Chapter 1031 Hugged into arms

   As soon as the words fell, a sour feeling permeated from the cabin in an instant.

  Su Ji and Nan Miaomiao looked at each other and shrugged.

  Of course they all know who the family members mentioned by the flight attendant are.

  Su Ji knew before that Pei Huai would go to Ozhou with her, not only would they go together, but they would also live together.

  Nan Miaomiao found out about Nan Miaomiao's side last night when she was talking on the phone with Lu Shang. Lu Shang was worried that she would go to Congress alone and cause trouble.

  So I decided to follow her.

   Someone asked Long Dahai, who had just come in behind, bitterly, "Director Long, don't you let the family members be random?"

  Liang Ruifeng and the screenwriter Fang also entered the cabin.

  Long Dahai gouged out that person's eyes, "He pays at his own expense, you pay at his own expense, you can bring as many people as you want!"

  "Miss Su," the flight attendant put her hands in front of her body, wearing a golden uniform and a three-cornered hat. This is a special uniform for the Golden Town plane, which is different from other flights.

   "Mr. Pei upgraded you to the first class cabin, please go ahead, there will be staff there to take you to the first class cabin!"

   Screenwriter Fang and Liang Ruifeng, who were looking for their own seats, paused at the same time.

  Su Ji raised his jaw cooperatively, said "Bye" to Nan Miaomiao, and raised his feet to the direction pointed by the flight attendant.

   This is not the first time that Pei Huai has upgraded her cabin. She was also upgraded to first class on the plane to T country last time, so Su Ji didn't think much of it and reacted normally.

  But the rest of the same group who were left in the business class were far from being as calm and calm as her!

  The first-class cabin in Golden Town is definitely not comparable to the first-class cabins in other places!

   Someone just went out of their way to look at the fare for this flight before boarding.

  The first-class air ticket... even exceeded the salary of some actors!

  About the luxury configuration of the business class flying to the Golden Town, you can find several powerful bloggers to help you evaluate it by searching the Internet.

   But about what it is like inside the first class cabin and how the ride experience is, I can’t find any information on the Internet!

  Because its price is ridiculously expensive, few people can afford it, so only four first-class seats are reserved in the whole plane, and you can enjoy the whole view in the place with the best view.

  The person who was so sour and shouted before shouted again, "How much does it cost to upgrade to first class? Shall we also get an upgrade?"

  The flight attendant smiled softly, "I'm very sorry, all four first-class seats on this flight have been sold out."

   "All sold out?" Nan Miaomiao blinked, and suddenly thought of something, with a little surprise on her face, "There are two seats reserved by President Pei, right?"

  The flight attendant nodded, "Yes, and the other two seats..."

  Nan Miaomiao didn't expect Brother Lu to surprise her so much this time, "Is it Mr. Lu..."

   "Mr. Pei ordered it too!" The words of the flight attendant followed closely.

  Nan Miaomiao was stunned for a second, "???"

  Damn it!

   And there was a sound of gasping in the cabin!

  Pei Huai didn't like to be disturbed by outsiders, so he bought the other two positions directly.

   Chartering the cabin on the special plane to the Golden Town, the first-class cabin, this kind of willful behavior, only a certain master can do it!


  The sensor sliding door opens automatically, and extra-fresh air rushes into the nostrils.

  The spacious first-class cabin is the same as their business class cabin just now, but there are few seats here, so it looks extremely spacious.

  Luxurious restroom, special bar, drinking area, and even a viewing area.

   Viewed from the back, each seat is as large and comfortable as a space capsule.

  The four seats are divided into two rows. In fact, the two seats in the back have more space, but Pei Huai likes to be closer to his wife, so he sits in the front row.

   And it's next to the aisle.

  Su Ji stopped in front of him, her legs brushed against his knees, just like the last time in country T, she said, "Let's go."

  The man put away the newspaper and curled his lips.



   There are three meals on the plane in the middle. During the first meal, Nan Miaomiao took a photo and sent it to Su Ji.

  Sister Nan specializes in chopping scumbags Man: Roommate, how is the food at your place?

  Sister Nan specializes in chopping scumbags: [Photo].

  Sister Nan specializes in chopping scumbags: [Photo].

   Lu Shang's hand was captured in both photos.

  Sister Nan's scumbag man: It's a luxury plane, roommate!

   It can surprise even female stars, imagine it.

  But Su Ji looked at the luxurious feast that the flight attendant had just arranged, including roses and candles, and then clicked on the two food photos sent by Nan Miaomiao.

  〆Domineering£DD★: The appetizer looks good, when is the main meal?

   In the first three seconds when Nan Miaomiao received this reply, she didn't understand what her roommate meant, and then in the fourth second... she narrowed her eyes suddenly!

  This is their dinner, right? !

  So, how rich is the first-class food? ? !

  Nan Miaomiao asked Su Ji to take a picture for her to see, and Su Ji took it.

   And then… there is no more…

  After the second and third meals, Nan Miaomiao ate very silently.



   There was a break of several hours in the middle, and Pei Huai was still in the meeting, so he asked Su Ji to rest first.

Su Ji didn't disturb his work. He concentrated on watching the sixty-sixth episode, put away his phone, adjusted the position of the seat under him, said "good night" to Pei Huai, then turned his back to him, and covered himself with a blanket to sleep. up.

  Pei Huai raised his hand to lower the brightness of the light above his head.



  When Su Ji fell asleep, she remembered that she was lying obediently in her wrap-around seat, but when she woke up in a daze halfway, she was in a very warm embrace.

This gave her the illusion of forgetting where she was, thinking that when she was still in the apartment, her arms were really comfortable, warm and dry, wide and flat, she turned around and arched into it again .

   "Mr. Wang, keep your voice down, Mrs. Pei was woken up by you."

   "Sorry Mr. Pei, I must pay attention..."

   On the mobile phone supported by the side, it was the video conference screen at this moment. Pei Huai nodded slightly, and then helped his wife in his arms up, wrapped in a blanket, like a silkworm baby, he thought it was cute.



During the journey of more than ten hours, most people only slept for three or four hours, either because they were excited, or because they were not used to the new place, or... because someone sprinkled dog food near them and looked towards Nanmiao Miao and Lu Shang glanced over there.

  Liang Ruifeng and Fang's screenwriter chatted all the way, but they didn't see eye to eye.

  The two of them happened to be sitting next to each other, and the topics they talked about ranged from the prospects of the entertainment industry to film investment projects worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

  The two sat upright, wearing suits and leather shoes, looking like successful people.

  Looking at Su Ji again, he fell asleep halfway through the voyage.

   Pei Huai didn't wake her up until half an hour before the plane landed...

  (end of this chapter)

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