Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1023: Put on the forty-meter machete!

  Chapter 1023 Put on the forty-meter machete!

  The press conference, which should have caused a sensation in the global business circle, is now more sensational than everyone expected...more sensational!

   But in another way!

  In an instant, overwhelming news headlines emerged, and mobile phones in the venue received notifications of new news one after another.

   Shenmu's phone was ringing off the hook.

   "Oh my god? Is it true?? President Pei has an illegitimate child?? Isn't he in a good relationship with the daughter of the Su family?"

   "Keep your voice down! Mr. Xu is here today!"

   "But the news that was specially selected on the day of the press conference... must be someone behind the scenes, right?"

"Don't care if someone is playing tricks, but the news is definitely true!" Jiang Suiheng joined a small group that was discussing this matter hotly, and didn't miss any opportunity to add fuel to the story, "I've heard about this for a long time. It's over! Absolutely can't go wrong!"



   Seeing that he seemed to know something inside, the guests immediately surrounded him.

   But before Jiang Suiheng could speak again, he was caught by the security guards on the charge of disturbing the order of the scene!

   is an order from EVA!

  The moment the news broke out, all the bodyguards at the scene were dispatched to maintain order.

  Pei's various departments have absolutely no ability to respond to emergencies, but although they stabilized the press conference at the fastest speed, the news still spread among the crowd.

  If it was just an insider who broke the news, it would not have caused such a big response, and the reason why the news this time is so sensational is that the media that Jiang Chu contacted "has contributed"!

  The paparazzi did not act during this time, one was waiting for an opportunity, and the other was that they were looking for evidence!

  The last time the media broke the news that Ji Xi was pregnant, not only was quickly suppressed, but also ridiculed by Ji Xi's fan base. The root cause was that there was no favorable evidence.

  So the paparazzi are especially cautious this time.

  Jiang Chu's revelations pointed them in the right direction, and they followed them directly to the private hospital in Li, Ozhou. Almost all the staff were mobilized, and they spent huge sums of money lurking for a whole week... Finally, they managed to capture it!

   is a bill for Ji Xi's expenses during hospitalization.

  The above content can not only prove that Ji Xi is indeed pregnant, but more importantly, deduct unused accounts—all from the overseas companies of the Pei Group!

  You should know that no matter overseas or domestic, even the top executives of the company do not have the authority to directly use the group account to sign any documents.

  The only ones who can have this permission are...

  Although this answer can shock the jaws of the entire entertainment industry, the evidence is solid!

   All the contact information of Ji Xi's brokerage company could not be reached, and the paparazzi pointed their finger at Pei Huai!

   This melon is too big.

  Suddenly involved the two most popular actresses in domestic entertainment, as well as the most popular president in the business world!

  Pure and pure girl conceived before marriage, mistress.

   And what she got involved in was actually the marriage of a junior who had participated in a variety show with her!

  President Pei's doting wife setting collapsed.

  Su Ji was shattered by the perfect love dream envied by the entire Internet.

  One of the weaknesses of human nature, as long as you can't get it, you don't want to believe it really exists.

  So when the news broke out, those black fans who were madly jealous of Su Ji all looked like mosquitoes that had seen blood. Regardless of the truth of the matter, they directly helped to conclude the matter and spared no effort to help spread it.

  Du Meilan arranged for bodyguards to **** Xu Mingzhi out of the press conference, but before getting into the car, Xu Mingzhi was stopped by the paparazzi who desperately wanted to grab the news.

   "Mr. Xu! Regarding the online revelation that Ji Xi ruined your daughter's marriage! And what do you think about the fact that your son-in-law has an illegitimate child?!"

   "Mr. Xu! Can you answer our questions directly?"

   "Would you support your daughter's divorce?"

  The bodyguards have been given the authority to use any special means as long as they can safely send Ms. Xu to the car.

  At this moment, they exchanged winks, intending to force the paparazzi to stop speaking, but just before the action, Xu Mingzhi patted the bodyguard on the shoulder.

  The bodyguard paused, and Xu Mingzhi stood in front of the cameras of the paparazzi.

  Seeing the opportunity, the paparazzi wanted to take close-up shots, but the next second—they saw a face with an extremely gloomy and terrifying expression in the camera!




  This is more effective than any forceful suppression, and the paparazzi fell silent instantly.

  When the paparazzi asked questions, Xu Mingzhi only answered in one sentence, "I believe in my son-in-law, and I believe in my daughter's vision even more."

  Smart as Xu Mingzhi, he has already guessed the reason.

  It is true that she will carry a forty-meter machete to kill, but she will not mistake the target to be killed!

  At this moment, her "son-in-law" was the first strong voice to publicly support Pei Huai.

  The paparazzi froze in place, no one dared to step forward without being threatened by bodyguards.

  Xu Mingzhi said the last harsh words before getting into the car, "If anyone dares to bother my daughter, you will die!"

   "Uh... no no!"

  The paparazzi are really like tamed puppies, shaking their heads like rattles!

  The car door closed with a "bang", and the car sped away.

   These paparazzi did not dare to bother Su Ji for a short time, but the number of other paparazzi who have gone to Su Ji at this moment is several times that of here!

  A certain president had anticipated this in advance, so Pei Huai had long since disappeared from the venue.

  After the incident, his first reaction was not to publicize his own news, nor was it to maintain order at the press conference.

  It was Su Ji.

  As an important party in the news, he was bound to be stopped by the paparazzi after he left the venue.

   And he is also a very clever little paparazzi, who discovered the target president before all other colleagues, and wanted to get first-hand information!

  At that time, Pei Huai looked at the little paparazzi.

   The paparazzi thought he was going to beat him up.

  But Pei Huai said, "We'll talk in the car."

  Puppy, "??"

  Pei Huai drank at the venue, although he only had a little, but he was not allowed to drive.

  Puppy, "..."

  The only person who is best at avoiding the paparazzi is the paparazzi himself. Pei Huai coerced a paparazzi and successfully left the venue immediately!

  Xu Mingzhi received a call from Du Meilan after getting in the car.

   Du Meilan is very sorry for what happened.

  Xu Ming knows that there is a degree of relaxation, "I can understand Sister Lan's difficulties, but I also hope that Sister Lan will remember that our baby is now pregnant..."

   "Understood, don't worry my good sister," Du Meilan solemnly replied.

  When the phone was hung up, the secretary took her mobile phone, "Mr. Du, don't worry too much, the PR team has already started..."

  However, the secretary stopped abruptly after speaking halfway, because when he raised his eyes, he saw the expression of their president Du at the moment...

  He has been Du Meilan's secretary for 25 years, but he has never seen President Du so angry like this moment!

  (end of this chapter)

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