Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 9 Chapter 94: Restless Xenophon

It is not entirely accidental that the expeditionary armies of the Holy Kingdom of Dionysia camped on the shore of Ellis. As an alien species in the Peloponnesian Union, Alice was under consideration by Daphes, not to mention that the Alice region and Arcadia region were close to Mesenia and fled to these two regions. There are many Messinians, and the seven or eight Ellis citizens who just sang were born in Mesenia. Previously, because of military secrecy, the Dionysians did not publicize it. Now they need to let the people of the entire Greek world know that Dionysian troops sent Peloponnese, not only to fulfill the covenant, but also to help Mesenia. People come back to their country, and Alice in the way happens to help them do this.

Once a song sang, the relationship between Ticias and the Alice was quickly brought closer, and the Alice began to discuss some cooperation matters with him. After all, they were all ready to join forces with the Arcadians to fight against Sri Lanka. Bada is now, and now the army of Dionysian attacking Sparta is in sight, is this not a better opportunity for cooperation!


This evening, because the movement of the Dionysian army landing on the coast was too great, not only the Alice people were informed, but also quickly spread to nearby city states, such as Olympia and Pisa, as well as not far east of Olympia. , The town of Triphlia that originally belonged to Ellis and was forcibly taken by Sparta.

In a village called scillus under Trifilia, there is a very large manor house, which houses the respected Persian expedition hero and the famous Athenian scholar Xenophon.

Xenophon, who returned from the Persian expedition more than 20 years ago, was expelled after returning to Athens. He had to once again lead the mercenaries, follow the King of Sparta Agassius in Asia Minor, and achieve the merits of war. He became a distinguished guest of Sparta and assigned him the land here. Xenophon lived here for nearly 20 years and has regarded it as his second hometown.

In addition to fighting with the Spartan army, he usually spends more time in quiet and peaceful villages, concentrating on thinking and writing articles, and sometimes taking children and slaves to the nearby forest to hunt and relax. For a pleasant pastoral life, he also raised his own money and built the Temple of Arthenius near the village of Skilos. It is enshrined every year. I hope this **** can bless this area and keep it peaceful and peaceful.

Tonight, he was sitting in the study room as usual, lighting up oil lamps, and began to conceive his new book "History of Greece", which was a new idea that he had germinated after the completion of "The Expedition" in previous years. The series of events that took place in the Greek mainland after the "History of the Peloponnesian War" written by Xidede, many of them are his personal experience, he is very familiar with.

While he was concentrating and writing with pen, the sudden shout broke the peace of the village, and it did not disappear quickly, but caused the whole village to boil.

Xenophon had to throw down his pen, walked out of the study, and just walked into the courtyard, he ran into his elder son head-on. He said in a panic: "Father, listening to the villagers, the army of Dionysia is in love Landing on the coast of Leeds, ready to attack inland! "

Dionysia declared war on Ellis? ! How can this be? ! Dionysia and Ellis have never been in contact with each other, and there is no warning in advance. Why did the war suddenly break out? ! ... Xenophon was puzzled and immediately asked: "Is the news you heard true?"

"Listening to the villagers, several priests of Olympia happened to go to the village in Ellis to bury their funerals. I saw with my own eyes that the boat of Dionia was docked on the beach and I couldn't see my head ..."

Xenophon's expression became serious. He thought about it and said to his son: "You go out and tell the villagers, just say that I said, let them not panic, even if the Dionysian army really wants to attack the inland It's still far away from us. We have enough time to prepare for them to go home and rest, and don't gather in the night to make noise, it will easily cause panic and accidents! "

Not long after his son went out, the noise gradually faded, and Xenophon's prestige in this village was evident.

Xenophon still has a desire to write at this time. He paced back and forth in the yard, thinking about the previous "Spartan will end the peace agreement with Dionysia in advance": he felt very much about it at the time. Uneasy, it is a pity that people whispered lightly, and even Agassius strongly opposed it and could not stop it. Now it ’s okay, not long after the agreement was terminated, Dionysia ’s army set foot on the land of Alice. How much impact will this have on Peloponnese and the situation on the whole of Greece? !

Xenophon had just been to Turri, and he had a deeper understanding of the strength of the Kingdom of Dionysia. When he thought that this terrible beast finally came out of the cage and rushed to the mainland of Greece, he couldn't help but tremble. There is only one thought in my mind: I rushed to Sparta immediately, told them about it, and let them quickly discuss a good way to put the giant beast back into the cage!

But ... is there really a good way? ... Xenophon looked up at the dark night sky, remembering the impenetrable look on his smiling face when he met Daveus ...


In the early morning of the second day, the Dionysian crew pushed the ship away from the beach, the soldiers quickly boarded the ship, and the entire fleet continued to drive south.

Seeing that the Dionysians had really left, the Ellis were relieved, and then they could not wait for the upheaval in the south.

There is one more person in this Dionysian fleet, the Alice congressman Ionicus, who is a descendant of Messiah, who had previously spoken with Ticias, he actively applied to join the army as a love Liz and the liaison of the Dionysian army also acted as guides, so they were approved by the commander Leotichides and appeared on the flagship of the First Fleet.

At this moment, he pointed to the coast in front of the left, and said with a trembling voice: "After passing this headland, we entered the sea of ​​Mesenia!"

"Don't be nervous. We have so many warships. The Spartan fleet dare not commit crimes." Ticias on the side comforted him.

"I'm not nervous, but a little excited." Ionicus exhaled a long breath.

Ticias looked at him, nodded in sympathy, and said softly, "I am the same."

At this moment, the watchman on the top of the flagship main mast shouted loudly: "The yellow flag in front of the Clipper!"

Secrian, who stood on the bow and looked ahead, immediately said to the flagship captain: "Tell the first squadron to maintain formation and move on, ignoring it unless the other party launches an offensive."


The reason why Seclion dared to issue such an order is because he has long understood that there are no more than 40 Spartan warships, and more than half are from the Allies, which is not enough to pose a threat to the First Fleet. The entire Greek mainland may only have the Athens Fleet to make Secrian raise a little spirit.

In fact, two Spartan patrol ships appeared in front of the 1st Fleet. They originally wanted to warn the Dionysian Fleet away from the offshore route, but the 1st Fleet went straight ahead, a few hundred. As the warship approached by the wind and the waves, the Spartan crew were already trembling, quickly turned around and retreated south.

Compared with the Army, the Spartan Navy has no glorious record on the ground and the sky except for the victory of the Ramma River under the leadership of Laishande in the past. In recent years, it has been repeatedly disgraced by the Athens Navy. Morale is extremely low, and now dare not dare to challenge the huge Dionysian fleet.

Soon no more Spartan warships appeared nearby. The entire Dionyan fleet sailed south along the coast smoothly. On the one hand, it was more convenient to ensure the safety of the troop transporter and the heavy ship. On the other hand, it was also By the way, observe the situation on land.

But the crew saw more of the rolling hills. Only near the coast, a stone tower could be seen every one or two miles.

Ionicus said in a heavy tone: "This is a tower built by the Spartans forcing the Mesenians, but its purpose is to monitor the Mesenians and prevent them from escaping. In the territory of Mesenia There are also many such facilities in the north of the city. The Spartans made the entire Mesenia into a prison cage for the Mesenians ... I think my father and their nearly 200 people could not bear the brutal oppression of the Spartans. Killing ~ ~ Fleeing desperately from Mesenia, and finally able to survive to less than 15 people in Ellis ... "

After listening to Ticias, he remained silent for a while, clenched his fists secretly, and said with hate: "Today, we have come to break this cage. This kind of tragedy will not happen again!"

The two vented their resentment towards Sparta, and a voice came in: "Why didn't you see anyone in these towers?"

Ionicus turned around and met Leotichides, the commander of the army of Dionysian, and explained: "In the past, there were people. There were at least 10 soldiers in each tower, but now ... … The Spartans fought every year, and every year there were civilian deaths and injuries, resulting in a shortage of manpower to defend Laconia. There are extra soldiers stationed in these towers! "

Ionicus exuded, and Leotichides looked a little weird.

Then Ionicus said: "But there must be Spartan soldiers in front of the city of Pilos, because it is the Spartan town on the west coast of Mesenia."

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