Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 913: The **** who ruined his life completely! ! !

  Chapter 913 The **** who completely ruined his life! !

  At the same time, M state.

The Duke had just hung up the cross-border phone call with Huaguo. Du Meilan gave him eye drops for half an hour, and then hung up the phone. The Duke wiped his face with a headache, and then raised his head. Gong Zeli was standing in front of him holding a tea tray, with a gentle and virtuous smile on her face.

   "Husband, drink some ginseng tea. This is a recipe I learned from a friend in Huaguo."

  The Duke took the teacup and put it aside. He looked at his wife with scrutiny in his eyes.

Those eyes are very deep, filled with years of hostility, like a searchlight on the operating table, which can directly see through a person's soul, "Go to Huaguo to pick up Anna back next week, I will leave this matter to you, I hope you can do well..."

  The implication is that this is a test for her, and it will also be her last chance.

  Faced with such pressure, anyone with bad intentions will have nowhere to hide.

   Gong Zeli still looked at him firmly, "Don't worry, husband, I will definitely bring our little Anna back safely."

  The Duke nodded, and Gong Zeli took away the tea tray.

  After leaving the study, she closed the door behind her, leaning her back lightly on the door, and finally let out the breath that was always in her heart...

  Looking at the time, the Duke will have a two-hour O League meeting in a while.

She went back to the room and changed her clothes, and came out of the cloakroom again, wearing a low-key go-out dress and a gauze hat. Before going out, she explained to the servant, "The meeting will start in a while, and I will go in every half hour to change the tea. "

  The servant nodded in response.

   Gong Zeli, "If the Duke asks me..."

  The servant paused for a moment, and immediately returned with ease, "Madam has gone out to prepare Miss Anna's daily necessities, and should be back soon!"

   Gong Zeli hooked her lower lip in satisfaction.


The car left the embassy and headed for the busiest commercial street nearby. The driver found a place to stop. Gong Zeli got off the car and entered through Exit A of the commercial street. A few minutes later, she left through Exit D, which was the farthest, and got on the bus. Another car ready in advance.

   It can be seen that she is very cautious.

  Because where she is going next, she must definitely not let the Duke know...

  Forty minutes later, Gong Zeli arrived at a secluded apartment, and the car parked directly in the underground parking lot. Gong Zeli was wearing a gauze hat, and her head was slightly lowered the whole time.

  It wasn't until she came out of the elevator on the top floor that the servants in the apartment greeted her. Gong Zeli took off her hat and gloves, and looked into the room eagerly, "How is the young master today?"

  The servant's voice was reassuring, "Mrs., when the young master just woke was okay, but then I saw some news on the phone, and just got angry and smashed all the cups you bought last time..."

   "What?" Gong Zeli said sharply, "Didn't I tell you to look at him, and stop him from always looking at his phone?"

  The servant showed embarrassment, "Mrs., we talked about it, but the young master didn't listen to us at all..."

   A bunch of trash!

   Gong Zeli slandered, waved her hands irritably, and walked into the room.

   This is no longer the villa where she settled her son before, and the conditions are far worse than that there, but in order to avoid the Duke's eyeliner, she had no choice but to make a bad move.

As soon as I entered, I saw my son standing in front of the sofa in the living room. The surrounding area was in a mess. On the carpet, beside the coffee table, and in the corner of the TV cabinet, there were scattered glass fragments that had not been cleaned in time, and the son was staring at him. Holding the mobile phone in his hand, his short hair was sloppy upside down, and the shirt on his upper body was only a few buttons buttoned casually. He was completely different from the former Miyazawatian.

  In the past, Miyazawada cared most about his appearance. His clothes were always straight and his hairstyle was always particular.

   But not anymore.

Hearing the sound, Miyazawa turned his face towards the door. Several dark purple scars that were distorted like centipedes were interlaced and clearly visible on the originally clear face. His entire face seemed to be re-stitched from fragments. Agitated by anger, the color of those scars became more obvious and hideous.

  The servants all shrank their necks and waited aside, and no one dared to make a sound.

   Gong Zeli's handbag fell on the floor, she covered her mouth in distress, and cried silently in pain.

  When Miyazawatian just escaped from Huaguo, he was not like this, but later Zhou Zicheng was arrested, and the plastic surgeon who was supposed to help him remove the stitches and recover after surgery was also rescued by the police and escorted back to China.

After returning to State M, Gong Zeli was eager to help her son move the residence to ensure that the Duke would not find out, but during those few days, the wound on Gong Zetian's face began to fester because it had not been treated before the stitches were removed Inflammation, and Gong Zeli couldn't help her son find the best plastic surgeon in M ​​state as high-profile as before, so she had to find a private clinic in the end.

The people and doctors there had limited skills, and they would never dismantle the highly skilled stitching techniques left on Miyazawa's face by the former plastic surgeon. But it turns out...

   Miyazawatian was obviously only one small step away from being able to completely restore his appearance, but the final result was completely different from what he expected!

  He was thrown into the 18th floor of hell, and his face—was completely disfigured!

  Later, Gong Zeli went to many plastic surgery hospitals, but the doctors shook their heads when they saw Gong Zetian's face.

  They really can't cure it, and... dare not cure it.

  In State M, no one dares to oppose the Duke.

  When he knew that he could only live with such a face for the rest of his life, Miyazawa's temper became more and more dark and irritable, and he often lost his temper at every turn, and sometimes he even beat the servants violently.

  Gong Zeli comforted her son, negotiated with the injured servant, and had to face the Duke when she returned to the Duke's mansion. She still looked as beautiful as a snake on the outside, but she was rotten on the inside, exhausted both physically and mentally.

   Miyazawa stared at Miyazawa Li, chest heaving, a pair of eyes sandwiched between the scars seemed to be out of frame, filled with scarlet bloodshot bloodshot from anger.

  Now Miyazawada doesn't look in the mirror, and he no longer cares about his appearance. All his strength and energy are focused on one thing, or in other words, on one person.

  Gong Zeli knows without looking at it. At this moment, her son is pinching the phone in the palm of her hand, and what is displayed must be Huaguo's news about Su Ji.

  【Jingyang's new annual live PK competition is about to start, and it is reported on the Internet that this year's champion will have the opportunity to cooperate with honorary graduate Su Ji! 】

  【The whole school set off a frantic competition boom! This will be the most exciting PK Grand Prix in Jingyang! 】

   These are the two news pages Miyazawa just browsed.

   She is beautiful again.

  The **** who completely ruined his life! !

  (end of this chapter)

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