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Under the impact of his iron fist, the silk thread covered by the armed color domineering directly broke. As the birdcage dissipated, Doflamingo in the sky also had a gloomy expression.

But he recovered quickly, after all, he also knew that there was still a lot of difference between himself and these top combat forces on the sea.

But looking at the scene of the battle in front of him, he thought that at least the distance had been shortened a lot.

But he didn't expect that the guys around him were all monsters, and their strength progress was simply incredible.

Fujitora and Shanks trembled together, and as Fujitora swung the long sword in his hand, the weird gravity swept over.

"Gravity space!"

"Meteorites are falling from the sky!"

The sky, which was originally silent, began to glow with a ray of fire at this moment.

As the flame became brighter, a shadow directly covered them. At the same time, Shanks in front of Fujitora showed a smile in his eyes:"The gravity fruit can be developed to your level, which is already good!"

At the same time, Luffy, who was on the side, stayed where he was after dealing with those vice admirals, looking at the meteorites falling from the sky and said with starry eyes:"Such power is really strong!"

However, Nami and others on the side were in a panic:"Oh my god, do you have to be so exaggerated!"

Hearing this, Sabo stood with them after dealing with a top vice admiral and said:"Don't worry, nothing will happen!" At this time, Shanks showed an extremely sharp sword intent, and under the ravages of this sword intent.

Wherever the eyes touched, a sharp edge was felt, and under the ravages of this sharp edge. At this time, Shanks waved the streamer in his hand:"Streamer Slash!"

Instantly, with the sword light falling, the meteorite as big as an island in the sky was split into two at this moment.

Due to the impact of the meteorite, a white light appeared in the gap in the middle. The two sides of the meteorite fell on the edge of the wreckage of the island, and the icebergs and magma on the edge were directly knocked into the seabed.

With the rolling waves, at this moment, Yanxing was also looking down, and the battle had lasted for nearly an hour.

It was quite boring to watch it like this, at least in Yanxing's view, it was time to end.

As Yanxing's will emerged, at the moment when this will was vigorous, everyone present seemed to be stared at by a beast.

The people on the navy side were directly intimidated by a powerful force.

Under the suppression of this force, Sengoku, Kizaru, Fujitora, Green Bull and others.

They can all feel that their bodies Or some power was extracted, and after this power was extracted.

Along with it came a feeling of weakness, and fear appeared in their eyes at this time. Their eyes were fixed on the Flame Star in the sky. At this time, they all thought of the ability of the Flame Star.

If it can be copied, then can this power be directly extracted?

Similarly, Zhan Guo could no longer maintain his own Buddha form.

The original huge body began to disappear in the blink of an eye. The golden light continued to fall, and Zhan Guo directly returned to its original form.

But at this time, Zhan Guo's face was a little pale, but still gloomy, staring at him. Looking at Yan Xing.

Yan Xing extracted all the devil fruit abilities in their bodies. It turned directly into a line and merged into Yan Xing's hand.

In response, Yan Xing looked at them indifferently.

Fujitora, Chaton and others showed bitter smiles in their eyes. The only one who survived among them was Momotobu.

He had no fruit ability and only relied on the swordsmanship of a great swordsman. But at this time, looking at his companions who had lost their fighting spirit.

Originally, the power of the Yan Army was larger than theirs. In addition, the direct deprivation of the fruit ability made them lose the power to fight back.

Now they have no fighting spirit to resist, and Yan Xing looked at them indifferently. After all, He was once one of the strongest men on the sea.

Although he has lost the ability of the fruit on which he depends for survival, his physical skills have not declined at all.

If he trains, although he cannot step onto the first step again, the second step is enough.

As for whether they can surrender, this is not a problem that Yanxing considers. If they do not surrender, it does not matter if they are killed, one more is not too much.

After all, they are not important figures who can be cultivated with time, but what Yanxing has the most is time.

He can afford to waste it, but Yanxing's gaze paused on Taotu for a moment, but in the end he did not say anything.

As Yanxing's words rang out:"Catch them all!"

The soldiers on Pluto walked up quickly, holding the handcuffs specially made by Yanxing, and handcuffed them together.

At this time, they no longer resisted. After all, they also knew that resistance was useless.

Garp personally took the handcuffs and walked to Sengoku, looking at the pale-haired Sengoku.

Garp handcuffed Sengoku on his body quite helplessly. At the moment the handcuffs were locked, an extremely huge pressure was pressed on him.

Under the crushing of this pressure, Sengoku's face changed slightly. Looking at the handcuffs in front of him, surprise appeared in his eyes.

He soon considered that these handcuffs had many uses, but after a moment, his face became gloomy.

After all, even if he considered it, what's the use? It has nothing to do with him anymore.

He is just a prisoner, and Yanxing ignored them. As the senior leaders of the Yan Army returned to Pluto one after another.

Yanxing stood on the deck, and said to Long and Shanks beside him with an indifferent expression:"Let's unify the new world now!"

Hearing this, Long and Shanks on the side looked thoughtful. After all, it was originally difficult to rule those territories due to lack of manpower.

That is why half of the territory of the New World fell into the hands of pirates, navy, and underworld forces.

Now, after two years of development, although there is still a shortage of manpower. But a group of people have been trained, just let them go and let them do a great job.

Let's see how they will govern the territories under their command. After all, they always need to divide the territories!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collection, recommendation

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