Chapter 778 See it?

  Yuanchen's expression froze for a moment.

   It took a few seconds to react.

   Looking up in disbelief, Xu Mingzhi was looking at her.

  The expression on his face is secretive, but at least, he is not angry.

  I thought that my mother would criticize her severely after she found out that she had sneaked out, but who knew that not only did she not, she even agreed to let her out of the hospital and take her home?

   "Really?" Yuan Shen raised his voice, "Can I really be discharged from the hospital?"

  Xu Mingzhi nodded, then looked at Wei Wei.

  Wei Wei understood, "Mr. Xu, miss, you talk first, I'll call the doctor right away."

  Yuanchen's mood at the moment can be described as sunny.


  Early the next morning, Wei Wei completed the discharge procedures for the eldest lady.

  Yuanchen also packed up all the things he was going to bring when he was discharged from the hospital.

  In the ward, Xu Mingzhi answered the call from the third company, his tone was always vigorous and decisive, calm and full of gray and humorous sarcasm.

   "I was just absent from the company all morning. Don't tell me that you can't handle such a trivial matter. Lao Gao, you are more than two rounds older than my daughter, and you still use me to teach you again?"

Yuanshen looked over, and at this moment, her mother was standing in front of the window with her back to her, with one hand holding the phone close to her ear, and the other hand supporting the elbow of that hand, her pointed high-heeled shoes were slightly angled apart, standing The posture is casual and full of publicity.

   Although the words spoken were hurtful, they were in an extremely calm tone.

  The original body couldn't help being amazed.

   This is the first time she has been with her mother for such a long time. It turns out that her mother is such a strong woman.

  Compared to her father who has soft ears and no ability to judge whores... Of course she prefers to live with her mother.

  Was lost in thought, Xu Mingzhi hung up the phone and turned to look at her.

  Yuanchen had already packed all his things during the hospitalization period into the suitcase.

   "Why don't the nurses clean it up?" Xu Mingzhi asked, with a dull expression on his face.

  Yuanchen smiled happily, and said in a half-joking tone, "Mom forgot? The nurses were fired by my mother yesterday."

  Xu Mingzhi paused for a moment, then raised his eyebrows.

   Indeed forgot.

  Because she didn't focus on other things since she received Xiao Pei's call yesterday.

   "When you get home, tell Mama Wu to do anything. She is smart and can take good care of you."

  Yuan body, "Thank you, Mom."

  She jumped out of bed and took out several bags with brand logos from under the bed.

  Since mom already knew about her sneaking out some time ago, she doesn't have to hide it now.

  Xu Mingzhi glanced at the bags, but didn't say anything.

   When she looked away and looked elsewhere, Yuan Shen mysteriously took out a bag from inside.

   "Mom, this is for you..."

  Xu Mingzhi turned his head and saw that the original body took out a thing wrapped in colored rattle paper from the bag, pulled off the thin cotton rope, unwrapped the wrapping paper, and the things inside were exposed.

   That’s a plaid scarf from a not-so-cheap brand.

  The style is simple and elegant, neither gaudy nor exaggerated.

   Very business.

   It is a style that suits Xu Mingzhi, at least from the perspective of the original body, it is very suitable for his mother.

  Xu Mingzhi stopped his hand by his side for a few seconds before taking it.

   "Okay," she said, "Mom takes it."


  After leaving the hospital, in the car, Xu Mingzhi asked Yuanshen if he wanted to go back to his place or send her to Su's house.

  Yuan took her arm and leaned his head on her shoulder, "I want to live with my mother."

  Xu Mingzhi, "..."

  Later, the phone rang, and it was still about work. This old Gao was a fool, and she planned to turn him off after returning home.

  But right now, with the action of answering the phone, she was able to pull her arm away from the original body without any trace.

  Yuan didn't notice it, and looked at the scenery on both sides in a good mood.

  Back to Xu's house, Xu Mingzhi had asked Mama Wu to tidy up the room.

  Put what should be put away.

  Yuanchen had seen his room before, and he was quite satisfied with the place where he would stay in the future.

  Put the things in, and Mama Wu said proactively, "I'll just pack the things. Lunch is ready. Madam, Miss, you can eat now."

   She is indeed a clever and capable servant, and the original body looked at her and thought, compared to that mother Zou of the Su family, she is many times better.

   Sure enough, the decision to go back here with my mother was right.

  The position next to the dining table, you can see what is playing on the TV.

  The original body heard the voice familiar, but looking at it, isn't it his own voice.

   It's strange to say that the sounds are all from her mouth, but the pronunciation habits are different, the tone of speech is different, and it sounds different to people.

  Unknowingly, the original body's speaking habit had already started to imitate Su Ji.

At this moment, "Billions of Stars" is rebroadcasting on TV. The original body raised the remote control and pressed it a few times. The next station is "Entertainment 100%", and the beautiful hostess is introducing Su Ji. Another drama of his, "Qingqiu Jue".

  The phone display of the program was yesterday, which was recorded and broadcast.

  Xu Mingzhi usually watches TV only those channels related to her daughter.

Over time, Madam Wu developed a habit. When Madam was busy with work, she would consciously record the TV related to the eldest lady and save it in her favorites. When Madam had time, when she got home and turned on the TV, it would be her Pre-recorded stations.

  For some unknown purpose, Yuan himself turned off the TV.

   When he lightly threw the remote control back on the dining table, he couldn't hide his expression for a moment, and was caught by Xu Mingzhi's sharp eyes.

  She half-closed her eyes, took a sip of coffee, and didn't move her chopsticks much.

   "What's the schedule for the day," she asked.

  The original body restrained his thoughts, "That..."

  She smacked a cute smile as usual, "Mom, I want to go to the set tomorrow..."

  Xu Mingzhi slowly put down the teacup, looked at her like a scalpel, put aside her heart, disassembled it, and could see clearly.

  Yuan felt guilty for no reason, and took the initiative to explain, "I'm not filming, I just go to visit the seniors of the crew. It is very important to maintain contacts in the entertainment industry, especially with people who are more famous than me."

   "Really," Xu Mingzhi said in an unclear tone, "You know the entertainment industry well?"

   "After all, I've been in the industry for a few years, so I know a little about these things..." Yuan body took a quick look at her, and then looked away.

  I can’t say it, but it always feels weird.

  Did mom... see something?

  But I think it shouldn't be.

  If she knew that she was not a concubine, she probably wouldn't have taken her home to live with her.

  And recently, she pays special attention to her words and demeanor. She looks more and more like a concubine. Mom shouldn't be able to tell...

  (end of this chapter)

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