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However, Yan Xing looked at Pokumus with disappointment in his eyes, and spoke calmly in this corner:"I remember that the lifespan I gave you is twice as long as that of humans. How come you have forgotten your creator after just a few generations?"

As Yan Xing's words fell, Pokumus' eyes showed an incredible look.

After all, in their legend, someone did create them.

That was a great god, so at this time Pokumus' face flushed, and he was seen staring at the moon that was gradually hanging high in the sky.


Today is the full moon. As the lightning and thunder appear on his body, his golden hair turns white.

As the hair on his body grows, a thoughtful look appears on Yanxing's face:"This is nonsense. It seems that you have not been standing still all these years!"

In response, Pokumus paused, and as its claws were covered with the domineering armed color


The ground beneath his feet suddenly cracked, but at the moment when his claws touched Yanxing,

Yanxing still looked calm:"Although you are my creation, I don't want to kill you, and you are also protecting me, but I will punish you a little and warn you a lot!"

As Yanxing's words fell, Pokumus suddenly felt that his body was imprisoned in place.

Pokumus' figure froze in mid-air, and Yanxing's fingers bent and tapped directly on his head.

""Ouch! It hurts!"

In an instant, Pokumus felt dizzy. Yanxing picked up Pokumus and prepared to go to Zou Island.

Thinking back to the giant elephant, it seemed that the giant elephant owner was punished by Yanxing because he had angered himself, and he was asked to walk on the sea.

Now nearly a thousand years have passed, and his punishment is almost complete.

So Yanxing is ready to take a look at the situation of the fur tribe and lift the ban on Zou. At the same time, Yanxing picked up Pokumus, took a step forward, and disappeared here in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the figures of the two appeared in the mist. Yanxing looked at the stone bridge in front of him.

A thoughtful look appeared on his face. The bridge in front of him was very huge, and not far away, there were countless figures, like ants pulling stone bricks, paving the stone bridge.

This stone bridge extends in the mist and there is no end in sight, but in Yanxing's eyes, it is heading far away to somewhere in the sea.

Yan Xing looked thoughtful about this, and Pokumus in his hand also woke up.

Pokumus opened his eyes and felt the pain, and his heart was also heavy. You know, even with the Moon Lion, there was still no way. He didn't even make a move and was directly imprisoned by him. Pokumus was really helpless.

After all, he was considered a master on the sea. Coupled with the frenzy of the Moon Lion, his combat effectiveness was at least enhanced by several times.

Even the cadres of the Charlotte family might not be able to beat him in the Moon Lion state.

Pokumus also accepted his current imprisonment, but looked at the fog in front of him.

There was also the stone bridge under his feet, looking at the rapidly gathering figures in front of him.

Pokumus said in surprise:"This is the forbidden area of the World Government, where the island bridge is built!"

At this moment, sweat began to drip from Pokumos' forehead, and fear appeared in his eyes.

After all, the World Government attaches great importance to the existence of the island bridge, and Charlotte Linling specifically instructed not to get close to it.

Because the combat power here is extremely terrifying, it is said that there is a general-level combat power guarding it, but Pokumo knows that there is definitely another general-level combat power hidden in the dark.

What's going on? Yanxing brought him to the location of the World Government. And it's such a dangerous place. But soon Pokumos thought of Yanxing's combat power.

Not to mention two general-level combat powers, even if the three admirals of the navy gathered together, they couldn't take Yanxing.

However, with Pokumos's mention When Yan Xing woke up at this time, he also knew what this place was.

It was an island bridge built by the World Government, which was used by the World Government to connect the islands.

But what Yan Xing cared about was that the World Government would definitely not hide other purposes for such a simple thing.

After all, this island bridge was built at the moment the World Government was established. It was built when the World Government was just established, and there must be some unknown purpose hidden.

However, Yan Xing did not care. After all, no matter what the person behind the World Government thought and why, it was meaningless. After all, for Yan Xing, the whole world was like his back garden.

He knew everything he should know, and he didn't know what he should know. Those who know also know.

In this regard, at the moment when Yan Xing was about to leave, two figures suddenly rushed out from the darkness.

The two of them were the CP0 members who were responsible for guarding here. Because of guarding this island bridge, they had no contact with the outside world.

They did not know the existence of Yan Xing, and the army of the World Government behind them was also surrounding Yan Xing.

Yan Xing showed disdain on his face for their plan.

They were going to attack him with the combat power of these two generals. This was really looking down on him.

At the same time, one of the CP0 members stared at Yan Xing's figure, and the two looked at each other.

At this moment, one of the figures rushed directly in front of Yan Xing, and the whole person turned directly into a huge roc.

At this The moment the Peng bird appeared, a look of surprise appeared on Yan Xing's face. This is the golden-winged Peng bird. It is also the top existence after the second-level form in the first-level form, and it is stronger than the mermaid form.

This guy is lucky to have the ability to change from the golden-winged Peng bird.

However, relying on the changes of this golden-winged Peng bird, it is simply too far to go against him.

At the moment when the claws appeared, shock flashed in Pokumus' eyes.

If he was hit by such speed and force, he would definitely die. What's more, he has also experienced the frenzy of the Moon Lion. Now even if he wants to run, he has to run. Is he really going to die here? _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collection, recommendation

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