was all smooth. The soldiers of the Dionian Legion marched normally, and their physical strength had gradually recovered. After receiving the order, they began to run wildly again.

When I saw the outline of Larissa in the distance, the sun had already fallen to the west, only a few afterglows were left on the horizon, and the night was about to fall.

Both Martonis and Lizaru were decisive commanders. Since they had already made a decision before, they would never change it easily. The order to "initiate an attack on Larissa" was issued immediately.

The city of Larissa uses the Pinos River and its tributaries as a natural barrier. It originally had a defensive advantage. However, they had just sent away reinforcements a few hours ago and had not received any unusual news. Now it’s getting late and they naturally have As a result, when the sentry at the head of the city saw the enemy troops coming in like a tide in the distance, the alarm bell sounded in horror.

The panicked Larissa wanted to close the city gates, and at the same time, urgently mobilized the people to defend the city. The city became a mess, and there was no time to burn the pontoon bridge on the river.

The Dionian soldiers stepped on the pontoon bridge on the tributary of the Pinios River and quickly reached the city of Larissa. In the process, they did not even suffer a long-range attack from the city with bows and arrows or javelins. When they put the wooden siege ladders on the city wall, the Larissa people who drove the ducks to the shelves took the rusty weapons and hurriedly climbed to the top of the city. Failure was naturally inevitable.

"Report to the two commanders, we have captured Larissa!" The messenger reported loudly to Martonis and Lizaru excitedly.

"Which unit was the first to capture the city?" Matonis asked with a smile.

"The Eighth Battalion of the Second Army."

Matonis smiled more brilliantly, and turned to look at his side: "Oh, Lizaru, I'm sorry, my subordinates won the first prize again!"

Lizaru said coldly: "The Larissa have no resistance at all. UU reading is also credited? The Second Army just took advantage of the front of the team!"

"I said Lizaru, you don't know good or bad, if it weren't for the Second Army to clear the valley pass in time, and I will inform you in time, you might still be climbing with your troops in the mountains of Macedonia!"

"That's because the Ministry of Military Affairs believes in my abilities, so it delegates the most difficult task to me and the easiest task to you."


Two 50-year-old veterans quarreled with each other like children to expose their shortcomings. The staff and guards around were not able to come out to dissuade them, so they could only smile and stand like puppets.

The two argued for a while, and Martonis suddenly remembered something, and said to the uncomfortable messenger standing aside: "Immediately notify the troops that enter the city, not to rob the people of Larissa and harm their lives. Violation, military punishment!"


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