The sword light was cold.


The shaggy-headed old man's palm seemed to be frozen directly by the sword light before he reached down.


The old man's complexion changed slightly, and the angle of his palm changed.


But for some reason, Han Muye's long sword was blocking the front again.


In one breath, the palm shadow turned thousands of times, but he couldn't get rid of the sword in front of him.


The old man's expression turned solemn.


Yu Tianming, who was originally joking, also changed his expression and sat up straight.


Around, one after another figure fell, staring in front of the old man's palm.


Han Muye's sword was reaching its limit, and no matter how the old man slapped it, he couldn't succeed.


"Good swordsmanship!" A middle-aged Taoist wearing a green robe and a golden crown on his head said in a low voice with golden light in his eyes.


Needless to say?


The shaggy-haired old man seemed to be impatient, snorted coldly, a blood-colored spiritual light appeared in his palm, and then pressed down on the front of the sword.


The expression on Han Muye's face remained unchanged, the sword edge did not retreat at all, and was handed straight to the palm of his hand.


"Okay." At this moment, a voice sounded.


All the power in the entire hall was frozen, but the old man's palm stuck out but couldn't pass it.


Han Muye's sword was also fixed in place.


An old man wearing a pale yellow robe walked slowly into the hall, looking at the imprisoned shaggy old man, frowning, waved his sleeves, and swept his body onto a large wooden chair a few meters away.


His gaze fell on the spirit fruit tree held in Han Muye's palm, a strange color flashed on his face, and he stretched out his hand to pick the fruit.


Only when his palm sticks out, there is a look of surprise on his face.


At some point, Han Muye's long sword stood in front of his palm.


No, Han Muye's sword was also imprisoned and could no longer be moved.


He retracted his palm and saw that the sword in Han Muye's hand had not moved.


The palm of the hand sticks out again, but it feels like it bumps into the blade of the sword again.


Three times in a row, the robed old man slowly pulled back with a solemn expression on his face.


With a light sound, everyone above the hall returned to normal.


But at this time, the expressions of everyone looking at Han Muye changed.


Although they were imprisoned, their perception was not deprived.


They all saw the process in which the old man in the yellow robe had his palm blocked and had to retreat after three attempts.


"Good swordsmanship."


Yu Tianming sighed softly.


The old man in yellow robe nodded.


"Don't dare." Han Muye bowed slightly to the old man in yellow robe and said, "In front of Daozu, I don't dare to be."




This old man's cultivation level has already surpassed the heavenly realm and the existence of karma and samsara.


Although he is not a Heavenly Venerate, he already has the ability to control the power of heaven and earth.


Just imprisoning everything in the hall is to control the way of heaven and earth with one's own power.


"Fellow Daoist Han, this is Daozu Yuntai, the master of my Jinming Daozong."


Yu Tianming looked at Han Muye and said softly.


It was exactly what he thought.


Han Muye nodded, bowed to Daozu Yuntai, and held the spirit fruit tree in his hand.


This is a gift for him to come to Jinming Daozong.


Yuntai Daozu laughed, stretched out his hand to take the fruit tree, and then looked at Han Muye.


"I have seen many swordsmen in the world, and there are swordsmen like you who are not the Taoist. You are the first." A halo flashed in the eyes of Yuntai Taoist, and he disappeared in a flash.


Han Muye bowed and said, "Thank you for your praise, senior, junior still has a long way to go."


In front of Daozu, the necessary respect is still necessary.


Han Muye came to Jinkexing to have his own support, but he never thought of fighting Jinming Daozong.


He is begging to protect the mountain formation.


Yuntai Daozu let out a laugh, let Han Muye sit down, and walked to the top by himself.


The other figures who came also sat down, and the shaggy-haired old man's eyes fell on the spirit fruit tree held by Yuntai Daozu with a longing look on his face.


"Han Xiaoyou, you are leaving the Wanhe Sword Sect and going to the Ancient God Medicine Garden before coming to Jinkexing. You want to strengthen the sect formation, right?"


Daozu Yuntai sat down, looked at Han Muye, and spoke softly.


Han Muye nodded.


The purpose of his coming is naturally clear to Jin Ming Daozong.


The previous harassment was nothing but a temptation.


Yuntai Daozu raised his hand, and the fruit from the spirit fruit tree in front of him flew down, and there were several in front of everyone in the hall.


The others stretched out their hands to catch it and probed carefully, while the shaggy-headed old man couldn't wait to stuff the spiritual fruit into his mouth and chew it.


"Well, the power of the wood veins is extremely pure, not inferior to the fifth-grade pill."


"Hey, the power of this golden vein is so strong..."


While chewing and muttering, the shaggy-headed old man ate the spiritual fruit in his hand in just a moment, and couldn't help but look up at others.


When the others saw him look over, they hurriedly put away the spiritual fruit in their hands, and then sat still with their eyes, nose, nose and heart.


Yuntai Daozu, who was at the top, chuckled softly and said, "Li Zhongjing, can you taste what's different about this spirit fruit?"


Hearing his words, the unkempt old man nodded and shook his head again.


Turning his eyes to Han Muye, the shaggy-headed old man said, "I'm afraid this method of yours is not only a way of giving birth, right?"


Han Muye smiled and nodded.


The shaggy-headed old man's face flashed with excitement, and his figure moved directly in front of Han Muye: "I just said, how can it be so pure just by giving birth."


"Tell me, what method did you use to differentiate the spiritual energy and medicinal power. I have long wanted to work on the spiritual medicine to change the method of alchemy, but I have never been able to find it..."


This old man named Li Zhongjing had already ignored others and reached out to talk to Han Muye's sleeve.


Han Muye, a cultivator who is obsessed with one and forgets foreign objects like him, has encountered many.


The way of cultivation is because there are more cultivators who practice intensively in this way, there is an endless avenue, and it becomes more and more exciting.


Han Muye chuckled and whispered softly, "I just used the method of alchemy to refine this spiritual fruit in advance when it was growing."


"If it's fruit, it's better to say it's Dan."


The method of alchemy!


Li Zhongjing's eyes widened, staring at Han Muye, muttering something in his mouth, but he was insane.


Seeing him like this, Yuntai Daozu, who was at the top, raised his hand and waved to hide his figure, not knowing where he was going.


"Little friend laughed, I, Jin Ming Daozong, the elder, is obsessed with Dan Dao and is a little lost."


Yuntai Daozu said, and the others shook their heads.


Li Zhongjing's behavior made them somewhat embarrassed.


"This senior's devotion to Pill Dao is admired by this junior." Han Muye cupped his hands and looked sincere.


His attitude made everyone nod.


Daozu Yuntai glanced around and said, "Xiaoyou Han, since you are going to the Ancient God Medicine Garden, why don't you go with me, Daozong Jinming?"


Speaking of this, he said again: "As for your sect's formation, this Taoist ancestor will arrange for someone to go."


Let's talk about the partner first, and then let's talk about the formation method.


However, for Han Muye, it is not necessary to go to the Ancient God Medicine Garden with the practitioners on the Jinke Star.


He only looked for the elixir he needed, and everyone got what they got.


Seeing Han Muye's agreement, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly eased.


Yuntai Daozu held a banquet, and Han Muye communicated with a group of great cultivators who were at least out of the heavenly realm.


Among them was the formation path elder Shen Zongming who was broken by Han Muye.


Shen Zongming was deeply troubled by the fact that Han Muye smashed the gate of Jinxuan Daomen with one sword, causing him to destroy the gate.


During the banquet, he was rude to Han Muye.


Han Muye was too lazy to get used to it, so he directly pointed out a few flaws in his formation in the Golden Profound Dao Gate.


Although Han Muye is not very proficient in formation, but with his full-level comprehension, as long as he deduces it, how can he find the flaws.


Shen Zongming was not convinced, and arranged several formations outside the banquet, all of which were pointed out by Han Muye.


For a while, there was an uproar inside and outside the hall, Shen Zongming's face was pale, and his mind was almost unstable.


According to Han Muye, he came to ask Jin Ming Daozong to set up the formation because he lacked sufficient materials and believed in the strength of Jin Ming Daozong, which did not mean that he could not arrange it.


Actually, he was bragging.


Not to mention the spiritual materials needed to set up a mountain protection formation, it would take half a year to a year, how could he have that time?


Besides, let him do the actual operation, he really might not be able to compare to Shen Zongming.


After returning from Jinming Daozong to Wanhe Jianzong, Han Muye retreated again.


This time, he aggregated his various killing methods, and checked the items that could be used in the Ancient God Medicine Garden.


The avatar of the divine beast has extraordinary power, and it has been completely controlled by now, and the combat power displayed is terrifying.


Han Muye dared to go directly to Jinming Daozong because of his control over the power of divine beasts.


If you really want to disagree, and directly release the divine beast clone, not only can you crush those great cultivators of the transformation of the gods, but even above the transformation of the gods, even in front of the ancestors, it is not impossible to fight back.


Jin Kexing's power of the Great Dao still can't hold back the divine beast that can carry the world.


In addition to his strong body, Han Muye also has several swords that he carries with him.


Lingbao Wanhe Sword Box, Daojian Mountain.


There are also many other magic weapon-level swords.


Jiandan can even form the Zhoutian Sword Formation.


With such tyrannical forces gathered together, as long as the medicine garden does not directly confront the Dao Ancestor, he is sure to win the battle.


As for Daozu entering the medicine garden, it is unlikely.


Because of the various arrangements in the medicine garden, it is also dangerous for Daozu Da Neng.


Dao Ancestor is very powerful, and he is rarely willing to put himself in danger.

There are not many Taoist ancestors in the world who would go into danger for the sake of elixir.


After bringing all kinds of killing tools, Han Muye put the grass whip into the sword box behind him.


He wrapped a layer of wooden power on the grass whip and dressed it up as a wooden sword.


This is to avoid being recognized by the imperial envoy when he is rushing the straw whip and coveted to take it.


Guess no one will recognize this treasure.


The cultivation base of the real body is still at the peak of out-of-body, and it is constantly suppressed until it breaks into the gods.


For the experts from all over the world who are investigating the Ancient God Medicine Garden, this cultivation level is neither too high nor too low.


Not everyone has an out-of-body cultivator.


A month later, Han Muye flew away.


As for the ten disciples of Wanhe Sword Sect, they have already set off to gather on the planet Jinke.


Han Muye went into the void, and Jin Ming Daozong's flying boat was already docked and waiting.


Li Zhongjing, dressed in neat clothes, greeted Han Muye with a long smile.


Seeing the two of them walk into the cabin, other people from Jinkexing Zongmen showed strange expressions on their faces.


Li Zhongjing, the madman of Jinming Daozong Dan, is a madman. Who is he who can be welcomed by him?


Although the Wanhe Sword Sect disciples on the boat knew about Han Muye, they would not tell others.


There are only ten disciples from the Wanhe Sword Sect, and they are the juniors who are the highest but Jindan. No one looks down on them, and they don't even want to say a word.


Han Muye entered the cabin, not only Li Zhongjing came from the Jin Ming Dao Sect, but also two leading elders, Jin Yangzheng, an elder of the second level of divine transformation, and Wu Xuetao, an elder of the seventh level of out-of-bodyness.


A few people said hello to each other, and Elder Jin Yangzheng introduced the various forces that had news that they would enter the medicine garden this time.


There will be three major Daoist factions with Tianzun in charge, namely Tianmu Dao Sect on Muyun Star, Wanchen Daomen on Wanchen Star, and Qiyang Sword Sect on Qiyang Star.


When Jin Yang was mentioning the arrival of the Demon Sect, Han Muye was slightly stunned.


Among the four demon kings under the throne of the Ancestral Demon Heavenly Venerate, the Demon King Treading Heaven and the Great Sage of the Town are here.


"The devil's way is cunning and cruel. If you encounter it, you must be careful." Jin Yangzheng thought that Han Muye was startled by the arrival of a strong man of the devil's way and the devil, and said in a low voice.


"Indeed, those demon king-level experts are actually no less powerful than Daozu." Wu Xuetao also shook his head, with a hint of worry on his face.


The Daomen forces will not send peerless powerhouses into the medicine garden, but the magic door will not tell you unspoken rules.


The devil's major repairman is not afraid of life and death, what can you do?


Until he returned to his cabin, Han Muye was still at a loss.


Thinking that he might see Huang Laoliu, Han Muye couldn't help but chuckle.


Fortunately, he rushed back to Tianxuan in time and corrected Huang Zhihu's girl well, making her look like a girl.


Otherwise, it would be really difficult to face Sixth Brother.


Han Muye hardly left in the cabin, unless Li Zhongjing came to invite him and communicate with him, he would never go out.


Even though there were several alchemy gatherings on board, Han Muye didn't attend either.


The inheritance of alchemy in the land where the ancient gods fell is no worse than that of the ancient cloud galaxy. After obtaining the inheritance of the Wood God Temple, Han Muye has not paid much attention to other alchemy.


After Li Zhongjing came to look for him a few times, some did not dare to come.


After all, Li Zhongjing was very proud of some Dan Tao understanding, in front of Han Muye, it was the pediatrics department.


The alchemy method that can be respected and envied in front of other alchemy practitioners is not worth mentioning in front of Han Muye.




Beyond the side of the ship, there is a flying boat approaching.


After approaching the Ancient God Medicine Garden, more and more flying boats have been encountered along the way.


When Han Muye's practice ended, Li Zhongjing walked in a little nervously.


"Well, fellow Daoist Han, there is a Dan Dao party..."


Seeing Han Muye looking up at him, Li Zhongjing scratched his head and said, "Yes, there are several large sects gathering, I'm not sure."


Speaking of which, he gritted his teeth and took out a tripod.


"There are two guys who are my old enemies. I want to crush them once." Handing the tripod in front of Han Muye, Li Zhongjing gritted his teeth.


A low-grade magic weapon Pill Cauldron, worth tens of millions of spirit stones, just to crush others?


Han Muye looked at Li Zhongjing with some playfulness.


"Want to?"


Li Zhongjing grinned and said, "What is there to bear?"


Han Muye raised his hand, Dan Ding took it, and said, "Call me at the party."


"I'll pretend to be your junior disciple."


Hearing his words, Li Zhongjing flicked his hands, and Le Dian dashed out of the cabin.


Seeing his appearance, Han Muye shook his head, but a look of envy flashed in his eyes.


This Li Zhongjing is a person obsessed with Dan Tao, but his mind is pure.


With this kind of temperament, how much less trouble is there.




Three days later, the flying boat stopped in a void.


Li Zhongjing came to invite Han Muye with him.


Walking out of the cabin, you can see dozens of flying boats, large and small, connected together.


"The one who came is Wanchen Daomen in the Three Daomen. Their leader, the Dan Dao elder Yuan Mingjie, had a few exchanges with me back then."


"This time, Wanchen Daomen will host the exchange, and all sects will come."


"Zhu Guangshou of Heqing Daoist Sect and Wu Yazi of Minghuan Daomen, these two old guys will not deal with me."


As Li Zhongjing introduced it, he became angry, and was about to roll up his sleeves and beat people.


In this danxiu, it is rare to have a hot temper.


"Is there really such a grudge?" Han Muye was a little curious.


Li Zhongjing was taken aback for a moment, his face flushed red.


"Anyway, it's just not dealing with it anyway."




Above the meteorite in front, in a wide area, there is already a great Dan Ding surrounded.


Many alchemists exchanged their experience in alchemy, or directly refined elixirs, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.


"Zhu Guangshou, Wu Yazi, you two get out of here—" Li Zhongjing shouted loudly, causing the entire venue to fall silent.




I don't know where the fryer is.


Han Muye turned to look at Li Zhongjing.


This guy said people didn't deal with him.


This crowd of people is 99% offended by his voice, right?


"It turned out to be Senior Brother Zhongjing of Daozong Jinming." A Taoist dressed in white, with his hair **** and his face full of light, stepped forward and bowed his hands to Li Zhongjing.


"My family Yurou always mentions her senior brother, saying that you took care of her back then and asked me to give you good advice."


Yurou, the name of the female nun.


took care of him back then.


Give good pointers.


There is a story!


Han Muye turned to look at Li Zhongjing, whose face was ashen.


"Haha, it turned out to be Big Brother Zhongjing. You haven't come to see my brother-in-law for so many years." On the other side, a middle-aged man in a blue and white robe with a jade belt around his waist came forward.


"Big brother, are you still worried about my marriage with Xiaoyu?"


"You haven't been able to improve your alchemy, because your xinxing is poor."


The middle-aged Taoist smiled and shook his head.


Li Zhongjing gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and shrugged his shoulders.


The people around looked at these three people with curiosity on their faces.


You know, already whispering in a low voice.


It was probably Li Zhongjing's beloved junior sister who was snatched away by the two in front of him one after another, and finally ended up alone.


The hatred of stealing a wife?


Can this be tolerated?


Han Muye glanced at an old man in white robe who was looking at him with interest in the distance, moved in his heart, took a step forward, and grabbed the collar of the young man in white robe.


"Lonely Step into a Fairy"




With one punch, the soy sauce shop opened.


Before the young man could react, Han Muye raised his foot and kicked the Taoist Qingpao next to him.


Daoist Qingpao said "Ow", covered his body, and slowly fell to his seat.


Han Muye raised his hand and shouted loudly, "Uncle, don't you often say that you are not polite when you see these two beasts in robes, and have you dealt with them?"


"I saw this in person, why didn't you do it?"


"Do you still have to endure such hatred?"


After speaking, he grabbed Li Zhongjing's sleeve, pulled him to a stagger, and stepped on the squatting Taoist's thigh.


The Taoist cried out in pain again.


Han Muye turned his hand and swung the young man who had just gotten up with a big mouth and threw him aside.


Li Zhongjing raised his foot and kicked the Taoist's chest again, kicking him to the ground and unable to get up.


Until this time, the people around them woke up and hurriedly came to persuade them to fight.


Han Muye grabbed Li Zhongjing with great strength, quickly stepped back and stood a few meters away, and then shouted loudly.


"Uncle Shi, didn't you say that after you beat them, you would crush them on the Dan Dao so that they would live in your shadow for the rest of their lives and never dare to look up?"


Li Zhongjing shook his head and looked at Han Muye.


You, did you say something like this?


"Li Zhongjing!"


"I want to fight pills with you—" the white-robed youth roared.


"Li Zhongjing, don't let your Dao Heart be damaged today, I, Zhu Guangshou, write the three words backwards!" The Taoist man in the blue and white robe covered his body, gritted his teeth and growled.


"Fighting pills is fighting pills!" Li Zhongjing's stupid temper was instantly aroused, he raised his hand, and a golden cauldron appeared above his head.


"I told you today that there is a sky outside the sky, and there is a pill outside the pill!"


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