"I recommend a person, as our ambassador to Sparta, Dionysia, I believe he can accomplish this mission!" Agsi Laos said, looking at the puzzled eyes of everyone, "This man is Xeno." Fin! "

Cliobrots froze for a moment and immediately retorted: "You are dizzy! Xenophon is not a Spartan, how could it be a Spartan messenger!"

Agassius was not angry at Cliombrotus's impolite words. He calmly said: "Xenophon has lived in our Spartan territory for more than 20 years and has participated in many battles with citizens. Even in the face of his mother state, Athens, he did not stop wielding the spear in his hand, and his achievements were not inferior to our warriors. Moreover, he used his pen to promote our Spartan political system to the Greek city-state The excellent quality has enhanced our influence on the allies, but this is not what our Spartans can do!

In addition, his son has always played for Sparta, and is still fighting in the Piosia area. Such a Greek scholar who has made so many contributions to Sparta, even if he does not have Spartan citizenship, But what he has done proves that he is a Spartan and an excellent Spartan citizen!

As for why I recommended him as a messenger to Dionysia, because he participated in the Persian Expeditionary Force that year, and later became a mercenary leader of the Expeditionary Force, I once heard the guest Risops say that he fought in Persia Xenophon and the current Dionysian King Daveus had a very deep friendship. I believe that his mission to Dionysia will definitely produce better results than others! "

Despite the full recommendation of Agsi Laos, Xenophon's reputation in Sparta has always been good, but the conservative Spartan elders and inspectors have had a heated debate about this.

Finally, at the end of the 22nd year of the Kingdom (372 BC), the Spartan Council of Elders finally made a strange decision: to appoint a Spartan general as the messenger, and Xenophon as the deputy envoy. Neia, but all negotiations with Dionia are entrusted to Xenophon.

This was Xenophon's first trip to the Western Mediterranean. When he embarked on the passenger ship, he couldn't help feeling sad.

In the past few decades, he was not without the idea of ​​"a trip to Dionysia". Even after Dionysia held the Greek Scholars Conference, he had repeatedly invited him, but he did not One of the reasons is that he knew that the Sparta he had settled was hostile to Dionia, and the King of Sparta, who had always cared about him, was even more vigilant. He If you go there prematurely, it will surely make the Spartans cherished; and another reason is that when Davis had sent him an invitation when he went to Greater Greece, he refused, and now Davos has set a record in the Western Mediterranean In a big career, he can't pass the excitement, after all, he is also arrogant.

Now, Sparta gave him this task, so that he finally had the opportunity to see for himself the kingdom of Dionysia established by his former friend Dave.

Xenophon ’s route to Turriy was almost the same as the route of Krithorps ’s envoy, but after more than 10 years of development, the situation was completely different.

Shortly after passing by Corfu Island, the passenger ship crossed a midline of the Adriatic Sea entrance and encountered a patrol fleet of Dionia.

This is a fleet of four three-tier paddle warships and eight small and medium-sized warships. When the captain of the passenger ship told him that this was a patrol fleet of Dionia, he even could n’t believe it. Because the strength of such a fleet is close to the naval configuration of some medium-powered city-states in Greece, some city-states are even worse than this, but this is actually just a patrol fleet of Dionysia?

So Xenophon asked twice, and after getting a definite answer, he still held a skeptical attitude, even thinking that Dionysia intended to expand the size of his patrol fleet in order to intimidate the surrounding forces.

The passenger ship landed in the port of Odrum.

Today, the port of Odrum has expanded several times compared to the time when Kleethorpes was dispatched, and the scale of its maritime trade has also increased several times. The forces of central and northern Italy, the Venetians, the Umbrians ... have taken the initiative to show their favors and alliances to Dionia, and even the influence of Dionysia has spread to some of the Ely on the east coast of the Adriatic Coastal city-state of Ria. When these forces took the initiative to move closer to Dionia, Dionysia certainly did not lose the opportunity to strengthen its connection through trade and cultural penetration.

The Adriatic Sea is a natural maritime access road, and many of the towns of Dionysia on the edge of the sea have very frequent sea traffic with these newly joined Dionyan allies, and Odrum is just one of them. One. It's just that its geographical location is special, not only can you enjoy the benefits of trade in the Adriatic Sea, but also a part of the merchant ships from the Eastern Mediterranean dock here ...

In order to meet the growing needs of trade and tourists, Odrum not only expanded the port, but also built two additional ports next to it. Its urban area has also expanded, and the size of the entire city of Odrum has even been close to the center of the region, Udie. It is no longer the appearance of the small town of Mesapi.

The Chief Executive of Odrum was informed of the arrival of the Spartan Envoy, and specially sent people to welcome Xenophon and his party, and also held a banquet to welcome him.

Xenophon declined politely and praised it: the port of Odrum is extremely prosperous, and it must be one of the best towns in the Kingdom of Dionys. Comparable.

The Chief Executive of Odrum hastened with a humble expression: There are many port towns like Odrum in the Kingdom of Dionysia, and if Odrum needs to be in the forefront, it needs to pay more s hard work.

A lot? ... When Xenophon heard this, he couldn't help blinking. He felt that he had discovered a characteristic of the Diorians: he likes to exaggerate the strength of the kingdom to outsiders.

Saying goodbye to the Odrum officials, Xenophon and his party got into the carriage and headed west.

Along the way, Xenophon saw the avenue built by the Dionysians. He was flat, wide, strong and beautiful, and the carriage drove smoothly on it. The speed was fast, and he was impressed.

But when he learned from the driver ’s mouth that roads like this had already been laid throughout the kingdom and connected to various towns, the previous prejudices made him subconsciously think that the other party was boasting again, because in his impression: even in the native Greece The road like this is only comparable to the section from Piraeus Port to the city of Athens. Odrum Port has a prosperous trade. It is understandable that the road he connects to the outside is better, but other places can It's hard to say.

But Xenophon gradually began to feel that this excellent avenue was too long to repair, because the carriage has been driving for half a day, passing one or two towns, the avenue is still extending forward, and the prejudice in his heart is shaking .

When passing through Tarantum, Xenophon couldn't help but look at him. Over the years, the Spartans who had been with him had talked indignantly about this Sparta that was forcibly taken by the Dionysians. Zibang, this is one of the reasons why the Spartan people are hostile to Dionia.

At this moment, he really wanted to go in and see what Tarantum, now the free city of the Kingdom of Dionysia, looked like, but the head of the Odrum team responsible for transporting them refused, saying: It is their responsibility to send the messenger group to Turiyi as soon as possible, and there should be no delay in the middle to avoid accidents.

Xenophon was a little dissatisfied, but there was no way.

The convoy finally arrived at the naval base not far from Tarantum. At this time, it was already dusk. The guards at the base carefully checked the documents of the Spartan Envoy and Odrum and let it enter.

As it was getting late, the Spartan messenger group and his party could only rest for one night in the camp.

Xenophon learned that this was Dionysia ’s naval base and wanted to take the opportunity to visit and glimpse Dionysia ’s armament.

Unexpectedly, the guards in the camp restricted them to staying in their houses and not walking around.

Of course, the accompanying Spartans were somewhat dissatisfied, but Agsilaus solemnly warned them before leaving: Try to make good friends with the Dionysians during the mission, do not anger them, and avoid giving Spartans Brought disaster.

So the Spartan messenger group chose to endure.

Unexpectedly, the second day happened to be the training day of the Naval Base of Tarantum. The two squadrons of the Dionysian 1st Fleet drove into the big port early to conduct array and confrontation training.

Xenophon when they left by the Clippers at the wharf ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ just to be able to see a corner of the fleet training: in the high sound of the bugle, nearly 200 warships are said to be in the wide bay, in the fast During the voyage, the ship array is constantly changing, the scene is very spectacular and lively.

Naval warfare is not what the Spartans are good at (Xenophon himself has not participated in naval warfare). From this training, they can see no way, but so many three-layered warships still make them speechless.

This fleet size is close to the naval level of the peak of Athens, so the patrol fleet has such a configuration, it can be understood ... Xenophon thought in this mind.

The captain of the Clippers saw them so surprised and could n’t help but remind them proudly: “The naval battleship of Dionysia is more than that. In addition to this naval base in Tarantum, there are also Brindisi and Kata Niah, Lilifeng ... and many other naval bases have more than 1,000 warships! "

Xenophon felt a move in his heart. Although this time he still thought that the Dionysians were a bit bragging, but some words may be true. Although other naval bases Xenophon did not know well, Brindisi was close to Peloponnese. The Spartans have a certain understanding of it, so it is likely that Dionysia with multiple naval bases really has multiple naval bases.

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