Maximum Comprehension: Taking Care of Swords In A Sword Pavilion

Chapter 405: 1 sword cut Xuanming Zhenjun, suppressed the Taoist gates of 8 counties in the southea

In the world, strength is respected.


Power is the reason.


But in the case of balance of power, all kinds of reasons must be gathered, and whoever loses morality first will be at a disadvantage.


For example, today, when Han Muye destroyed Yunshen Gorge with one sword, Daomen stood on the side of Da Yi.


It's natural to start now.


The most important thing is that today the Daomen cultivator reversed the heaven and the earth with absolute power, and the river rolled back, causing changes in the minds of living beings, which can divide people's hopes and incense!


This is what Daomen really wants to fight for.


At the beginning, Han Muye uttered a word at Guanjiangkou, and directly broke the incense of the Taoist sect. Today, he wants to take back what he lost!




Because of the backflow of the water, the water bank collapsed, and the flood swelled and collapsed.


The river bank instantly turned into a swamp country.


But, who would care about the mourning of those creatures?




On the shore of the water, there are lines of divine light rising.


One by one, the phantoms of the mountains and rivers appeared, and the divine light blocked the water.


The power of the divine way protects living beings.


Immediately, the power of incense began to permeate.


For the common people and those creatures, the great cultivator's competition is too far away, they only care who really keeps them alive.


To let them live is to be good to them.


In the void, a Taoist man who was wearing a Taoist robe, with a long beard reaching his chest, and his eyes shining brightly, stepped out.


The water light floated on the Taoist body, obviously the water pulse cultivation method was extremely tyrannical.


Seeing the power of incense on both sides of the big river intertwined and intertwined with divine light, the Taoist snorted coldly.


The ignorant and ignorant ants only look at the immediate interests and have no idea of ​​the general situation.


It's nothing to die a little today. When the Daoist gate is settled in the southeast, there will be rewards in the future.


The Taoist looked down on the big boat below, raised his hand, and swept away the dust.


As long as the prince is left alive, the others will have nothing to worry about.


"Quick, protect the big ship with all your strength, and prepare to save people!"


"Block this blow, and the fleet will approach the shore!"


"It's only death, my generation cultivates, we should seek no regrets, the place of death and life, I will go-"


In the cabin, various figures flew out, and aura bombarded out, or turned into a light curtain, or condensed into a rope, or as a knife and gun, saving people and saving ships.


The world's great monks took action, and the world was in turmoil. In the past, almost no great monks above the heavenly realm dared to fight with all their strength in Tianxuan.




At this moment, in the heaven and earth, a faint voice sounded.


A sword light flew out again.


Flying away from the big boat, it turned into a three-foot blue sword, with a flash, right in front of the great cultivator.


The big cultivator let out a laugh, and twitched the dust in his hand, ready to smash the sword.


Even if it is a magic weapon, it can't stop his close attack.




When the dust brush fell, there was a soft sound, and then it was broken into pieces in the eyes of the Taoist.


A magic weapon that shatters directly!


What is this sword—


This is not a sword!


It was only at this moment that the Taoist discovered in horror, what kind of sword is there, this is clearly the primordial spirit of the great cultivator!


Take Yuanshen as the sword.


Such swords can be overhauled to slay the gods!


The Taoist understood clearly that this sword was meant to behead him.


Could it be that the other party is not afraid that the fall of a great Taoist cultivator will trigger a backlash from the Taoist gate, causing chaos in the eight southeastern counties?


I really want to see what it looks like after my death, the rise of the Daomen, and the siege of the imperial city by countless great monks.


The Daoist's mind came to the picture of several Daoist monks handing in hand when he made his move.


Are they already thinking about everything?


In this game, you are also in it?




The cyan sword penetrated his heart, and the body of the great cultivator of God Transformation shattered.


Endless spiritual light feeds back the heaven and the earth, triggering the tide of spiritual energy.


The land of thousands of miles has turned into a sea of ​​​​spirits.


The great cultivator of the gods has fallen!


This is a great monk with a long-term vision!


In the Profound Sky World, the last major cultivator of the transformation of the gods fell, or ten thousand years ago.


Practitioners in the world have become accustomed to the immortality of the mighty cultivators above the Nascent Soul of the Heavenly Realm.


At that time, who can kill you when you are cultivated?


The sea of ​​spirit surged, and the aura that fed back was watered, and all the creatures on the left and right of the river bathed in it.


Whether it is a human race or a wild beast, with such aura, it is absolutely convenient to practice in the future.


The loss of one person brings blessings to thousands.


This is the rule of heaven and earth.


"Yuan Hezi is serious, he has fallen..." Tens of thousands of miles away, a thin Taoist man wearing a Taoist robe showed a complicated look on his face.


"True Monarch Xuanming, Yuan Hezi died because of the rise of my Taoist sect, and died in a proper place." On the other side, a big monk wearing a black martial robe and long and narrow eyebrows stood up, with sword energy shining on his body.


"The Tianxuan Dynasty wantonly slaughtered the Daomen monks. The strong people in the eight southeastern counties of my country do not want to be slaughtered by this, so they cut off the prince and gathered in the imperial city."


"As long as Wen Mosheng and Chen Qingzhi's true bodies are turned back to take the imperial city and trigger Tianxuan Qi to change, my Daomen will be the master of Tianxuan!"


The speaker was dressed in a Taoist robe, with white hair and white beard, and his face was full of excitement.


The Daoists beside him also shone brightly in their eyes.


"Brother Zhuwu is right, as long as you take down the Profound Sky, dismantle the Xuanyang Guard, and then participate in the Dao struggle, seize the position of a Dao ancestor, or reconcile with the fairy world and pursue the Supreme Dao, then you will really be able to advance and retreat freely."


"That's right, I'm free and happy, starting today!"


One after another silhouettes rushed towards the sky, towards the river.


Everyone here is a Daomen giant, and they are the foundation of the Southeast Daomen.


For countless thousands of years, these great monks have been buried in the soil, for fear that they will be suppressed by Confucianism and Taoism after they emerge.


It was only now that he raised his eyebrows.


Zhenjun Xuanming frowned, his expression solemn.


Beside him, a middle-aged man wearing a blue Taoist robe whispered, "Senior brother, what Senior Zhu Weiqiang said is right. A Yuan Hezi sacrificed, arousing the common enemies of Taoism, and the general trend has been achieved."


Now Tianxuan Confucianism and Taoism, the masters are all outside the world, taking this opportunity to take the imperial city in one fell swoop, the great happiness can be expected.


At this time, why does this senior brother with profound cultivation have a solemn expression?


"Wen Mo's voice can overwhelm the sky and Xuan for ten thousand years, will it be so easy to deal with?" True Monarch Xuan Ming shook his head and looked forward.


"This Grand Master Muye is mysterious and unpredictable, and his identity may be the head of the Bailu Mountain Academy. Today's sword shows his identity as a kendo exiled from the Western Xinjiang."


"He doesn't hide his identity anymore. I'm afraid, the general trend is not mine..."


The general trend is not on me?


Daoist Qingpao's expression changed.


"Junior brother, if you go back, if I fall, Xuming Daozong will not be able to seal the mountain, and we will see it in three thousand years."


Zhenjun Xuanming took a deep breath and spoke in a low voice.




Taoist Qingpao's face turned pale: "Senior brother, you are already at the top of this world..."


"The top of this world?" Zhenjun Xuanming shook his head and said lightly, "You look down on me too much."


"There are countless powerhouses in the world. I am trapped in this Profound Sky World, and I cannot afford to see the wider space in this life..."


After speaking, the endless aura of True Monarch Xuanming turned into a golden fire phoenix.


"My monarch, Xuanming, is here waiting for Grand Master Muye."


The sound traveled 100,000 miles, the heavens and the earth roared, and the endless wind surged!


True Monarch Xuanming is going to challenge Grand Master Muye!


Those Daomen strongmen who had already run halfway all stopped and looked at each other.


"Also, Xuanming's combat power is already at the top of my Taoist sect. If he takes action to take down Muye, it will save a lot of effort." The leading Taoist Zhu Wu said softly.


The others nodded and retreated.


It is impossible to ask for someone to do this kind of thing in the first place.


The challenge of True Monarch Xuanming!


In the cabin, the great cultivators who accompanied them all changed color.


Originally bathed in spiritual energy, the great river surged again, and the joy of the fleet moving forward instantly condensed.


"True Monarch Xuanming, that is, but an existence that even the semi-sage Wang Muyang is powerless to defeat." A Confucian and Taoist cultivator looked blank.


Others are not talking.


What is there to say at this time?


The power displayed by Grand Master Makino is not something they can guess.


And after the two swords, they also understood that Grand Master Muye acted decisively and was definitely not one to back down.


"Is this the battle of the general trend?" A great cultivator looked out the window and said in a low voice.


This is not a dao struggle, but it is already visible and endless.


How tragic will the century-old Dao struggle, when Dao ancestors transform Dao, will be so tragic?


"Zhihu, can he do it?" Yun Duan nervously grabbed Huang Zhihu's sleeve.


Huang Zhihu shook his head and muttered, "How would I know."


That is the powerhouse who defeated the semi-sage, the world's top cultivator, it is difficult for his adoptive father to win, and Huang Zhihu has no idea in his heart.


"Back then, I remember that in the Mysterious Realm of Myriad Demons, the calamity of the annihilation of heaven and earth, the adoptive father returned safely."


Clenching his fists, Huang Zhihu raised his head and looked forward.


"I hope he won't lose." Yun Duan nodded and waved his arms: "If he can come back with a big victory, my lord, my lord—"


Huang Zhihu turned to look at her and said with a smile, "How are you?"


Yun Satin's face turned red, and his voice was lower: "I, I will give him a lot of rewards."


Hearing this, Huang Zhihu "cut": "Just you?"

"Apart from your body, what else can you come up with? Even I don't like your net worth."


Speaking of this, she paused and widened her eyes: "I said Yun Duan, you won't be, do you want to be my adoptive mother? Don't think about it, I only have one auntie."


Yun Duan's face flushed red, just as she was about to speak, she suddenly stopped.


In front, Han Muye, dressed in white with a sword box on his back, walked in the air.


"Notify Lu Yang to sweep the southeast."


Han Muye spoke lightly, and then stepped out, his figure was 10,000 meters away.


"True Monarch Xuanming?"


"As a great cultivator of the Profound Sky, I don't want to contribute to the world, but instead intend to subvert the general trend of the Profound Sky."


"What's the use of keeping such a great cultivator?"


Han Muye's voice was indifferent.


This voice spread out for thousands of miles, causing the sky and the earth to surge.


The expressions of the Daomen great monks standing in the void all changed.


In a word, the world moves, this is a strong man who is compatible with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth!


True Monarch Xuanming's expression changed dramatically, and he shouted in a low voice, "Come on, this Grand Master Muye has already controlled the power of heaven and earth, and he has the blessing of the Dao!"


The Taoist Qingpao beside him turned around and left.


The Taoist flew out a hundred miles and turned to look, only to see that his senior brother's figure was wrapped in a sword light.


"The coast of the lead soil is not the king soil."


With a long shout, a golden seal appeared in the twenty prefectures of Tianxuan.


The power of the golden seal evokes the power of mountains and rivers in a county, and converges into a giant shadow of mountains and rivers.


At this moment, what enveloped True Monarch Xuanming was not Han Muye's sword, but Tianxuan's avenue of heaven and earth.


Before the Great Dao, life and death were inexorable.


True Monarch Xuanming turned into a golden phoenix and spread his wings, but he couldn't escape at all.


"The 30,000-mile river east of the river flows into the sea, and the 5,000-mile mountain rises to the sky."


Between heaven and earth, there are poems written.


The long river is thousands of miles, and the mountain peaks are soaring green.


Heaven and Earth.


The entire Profound Sky World was suppressed by the power of mountains and rivers, and all the power of True Monarch Xuanming was condensed into a golden fire phoenix, which constantly clashed under the mountains and rivers.


But the rushing river dashed out the flames on Huofeng's body, and the mountain fell down, causing Huofeng to be bruised and bruised all over.


With a long cry, the fire phoenix turned into a golden fire ball, the power of annihilation flashed, and then exploded.




The ancient fire is the ultimate power, the power of the phoenix that is immortal and immortal.


Han Muye, who was standing above the big river, looked indifferent, raised his hand, and the sword light was cold.


"The 30,000-mile river east of the river flows into the sea, and the 5,000-mile mountain rises to the sky. The golden wind sweeps away the calamity, and a sword blows the sky between life and death."


A sword divides life and death.


The poems came out, and the sword light appeared.


A sword light that spanned 30,000 miles directly slashed on the phantom of the mountains and rivers above the mouth of the Guanjiang River and the phoenix body of Nirvana.




The mountains and rivers collapsed, and the fire phoenix shattered.


Half of the mountains and rivers are phantoms wrapped around the body of the fire phoenix, rushing towards the East China Sea, and the other half, going downstream, heading to the South Wilderness.


Between the heavens and the earth, the spiritual tide rolled, and the fiery red spiritual light reflected on the entire river, the setting sun was like blood.


The power of Tianxuan world directly kills the world's top powerhouse, True Monarch Xuanming!


Heaven and earth return to silence, and a golden seal floats quietly.


In the imperial city, Lu Yang personally led Xuanyang Guard and Chiyan Army to rush out and headed towards the surrounding states and counties.


Conquering rebellion.


At this moment, all parties in the Profound Sky World lost their voices.


Those Taoist powerhouses gathered, but didn't say a word.


Whoever speaks today will be the next True Monarch Xuanming!


A great cultivator who was able to defeat a half-holy fell just between this sword.


This is the general trend of Tianxuan!


Although the half-sage king Muyang is tyrannical, he is not good at fighting and has no authority over heaven and earth.


When Zhenjun Xuanming defeated Wang Muyang, he gave a false vision to the Taoist sect.


Really, when Confucianism and Taoism have lost their power, the general situation of heaven and earth has changed.


Today's sword teaches practitioners in the eight southeastern counties to be human!


Han Muye put his sword back into its sheath, shook his head, turned around and walked back to the cabin.


It was not until the aura rose in the cabin, the heaven and earth were cut off, and the sound of cheers spread through the deck.


In the other cabins, the great cultivators who accompanied them looked at each other, some were full of joy, while others looked blank.


"With a single sword, he killed True Monarch Xuanming?" The seven major cultivators of Nascent Soul in black robes whispered in disbelief.


That is the top of the gods, the strongest group of people in the world.


Killed with just such a sword?


A great cultivator, who is helpless even for a half-sage, can't hold a sword?


"Blessed by the authority of heaven and earth, using poetry as a sword, I finally know who this Grand Master Muye is!" A Confucian and Taoist cultivator with a long robe and sleeves laughed.


Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the great cultivator said loudly, "Scholar with a sword, using poetry as a sword, Great Master Han Mu, the leader of Bailu Mountain!"


On the deck, Yun Duan turned his head and looked at the Yellow Fat Tiger.


"Zhihu, let me be your foster father's child. The way he walks with his sword is engraved in my heart, and I can't forget it..."


Hearing her words, Huang Zhihu leaned over, looked at it with big eyes, and then whispered, "How about I send you to his room tonight?"


Yun Duan nodded.


"Go away! What are you thinking!" Huang Zhihu raised his foot and kicked, Yun Duan had already expected it, and ran away.


Gongsun Qingfeng, who breathed a sigh of relief, also showed a smile on his face as he sat on the deck.


Starting from Han Muye's sword breaking through the deep gorge of the cloud, the ups and downs, life and death wandered, even if he was as strong as Gongsun Qingfeng, he felt that he couldn't help himself.


With one sword, he slashed the great cultivator of Huashen, and another sword mobilized the power of heaven and earth to destroy True Monarch Xuanming.


Gongsun Qingfeng looked up at the closed cabin at the top.


Han Muye, the exiled immortal of swordsmanship in Western Xinjiang.


It is unimaginably powerful.


It's ridiculous that he is still ready to challenge him when he returns from his trip to the East China Sea.


forget it.


Have self-awareness.


The big river flows straight to the mouth of the Guanjiang River.


The **** of water is waiting all the way.


Along the way, the people cheered and knelt down by the river bank.


Yun Duan stood on the bow, waving frequently.


No one dared to move the Daomen of the eight counties in the southeast.


Until ten large ships turned east from Guanjiangkou and headed for the East China Sea.


Grandmaster Muye's three swords suppressed the eight counties in the southeast, which was even more exciting than the last time at Guanjiangkou.


True Monarch Xuanming, who led the rise of Daomen's luck, couldn't hold back a sword and was directly beheaded, and behind him the sect was sealed off.




Dozens of great cultivators gathered in the Southeast Daomen, but no one dared to make another move.




In the cabin, Han Muye sat cross-legged.


On him, the surging sword light has turned into reality.


If the prosperity of this sword light spreads, I am afraid that it will be ravaged by the sword light for thousands of miles.


"The blessing of the power of heaven and earth is actually just the manifestation of the general trend."


"Sword Qi, Sword Intent, Sword Power, Sword Domain."


"If the power of reincarnation and karma is suppressed by Taoism today, and the sword domain is difficult to achieve, then go all out to evolve the sword posture."


Han Muye's eyes flickered with light, and there was a strong surging fighting spirit.


"Donghai, I said back then, let Donghai Jianxiu know what is the third floor of Wanjian Guizong."


"Now, my understanding of Wanjian Guizong is not just as simple as the third floor."


A smile flashed across Han Muye's face as he looked forward: "Master Mo Yuan, I wonder what level your Wanjian Guizong has realized?"


Flying up, Han Muye landed on the roof of the cabin.


Above the big river, the waves are surging.


"Yun Duan, is it alright to travel around the East China Sea with a handwritten letter and a picture?" Han Muye looked at Yun Duan on the deck below and asked.


Yun Duan has a handwritten letter in his hand, which can mobilize the blessing of the power of the heavens and the earth.


With this strength, these ten ships of Xuanyang Guard and Chiyan Army can fight ten times the enemy.


Inspired by the power of heaven and earth, Gongsun Qingfeng can also fight against the great cultivator of Huashen.


Moreover, this handwritten script can attract the incarnation of the literary appearance to come to a hundred breaths at a critical time.


Although there is only a hundred interest time, it is enough to do anything.


Daomen dared to kill Yun is to be sure that Yun Duan did not dare to use Wen Xiang's handwriting to induce her incarnation.


After all, it was too much of a failure for the prince to lead the power of the handwriting before he reached the East China Sea.


But after entering the East China Sea, Yun Duan will be able to show off his skills with the support of a literati handwriting.


Hearing Han Muye's words, Yun Duan nodded and said, "Don't worry, sir, there is no problem."


Her eyes fell on Han Muye, and she couldn't help lowering her head again.


Han Muye glanced at Huangzhihu, glanced at Gongsun Qingfeng, nodded, and flew up.




The long sword is unsheathed.


The sword light shone, and the sword went down!




Thousands of miles of river, the water is monstrous.


Countless spirit armored monsters' bodies were chopped to pieces and flew on both sides of the strait. Their blood and demonic energy were scattered and turned into pillars of smoke.


I don't know when, the Spirit Armor Monster Race has been lurking here, just waiting to be killed!


"Jianxiu Han Muye wants to pick the East China Sea, East China Sea Kendo, don't let me down—"


Stepping on the waves, seeing the thousands of rushing spirit armored monsters as nothing, Han Muye shouted loudly and headed east with a sword.


He has been waiting for this day for a long time!




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