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But Aokiji on the side stopped him and said,"My lord, I want to do it myself. But now Akainu is seriously injured. If I do it to him, it will be unfair. Let's wait until next year!"

Hearing this, Yanxing looked at Aokiji with deep eyes, and finally turned his head to look at Akainu and said,"Okay, I'll do as you say. I'll spare your life first!"

As Yanxing's words fell, Akainu's face suddenly became ugly. Akainu looked at Aokiji with a complicated expression. He knew that if it weren't for Aokiji's words just now, he would probably have been crushed to death by Yanxing, following the footsteps of that CP0 member!

After all, Yanxing's strength is extremely terrifying. Even in his prime, he would still not be Yanxing's opponent.

It's so strong that it makes people despair. Why let such a powerful opponent appear in the hostile camp.

With Yanxing's existence, can his plan be implemented safely?

No matter what, his life is to completely eliminate evil, and Akainu is still determined in his heart.

In response, Yanxing waved his arm and disappeared with Aokiji.

Only Akainu and Garp were left looking at each other. Finally, Garp snorted coldly and turned away.

After all, Garp really couldn't stand Akainu. Although he was still a navy, he also insisted on his bottom line and did not completely become a running dog of the Five Elders.

But judging from Akainu's behavior now, it is estimated that this dog, Akainu, is sitting.

But this is someone else's choice, and he has no conditions to interfere, so he can only turn a blind eye and not be bothered. Besides, now that Sengoku has abdicated, it's time for him to retreat to the second line.

I don't know if the decision was correct. When people get old, they will become more and more confused and think about these messy things.

However, Yanxing, who has returned to the Castle in the Sky, brought Aokiji to Shanks.

The moment Shanks saw Aokiji, his eyes flashed with surprise.

But soon he came to his senses. Shanks was a little surprised. Did his father break into the navy base camp and capture Admiral Aokiji?

But from the current situation, it doesn't seem like that, at least Aokiji doesn't look like a person who was abducted.

At the same time, Yanxing looked at Shanks and said,"Aokiji has chosen to join us, and the arrangements will be left to you!"

Hearing this, Shanks looked at Aokiji with a complicated expression. He didn't expect that his father's charm was so strong that even the admiral of the navy directly defected and joined their camp.

But it is true. After all, if the father reveals his identity, the whole sea will be shaken.

This is because the World Government eliminated Yanxing 800 years ago, otherwise, it is estimated that the sea will still be praising the name of Yanxing.

At the same time, Yanxing turned and left, and Shanks took Aokiji to wander around this sky city.

Aokiji on the side looked at the endless talk, with a complex look in his eyes.

Trust him like this? Aren't you afraid that he is pretending to surrender to obtain intelligence, and then let the World Government come to wipe them out?

Shanks also saw the doubt in Aokiji's eyes, and laughed immediately,"If it were someone else, of course it would need to be investigated, but for us, it is not necessary at all!

Such arrogant words made Aokiji a little surprised. Does Red-haired Shanks not take the World Government seriously?

Is he arrogant? Or is he sitting in a well and looking at the sky? It is really doubtful, but after Aokiji has lived here for a while, looking at the forces under the command of the Flame Army.

Aokiji's eyes flashed with disbelief. The Fish-man Island, the Giants, the Fur Tribe, the Dwarfs, the Long-armed Tribe, and many other alien races have joined the Flame Army.

Yes, the Flame Army, during this time, Aokiji also roughly knew it. The strength created by the Flame Star, the Red-haired Pirates are just a part of the Flame Army!

But what surprised Aokiji the most was that even the Revolutionary Army joined the Flame Star. What on earth is this? What's going on.

And everyone addressed Flame Star as His Majesty with high respect.

He was really shocked by their willingness, because His Majesty is the title of the emperor.

It didn't take much effort for Aokiji to know the approximate identity of Flame Star.

Aokiji looked at the giant who was talking incessantly in front of him with a flash of shock in his eyes.

It was because the giants were simple and easy to talk to that Aokiji chose the giants as his target. He didn't expect to get such a result, which really shocked him.

Perhaps following Flame Star was the right choice, Aokiji began to integrate into the Flame Army.

At this time, Flame Star was traveling around the world. Every time he found an island, he would wander around it and recover the fruit ability.

However, the Red Hair Pirates in the New World also began to expand wildly, and countless kingdoms disappeared.

Either they were overthrown, or they lost their titles as kings and nobles and merged into the civilian population.

Although they were unwilling, they had no choice but to be suppressed by the Revolutionary Army and the Red Hair Pirates.

Such coercive actions soon attracted the attention of the World Government, but the World Government had no way to deal with it.

Originally, after losing the protection of the Four Emperors, these kings wanted to join the World Government.

After all, the influence of the World Government in the New World was originally the weakest. Before the action, the Red Hair Pirates and the Revolutionary Army took the lead in clearing out the forces under the World Government.

At this time, the World Government discovered to what extent the power of the Red Hair Pirates had expanded. And the most surprising thing was that the Red Hair Pirates, who had no ambitions, would actually join forces with the Revolutionary Army!

Just like this After two years of panic in the New World, it began to calm down. Almost half of the power in the entire New World fell into the hands of the Red Hair Pirates!

They thought it was because the World Government was resisting with all its strength, but what they didn’t know was that the reason why the Flame Army stopped expanding was because they were short of manpower. Even if they conquered those kingdoms, no one could manage them!

And during this period of time, they had fought with the strong men under the World Government more than once or twice!

The Navy even moved its headquarters directly to the New World to compete with them!

When both sides took action, it can be said that the strong men fell out. Many alien races such as the Fishman Island, the Fur Tribe, the Giant Tribe, etc. also shined at this time!

And what surprised the World Government the most was that the Demon Tribe also took action. After learning of this situation, the Five Elders of the World Government looked quite fearful.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collection, recommendation

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