Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1015: My sister's acting skills exploded! ! (two in one

  Chapter 1015 My sister's acting skills exploded! (two chapters in one)


  After the PK match, Jiang Chu got the chance to participate in "Tenderness Tonight".

  Although the recording of the program has not yet started, this matter has been continuously discussed on the school forum for more than a week.

   Yang Xiaotao's old-fashioned cream cake and macarons are also popular.

   But still not as good as Jiang Chu.

  Jiang Chu was originally a man of the hour, and now he is even more popular.

  Plus, Beijing Central is going to be on winter vacation, and the students have plenty of time to chat.

  The girls in the grade sister group all wanted to know Jiang Chu, and asked him out every now and then, but Jiang Chu was not interested.

   As soon as he closed his eyes, his mind was full of what he said to Su Ji that day.

   "No matter what happens! I will be responsible for the child in your womb!"

   Stupid as hell.

  He came to City A to avenge Pei Huai, not to be his successor.

Jiang Chu hardly went out for a week after the end of the pk. After winning the game, he had enough credits to graduate, and the pressure of junior year next year was much less. When he was bored, he went to the park where he went to the villa and picked up 300 yuan. .

   And these days… he wears menswear.

   Wigs are too lazy to wear.

  Looking at the luxurious tight skirts in the closet that he used to keep as treasures, he couldn't even arouse interest.

   I don’t know if it’s the sequelae of that bowl of fetish soup again.

  At this moment, he was lying on the bed bored, and the paparazzi who had communicated with him in WeChat before did not move. They seemed to be planning a big chess game.

   They didn't even tell him what it was, and they didn't leak any information, but they had already sent him the money to buy out the exclusive news.

   A lot of money.

   Enough to help his father repay the bank loan for half a year, but he didn't tell his father.

  He didn't know what he wanted to do with the money.

   Very annoying.

  The news that the grade sister group was blocked by him has always been 999+. Today the group seems to be especially lively, and there are always people @ him.

  Jiang Chu subconsciously wanted to turn off his phone, but he scanned the latest messages.

  【Winter vacation is coming soon, are you sure Miss Cat won’t come out to get together with us? 】

  【Before I asked Sister Cat to have dinner, sing K, drink afternoon tea, bar and disco, Sister Cat didn’t come, does anyone know what Sister Cat really likes? 】

  【I heard that sister cat is chasing "Qingqiu Jue"...】

  【Poof! Is it possible to invite sister cat to watch "Qingqiu Jue" together? 】

  【It’s not impossible, the clubhouse is full of curved-screen ultra-clear TVs, and drinks and snacks are also provided. Let’s book a box in the clubhouse and watch "Qingqiu Jue" together? 】

  【What kind of family, chasing dramas in private rooms in the clubhouse? But having said that, tomorrow night will be our senior sister Su Ji's finale scene in "Qingqiu Jue", and I am really looking forward to it, there are a few scenes in the trailer that are so beautiful! 】

   It was the last line that caught Jiang Chu's attention.

  He hasn't followed the drama for a few days, but Xuanji's role is about to wrap up? ?

  Girls are joking in the group, you say a word, new news emerges endlessly.

   But when a new message came out, the group was instantly quiet—

   It’s the school belle cat sister who @n’t bubbling at all!

  Sexy Pussycat: Tomorrow at 7:30pm, I will book a box at the Four Seasons Club to watch "The Judgment of the Green Hills" together. Sign up if you are interested.

When Jiang Chu sent out this message, Tecai threw his phone aside boldly. He didn't care how much damage his news caused in the group. He turned over and took the phone with a rhinestone protective case on the head of his bed. ipad, find out the few episodes of "Qingqiu Jue" that he left behind.

  Click to play, he wants to make up the progress!


  The next evening, the entrance of the Four Seasons Clubhouse was occupied by a young and beautiful art school girl!

  The school belle treats guests, and it turns out to be the most famous Four Seasons Clubhouse in City A.

   It doesn't seem to be that important whether you watch "The Judgment of Qingqiu" or not.

   The waiters all know that today a very arrogant female college student booked the largest queen box on the fifth floor. The TV in that box is the largest, taking up almost half of the wall, like a movie theater.

  As long as you see a young female college student coming, you must guide to that box.

  They are here in a high-end business club. It is common to talk about business and socialize on weekdays, but it is also the first time for the waiters and waiters to organize a group to chase dramas in the box for college students!

  College students nowadays...are they so financially free? ?

The little sisters waited together at the door of the box, many of them came to such a high-end club for the first time, carrying their favorite big-name bags on their shoulders, with bright satin silk scarves tied on their shoulder straps, hanging Leather charm in the shape of a pony.

   "Does anyone know what kind of business Ms. Cat's house is? I just inquired about the cost of the queen's box..."

   "Damn it! Is it true??"

   "Sister Cat is absolutely Bai Fumei! This is too powerful!"

  Jiang Chu arrived late.

  The master finally arrived, and the waiter respectfully led him to the box.

  The girls who lined up to express their goodwill immediately surrounded them.

  A circle needs a central figure. At this moment, they all want to enter the social circle of Xiaohua.

  But Jiang Chu didn’t mean to chat with them or show off, he glanced at the time, “The show is about to start, let’s go in and talk about it first.”

   Still always cold.

  The girls looked at each other and shrugged again.

  Take advantage of other people's soft hands, who will let today be a treat for the school belle.

  But there is one thing to say, Xiaohua is really a diehard fan of "Qing Qiu Jue"!

   Entering the box, the waiter prepared exquisite snacks and pink rose champagne, the TV was turned on, and tuned to the target channel.

   Right now the commercial is playing, and the feature film will start in a few minutes.

  Jiang Chu dug out cigarettes and a lighter from his small bag, biting Suji brand cigarettes between his lips and teeth.

  He is quite satisfied with the environment here.

   Can't say why, he didn't want to buy bags or beautiful clothes for the reward he got from selling Pei Huai's black materials, and he didn't even want to repay his father's loan.

  But watching "The Judgment of Qingqiu" in the private room, Xuanji did this kind of money-burning behavior of the second generation ancestor, but he did it without hesitation!



  Girls still give the school a lot of face.

  The TV broadcast is officially launched, no matter whether anyone is following "Qingqiu Jue" or not, they all show interest.

  The voice of chatting is also quieter, as if he is really watching seriously.

   But at the beginning, there may be elements of camouflage, but just looking at it...

  The row of well-dressed figures on the sofa leaned forward in unison towards the TV, watching intently!

  As "The Judgment of Qingqiu" draws to a close, I have been playing Ji Xi's role as a blind girl for the past few days, which is why Jiang Chu missed a few episodes and didn't watch it.

  He gets annoyed when he sees that mistress.

  Today's episode is Xuanji's finale.

  Jiang Chu stayed up late yesterday to watch the previous episodes, Xuanji became black, the blind girl died at her hands, and Nobunaga played by Yan Gaoqiu was also tortured in the flames of her love and yu.

  However, this time when Ji Xi's character was finalized, the scolding battle between Su Ji and Ji Xi's fans that was expected to start again did not appear, and someone behind the scenes was planning to control the situation ahead of time.

  Xuanji and Nobunaga's last face-to-face confrontation was at the top of Qingqiu.

  During this episode, neither Su Ji nor Yan Gaoqiu used stand-ins.

  Actors' martial arts scenes are real, if it is done in other crews, most of them will be publicized with touching and inspirational colors, but "Qing Qiujue" does not.

  Of course it's not that Jin Fengze has any objections to Su Ji, on the contrary, Su Ji has long been a favorite of the crew.

   Mainly... There are too many highlights of Su Ji in this drama!

  So this part was ignored by the propaganda department.

   But the effect shown on the screen at this moment... others don't know, but the hearts of the little sisters in the queen's box are surging, and everyone is shocked!

   Coupled with gorgeous skill special effects, everyone's eyes are chasing the screen, dizzying, wonderful!

  Xuanji misses a move in the final move. On the cliff, Nobunaga puts the long sword at her throat, and the close-up shot advances to the meeting of their eyes.

  Su Ji was wearing the same blood-red skirt that she once wore at the heroine selection meeting.

  Red dress and black hair make her skin whiter than the snow on the top of Qingqiu.

  Thick black hair scraped against the eye feathers, those beautiful peach blossom eyes seemed to capture the soul, but in the next second, they became tactful and affectionate again.

  Jiang Chu couldn't help swallowing.

  That is Xuanji, and also Su Ji.

   It's no wonder that even a hard-hearted monster catcher can fall on her.

  In the picture, Su Ji looked at Yan Gaoqiu, she felt no embarrassment when the sword touched her throat. Instead, she actually took a step forward and pressed her throat against the blade, and the bright red blood ran across the woman's fair and slender neck.

  Yan Gaoqiu paused, his hands loosened.

   He lost.

  At that moment, they all predicted the ending.

  The following is a series of monologues by Yan Gaoqiu. He raised his head and poured a pot of strong wine, and the prajna soup flowed down the corner of his mouth.

  Jiu Jianxian pretended to be crazy and foolish for decades. This time, he still took advantage of the drunkenness, and his crazy and arrogant words seemed to be true.

   This passage of Yan Gaoqiu's lines is very good, hiding justice under tattered clothes, and hiding deep affection under gnashing of hatred.

   And Su Ji's expression was even more amazing.

The smile on the corners of her lips never loosened, her whole face seemed to be mocking all the time, but if she blocked the lower half of her face, and only looked at the upper half... Everyone was surprised to find that Su Ji's eyes had changed of!

  That look is the best answer to Nobunaga's deep affection.

   After all, she knew that no one in this world could love her more than Nobunaga.

  Including the Ninth Five-Year Supreme who did not think about politics because of her, they are also far apart.

   It's a pity that when Yan Gaoqiu looked over, Su Ji had already calmly put away that look.

  Yan Gaoqiu laughed out loud as if mocking himself.

   "Xuanji, do you have a heart?" That was the last sentence Nobunaga asked Xuanji.

   And Xuanji's answer is—

   "Nobunaga, you will die by my hands, you can only... die by my hands..."

  When the wind blows, the wind is also passionate, rolling a plum blossom petal and sticking it between the woman's eyebrows.

  The little sisters in the box sighed endlessly.

  Jiang Chu is really convinced, this is obviously only Su Ji's second play, but her performance here, compared to "Billions of Stars", I don't know how many times more mature.

  Bai Yuan and Xuanji, straightforward and Cheng Fu, brisk and restrained, people can't see clearly for a while, which one is the real her!

   In the blink of an eye, another winter, the plum blossoms are blooming, and the branches are dotted with white snow.

  Behind the floating bead curtains, Su Ji leaned coquettishly and lazily behind the Fengluan sedan chair.

  The plum blossoms were so beautiful that she ordered the palace servants to stop the sedan chair.

  The scene of the demon concubine admiring the plum blossoms must be amazingly beautiful, but at this moment, it was still the black-clothed subordinate with the purple lips, sprinting all the way over, with an unconcealable excitement in his expression.

  He brings a message. dead...

  Su Ji paused when his fingertips landed on the branch, and the white plum petals rustled down.

  This time, she really had to cry.

   At this point, Su Ji's roles in "Qing Qiujue" are all over.

  The picture freezes in her eyes full of everything.

  The ending song came out.

  The sisters could not be calm for a long time.

  Jiang Chu bit his thumb.


   Is this the end? ?

  He can't get out at all!

  The trending search also climbed to the top of the ranking list as the last shot ended.

  The waiter was talking about the female college student upstairs watching the finale of "The Judgment of the Green Hills" in the box, and then pushed away the downstairs box they wanted to serve.

   As a result, the next moment, I heard the TV in this private room... the ending song of "Qing Qiu Jue" was also played!

  Si Jingchuan drank half a bottle of red wine while watching this episode.

   Waiter, "…"

Si Ke signed the contract in the suite inside. Si Ke really had a social event today. He came a few hours ago. Later, he found that an important document was left in the middle drawer of the study, making others worry about it. The secretary couldn’t leave, so he let him The son was delivered.

At that time, Si Jingchuan was sitting in front of the TV at home waiting to watch the boss's finale scene, but his father called him to the club. After delivering the documents, the TV just started broadcasting. Watching TV, and signed his father's list and ordered a bottle of 1982 red wine.

   Now that he’s finished watching it, he’s glad he didn’t wait to go home to watch it again.


  The boss's acting skills exploded!

  Why isn’t it this drama that I’m cooperating with the boss? ?

  He seems to play the part of Nobunaga, too!

  Even if growing a big beard would make his sick beauty's avatar collapse, he is willing!

  The door of the inner room was opened, and Si Ke and his partners came out from inside. The quiet and solemn atmosphere of the inner room was completely different from that of the outer room.

  A group of people inside were busy signing the contract, while the young master was drinking red wine and watching TV dramas in the outhouse.

  The waiters who entered the room to clean up looked at each other, and the connotation was self-evident.

  The partner was indeed taken aback when he saw the ending song on TV, but then he asked, "Young Master Si, did you watch "Qingqiujue"?"

  The waiters who were still complaining just now, "..."

   What the **** is a drama fan? ?

   And Si Ke also looked at the TV.

  Si Jingchuan let out a "hmm", "It's just finished."

   "Really?" The partner smiled, "I like the one named Xuan... Xuan..."

   "Xuanji," Si Jingchuan put down his wine glass proudly, "My boss acted, and today her part is wrapped."

   "Oh?" Si Ke took the contract in the secretary's hand for inspection, and said at the same time, "I'll take a look when I get back."

  The waiters fell silent when they saw Si Ke, who was tall and mighty, with a murderous look on his face, say this...

  After the ending song was sung, Si Jingchuan turned off the remote control and asked his father if he was done.

  Sike Dekong glanced at him, "It's still an hour."

  Si Jingchuan didn't wait for him, picked up the car keys and stood up, "Then I'll go back first."

  Sike Bai glanced at his useless son.

  The kid from Pei's family has already married himself into the family, but this one from his family can only watch other people's TV shows through the TV!

  Upstairs in the private room, the girls were still full of ideas. Not only did they have no intention of leaving, they even said they wanted to sing together to make it even more lively.

  But Jiang Chu refused.

  Originally it was okay, but now...he just wants to go home and watch the replay quietly by himself!

  The girls felt extremely disappointed, but when the school belle spoke, they had no choice but to leave.

  Jiang Chu deliberately waited for the chattering girls to leave first, and then he took the next elevator.

  The elevator door closed, and his ears were finally quiet.

  However, the elevator only went down one floor and then stopped again. He automatically took a step back to make room for the person who wanted to enter the elevator.

   Immediately afterwards, a very familiar celebrity face walked in!

  (end of this chapter)

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