Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 920: Where else is it big?

  Chapter 920 How big is it?


  Pei's side.

  Gong Zeli's car has parked in Pei's yard.

  On the main seat of the sofa in the living room, Du Meilan took a sip of coffee unhurriedly, reviewing the contract amendment terms sent by the secretary on the phone.

  Anna was sitting beside her, she was as cute as her daughter.

   Gong Zeli sneered in her heart, but she lived in Pei's house for a few months, did she really consider herself the eldest lady of Pei's house?

   It is obvious that she is Anna's stepmother, who has taken care of her daily life in the Duke's Mansion for several years, and dressed her up in a glamorous way, but now her elbows are turned outwards, making Gong Zeli look like that outsider.

  Bitch is hypocritical!

  But Gong Zeli came prepared this time, and she hid all her emotions well.

  Nothing can be seen on the surface, with a scrutinizing and gentle expression.

   waited patiently for Du Meilan to finish.

   After reviewing the contract, Du Meilan replied in a foreign language, put away her mobile phone, and put the coffee on the coffee table in front of her. The bottom of the cup touched the glass surface of the coffee table and made a crisp sound.

  Ms. Du slowly raised her eyelids at the same time, "Young Master Ling, how are you doing recently?"

   "He recently..."

  Du Meilan asked very naturally, and Gong Zeli was about to answer, but as soon as the first three words were out of her mouth, she quickly reined in the precipice.

  This woman is too cunning, deliberately used this way to trick her!

   "I haven't seen him for a long time," Gong Zeli said pretendingly, "Anna is still here, Madam Du, don't mention such unhappy things."

  Du Meilan patted Anna's hand and smiled, "The Duchess should be a sensible person, who knows what she wants, and also to get what she wants."

  The warning in these words was very obvious. Gong Zeli clenched her hands under the handbag into fists, but she still smiled, "Thank you Madam Du for reminding me."

   "Anna," Gong Zeli looked over, "It's time to leave, let's say goodbye to Mrs. Du."

  Anna's fingers tugged at the tutu skirt covering her legs...


   Last year, when Sangya was attended as a special guest, it happened to be the opening ceremony of Jingyang University.

  So there are three hours of cultural performances ahead.

   But this year, the time did not come together. It has been more than a month since the new students in Jingyang started school, so today is the opening meeting specially held for the pk competition. It can be seen that the school pays more attention to this event this year, and intends to create more brilliance, surpassing last year.

  There was no cultural performance at the opening ceremony, and after the school leaders finished speaking, it was Su Ji who came on stage.

  At this moment, all the students and the media have already sat down.

  Su Ji also took a seat at the guest seat on the rostrum.

   "Principal, this is student Su." The school leader respectfully led an old gentleman in a Chinese tunic suit over here, and at the same time motioned to the old gentleman to Su Ji.

   This person is the principal of Jingyang, and he also spoke at the opening ceremony last year, but Su Ji didn't pay much attention to it. This is the first direct contact.

  I heard that it is not easy to meet the principal in Jingyang. Basically, he will attend and give a speech only at the opening ceremony every year.

   Being able to come today, the whole opening ceremony was full of brilliance.

  The headmaster met her eyes, and he had the aura of being in a high position for a long time.

  Passing by Su Ji's seat, he stopped and smiled, "Don't forget the original intention, the future can be expected."

   Cherishing ink like gold, he is indeed the highest leader of the school.

  Su Ji also responded with two words in a unified style, "Thank you."

  The headmaster nodded and didn't leave immediately, but waited for a while.

  Su Ji thought he was looking elsewhere, and had already turned his attention away from them, with his mobile phone in his hand, and started a game before the conference started.

  The headmaster shook hands behind his back unnaturally. For some reason, he seemed a little embarrassed.

   And the game in Su Ji's hand has been matched, she clicks to confirm and enters the hero selection stage—

  The game sound came out, and the headmaster gave her a suspicious look.

   She is a pretty little girl, but she has a lot of energy all over her body.

  The school leader was even more surprised, and opened his mouth to remind Su Ji, but the principal had already walked away.

  Su Ji heard the sound and glanced at the school leader, but didn't understand what he meant by winking.

  The school leader, the emperor, was not in a hurry and the eunuchs were not in a hurry. Finally, he couldn't hold back and said, "The principal came to see you specially. What a great opportunity. Why didn't you shake hands with the principal?"

  Su Ji asked him solemnly, "What opportunity?"

"Of course it is..." The school leader suddenly choked up in the middle of his words. Thinking about it carefully, Su Ji has no shortage of contacts in the entertainment industry, but if he is in school, he will have an easy way out... Su Ji has already graduated!

   In this way, besides being old and arrogant, what else is their principal?


  The emotive voice of the host comes out through the microphone, and the opening ceremony is about to begin.

  The school leader smiled and returned to his seat.

  The previous staff returned to the entrance of the backstage after finishing their work, looked around, and finally saw the paparazzi in black with a large satchel coming from the direction of the bathroom.

   "It can be regarded as coming out, go back and sit down, it will start soon," the staff member said as he walked towards him, but the man passed him directly, as if he didn't hear what he said.

  He walked out with his head depressed, the brim of his hat was pressed down very low, and he was dressed in black very unobtrusively, and he quickly disappeared into the crowd.

   And the big satchel on his shoulder seemed to sink before it came...

   "Who is it?" the staff gave him an annoyed look, "that's really rude."


  The conference officially started, and the stands in the playground were full.

   Some wonderful live replays of last year's pk competition were released on the big screen.

  In the beginning, it was the part where Su Ji sang a cappella on the balcony of the dormitory in the preliminary round.

   Suddenly seeing the archaeological images of himself back then, Su Ji said, "..."

  The low-level pixels are enlarged and blurred.

  Under the shadow of the moon, she leaned against the railing of the dormitory and sang, with a melancholy expression. At that time, Su Ji thought she was cool, but looking at it's hard to describe...

  But she was the only one who didn't see it, and the juniors were all fascinated.

   Even if he is a black fan, he has to admit that Su Ji's face is very resistant even in such a blurry pixel, and the pitch can reach such a level without the mixing of the a cappella, and his strength is so good that he has no friends.

   "Sister's live broadcast back then was really amazing!"

   "I wonder if someone can break her record this year?"

  The screen was broadcast for one minute, looking at Su Ji who was as calm as before, under the table, three rooms and one living room were found with his toes.

   She couldn't bear it for another second, and looked at her hand holding the teacup, which was already aimed at the center of the big screen.

  But just one second before she was about to act—the screen switched to the live content of other contestants.

  The timing is just right.

  Su Ji loosened his joints, and the teacup fell safely back onto the side table.

big screen:

  It saved its own life by virtue of its strength!

  (end of this chapter)

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