Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 9 Chapter 71: Military Conference after the Great Victory

"Sister!" In the face of so many juniors, Agnes's face couldn't hold a bit.

Christoya knew too much about Agnes's temperament, and immediately changed the topic: "Okay, let's go to the zoo--"

"Mother, I will not go." Cynthia interjected.

"This time we are together to go to the zoo to play, it is for you, how can you not go-" Christoya was a little displeased, but seeing Cynthia's sad expression, she slowed down and persuaded: " Your father told me that although the Gauls were coming, your husband led a huge army of more than 50,000 people. He also ordered that the nearby twelfth legion should rush to Rome and return to your husband. Command ... I heard that the Gauls were fierce, but they were poorly equipped. In the face of the elite troops commanded by your husband, you will definitely be defeated. Rest assured! "

"Mother, I understand all this, but I am still a little worried, so I have no mood to play at this critical time ..." Cynthia was hesitant.

Christoia asked in surprise: "Before, your husband went out to fight, haven't you seen you so worried?"

"Mother, before Patroclus was an officer of the military team, injured in the battle or ... it was our family's business. Now he is the commander of the coalition forces in northern Dionysia, which is related to thousands. The safety of the family and the northern part of the kingdom ... So, how can I not worry about it! "Cynthia said, sighing again.

After listening to Christoya, she seemed to think of something, and sighed, and said solemnly: "In the past, your father led the army to go out to fight, which one is not related to the life and death of the kingdom, I love you and your mother. Do n’t you worry? But how do we do it? Try to take care of everything in the house, try not to think about this troublesome thing, and keep yourself in good health ... If your father on the front line learns that I and Agnes disease Down, can he fight with all his heart! "

"Don't worry your husband, don't think about war, and find something to relax yourself ... In the end, your husband will be blessed by Hades!" Agnes also persuaded.

Apparently, Cynthia listened to the words of the two mothers, and her worried expression was much lessened. She was about to agree to go to the zoo. Suddenly, the wooden door of the inner courtyard was pushed open. Said: "Her Royal Highness, Princess Cynthia, Dajie! Lord Patrocros led the army to defeat the Gauls who invaded Etruscans!"

When Cynthia heard it, her face was suddenly joyful, and even because she was too excited, her eyes flashed with tears.

"Daddy fought a big victory! Daddy fought a big victory!" Palpilas cheered.

"I said Hades would bless." Agnes looked calm.

"What's the specific situation?" Christoya smiled and helped her daughter to question again.

Ribazzo responded immediately and respectfully: "I heard that it was our Allied Lien Chan that had completely defeated the Gauls who invaded Etruria ... After receiving the report, Your Majesty was very pleased and had placed 5th The rotating chairman and several ministers of the Ministry of Military Affairs are summoned to the royal palace to discuss matters. "

Said, he looked at Cynthia again: "Your Majesty knows that Princess Cynthia is in the mansion, so I specially rushed back to inform you so that you don't have to worry."

"Look, how much your father cares about you!" Kristoa gave Cynthia a strange look.

"Thank you, Lord Ribazo!" Cynthia wiped the tears from her eyes, and paid a sincere salute to Ribazo.

Ribazzo flashed out in a hurry, and said repeatedly: "Princess, this is what I should do, not to be thanked."

"Okay, can I go to the zoo now? It's all because of you. We have been in such a long time. Younis and Aviaia may have to wait anxiously." Christosia complained pretending to be dissatisfied. .

"Mother, it's my fault. Let's go now!" Cynthia smiled, then squatted down, held out her hand, and said softly: "Chris, let the aunt come to lead you, let's run faster, earlier Hurry to the zoo and go to see the elephants, OK? "

"I want to see a lion too."

"no problem!"

"There are hippos."



Cynthia took the bouncing Chris and walked out of the backyard quickly, spreading a laugh.

Christoya looked at Agnes in a happy mood: "This morning, Apox went to the academy, Antebris went to practice, and the house was full of women. Let ’s play in the zoo. one day!"

Palpilas gently pulled Kristya's hand and said seriously: "Grandma, Chris and I are men."

"Oh, yes, plus you two little warriors." Christopher nodded his forehead with his finger, and laughed more happily.


Last year, after Daveus ’s proposal, Christoya immediately began to act. After repeated discussions and surveys, she chose the hilly land near the Krati River to the south of the Turiyi Stone Mine to bring a zoo to build. The stones and large amounts of water, as well as transportation are more convenient.

Up to now, the zoo is still under construction and has not been opened to the outside world, but there are already elephants, lions, hippos, crocodiles, and many other animals, all of which are allied states (such as Egypt and Mauritania). Demand in this regard was sent specifically.

Christoya and his party were under the guard of the court guards, while riding a carriage to the zoo, Davers was discussing with the ministers in the palace.

"Your Majesty, it turns out that your decision is correct. Patroclus is indeed an excellent military commander! I originally thought that although he led a large number of army soldiers, most of them were recruits, and the sources are still very complicated. It is also the Gauls feared by various races in central Italy, so before our analysis, we believe that with the strength of the current coalition forces in northern Dionia, if you adopt a defensive posture, it is not a problem to hold the Roman area, but if you want to repel The Gauls raging in Etrunia are more difficult. And we also think ... "

The Secretary of State Alexis hesitated and said frankly: "The 14th Army Commander Patroclus had not been in office for a long time. He had no previous experience in commanding multi-Army combat, and he was relatively young. We are completely obedient, so it was recommended that His Majesty send a more experienced veteran to replace him as the commander of the northern coalition. The right to defend the enemy), without His Majesty ’s perseverance, I am afraid this victory will not come so fast! ... "

Daveus listened calmly. In fact, the reason why he insisted that Patroclus continue to command the coalition was not because he had absolute confidence in his son-in-law, but because Patrocros was appointed tenth. The commander of the Fourth Army and Sextus became the head of the 18th Army. It was the beginning of his planned injection of fresh blood into the army and the gradual replacement of the older generation of officers. Naturally, it was also under great pressure, which was over. More than a year later, he sent veterans to take over command, which would not only dampen the confidence of the young generals, but also disrupt his original plan, so he also supported Patroclus to protect his face.

Of course, Daves at this time was not as affected by the history of the previous life as before the Western Mediterranean War. After defeating Rome and Carthage, and the rapid development of the kingdom in recent years, he was deeply aware of Dioni The strength of the Asian kingdom has far surpassed that of Rome and Carthage in this period in the history of the previous life. In all aspects of the army ’s military construction, weaponry research, strategic tactics, etc., it has won the entire Mediterranean. The Gauls who caused a lot of trouble in Rome were only a small problem for Dionysia at this time. Even if the northern coalition forces suffered a small setback, it would not have much impact on the kingdom. www. Instead, will make these allies more united around the Kingdom of Dionysia due to fear of Gauls.

But he never thought that Patroclus' performance far exceeded his expectations. He even defeated the main force of the Gauls in less than a month, which made him feel very satisfied. He had to work hard at this moment. It suppresses the complacency in my heart.

"Your Majesty, according to the battle report, although the commander of the Patroclus Army is young, he is very calm and experienced in using troops. He quickly marched to the vicinity of Volsena, but he did not rely on the soldiers and immediately led the army to attack. The offensive, through the small victory of the defensive battle, won the trust of the Allied generals, and the morale of the soldiers was also boosted. Then he deliberately retreated and withdrew to the south of the Tiber, making the Gauls think that the Dionysian army was already timid , So he dare to boldly attack Walsenne, and as a result, he took advantage of the Gauls' days of hard work and exhaustion and slumber, and once again led the army to quickly return and raid the Gauls camp ... "

The new chief of staff Pringles carefully analyzed: "Although this glorious victory is also foolish and arrogant with the Gauls themselves, not only did they not fight carefully after encountering my powerful coalition forces, but only knew to blindly attack, There is no statute about marching camps, but in turn it can be seen that the commander of the Patroclus understands not only his own soldiers, the situation of the Allies, but also the conditions of the Gauls, so every decision made can be so consistent The battle conditions at that time made the victory so easy, and it can be said to have won the essence of the "Military Law." Congratulations, Your Majesty! The Kingdom has an excellent military commander, and it is so young! "

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