Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 9 Chapter 160: Landing in Thessaly (2)

The Peleus people closed the city gate tightly and were forced to take up their weapons helplessly. After they got on the wall, they shuddered when they saw the Dionian army coming like a tide.

But the Second Army did not attack the city of Peleus. They bypassed the small city and headed straight for the valley pass.

The Peleus people stared at the distant enemy in amazement, and suddenly someone exclaimed: "Look! Another enemy has come ashore!"

I saw thousands of black soldiers surging on the beach not far away. After they boarded the beach and made a little rectification, they quickly rushed towards Peleus.

Just when the people of Peleus felt that this time they must be doomed, this Dionian army once again bypassed the city of Peleus and entered the valley pass...

After all, the heavily armed Matonis was old, and after running with the soldiers for a while, he couldn't keep up with his physical strength. Even if he had to stop and breathe, he did not forget to ask the adjutant to urge the soldiers to advance on his behalf.

After all, among the several landing sites selected by the Ministry of Military Affairs, Peleus’s geographical conditions and location are the best. The only worry is that after the Sesari people get the news, they will send troops to block the valley passages, so the Second Army Corps Must race against time to open this passage to the hinterland of Sesali.

Although the soldiers of the Second Corps have been recharging their energy on the ship, after disembarking, they wear armor and hold weapons, and run for a long time without stopping. Everyone will feel tired, but they have been clenching their teeth and insisting. This is because of their hearts. There is a belief that supports them.

Before this operation, Matonis mobilized all the soldiers of the Legion. He once said fervently: "This landing operation is an unprecedented major military operation. It will definitely be recorded in the history of the Kingdom of Dionian. Later generations will remember. It is precisely because the Ministry of Military Affairs considers our Second Army Corps to be the best among the participating corps this time, so that our Second Corps shoulders the most important assault mission in this landing operation!

The success of the landing operation mainly depends on whether we can occupy the pass in time. Haven't we been vying with the First Army! "They marched more than ten miles in Wolsey and defeated the Roman army." They have been boasting about it. Tomorrow we will tell them with victory that more than ten miles in the rapid march is a fart, and the strongest army in the kingdom will only It's our second legion! ..."

This unyielding belief supports the soldiers of the Second Legion without stopping. In the past two years, the Peleus people have built a smooth road in the valley pass in order to better communicate with the city-state of Thessaly south of the mountain range. , Which also helped the Second Army’s rapid march.

Finally, the light armoured brigade of the 2nd Legion that ran in front saw the exit of the river valley and the defensive camp that lay across the exit.

It’s just that the camp is too simple in the eyes of the soldiers: there are no trenches in front of the camp, and perhaps no traps. The fence of the camp is a wooden fence with a height of no more than three meters. There are only two outposts in the camp... the most important thing is wood. There were only a few defenders on the wall, screaming in panic when they saw their arrival.

In order to show sincerity to the Peleus, Jason asked the Larissa to remove the checkpoint at the entrance of the river valley. Some time ago, Jason was reminded by Ifekratus and sent a messenger back to Sesali, requesting The city-states stepped up their guards to prevent the Daionian army from landing and raiding. Although the Larissa people did not believe that the Daionian army would land from the remote and narrow coast of Peleus, they were still in the river valley out of preparedness. A defensive camp was urgently built at the entrance, but due to the rush of time, they were sloppy in repairing it just to get a sense of peace of mind.

However, now the only mercenary in Thessaly is led by Polydurus and is stationed outside Philae, mainly to ensure the safety of Philae and the coast of Armiros. However, it is unrealistic for Larissa to send citizen soldiers to camp in the valley for a long time. Therefore, the method they adopted is to send a small number of citizens to the camp for a few days. Once they learn that the Dionian army has landed on the coast of Peleus, Send large troops to the camp for defense.

Who knows that not long after Peleus’s urgent messenger arrived at the camp, the Dionian army appeared in front of him like a **** soldier. This speed is too fast, and the messenger who ran to report the letter may not have arrived at Larry. Sacheng!

Did the Peleus deliberately delay the reporting time? ...... The panicked defenders could not help but have such doubts, but the severe situation outside the camp no longer allowed them to think about it.

The Dionian light armoured brigade just stood outside the camp, and the light infantry brigade responsible for carrying the siege ladder arrived. After handing the wooden ladder to the light armoured brigade, they began to disperse the formation while approaching the camp. .

The sparse arrows fired by the defenders did not cause any damage to the Dionian soldiers. On the contrary, they exchanged for a rain of arrows that covered the sky and the sun. Amidst the screams of the defenders, the light armoured soldiers fought one after another. The wooden ladder put up the wooden wall, and soon captured the river valley camp.

The news of this victory quickly spread from one end of the valley to the other along with cheers. When Matonis knew it, he heaved a sigh of relief and called the messenger: "You immediately notify the Lizarru army commander, and say,'The valley pass It has been opened up, he can lead an army to land on the coast of Peleus!'"


There were two fleets that landed in the northern part of Thessaly: one was led by Martonis, the Second, Fifth, and Second Cavalry Corps, landing on the coast of Peleus; the other was led by Lizaru, under The third and ninth legions will land on the coast south of the Macedonian town of Dion () further north. They will climb the mountains to the south and enter the territory of Thessaly.

As the army led by Lizaru will go through a farther and more difficult journey, and even encounter some indigenous tribes living in the mountains, Patroclus stayed in Sparta for a few days, and through careful inquiry, he had been in Macedonia. The Spartans who had fought in the territory learned more information and after repeated weighings, he decided to revise the landing plan formulated by the Ministry of Military Affairs so that the fleet led by Lizaru temporarily stayed near the coast of Peleus. Once it is determined that Matonis’ troops have succeeded in the raid, Lizaru can also lead his troops into Thessaly from the valley pass, instead of detouring the long road, but if Matonis fails, both troops can continue northward. Landing in the Macedonian territory, when they crossed the mountains, they took care of each other.

So when Lizaru heard the news that "The Second Army had passed through the mountain pass and entered the hinterland of Thessaly", he was overjoyed and immediately ordered the fleet to lean on the coast of Peleus.

Waves of Dionian troops landed, and then quickly rushed into the valley pass... The Peleus people on the city watched this repeated scene, and the panic from the beginning gradually became a little numb until the end. After the three groups of the Ninth Army that landed on the coast, they did not rush around the city of Pelius, but under the leadership of the captain, carrying the siege ladder, came straight to Pelius.

An extraordinary old man and a group of administrative officials followed behind the army.

After the road to the hinterland of Thessaly had been opened, the Dionian army finally slowed down to attack the city of Peleus. After all, after the city of Peleus was captured, ships carrying supplies could enter the port. , There is no hidden danger in the logistics supply of the army.

But just as the Dionian army was ready to attack the city, Peleus's gate opened.

Witnessing the start of the Dionian army’s landing until now, the number of enemies has made the Peleus people shudder, not to mention the fact that there are no young citizens in the city as the main force in the challenge. They have already lost their fighting spirit, and surrender is expected.

When the officials of Peleus asked the Dionian army not to harm the people in the city, the old man in the lead said cheerfully: "Don't worry, as long as you cooperate with all your strength and there is no hostile behavior, we will definitely guarantee it. The safety of your lives" and the safety of your property!"

Speaking of this, the old man looked at the Peleus officials who were still a little worried, and said meaningfully: "Tell you a secret. This is the hometown of our great King Daves. He grew up in Derricks... …"

The Peleus officials were both shocked and at a loss. After a while, an elderly Peleus said softly: "Drix...that is a village near the Macedonian border. It was destroyed by the Macedonians decades ago..."

After the old man’s reminder, the officials suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a village that had existed: Peleus at that time was squeezed out by other city-states in Thessaly, and was not willing to be confined to this small depression. UU reading took advantage of the Macedonians' involvement in the Peloponnesian War and quietly built villages along the coast northward to expand their territory. But as soon as the Peloponnesian War ended, the Macedonians quickly sent troops to destroy the village and plunder the people. Perius had to humiliate and seek peace...

This has been more than 30 years ago. The ruins of Dereks Village are covered with weeds, and there is no trace of people who once lived. Many Peleutians have also forgotten this painful memory, but they are tens of thousands. Unexpectedly, a king walked out of that remote village!

"Before I came here, His Majesty the King warned me that as long as the people of Peleus surrender sincerely, they will never be allowed to suffer any harm, because that is his hometown and the people there are his folks!"

After the old man solemnly said the matter, the Peleus officials not only eliminated their fears, but also led the Dionian army into the city with joy, as if they were not forced to surrender, but were welcoming friendly forces.

But in fact, King Davos never said anything like this. The old man still clearly remembered the conversation that King Davos had when he summoned him that day: "Heros, I heard that you are very busy lately and come home late every day. ?"

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