Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 831: Friendly reminder: don't set a flag in front of your sister

  Chapter 831 Friendly reminder: Don't set a flag in front of your sister!



  The plan for reshooting the shots was changed to the next day, because the shooting was done indoors and the requirements for natural light were not high.

  In order to avoid the paparazzi, all the staff gathered at the venue they rented in Hengdian at six in the morning.

  Su Ji was sent here by Pei Huai. Last night she... went back to Xu's house to live!

  Pei Huai just heard what happened yesterday, so she was worried, so she went to Xu's house early this morning to pick her up for the set.

Yesterday afternoon, the atmosphere was very good, the air was dry and hot, Aunt Gong stepped back as soon as she emerged from the corridor without making a sound that disrupted the atmosphere. Later, Xiao Tong fell to the ground, but did not wake up , "Gulu Gulu" rolled a few times on the tatami, and finally fell asleep on his face.

  Su Ji tugged at his sleeve to keep his balance, and finally tore off a cuff button from his cuff.

  But with such an enthusiastic start, when Pei Huai carried Su Ji back to his room, Su Ji stopped him.

  Pei Huai asked her why, Su Ji said aunt.

  Pei Huai replied without thinking, "It's still half a month."

  Su Ji said again, "I'm tired and don't want to move."

Pei Huai then wanted to reply "I don't need you to move", but he didn't say anything. Looking at her tired face, he was silent for a long time, and rubbed her head with his big hand, his voice was very gentle, "Go back to the room, coax you sleep."

  The two of them went back to the room, and the door closed behind them.

  Xiaotong himself is left in the living room, no one cares, lying on the tatami like a dead body.

  Su Ji didn't want to hide Pei Huai's pregnancy, but he didn't find the time to speak up.

  The two of them were eating, and she suddenly said that she was pregnant, which was quite abrupt.

  She threw stones and asked passing by several times, but Pei Huai was very firm every time.

Later, he even said that his long-cherished wish was to be a DINK. He also said that he had cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder. He couldn’t stand the mess in the room, so he didn’t like children very much. There were reasons and evidences, and he didn’t give Su Ji any breath. Keep.

  Su Ji thinks he deserves it.

   He deserved to know about it a few days later.

  Pei Huai sent her to the crew, brought food and drinks to the staff, and then met with Jin Fengze and Long Dahai.

  Jin Fengze shook hands with him very politely, while Long Dahai was even more enthusiastic.

  Su Ji stood by and listened to their chats before he realized that Pei's bid with an absolute advantage squeezed out the previous titled advertisers, and successfully made people like Jin Fengze who valued credibility "betrayed".

   Now Pei Huai is already the veritable father of "The Judgment of Qingqiu", the biggest party A.

   Watching the rich man talking and laughing happily with Director Jin and Deputy Director Long.

  Su Ji, "..."

   She should have guessed.

  The atmosphere of the chat over there was relaxed, Pei Huai gave away the favor he was about to give away, and before leaving, he told Jin Fengze, "My fiancée has been taken care of by Director Jin."

  Su Ji, a "newcomer in the workplace" who got the role through his own efforts, has just become a relationship account.

  She thinks... quite cool~

   And Jin Fengze's reply was very intriguing, "Don't worry, Mr. Pei, we started early today. I rented the venue for a whole day, and Xiao Su can NG whatever he wants."

  It seems that the performance of the original body last time still left them with lingering fears.

   There was still time before Su Ji started to change clothes. Beside the car, she hugged Pei Huai, her whole face was buried in the shirt in front of him, and she leaned against him.

  Woke up too early, sleepy.

   It's a bit dependent.

  Another one is now officially announced anyway, and I don’t fear that others will see it, so I will spread dog food generously.

  Her fiancé himself is a recruiter, and fans of rich women can smash into a big wall for him, but Su Ji, as his real girlfriend, can calm down when he faces that face and body every day?

  Pei Huai's shirt was newly dry-cleaned by the maid, and it smells very good.

And the movement of her hugging him was sudden. At that time, Pei Huai put one hand into the pocket of his trousers and was about to pick up his mobile phone. Suddenly, he was hugged by her from the front. At this moment, he still kept one hand in his pocket of his trousers. The other hand went around behind Su Ji's slender but well-defined shoulders, and his strong arms hugged her tightly, pulling her towards him. He rested his chin on top of her head and rubbed it gently.

  At this moment, there are at least 20 pairs of eyes around the owner, wanting to immediately pass through Su Ji!

   It took only five minutes to get tired and crooked, and pairs of jealous eyes almost stared at the back of Su Ji's head.

  But Su Ji is stuck right now, and doesn't care about pulling hatred.

  Later, the staff arranged the venue in a similar manner. Su Ji went back to the dressing room and started to change clothes. He passed an actor in the corridor, and the actor looked at her with complicated eyes.

  Su Ji has filmed this episode before, so of course he knows this actor.

  He is going to act opposite her for a while, play her confidant, and tell her what the reporter Nobunaga did, and then Xuanji, played by Su Ji, smashes the teacup to the ground angrily, and the rest is the same as before.

  At this moment, the actor's night clothes have not been changed, but the makeup on his face has been painted.

Because it is monster special effect makeup, it takes a lot of time, and there are molds and so on. The hooked nose and thick forehead are molded in advance, and now they are all pasted on the face, and then painted black and purple lips. , very hard.

  Because of all these hardships, the actor has some opinions on Su Ji.

   After all, he was already tired after wearing makeup for a few hours last time, but because the original body had been NG, he didn't get a shot, and he was almost scratched by the teacup thrown by the original body.

  Yesterday, he also came to make up three hours early, and then he just finished the painting, and was informed that the filming was changed to today, and the reason was still Su Ji.

   And then today, in order to avoid the paparazzi, Director Jin moved up the group time to six o'clock in the morning, causing him to come over to put on makeup at three o'clock in the middle of the night!

  The whole person is wearing stars and moons, the dark circles do not need makeup at all, they are naturally formed, and the delicate skin on the face has begun to burst due to repeated pasting and casting. Coupled with black and purple lips, not to mention how scary!

  And just now he saw Su Ji and their beneficiary father from the window.

  It's amazing to have a backstage. The acting was so bad that time, Director Jin wasn't even angry with her.

  Have that boring time, can't you use it to improve your professional ability? !


  Receiving the resentful eyes from the actor, Su Ji touched the tip of his nose, and said very politely, "Sorry, I will take one shot to the end today, so you can call it a day."

  But the male actor just said "huh" directly, and his attitude was not good, and it could even be said to be very bad.

   "Can you take one shot to the end?" He randomly pointed around the casts on his face, "Then I'll eat all of these casts!"

   After finishing speaking, he hummed again, turned his head away proudly, and turned to his own lounge next to him.

   Aimeng came over with the dog food-flavored milk tea issued by Mr. Pei, and frowned upon seeing this, "What do you mean, him?"

  Ai Yan's eyes reminded her to keep her voice down, and don't cause trouble for their artists.

  Afterwards, two pairs of small eyes looked at Su Ji.

  Su Ji wasn't angry, she was just thinking, those films on the actor's face... can they be eaten?

  (end of this chapter)

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