Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 9 Chapter 91: Leotichides

In the early days of the Kingdom, the elders went to the elders ’home and various departments to attend meetings and deal with political affairs every day. They often brought only one or two slaves. Later, several incidents of pedestrians attacking the elders forced the elders to take guards every day An accident occurred.

According to the law, slaves are not allowed to carry weapons, and free people carrying weapons on the streets in Turij will also be rigorously investigated and interrogated by the inspection team, and only tolerant to citizens, thus spawning a special Industry-veteran **** line (in fact, later some rich businessmen and officials also hired escorts).

If you want to establish an **** line, not only do you need to obtain a business license from the Department of Commerce, you must also obtain approval from the Turiyi Inspectorate, and it is also subject to the supervision of the Turiyi Barracks. Legionnaires or reserve soldiers must be coordinated with military training in the barracks. Therefore, they are often funded by the retired team officers in the legion. They also solve the livelihood problems of some injured retired soldiers, so they are also subject to military affairs. Ministry of Support.

When Leotichides passed the inner gate of the inner city, the city guards respectfully saluted the famous army commander of the kingdom.

Leotichides ’s mansion is located on a relatively lively street, not small in size. It is a typical “Day” -shaped double-storey house built by the typical Dionyan rich people on the street side of the mansion. Several shops were also opened and leased to vendors.

Standing at the main entrance was a male servant holding a big yellow dog, staring at the door with a staring eye, which made the pedestrians passing by dared not stay for long. But when Leotichides arrived at the door, the big dog, who looked vicious, waved his tail excitedly, licking and rubbing again.

Leotichides patted **** his head, and the big dog immediately became quiet. Then, Leotichides strode into the mansion.

The mansion looks like a decent appearance, but it looks simple inside. There are no mosaic floors in the surrounding cloisters, no pools and statues in the center of the vestibule, no garden in the backyard, and no kiosk in the middle for chatting and drinking. The front and back yards are fully connected to form a mud playground with a small area in the middle.

On one side of the playground, his 7-year-old son is practicing horse riding, and on the other side his 17-year-old son is holding a shield sword to practice combat skills with his maid (Leotichides originally had three children and two daughters) Died within a few years of birth).

His wife was sitting on the veranda beside the playground, two dogs were crawling under his feet. The sleepy dog ​​suddenly stood up and ran towards the door like a child.

Hearing their excitement, the wife realized that her husband had already returned home, and she immediately greeted him: "How come today so late?"

"The military department has something important to discuss." Leotichides said, ripping off the veteran Burton who was wearing it, and shouted to the playground: "Tel Tortiz, I will accompany practice!"

"Good!" The eldest son Tertotis stopped the attack and replied loudly: "Father, I won't easily admit defeat this time!"

Leotichides strode into the playground, took the wooden shield and wooden sword from the slaves, and posed, Shen Sheng said, "Come on."

Watching the father and son fight on the field, Retina reveals a puzzled look. After living with Leotichides for so many years, she can feel that her husband's emotions are a little overwhelming. This kind of situation is too rare. What happened?

At this moment, the youngest son Pangandas turned and dismounted, quickly ran to the side of the court, picked up a pot of water, and slurped.

Refina hurriedly said: "Pagandas, don't drink too much, it's bad for your health! I dunked a big watermelon in the well and cut it to quench your thirst."

The residence of Leotichides was decorated very simply, unlike a veteran ’s mansion. The only extravagant place was when Refina spent a lot of money at the beginning of her house to invite someone to dig a private well at home. Deep, well water is cold and biting, and it is usually used to keep vegetables and fruits fresh.

"Oh." Pagandas dropped the jug obediently and sat down on the ground to watch his father and brother fight. He was pulled up by Refina and kicked **** his butt: "Look at you Sweaty, go take a shower first! "

After driving away the youngest son, Refina shouted to the two female slaves who were with her: "It's going to be dark soon, and you two don't be silly here, hurry to the kitchen to urge them and prepare dinner as soon as possible it is good!"

Twenty years later, even if Leotichides has entered the top of the kingdom and has a distinguished identity, Bruce's provocative temperament is still not reduced.

At the dining table, when Refina once again asked, "What the **** is going on today?", Leotichides finally put down the bite of the cow bone and said directly: "Your Majesty decided to support Thebes People, sent Peloponnese, attacked Sparta, and let me-serve as the commander of this expeditionary army. "

"Father, are you going to lead troops to conquer Sparta ?!" the younger son exclaimed, and the older son Teltotis also showed a surprised look.

In the past, Leotichides did not have much time to go home, and every time he returned home to stay with the children, he either trained them or told them some stories after training, and most of these stories Both are legends and heroes of Sparta, hoping to gradually allow children to have a feeling of admiration for Sparta, but in fact this effect is not very obvious, the children are more eager to defeat Sparta, this betrayal Scoundrels, after all, they spend more time in school.

Although Refina was very carefree, she was actually very savvy. At the beginning of her marriage, she was completely new to things in Greece, but after so many years, she had some understanding. Her husband is an Argos and should hate Sparta , But this is not the case in the usual speech, which inevitably puzzled her, but Leotichides did not say, she never actively asked, but now she still ca n’t help but ask: “You did not accept this Appointment? "

"Of course I accepted." Leotichides looked at his wife, seeming to understand what she was thinking, and said a rare one: "I am very happy to teach the Spartans!"

This is the real idea in his mind. When he fled Sparta, he once gave a vow: one day, he will lead the army to kill Sparta, killing all Sparta who humiliated him and forced his mother to commit suicide. All people are killed!

In the Palace Chamber, he behaved abnormally because he did not expect a good opportunity to make a vow to come to himself suddenly, and he was desperately suppressing the excitement in his heart.

"Teltotis." Leotichides continued: "This time you go with me."

"Great!" Teltotis nearly jumped up in excitement.

Refina reminded her at this time: "Teltotis is not yet 18 years old and cannot perform military service!"

"He was with me and served as my handyman without having to fight to kill the enemy." Leotichides finished his meal and made his family's mood uneasy.


Regarding the possible changes in the situation in Greece after the Battle of Ruktra, although Daveus held several meetings to analyze and judge this, the development of the matter exceeded their expectations.

First of all, the Thebes and Sparta signed a truce agreement so fast that Dionysia was a little caught off guard, but this did not affect their preparation for the war, and the expeditions were still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Secondly, Jason ’s series of performances after the battle aroused Daveus ’s vigilance, and specifically ordered Aristilas to strengthen the monitoring of Cesari.

Then, they originally thought that the failure of the Battle of Ruktra would cause Sparta to retaliate desperately to restore its prestige, but did not expect Sparta to sign a truce agreement quickly, and it really did not happen in the following time. There are any hostile actions against Thebes because the impact of this battle on Central Greece and the entire Peloponnesian peninsula was unexpected by the high-level Dionysians.

After all, they did not live in the mainland of Greece, and they experienced almost no defeat in the war. They did not experience the feelings of the local people of Sparta. They traced back to the war of Mesonia and before the war of Hippo. The Bata have dominated the whole of Greece. Its long-term strength has created an inherent concept for the Greek people: unless the enemy's strength is extremely dominant, otherwise the Spartan heavy infantry is simply invincible in the battle ~ www. ~ This is an unbreakable principle.

But in this great battle for the Greeks, the Thebes actually defeated Sparta by less than many, and the king was still dead. Knowing that since Leonidas was in Greece Since the death of Onsen Pass, no Spartan king has died in battle, so when the detailed process of the battle spread throughout the Greek mainland, many city-state people suddenly realized that the Spartans were not so terrible, Thebes Maybe we can do what people can do.

As a result, many city-states were incited. Two months ago, after signing the Kallias contract, according to the content of the contract, Sparta should have withdrawn the military commanders stationed in the city-states. The Spartans have been dragging non-performance of the treaty. Now these city-states are boldly taking these The military commander sent by Bada was expelled.

What is worse for Sparta is that as an oligopolistic city-state, it has always promoted and supported the oligarchy system in the city-states and allies under its control. Persons persecuted and aggravated the exploitation of ordinary people in the country (on the one hand, it also met the military needs of Sparta). Encouraged by the victory of the Thebes, the exiled democrats of various city-states returned to their motherland, inciting the already dissatisfied people and setting off a wave of riots.

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