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But at this time, Monchi Ddrago had a smile on his face. After all, if he was such a leader, they would be able to get along better in the future, right?

Just after the banquet, Yan Xing looked at the drunk people in front of him with a helpless look on his face.

These guys in front of him almost completely released their nature in the end, with wild personalities.

But it was normal, after all, most of them were pirates, and even the revolutionary army was not bound by rules.

In response, Yan Xing quietly walked outside and stood on the cliff, and Monchi Ddrago followed him quietly behind him.

Yan Xing turned to look at Monchi Drag and said,"Why did you come here? What's the matter?"

Hearing this, Monchi Drag said solemnly,"Old Ancestor, do you have any plans for the future?"

Just after Monchi Drag spoke, Yan Xing looked at Monchi Drag's old appearance. It was really embarrassing to be called the old ancestor by such an old man.

Besides, it would be too easy to expose his identity. Now Yan Xing didn't want to reveal his identity.

He wanted to see when the people standing behind the World Government would discover his identity.

So at this time, Yan Xing said calmly:"As for future plans, I don't plan to overthrow the World Government immediately. Now you can develop a dormant state first, and the Revolutionary Army can overthrow the various kingdoms! As for the main course of the World Government, we need to savor it slowly!"

In response, Monchi Ddrague said solemnly:"Yes, ancestor!"

Just as Monchi Ddrague turned around and prepared to leave, Yan Xing suddenly said:"Don't call me ancestor, call me Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Monchi Ddrague's body stiffened for a moment, and soon came back to his senses:"Yes, Your Majesty, if there is nothing else to say, I will take my leave first!"

In response, Yan Xing looked at Monchi Ddrague's back and said calmly:"After they sober up tomorrow, tell them to hold a meeting in the conference hall at 9:00 tomorrow morning!"


Yanxing enjoyed the cool breeze on the cliff for a while, then walked towards the hall. He entered his room and lay on the bed to rest. At nearly 9:00 on the second day, Yanxing walked towards the conference room, only to see that the entire conference room was a round table meeting.

There were already more than a dozen figures sitting on it, all of whom were high-level officials from various forces.

However, Zoro and Ace were able to join such a meeting because of their father Roger and their status as his disciples.

After Yanxing sat down, everyone's eyes were on Yanxing, to which Yanxing said indifferently:"The reason I called you here today is to get a grasp of the future direction of things!"

As Yanxing's words fell, everyone's expressions were extremely solemn.

After all, this is related to their future prospects. Yanxing looked at their faces with a hint of smile in his eyes:"Now your primary task is to collect demons, and the current stage of the task is expansion!"

As everyone present was thinking, Yan Xing continued:"But my request is to not have too much of a shortage. I don't need those with bad personalities and conduct, especially you, Doflamingo, I hope you can restrain yourself. I gave you a chance!"

Hearing Yanxing's reminder, Doflamingo looked a little ugly.

After all, his behavior is indeed quite strange, perhaps it is related to his childhood experience.

For the Kingdom of Fire founded by Yanxing, there is really no need for such unscrupulous means.

But in Doflamingo's view, since there is light, there must be darkness.

But since Yanxing mentioned him by name, it is indeed his own behavior, and perhaps it exceeds Yanxing's bottom line.

Since he wants to get on the big ship of Yanxing, he really can't be so extreme.

And Law on the side, also looked at Doflamingo with gloating, after all, he had a grudge against Doflamingo.

But now because of Yanxing, he has promised not to make things difficult or cause trouble for him.

So at this time, it is a good thing to be able to watch him eat turtle.

As everyone present fell into deep thought, Yanxing also said calmly:"That's all I ask, now if you have any questions, just ask!"

As Yan Xing's words fell, Monqi D. Dorag said solemnly:"Since we are going to use this sky city as our base camp, but the sky city is thousands of feet above the clouds, then how are we going to come back from the sea!"

At the moment Monqi D. Dorag's words fell, everyone present was staring at Yan Xing. After all, this was indeed a very tricky matter.

If it can't be solved, then no matter how hidden the sky city is, it still can't be used as their base camp.

In response to this, Yan Xing showed a smile in his eyes:"I have already thought about this problem..."

With Yan Xing's arm waved lightly, hundreds of tokens appeared in front of everyone in an instant. In response, Yan Xing pointed at these tokens and said:"These are teleportation tokens. You only need to press the button above when you need to come back, and you can be teleported into the teleportation hall of the sky city!"

"As for the teleportation hall, it is not far from the main hall. The purpose of the teleportation hall is to allow you to travel between the sea and the sky city."

As Yan Xing finished speaking, everyone present looked solemn.

They stared at the tokens in front of them, their eyes flashing with shock, but they soon came to their senses.

After all, since they knew Mo Bai's identity, they have been in shock every day.

Now their fragile little hearts have been���It has been refined to be a bit hard.

Besides, the token in front of him is simply a life-saving artifact. However, Mengqi Ddrager said thoughtfully:"Are these hundreds of tokens too few!"

Hearing this, Yanxing smiled and said:"The maximum capacity of each token is 100 people. As long as you hold hands, you can all be teleported together!"

After Yanxing's explanation, the people present also breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Yanxing said solemnly:"Since you have joined my army, you need to give up your original names. From now on, you are my Yanjun!"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collection, recommendation

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