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In this regard, Charlotte Katakuri looked puzzled. What on earth was this thing, but she couldn't detect it at all.

At this moment, Charlotte Katakuri came back to her senses and looked at Yanxing with her pupils constricted!

Although she didn't know what was going on, Charlotte Katakuri subconsciously thought that this should be related to Yanxing.

When Yanxing noticed Charlotte Katakuri's gaze, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:"See? But can you stop it?"

At the moment when Yanxing's words fell, Charlotte Katakuri's pupils constricted. He just knew that a person like Yanxing would come to their tea party without any purpose! In this situation now, it can be seen that this is his purpose!

Thinking of Yanxing's ability to seize his devil fruit power, perhaps he came to seize the devil's real ability.

After all, today is the tea party of their Charlotte family, and the strong men of the Charlotte family are gathered here at this time.

And every minister of the Charlotte family is a devil fruit user, plus those cadres and the guests invited. There are hundreds of devil fruit users gathered here. If he is Yanxing, he will not miss such an opportunity to plunder devil fruits and enhance his own strength.

Similarly, Charlotte Katakuri also wants to know what Yanxing's ability is. What kind of support can be used to collect so many devil fruit abilities.

At the same time, Charlotte Katakuri suddenly realized that there was a warm current echoing in his body.

As this warm current echoed, his physical strength seemed to be extracted. As the physical strength disappeared, a thread that ordinary people could not see emerged from their heads.

Everyone present suddenly felt that they seemed to have lost something, but they didn't know what it was. As for this physical strength, it was not a big problem for them at all. It seemed that they were a little tired, so they didn't care.

But only Charlotte Katakuri could clearly see the thread emerging above their heads.

This should represent the power of the devil fruit. These threads were entangled in the air to form a ball.

At this moment, Charlotte Lingling, who was deep in the cake castle, suddenly stopped eating cakes for a moment.

Because she could suddenly sense the riot of the fruit power. After all, the fruit power was developed to her, and this limit could also feel the power of the devil fruit to some extent.

However, no matter how she suppressed it, she could not do anything. With the flying of this small thread, the riot subsided. However, Charlotte Lingling did not have any other way at this time.

And Charlotte Katakuri could also see the thread of powerful breath from the depths of the cake castle sinking into Yanxing's hands.

At this moment, Yanxing's eyes showed a hint of smile, and looking at the slight smile on Yanxing's face, Charlotte Katakuri looked solemn.

But there was no way, after all, even if he exposed it, it would be useless. Yanxing's goal had been achieved.

It's better not to tear each other's faces now. After all, Charlotte Katakuri knows why her mother Charlotte Lingling invited Yanxing here.

At this moment, Yanxing stared at Charlotte Katakuri's appearance, the tall body and the scarf around his neck.

Seeing the ferocious animal teeth on his face, Yanxing said calmly:"Do you hate him? If so, then I can give you a gift!"

After Yanxing spoke, the other two generals on the side stared at Yanxing solemnly, and Yanxing stretched out his fingers at the moment when they didn't notice.

As the fingers touched, Charlotte Katakuri looked terrified, feeling the fingers on his forehead. If Yanxing wanted to kill him, wouldn't it be effortless?

As the green light on Yanxing's fingers wrapped around Charlotte Katakuri's body, at the same time, all the scars on Charlotte Katakuri's body disappeared.

At the same time, his ferocious animal teeth also began to change at this time, returning to the state of a normal human.

The originally cracked mouth also healed here to return to the size of a normal person. At this time, everyone around him looked incredible.

At the same time, Charlotte Katakuri stared at Yanxing solemnly and said,"Why are you doing this!"

Hearing this, Yanxing said with a hint of smile in his eyes:"Why? Just think of it as a gift given to you! I am optimistic about you!"

At this moment, Charlotte Katakuri wanted to say something else, but the wall high up in the cake castle opened.


Charlotte Lingling walked out from inside. At this time, Charlotte Lingling walked to the front of the crowd with an excited look and said,"Welcome everyone to my Charlotte family's tea party. Every tea party makes me very happy. Let's start the tea party now!"

The chef on the side came up with snacks and began to award them. Yanxing sat opposite Charlotte Lingling under the crowd of people on the side!

Yanxing looked at Charlotte Lingling indifferently and said,"Go ahead! Why did you invite me here? I'm in a good mood now!"

Hearing this, Charlotte Lingling stared at Yanxing with joy. Looking at Yanxing's handsome appearance, a trace of love and appreciation appeared in her eyes.

Charlotte Lingling said in fascination,"Do you want to be the Pirate King? You need 4 red road signs to find the final island. I think you should know this!"

In response to this, Charlotte Linling paused for a moment and continued:"Kaido was killed by you, but his signpost stone tablet should still be in the hands of the remnants, and I have a red signpost stone tablet.

If you join forces with me, then I can do my best to help you become the Pirate King!

" At the moment when Charlotte Linling's words fell, Yanxing said with a smile:"The conditions are really good, what are your requirements!

" As Yanxing spoke, Charlotte Linling's eyes showed a smile:"You want to be my husband!

" Hearing this

, the smile on Yanxing's face froze. Looking at Charlotte Linling's appearance, disgust appeared in his eyes:"Who do you think you are, a toad wanting to eat swan meat?"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collection, recommendation

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