Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 9 Chapter 114: In Megalopolis

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At this moment, an amazing news came: a large number of Spartan troops entered the Arcadia area from the north!

The parliamentarians of the Arcadia Union city-states were shocked, especially the Mandinians headed by Lycomedes.

Isn't Sparta to the southeast of Arcadia, how can its army appear to the north?

It turned out that Sparta had used the gold and silver provided by Persia to hire many soldiers in Northern Greece, Ionia and Asia Minor. Persia also provided ships to transport them to Greece, but they did not land on the coast of Sparta. Because it has been blocked by the Dionysian fleet, but with the acquiescence of Athens and Corinth, it entered the Salon Bay on the east side of the isthmus and entered the harbour of Corinth. After the mercenaries went ashore and assembled, Achidams led the south.

Lycomedes is anxious because Mandinia is located in the northeast of the Arcadia region, which is the only way for the Spartan army, and Mandinia as an advocate of the Arcadia Alliance, It is even a spike in the Spartans' eyes and a thorn in the flesh.

Luke Medes screamed in the alliance: "The Spartans formed with the help of Persia and entered the territory of Arcadia without permission. They were not for peace. They came to destroy the Spartans. For the threatened Arcadia Alliance, they will re-enforce the Arcadians to fight for the benefit of Sparta! If the Arcadia Alliance does not form an alliance with Dionysia as soon as possible, let the Dionyan army To stop the brutal Spartan from hiring the army, the alliance that was established shortly will soon be destroyed, and everyone who supports the establishment of the alliance will become the soul of the Spartan stick!"

Lycomede’s words moved the parliamentarians, and then they received news that the Spartan army soldiers who invaded Arcadia had extensively destroyed and ravaged the land of Flios.

Finally, the Arcadia Alliance passed this agreement with a few advantages.

In the early spring of 370 BC (the twenty-fourth year of the Kingdom of Dionia), the Arcadia Alliance and Dionysia formed an alliance, and then Crotocatax led the first, fourth, and sixth legions , Mountain Reconnaissance Brigade, 1st Cavalry Corps, and a half of the 7th Corps (with 3,000 soldiers stationed in Mesenia), a total of about 32,000 soldiers marched northwards into the Arcadi region.

At this time, the Spartan mercenaries led by Archidamus were already attacking Mandinia, and the Spartan Council of Elders had learned from the pro-Spartan faction among the neighbors in the north The news that they will form an alliance with Dionysia very much hates the leader of the alliance, Mandinia. Since the timely arrival of the hired army has boosted their confidence, they decided to take the lead in hitting Mandinia and deter the Arcadia Alliance. Forced him to fall back to Sparta.

The Spartans dared to make such a decision because this expensively formed army had 8,000 heavy infantry, mainly hired from Miletus, Ephesus, Samos, Chios, Lesbos , Ioria, etc. belong to the Greek city-states in the western coastal area of ​​Persia Asia Minor; 4500 Thracian light shield soldiers, mainly hired from Thrace in the north of the Kingdom of Macedonia, near the Aegean Sea, and near the Rhodope Mountains Tribes; 1500 cavalrymen are mainly hired from the Kingdom of Macedonia; 1200 archers and troopers are from Crete and Rhode Island, in addition to more than 4,000 light armormen from the Ionian islands in the Aegean Sea... a total of More than 20,000 soldiers need to pay at least 10,000 Dalik coins per month and consume countless food, of course, these are provided by the Persians.

For the first time, Arch Damus led such an army with a large number of troops and a full range of arms. He was confident that he would take Mandinia in a short period of time.

But when he led the army into the territory of Mandinia, all the people of Mandinia had already hid in the city, so Azidams began to attack Mandinia. He originally thought that he had the superior strength that he should be able to capture Mandina City quickly, but he didn't expect to hit a hard nail.

Once the city of Mandinia was washed away by Sparta with heavy water. After the Mandinians who had been in exile for many years returned to their homes, they never let their city be captured by the Spartans again. Clever design.

The Mandinians chose a high place on the banks of the Orpheus as a city building site, and then dug a new channel nearby, so that the Orpheus River was split in two upstream of the city building site, bypassing the new city site At the lower reaches, the river, which was originally a huge threat, becomes a natural moat for the city after such transformation.

They also laid a solid stone foundation for the entire city, and the city walls were all piled up with bricks, but the city walls were not completely continuous, because the entire city was divided into 10 independent parts, each part of the wall and the other part It is not connected, but there is overlap with each other. There is a city gate in this overlapping place, so there are 10 city gates in the new city of Mandinia.

Such a unique and irregular city for the Spartan army must be captured one by one in order to completely occupy the entire city. The characteristics of the Mandinian city walls are independent according to the height of the terrain, which not only prevents the Spartans’ superior strength from being fully deployed, but also exposes the siege soldiers to long-range attacks on multiple sides of the defense. There is an Orpheus River as a barrier.

Archidams launched several attacks on the city of Mandinia using the traditional Greek siege method. Instead of making any progress, he killed and wounded some soldiers, forcing him to change the attack into a siege, and sent a messenger to return to Slovakia. Bada reports on the situation.

At the same time, Crotocatax has led his army into the southwest of Arcadia. This area belongs to the rare hilly area of ​​Arcadia. The Hellison River runs through the entire area from south to north. In the mountains to the east of the central part, there is the main sacred mountain where the Arcadians perform religious sacrificial ceremonies-Luccaen, and the new central town of Megalopolis, which is being built by the Arcadian Union, is located on the Helixon Between the east bank of the island and the holy mountain of Lycaon.

Due to the outbreak of the war with the Spartans, the construction of the new city of Megalopolis has been stopped. The wall as the outline of the city is only half built, and the most important temple of Zeus, which is the most important to the Arcadians, has just been erected more than a dozen. Root colonnade... Scaffolds and piles of stones piled up all over the city. Only one building has been built, but it is already built. That is the Chamber of Arcadia Alliance. It is the foundation of the existence of the entire alliance. The three members elected by the city-state people have lived here for a long time, and in accordance with the rules established by the alliance, jointly discuss and decide the diplomatic and military affairs in the alliance.

At this moment, dozens of members of the Union walked out of the city of Megalopolis, standing high and looking south: I saw countless Dionysian soldiers in the distance wearing fine uniform armor and weapons, arranged in order Column, across the pontoon that they quickly built on the Hellison River. Although the sound of footsteps and armor collision was quite noisy and the dust was flying, but few people complained loudly, the whole army was like a silent black long dragon, Swimming forward nonstop...

The members of Arcadia stood and stared at it for a while. They could not see the long dragon's head or its tail, and they all felt awe-inspiring.

At that moment, the long dragon split another branch and went straight north. As they approached them, the young general, who was riding a tall horse and wearing a golden crown in the front, raised his right hand and waved it down, and then the army behind him stopped moving in an instant, and the soldiers stood silently... The lawmakers were surprised.

Luke Medes immediately stepped down to meet him, and other lawmakers followed.

Crotocatax also dismounted, leading Printors, Mukru and the court guards to the front.

"General Klotokatax, thank you very much for your prompt assistance!" Luke Medes solemnly bowed down to Prince Dionia.

Crotocatax quickly hugged him and said sincerely: "Lord Comedes, now Arcadia Alliance and Dionysia are allies, this is what we should do! Please rest assured According to Dionysia’s military law, our soldiers will not do anything on the land of their allies that would undermine the friendship between the people of the two countries! If there are soldiers who violate, they will be severely punished!"

As soon as these words came out, many Arcadia MPs were relieved.

Leng Buding, someone in the legislator asked aloud, "How many soldiers have you sent?"

Printors took the lead: "Considering that there are many Arcadia mountains, it is not easy to expand the strength, we only brought more than 30,000 soldiers, UU reading There are still 1 left in the territory of Messenia More than 10,000 garrisons (Printos counts both the Mesenians and the Fleet Infantry of the First Fleet).

Most of the MPs took a deep breath, and immediately bleated: more than 40,000 fully equipped soldiers! They have never seen such a huge army in their lives! No wonder Dionysia's marching troops meander so long that they can't see the head and tail at all!

It’s important to know that the last time this number of troops appeared on the mainland of Greece was at the time of the Hippo War 100 years ago. Greek city-states gathered more than 100,000 soldiers (heavy infantry was two-fifths of the total number) in Platia. The Persians were decisive; once again, the Peloponnesian War decades ago, it is said that Athens sent an army of about 30,000 people to Syracuse, Sicily, and suffered a terrible defeat.

But these two years old, they did not see it with their own eyes. A few parliamentarians personally experienced the Battle of Ruktra, which happened only recently, and the Spartan-led Peloponnesian Allied Forces, more than 10,000 people, A total of about 20,000 people on both sides of the war are in their eyes a large-scale battle.

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