Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 855: The whole network is boiling!

  Chapter 855 The whole network is boiling!

  #The most embarrassing engagement banquet in history! 【burst】#

  #Su Ji is pregnant! 【burst】#

  # Pre-marital property notarization agreement! 【burst】#

  #贝庆申 All face replacements! 【burst】#


   One day's time is not in vain. Netizens who came slowly have not waited to finish the news copy, and all kinds of hot search terms rushed to the list.

  The reporters really didn't mean to delay time, let alone make a stunt, it's just that the hot spots in this engagement banquet were too dense!

   Then wait for the official announcement of the "Qing Qiu Jue" crew to come out the next day, just in time for the peak of popularity.

  Long Dahai didn't expect that he really managed to catch up!

   And as soon as I arrived at the office, I saw those screenwriters and assistant directors meeting their heads and gossiping together.

   "What's the matter? What's the matter?" This momentum doesn't look right at first glance, it seems that it is not an ordinary hot search.

  The screenwriters and assistant directors looked back at him neatly, "Our beauty Xuanji is pregnant! Pregnant!"


  Long Dahai didn't realize in the first second that Xuanji was pregnant? Isn't this bullshit? But in the second second, the brain circuit was connected.

   "What?" He leaned forward, his eyelids were dazed, "Su Xiaoji is...pregnant?!"

   After he finished speaking, he remembered that when he and Su Ji were discussing how to get popular, Su Ji seemed to have really said... She might be on the trending search that day.

   At the time, I thought it was because of the hot search about the engagement banquet, but now I saw the news and suddenly realized.

  Su Xiaoji...It's so interesting to their crew! !

  As soon as the news of Su Ji's pregnancy hit the hot searches, within a short while, some talented netizens synthesized the appearance of their future baby based on the photos of Su Ji and Pei Huai, and posted it on the Internet.

   It was forwarded crazily as soon as it was sent out.

This is the first time netizens have seen that white, tender and chubby appearance, but a little baby over one year old can be full of domineering, dragging to death, with eyebrows and eyes more like Pei Huai, and jaw more like Su Ji, it's amazing, netizens are looking forward to it even more!

  Shi Sledgehammer, who had been emo'ing for several days in a small black room, was now facing the phone screen with a green beard on his face.

After a long while, the hand holding the phone shook and ran away, "I knew she was pregnant! With my years of experience, it is absolutely impossible to make a mistake! I didn't spread rumors at all! Why should I block my account!! "

  However, there are many things in this world without 'why'.

  Since you have fallen, just admit it.

   What became popular was not only the breaking news about Su Ji's engagement banquet, but also the beautiful photos of his face recorded by the reporter's high-definition camera!

Incomparably gorgeous venues, delicious food and wine that make people yearn for, elegant guests who look very temperamental, and the high society engagement banquet in real life may not be as exaggerated as you see in movies and TV dramas, but the low-key and restrained is just the appearance , a big internet celebrity analyzed the details of the engagement banquet through a few pictures, and even the tableware and paper towels were printed with a certain luxury logo, and the clothes and bags on the guests were even unfamiliar. Famous, but an insider can directly drop his jaw.

   On the main hall of the first floor, compared with the global limited editions that everyone has never seen before, the attention of netizens is more focused on the appearance of the guests in the main hall!

  【My Lord Shang is so handsome! 】

  【When Miaomiao doesn't drink herself too's still quite eye-catching! 】

  【Jingshen! you! yes! my God! 】

  【Brother Xu Ni's evil smile makes me disappear! ! 】

【etc! I thought our elder brother's table was absolutely stunning, but... look at the main table again! 】

  【Fuck... Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck! ! 】

In the eyes of the fans, my brother and sister must be the most handsome and beautiful boys, so at the beginning, everyone focused on the celebrities at the tables, but later, when some netizens drew everyone's attention to the main table On the other side, netizens were shocked to find out that the one with the most handsome appearance was actually sitting at the main table of the Su Pei family! !

  Pei Xi, Pei Song, Pei Huai, needless to say the three siblings of the extremely aloof wealthy family, when these three sit together talking and laughing, everything around them is gloomy.

  Pei Xi has a strong face, Pei Song is a gentle scum, Pei Huai... Pei Huai is now a national fiancé, the kind who is offered a huge reward.

  But what netizens didn't expect was that Pei Shizhan, Du Meilan, Pei Qingshen, and even Pei Xingxing...

  The four generations of the old, the middle-aged, the young, and the young live together. When everyone sits together, each one is more amazing than the other. Even the butler’s appearance is not exaggerated at all. The picture in the same frame is like a family of vampires.

  Post-cold and noble, elegant and calm.

  Although Pei Qingshen is usually a funny grandpa, the appearance in the photo is very capable of bluffing people, and his temperament is too amazing.

  Su Cunyi and Xu Mingzhi's interactions were captured on the Su's side.

  With more fans, it is inevitable that there will be those who love cult CP.

  Someone specially cut out the CUT of Su’s father and Su’s mother’s eyes or body interaction, and shouted to reunite and give their husband a complete home!

  However, the popularity had just picked up, before reaching the top five in the rankings, Xu Mingzhi withdrew the search and deleted the post, and dug up the roots.

   Some jokes can't be taken, and some people can't be messed with.

  The photo of Cao Zhuzhu and her mother in the same frame is also on the hot search, and related entries Pei Song has been paying attention to the trend of public opinion.

   Then I found out that the netizens' reaction to their mother and daughter was not a problem, they were all kinds of praises and surprises.

  Only one of them happened to be Pei Song standing with Cao Zhuzhu and Xie Lingyu. Pei Song paid attention to the comments below.

   This is not the first time he has been on the entertainment news, he has never watched it before, and he pays special attention to it today.

  【Suddenly feel that the aura of our Zhuzhu family is also very compatible with the Pei family, have you noticed...】

  Pei Song felt that this netizen had a good eye, so he backhandedly liked this reply.

   As a result, the netizen added another sentence under his comment.

  【This photo seems to be a family of three, mom and dad with our Zhuzhu daughter? 】

  Pei Song's smile froze on his face.

   What's even more irritating is that there are still a lot of fans below.

  【I didn’t think so before, but after being told by the floor master, it seems to be a bit similar! 】

  【Looking at Erye Pei again, the eyes of our Zhuzhu have become kind! 】

  Pei Song, "..."

  Although there is a bit of a joke, is a bit too much to be true!

  The legendary Second Master Pei was too aggressive in the early years, no matter whether it was a club or a bar, it was always full of water everywhere he went.

  Although "Gui Yin Tianju" has become a gold medal daddy in recent years, his appearance has not deteriorated at all. On the contrary, he has more mature and calm aura than when he was young.

   So much so that Pei Song couldn't imagine that when the three of them stood together and appeared in the camera at the same time, netizens actually thought that he and his future mother-in-law were in the same age group!

  (end of this chapter)

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