Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 9 Chapter 69: The first battle

After hearing some words from Krotokatax, Yasisters was silent for a while, his expression slightly squinted, but he still said uneasy: "For the current state of the coalition forces, I still have to respond to your majesty, I hope he can dispatch reinforcements as soon as possible. "


Patroloth wants to get more information about Gauls while preparing well, waiting for the best fighter to appear.

But Etruria has suddenly changed. A few days after the fall of Florentia, the area that had not been affected by the war and many people even thought that they would not be attacked by the Gauls-Aretium city was also attacked by the Gauls.

Aretium ’s territory is not bordered by the Gauls, but by the Umbrians. It used to be very peaceful. It was only after two years that the Gauls began to be harassed. According to their understanding, the northern Umbrians also began to be invaded by the Gauls. Some Gaul tribes ransacked through the Umbrian border to the territory of Aretium. After all, Aretiu The Mbi are much richer than Umbria.

The Ministry of Military Affairs of Dionysia originally did not intend to build a military camp in this area, because the Gauls here are not rampant, but Aretium is one of the 12 Etruscan city-state alliances The central town of the eastern region of the Truria Union, under the active activities of the Aretium (actively allocated a lot of land to Dionia), the Dionyan Military Department finally decided to be in Aretiu The military camp is not far northwest of the Mu territory.

Of course, this was not completely persuaded by the Aretium, but after a thoughtful thought by Daves: the opportunity to defend the Gauls can be used to obtain the land here, thus strengthening with the Umbrians in the east It is good for the Kingdom of Dionysia to connect and promote friendship.

In fact, over the past year, the Dionysian border troops stationed here have cooperated with the Umbrians many times across the border, repeling the Gauls who came to attack, and won the Umbrian favor. . But what they did not expect was that the Gauls would split up a large army, pass through Umbria from the southernmost part of the territory, and raided the Aretium in the rear.

Although the Dionysian barracks dispatched messengers urgently to inform the Aretium, but because of their long-term protection from the Dionysian barracks, they have not been harassed by the Gauls for more than a year. The Trullian city-state ’s attack by the Gauls did not raise the alert of the Aretium, so they faced an unexpected raid by the Gauls, but the Aretium performed better than Florentia. Oops, the city quickly fell, and no one in the city escaped.

After the Gaulic army captured Aretium, they attacked south and surrounded Curtun and Clevsin successively. The striker reached velzna directly from the Kingdom of Dionia Keslera, the northernmost town, is not far from Viagra.

People in the Roman area began to panic.

Patroclus was naturally impossible to remain indifferent, and soon assembled more than 50,000 coalition soldiers, crossed the Roman vertebral bridge, and arrived in the city of Vai that night.

On the second day, the messenger from Turíi had arrived in Rome, and Yasisters received an order signed by King Daveus: requesting the Roman district chief Yasisters to notify all the gangs as soon as possible. The Covenant sent troops to form a coalition in Rome. The 14th Army Commander Patroclus served as the commander-in-chief and led the coalition to resist the invasion of the Gauls. Help the Etruscans as much as possible while first guaranteeing the security of the Kingdom ’s territory. Because the enemy's situation is unknown, the Military Department does not make specific instructions, and Patroclus will make its own decision based on the changes in the enemy's situation. And the Ministry of Military Affairs has notified the Twelfth Corps (camp in Abella) in the eastern part of Campania to go to Rome on the same day, under the command of Patroclus. At the same time, I also asked Yasisters to make good logistical support for the coalition forces, and to report the changes to the palace at any time.

After reading the letter in a complicated mood, Yasistes returned the instruction to the messenger. Shen Sheng said: "Please tell your majesty, I will resolutely carry out his instructions! The head of the Patroclus Army has led the army north, you Starting now, you should be able to see him at Weiai. "

The courier heard the words, and then Beyasiestes, immediately chased north by horseback. When he rushed to Vie, Patroclus had already led the army again.

Northern Dionysian coalition forces arrived at dusk (novi, a small Etruscan town), less than twenty miles from Volsena, the Gauls who were besieging Volsena learned Enemy reinforcements suddenly appeared, really startled, and quickly withdrew the siege, and sent sentries to investigate, and said in return: "The enemy reinforcements are numerous, and the camps built are countless."

The Gaul army as a vanguard had a small number of people. Seeing that the other party had a large number of people, they did not dare to blindly launch an attack, but retreated northward.

On the second day, the Walsena, who learned that the reinforcements had arrived and threatened to lift them, brought a large amount of labor supplies to Lowe, expressed gratitude to the coalition, and invited the coalition to station near Walsena.

After inspecting the surrounding terrain, Patroclus refused firmly, and ordered the army to build a barracks near the city of Lowe.

One day later, the Gaul army reappeared in the territory of Volsena, and by the second day it increased to more than 30,000 people, and the city was surrounded again.

The Dionysian coalition stationed in the south of it did not make any movement. Instead, the Gaul army took the initiative to come to the Dionysian joint barracks and launched an attack on it.

Although the camp was not completely built, the command of Patroclus was certain, and the coalition soldiers had the advantage of defensiveness, plus the number of people was more than the other, so despite the brave battles, the Gaul soldiers were repelled until the twilight. This gives the Dionian coalition soldiers, especially the Allied soldiers, more confidence.

Although the Dionysian Allied Forces won a small victory, they quietly retreated early the next morning, leaving only an empty battalion that was initially built.

After the Gauls determined that the enemy had retreated, they began to believe that the enemy had won by chance yesterday, but was actually terrified by their attack, and gave up reinforcements to Walsena because of fear.

A few days after, the Gauls posed for a strong attack on the city of Walsena, but the sentry sent out by them did not find the Dionysian reinforcements nearby.

The Gauls gradually became more affirmed with their previous thoughts: The Dionysian army seemed to be quite large, but it was timid and timid, and it was estimated that it had already returned to the city of Rome.

So, they began to attack Walsena with confidence and boldness.

A few days of offensive made Volsena City faltering, and it was about to be broken. The Volsenaians were cursing the untrustworthy Dionysians while praying for the blessing of the deity.

Perhaps prayer had worked. In the early hours of the fifth day, the previously disappeared Dionysian Allied Forces suddenly appeared again and quickly approached the Gaul camp.

At this time, most of the Gaul warriors were too tired from the siege of the day and slept in the camp. They learned that the Dionysian coalition suddenly came to attack and the camp was in chaos.

Patroclus used 20 ballistic artillery shells to blast the Gaul barriers for simple camps-wooden fences, with the 14th and 12th Corps (just arrived from Campania) heavy infantry as the main attack The Dionysian coalition quickly crossed a trench that was not wide and engaged in a fierce battle with the Gauls in the camp.

Although the Gauls fought bravely and the swords in their hands were quite threatening, their lineups were incomplete and their organization was chaotic. They did not pose a great threat to the Dionysian formations with heavy helmets, heavy armor, mutual shielding and tacit cooperation.

On the contrary, the main force of the Dionysian Allied Forces is like an iron wall, and it is advancing slowly. While continuously killing the Gauls, it also puts a lot of psychological pressure on them.

In addition, at this time, the strength of the Dionysian Allied Forces was almost twice that of the Gauls, but Patroclus did not send Allied troops at the beginning, but waited until the two legions and reserve soldiers were attracted from the front. After living with the Gauls, the Allied soldiers were ordered to break in from both sides of the barracks and attack the Gauls.

After more than an hour of fierce fighting, the Dionysian Allied Forces almost encircled the Gauls in the camp, and the Gauls had to turn around to escape and desperately killed a **** road.

Patroclus immediately ordered: Allied cavalry, light infantry, and light armour who had been recuperating and pursuing all the way ~ ~ The allied forces chased and fought violently until the sky was dark, and the troops were killed, killed, and captured. There are countless Lu people.

On the second day, learning that the Gauls were defeated by the Volsenais, he immediately threw the previous grudge against the Dionysians back to the coalition camp with a large amount of labor supplies, who Know that Patroclus has led the army to leave.

The defeated Gauls were divided into two parts: part fled to Aretium in the northeast direction and part fled to the northwest direction.

Patroclus divided 10,000 reserve soldiers to chase the Gauls who fled to Aretium, and himself led nearly 50,000 coalition soldiers to the northwest.

In the period when they were stationed in Lowe's camp, in addition to strengthening the camp, Patroclus also sent mountain reconnaissance squads and scouts to investigate the activities of the Gauls in the entire Etruscan region in detail.

Therefore, after defeating the Gaul army of Volsena, Patroclus immediately led the main force and went straight to the territory of Fuvruna, because here is the main force of the Gauls.

Fufruna is the richest city-state in northwestern Etruria, so it became the focus of the entry of the Gauls. However, because the Fuvruna people had learned their tragic experiences from the Florentia population who had fled, and learned lessons from them, they closed the gate early and strengthened their defense. In addition, the city of Fuvruna is special. It is built on a headland and only a narrow isthmus is connected to the land.

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