Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1017: The president's vinegar king attribute!

  Chapter 1017 The President's Vinegar King Attribute!

  He doesn't see a contract, but it is more important than any contract.

  Online, he is his wife's fan of local tyrants and a big brother on the list.

  Offline, he watches every TV series and endorsement advertisements that his wife starred in, and in the drawer are his wife's peripherals that he collected at high prices or customized by himself.

   Whenever he sees the character played by his wife in danger, he is extremely angry.

   And I just saw the character in Su Ji's play crying...

  He was reluctant to let her cry, and he had been criticizing himself on the few occasions.

   Now I'm crying in the play.

  He believes that Nobunaga is not worthy.

   Shen Mu has to wait for a good time to report the itinerary to the president, so as not to disturb the president's thinking.

   Then, after waiting like this for five minutes, he saw the president's cold eyes slightly cold and his jaw line tense.

   Shen Mu's heart skipped a beat, he was afraid that something might have gone wrong with the contract they just made!

On Pei Huai's side, after chasing after his wife's finale scene, he followed up hot news on the Internet. If there is any negative news, he will ask people to deal with it, but at this moment he saw a piece-according to reliable news, "Qingqiu Jue" was shortlisted overseas The Chinese's favorite TV series, the awards will be held in Ozhou next month.

   It only took a few seconds, and people in the assistant area were already in panic.

   "Have you checked the contract just given to the president?" Shen Mu asked in a very low voice.

   "I've checked it several times, and there will be no should be..." The little assistant lost confidence afterward.

   Just when the assistant Shen Mu arranged to print out the itinerary came back, Shen Mu took the things and looked towards the president.

  If there is a problem with the contract they made, then he must bear the brunt as a special assistant.

  After thinking about it, he swallowed deeply, and walked over lightly.

  While looking at the "contract" in the CEO's hand, he said as if he was dead, "President, is there something wrong with the contract..."

  But before the word "question" of "problem" could be uttered, the voice behind it stopped abruptly.

  The news on the screen opened with a few large characters—"Qingqiujue"!

   I was about to be stared out of a hole by Shenmu!

  The global press conference is about to start, but what is his CEO looking at? What are you looking at? !

  Pei Huai raised his eyelids and looked at Shen Mu with ice in his eyes.

   It seems that Yaxing has been disturbed.

   Shen Mu's expression froze, and he took three steps back at the fastest speed in his life. He bent his body and bowed at 90 degrees. At the same time, Xian Bao seemed to hand over the printed itinerary to the president.

   "This is your itinerary for next month after the press conference, please take a look!"

  He found a reasonable explanation for his behavior of suddenly appearing next to the president and interrupting the president's reading.

  Pei Huai was silent for a second, and threw the iPad aside.

He glanced at his itinerary here, while Shen Mu explained with confidence, "President, the two meetings that were originally going to Ozhou have been changed to video conferences for you, and we will also coordinate with Mr. Henry." Now, although Mr. Henry is very difficult, but..."

   Originally, Mr. Henry asked their president to come to O State at least three times next month, but when they coordinated, they mentioned the president's wife, and Mr. Henry let go the next day...

  But Shen Mu couldn't tell the president about this, he only reported the final result, "President, next month you can stay in China with peace of mind."

   After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes in a serious manner, waiting for the president to pat his head and praise him.

   However, a few seconds passed, and all he heard was a still cold—

   "Why should I stay in China?"

   Shen Mu suddenly opened his eyes, "???"

  He blinked strangely, "It's not you, the president..."

   "The cooperation has just begun, and it is the critical moment when we need to lay the foundation stone in Ozhou." Pei Huai tapped his finger on the desktop, "Now cancel all the trips to Ozhou, what do you think?"

   Facing the oppressive questioning from the president, Shen Mu almost cried, "But if the president is on a business trip, wouldn't Madam just..."

  Pei Huai interrupted again, "I'm the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between public and private?"

   Shen Mu pursed his mouth into a wavy line, "..."


  You are too kind, President!

   When I was on a business trip before, I was eager to return home, and I even personally ordered to minimize the trip to Ozhou!

   But Shenmu has no recordings! So he can't produce evidence! !

  Pei Huai threw the itinerary document back into Shen Mu's hands, "Contact Ozhou again and tell them that I will attend the itinerary that requires me to attend on time."

   Shen Mu was still in the fog, although he didn't know why it was so sudden, but he was not qualified to refute, "Yes! President!"

   And Pei Huai's next order surprised all the assistants even more.

  He said, "Clean up the villa of the O League embassy. Starting next month, I will work in O State."

   "???" Shen Mu pressed his hands to the seams of his trousers, answering with a question mark on his forehead, "Yes!"

  The assistants also took orders one by one, and walked away from the president's office one by one without squinting.

   Wait until the office door closes with a "click" behind you, and four or five people form a circle and start gossiping.

   "President, what does this mean? He will be stationed in State O next month? What about the lady?"

   "Could it be that you had a fight with your wife? Today our wife cried for another man in the TV series. Is the CEO jealous?"

   "I said it was in a TV series, how could I be jealous?"

   "It can be said that our president's vinegar king attribute... It's hard to say..."

   "The president won't want to separate from his wife, will he? Then we'll be miserable!!"

  The assistants all looked like the sky was falling, as if if the president and his wife really quarreled, they would become homeless orphans!

   Shen Mu bit his thumb, and he didn't guess the reason for a while. He pressed his hand down to let the assistants stabilize their minds first.

   "We have to trust the president!" Shen Mu raised his head and said firmly, "Even if you don't trust the president, you still have to trust the president's wife. Even if there is a real quarrel, our wife can quickly calm the president down!"

  The assistants looked at each other and comforted each other, and then they stabilized their minds.

   Shen Mu asked everyone to do their own work, so as not to make the president angry.

   After a few minutes, the hallway fell silent.

  In the office at this time, they thought that the president had quarreled with his wife, and they were receiving a video invitation from his wife.

  The beautiful and delicate face of his wife projected the entire wall.

  Pei Yuanyang, Xiao Tong, and Xiao Lingxian sat neatly next to each other, a rare harmony.

  Pei Huai's eyes were doting, and the atmosphere was as ambiguous and gentle as ever.

  It is completely different from what the assistants imagined!

  How could Pei Huai be separated from his wife?

  In fact, he was going to Ozhou for his wife.

   "Qing Qiu Jue" was shortlisted for the favorite TV series of overseas Chinese, and the awards will be held in Ozhou next month.

  In this case, as a family member, of course he has to accompany him...

  (end of this chapter)

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