Maximum Comprehension: Taking Care of Swords In A Sword Pavilion

: Three hundred and ninety-seven, the sixth floor of Jiange, Lingbao (two/two chapters)

Han Muye has always been curious about the three days in the Xianyuan world.

He has always wanted to explore the secrets of places that the Dao ancestors and cultivators yearn for.

This time, he finally got what he wanted.

The nine-story sword pavilion can see through time and space at a glance.

In the end did not let yourself down.

With a chuckle, he looked down at the long sword in front of him.

At this time, the sword was already flashing, and it was very clear.

Outsiders think that the kendo trial is to find a sword from the first-level sword pavilion, and then grow it all the way to raise it to the strongest, so that it can be recognized by the sword master and become the inheritor.

Actually, it's all wrong.

It is not the approval of the sword master, but the approval of the sword pavilion, the approval of the sword here.

These swords are indeed common on the first floor, but on the second floor, after spiritual infusion, they will fit with the swords hidden in the sword pavilion.

On the third floor, the sword will turn into a handle hidden in the sword pavilion.

The tester needs to run in with this sword, and then help this sword to establish a dominant position in the sword pavilion, so as to become the master of the sword pavilion.

The sword pavilion, after the fall of its master, already has its own consciousness, and these swords are all striving to be the leader of the sword pavilion.

How can a sword pavilion that hides many magic swords and weapons alone wait for outsiders to become masters?

Wrong direction.

So for so many years, no one can become the master of this sword pavilion.

Because they all regard their peers as their opponents, and regard everything in the sword pavilion as a trial for themselves, for their promotion.

In fact, their real enemy is the sword tool that already has its own ideas in the sword pavilion!


The sword in his palm vibrated, as if it was about to fly away.

Han Muye chuckled lightly, his sword intent slammed into the body of the sword, causing the sword weapon to mourn.

But for a moment, the sword body turned back into a snow-white puppy, and walked obediently beside Han Muye's feet.

Very nice.

Han Muye stood up and looked forward.

Among the mountains and forests, there are many thatched huts and continuous streets and towns.

The sword cultivator who fell on this floor has already been familiar with the search for the creatures here, and then talked to him and got his approval.

As long as they get the approval of the creatures here, they can successfully pass this level and enter the next level.

Han Muye walked quietly and heard a lot of tips for passing the sword pavilion trial.

As long as the creatures on this floor approve, Jianxiu can enter the fourth floor of the sword pavilion with the sword in his hand.

Entering the fourth floor is the beginning of mutual killing.

On the first three floors of the sword pavilion, there is basically no action between swordsmen.

Walking around the thatched hut in the village, Han Muye saw many interesting things.

Some help the white-haired old man to find the lost goat, some carry the old lady across the river, and some buy vegetables for the widow...

There are also many people who go to the town to find rich families and get various tasks.

Those who complete the task will have auras intertwined in their bodies, and then their figures will disappear in place.

At this time, there was a little white dog walking in front of Han Muye's feet, and it seemed that he was also completing his mission.

Many people turned to look at him, some with fear in their eyes, some curious, and some smiling.

As the little white dog roamed around, Han Muye found that the old man in the thatched hut in the mountain or the chicken and duck were extremely afraid of the little white dog.

Only in the villages and towns, the first person who is not afraid of the little white dog is the butcher in the town.

Then all the way forward, the knights in the town, the big men in yamen clothes, and the wealthy households were not afraid of the little white dog, but looked at them with interest.

Han Muye didn't look for someone to talk to like others, but slowly searched the town.

For seven days in a row, he had been in contact with almost everyone.


There was one other person he had no contact with.

The mayor of the town.

During these seven days, most of the sword cultivators had already left the town.

Moreover, according to Han Muye's observation, if the mission has not been completed within seven days, even if the trial fails, he will be kicked out of the sword pavilion.

Many sword cultivators who arrived at this floor earlier than him would be kicked out of the sword pavilion in annoyance when the task could not be completed.

The eighth day of coming to this floor is the last hour of the seven-day time.

Han Muye stopped the mayor wearing a green robe and a gauze hat at the small official hall at the entrance of the town.

Seeing Han Muye, the mayor smiled lightly, and his eyes fell on the little white dog who was cowering in front of his feet.

"Are you here to ask the mayor for help?"

The mayor stretched out his hand and pointed at the yamen standing beside him, and said lightly, "You can ask Zhang Cheng for anything."

The yamen named Zhang Cheng folded his arms and glanced at Han Muye: "Tell me, if there is something, I can give you an easy task."

"In this way, you can help me buy a pig in the stockade."

It takes a long time to go back and forth from the town to the mountain village, and if you buy the pig back, if you can't find Zhang Cheng, this task will not be completed.

At that time, an hour passed.

Zhang Cheng took out a money bag and looked at Han Muye: "You want to keep this little white dog."

Han Muye nodded, bent down and hugged the little white dog with one hand, and took the money bag with the other.

The yamen Zhang Cheng showed joy on his face and reached out to pick up the little white dog.

Han Muye stretched out his hand and pushed, and the little white dog bumped into Zhang Cheng, making him take a step back and slammed his back against the mayor.

Then, the little white dog turned into a long sword and pierced through Zhang Cheng's chest, piercing both him and the mayor behind him at the same time.

The sword light pierced, the two of them clucked a few times, and their bodies dissipated.


The entire third floor of the sword pavilion vibrated, and endless thunder light descended.

All the villagers and living beings turned into sword lights and intertwined, beheading Han Muye.

But before the sword light arrived, Han Muye was already covered by a flash of light and rushed to the fourth floor.

Those sword lights were reluctant to give up and chased after them.

Outside the sword pavilion, the third floor of the sword pavilion can be seen shaking, and countless auras and sword lights are intertwined, and they go straight to the fourth floor.

"The third floor, also woke up..."

Beside Xu Chuanhe, a white-haired old man whispered.

Several other Liukuige Kendo cultivators had complex expressions on their faces.

At this moment, Jiange no longer needs to be motivated by outside disciples to provide spiritual energy.

My own sword pavilion is really about to find its owner...

This kind of feeling is difficult for outsiders to understand.

The sword pavilion has no master, and the strength of Liukui pavilion declines, and will eventually be suppressed by other forces.

But if the sword pavilion has a master, this treasure will become someone else's.

Including those precious swords in the sword pavilion.

Who doesn't feel bad?

"I don't know who got the approval of Jiange?" Someone whispered.

Actually, everyone knows that Han Muye is 9 out of 10 who can do this.

Before the disciple came to report, he had already said about Han Muye's affairs in the sword pavilion.

"Fortunately, Han Muye acted worthy of his conscience, he is a true sword cultivator." Xu Chuanhe showed a smile.

Whether it was a meeting of sword critics or a bad relationship with the Death Tower, what Han Muye did was like a sword cultivator.

This makes everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

The owner of the Jiange Pavilion is the owner of the Liukui Pavilion, and no one wants to have a master with a bad character on his head.


Han Muye had just entered the fourth floor of the sword pavilion when a sword light slashed towards him.

Zhu ignore it!

The strongman of the Seven Lights Sword Sect, now in the Seven Lights Pavilion's Zhu Ignore.

The sword light was magnificent, blocking all of Han Muye's escape routes.

This sword evoked the surrounding aura, and the screaming sound was harsh, as if to crush the space.

The unexpected strike seemed to frighten Han Muye, and he was in mid-air without responding at all.

"That is, Han Muye!" Someone whispered in the distance.

"This sword has at least the third level of out-of-body combat power, it can't be stopped!" Jian Xiu, who had the heart to rescue him, paused, with fear in his eyes.

In the sword pavilion, there is the suppression of Dao domain power, which is different from the outside.

It is the great cultivator of the heaven, and the power of a sword is also compressed to the extreme.

At this time, Zhu ignored the sword, so that the sword repairers who were watching around had no idea of ​​shooting.

"Isn't this guy really unstoppable?" Above the mountains in the distance, Bai Zeyu frowned.

"Hehe, if he really died, it means that the old ancestor also had time to look away." He laughed and turned his head to look into the distance.

Over there, Shui Yue'er of Shui Ling Palace pierced a Jian Xiu's body with a sword.

This sword cultivator's qi, blood and spiritual energy, as well as the sword intent he has cultivated in his life, turned into a stream of light, which was absorbed by the sword in Shui Yue'er's hand.

Warm up the sword with all the power of the practitioner!

The fourth floor turned out to be the real killing place.

Shui Yue'er raised her head and looked at Bai Zeyu with coldness in her eyes.

With a flash of sword light, she looked for another sword repair figure and rushed over.

"Is it from the Spirit Armor Monster Race? The ancestor said that the blood of these Spirit Armor Monster Races is cold. I felt it the last time I tasted it..." Bai Zeyu looked solemn and turned to look in the direction of Han Muye.

At this moment, the sword light that Zhu ignored had already arrived in front of Han Muye, and Han Muye didn't move at all.


In the void behind Han Muye, endless streamers burst out.

This is the sword of the entire three layers rushed into the fourth layer!

The wings of light flashed behind Han Muye's back and disappeared.

The sword light that Zhu ignored was the first to be smashed into pieces.

Before he could react, the torrent of sword light engulfed him.


Countless long swords turned into long dragons, chasing Han Muye away.

As for the engulfed Zhu ignores it, it is as if he never came.

A great out-of-body cultivator just quietly fell on the fourth floor!

This is killing!

Han Muye let out a long laugh and flew away.

The direction in which he flew away was the mountains in the distance.

Behind him, Jianguang became a dragon, chasing after him.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Bai Zeyu had a smile on his face, but the next moment, his smile froze.

The direction that Han Muye flew away was clearly towards him!

"Brother Bai, help!" Han Muye shouted loudly.


Bai Zeyu turned around and ran.

Is this something you can mix in?

Seeing him escape, Han Muye laughed loudly and led the long sword light to turn towards Shui Yue'er.

Originally, Shui Yue'er, who had defeated Jian Xiu in front of him with one sword, and could be killed with one more sword, also changed her face, and finally chose to fly away.


At this moment, the entire fourth floor of the sword pavilion was in chaos.

Han Muye led the sword light and long dragon to wreak havoc, and no one dared to stop.

He was in the middle, and in front of him were thousands of sword cultivators fleeing.

This was originally the fourth floor of the sword pavilion that was supposed to kill each other, but it became a fourth floor to escape.

"Fellow Daoists, we should work together to overcome the difficulties together!" Han Muye shouted.

Then, Jianxiu in front ran one point faster.

"Everyone, this sword light is a great opportunity. If we can disperse the sword light and the dragon, we can become the masters of the sword pavilion." Han Muye shouted again.

Whoever believes this is an idiot.

The sword in front of him ran faster.

With a smile on his face, Han Muye chased after these sword cultivators on the fourth floor of the sword pavilion.

The Jianguang in the back did not give up either, like a torrent rolling.

one day.

Three days.

Ten days.

More and more sword cultivators are not good enough, and their spiritual energy is exhausted.

The long sword flew into the Jianguang Changlong, and then made the Jianguang Changlong stronger.

Ahead, there were originally tens of thousands of practitioners, but now there are less than 10,000.

Bai Zeyu and Shui Yueer ran side by side, both of them looked solemn.

"Grandma's, I knew that I would cut a few swordsmen directly and **** up the blood and spiritual energy. It would be great to leave this floor." Bai Zeyu scolded in a low voice.

Shui Yue'er beside him didn't speak, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, meaning the same.

Who knew that Han Muye would start such a big battle in the fourth floor?

No one dares to stop now, whoever stops will be swallowed by the torrent of sword light.

And in this situation, whoever dares to turn around and kill someone will have to deal with a hateful blow from tens of thousands of Jianxiu.

No one can stop it.

"How about we turn around and kill this Han Muye?"

Someone spoke up.

Then, everyone spoke like an idiot and ignored it.

Who knows if killing Han Muye can lead this sword light away?

Did Han Muye die and Jianguang stopped chasing him?

Who stopped to be the one who shot?

Anyway, as long as he is not the slowest runner, he will not be caught up.


twentieth day.

At this time, on the fourth floor of the sword pavilion, there were only three thousand sword cultivators.

The torrent of sword light behind Han Muye was so powerful that it turned into a dragon shadow and roared in a low voice.

The power of this sword-light dragon has reached a level that makes people not dare to look directly at it.

Bai Zeyu regretted it a little, knowing how good it would have been to shoot directly when Han Muye rushed to the fourth floor?

"Why don't you kill me." Breathing slightly, Bai Zeyu turned to look at Shui Yue'er.

"I want to know whether your blood can be hot."

Shui Yue'er trembled, and there was a hint of complexity in her eyes.

She suddenly froze and flew back, rushing towards Han Muye behind her.

The Young Palace Master of Shui Ling Palace has taken action!

Many people continued to run, and many people stopped.

If Shui Yue'er can't succeed, this trial will definitely fail.

"Fuck!" Bai Zeyu gritted his teeth, let out a low growl, and rushed back.

Bai Zeyu's sword is very thin.

The sword in Shui Yue'er's hand is very short.

The two swords were also filled with water vapor, and the two swords were drawn by the sword light, intertwined, and turned into a dragon, ramming towards Han Muye.

Behind Han Muye, a long sword of light roared.

There is a dragon blocking the road in front, and a sword light turns into a dragon to swallow it.

At this moment, Han Muye seemed to have left the Jedi.

"You can abandon your sword." Bai Zeyu's voice came.

Abandon the sword?

Han Muye had a smile on his face.

He slowly spread his hands.

The sword in his hand slowly fell.

Bai Zeyu widened his eyes.

Really give up the sword?

Abandoned the trial?

Isn't this guy a sword repairer, why did he really abandon his sword?

Han Muye abandoned his sword and left, so wouldn't he just slam his head into the long sword of light, and nothing would be left?

Did you think something wrong?


Right in front of Bai Zeyu, the long sword that Han Muye put down in his hand turned into a golden lion, and was wrapped by a long dragon behind him.

The sword light roared, and the aura burst.

When all the light and shadow dissipated, Han Muye was no longer in front of him.

This guy was swallowed by the sword light?

"He, he has already been recognized by Jianguang..." Shui Yue'er had a complicated expression on her face and whispered in her mouth.

It has long been recognized by Jianguang!

Bai Zeyu gritted his teeth and nodded.

Everyone thought that the Jianguang Changlong was here to hunt down Han Muye.

After all, the scene that swallowed Zhu ignored before was in front of him.

But everyone was deceived by Han Muye.

This sword light was clearly chasing after Han Muye and wanted to recognize him as the master!

Now, Jianguang merged with his sword weapon, leading him to the fifth floor of Jiange Pavilion.

"Are you still fighting?"

Bai Zeyu looked at Shui Yueer.

Shui Yue'er looked up at him and suddenly waved her sword.

The sword slashed at Bai Zeyu's arm, and blood splashed on her clothes and cheeks.

"Sure enough, it's hot..."

The words fell, and she let go of the sword in her hand.

Then, the figure turned into nothingness.


Bai Zeyu's expression froze, he was silent for a moment, and released the sword in his hand.

On the fourth floor of the sword pavilion, most sword cultivators chose to leave.

Seeing the scene where Han Muye brought the sword light and the long dragon, and seeing him and the sword light long dragon, who has the courage to challenge?

At this time, Han Muye was standing in a void, with a sword cultivator in a green robe standing in front of him.

Left Tianya.

Seven Lights Pavilion powerhouse, out-of-body cultivator.

"I've been waiting for you here for three months." Zuo Tianya looked at Han Muye.

"For the fifth floor trial of the sword pavilion, you need to wait for the person you want to fight the most."

"You didn't let me down, come here alive."

Zuo Tianya's expression remained unchanged, his hand resting lightly on the hilt of the sword.

"Let me kill you and get everything from you, I can't say, I also have the opportunity to become the master of this sword pavilion."

The voice fell, and the sword was unsheathed.

The sword in Zuo Tianya's hand is not fancy, just fast.

When Han Muye was approaching, there was no way to deal with it, so he could only hold his sword to block.

But how can a sword cultivator who is half-stepped from the heavenly realm, a sword cultivator who is out of his body from heaven?

A sneer appeared on Zuo Tianya's face.

He was waiting here to kill Han Muye using the rules of the swordsmanship trial.

Now, the wait has finally come.

Seeing the sword light falling on his chest, Han Muye's expression did not change at all.

He raised his hand and raised the sword in his palm.

When his sword appeared, Zuo Tianya's complexion changed.

What kind of sword is this!

The sword light converges, but the sword intent in it is surging like the sea.

The general trend carried by the sword directly solidifies the void.

"You, your sword—"

They were all swords obtained from trials, how could Han Muye's sword be so strong?

Zuo Tianya could not imagine.

The sword in his own hand is only a mid-grade spiritual weapon, how come the opponent's is already extremely powerful in spirituality, it is clearly a magic weapon!

"This is the rule..." Han Muye whispered softly.


The rules of the sword pavilion.

Zuo Tianya used the rules to wait for him, why didn't he use the rules here?

Outside, facing a big sword cultivator like Zuo Tianya, Han Muye would never be able to deal with it unless he used his own divine soul sword and divine beast power.

But on the fifth floor of the sword pavilion, he just needs to let the sword in his hand fully stimulate his power.

Because, after absorbing all the sword light from the sword in his hand, the power in it has surpassed the magic weapon.

This is a spiritual treasure that has surpassed the existence of magic weapons!

This was the first time that Han Muye had controlled a spirit treasure.


Jianguang smashed Zuo Tianya on the opposite side, then reversed, gathering all of Zuo Tianya's power, wrapped around Han Muye's body, and disappeared in place.

When the scene in front of Han Muye flowed, settled, and solidified, he felt that he was in a quaint attic with sunlight streaming in from the window.

In front, there is a chessboard on a small table, and two people in green robes sit opposite each other, each holding a chess piece.

"It's really you."

Han Muye nodded, shook his head again, and said softly, "I thought about it, but I didn't think about it."

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