Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 849: Broke a good thing

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Zhang Zhiling watched as her blood bleed more and more, her eyes were full of despair, her face was paler, and there was a wicked fire in her body, her body could not help twisting.

Zhang Zhiling moved his body, the other hand grabbed Xu Chen, begging for mercy: "Xu Chen, I beg you, send me to the hospital."

Xu Chen was about the time, drove the car up and drove to the hospital quickly.

Parked the car at the door of the hospital, Xu Chen took out the camera and calculated Zhang Zhiling, who had fallen into lust, and even unbuttoned her top, Zhang Zhiling took her hand reflectively and endured **** Blurred and said: "Xu Chen, what do you want to do?"

Xu Chen continued to unbutton her jacket with a blank expression, and then held her twin peaks and flicked her. Because of the skin's closeness, Zhang Zhiling's eyes became blurred, and the body twisted to meet Xu Chen's movements.

Xu Chen looked at her like this, there was a trace of disgust in his eyes, but his men kept on, Zhang Zhiling twisted even more, and Xu Chen photographed more materials.

Xu Chen withdrew his hand, Zhang Zhiling moaned his hand reflexively, and the whole person rubbed his back like a kitten.

Xu Chen withdrew his hand in disgust, then called the hospital staff, told the address and left the car directly, then walked to the other side and watched the medical staff run out of it, then opened the door handle Incomplete Zhang Zhiling was carried into the hospital.

"What did you say, Chi Ling entered the hospital, and was also springed ... What's the matter? You told me clearly." Mrs. Ou glanced at Yao who brought An'an here. Yiyi swallowed back the word of aphrodisiac and asked the person over the phone anxiously.

Do not know what the people over there said, Mrs. Ou said calmly: "You can rest assured that the Zhang family will soon rush over, I will still take care of my grandchildren, I have no time to pass."

After that, Mrs. Ou hung up the phone.

Seeing that her face is not particularly good-looking, Yao Yiyi asked, "Mom, what's wrong? I just heard you say Miss Zhang's name, what happened to her?"

Mrs. Ou sighed and said: "She was given an aphrodisiac. This time she was in the hospital. The doctor wanted to give her a stomach lavage. As a result, she grabbed the person's hand and wrapped it up. It ’s lost, and I do n’t know who has done such an unethical thing. "

Yao Yiyi ’s dark mans flashed, and he was a little happy in his heart, but he said on the face: "Mom, I think you should go and see her. She is the dry daughter you personally recognized, and the in-law Miss Qian Jin. We can't justify going to the hospital to see it. "

Mrs. Ou gave Yao Yiyi an unclear look.

Yao Yiyi let her look and let her look and smiled: "Mom, if you think my mind is impure, I will not go with it, I will take An'an back first."

Mrs. Ou beckoned to An An and said, "I have no doubt about you. No matter how you are my daughter-in-law, An An's mother, Chi Ling is an outsider compared to you."

An An ran into Mrs. Ou ’s arms and reached out to smooth out the wrinkles between her eyebrows. The voice of her **** said: "Grandma, do n’t frown, otherwise it will look bad."

Mrs. Ou laughed out loud, hugged him and put a cushion in her arms, said: "Go, grandma takes you to the hospital."

An An frowned, and Mrs. Ou nodded his little nose and smiled: "Why, don't you like the hospital?"

An An nodded honestly: "I don't like it, the smell is too bad. Grandma, shall we not go to the hospital?"

"Yes, we will not go." Mrs. Ou took the phone to call Mrs. Zhang and asked Zhang Zhiling about the situation.

Mrs. Zhang said anxiously over the phone: "My mother, Zhiling is fine. We will take her home, but she has just suffered a wound to her arm."

"The person in the hospital called me not to say that she was taken down ..."

"Nothing, Chi Ling wasn't given any aphrodisiac by anyone in the hospital." Mrs. Zhang anxiously said that she said that she was leaking.

After a pause, Mrs. Zhang embarrassedly said: "My mother-in-law, Lao Zhang and I took Chi Ling home first. If there is anything else, let's talk about it another day. I will hang up first."

Mrs. Ou is coming from, and she guessed something from Mrs. Zhang ’s attitude, and she thought that Zhang Zhiling ’s situation might be worse than she thought.

Yao Yiyi asked, "Mom, what's wrong? Is Miss Zhang out of the hospital?"

Mrs. Ou shook her head and said, "I am not particularly clear, I will ask Ting Ting later, but this is actually someone else ’s business. After asking too much, Zhang ’s family ca n’t guarantee that our Ou ’s family will be involved in the big business. The things of others hurt the peace of the two people. "

Yao Yiyi nodded and said, "Mom said yes."

Mrs. Ou and An An were playing, but the phone was shaking. She picked it up and saw it as a video sent to her by a strange number. She opened it and saw that when she saw the contents, her face changed again. change.

She threw away her mobile phone directly. Yao Yiyi saw that her face was very unsightly. She took it over and looked at it. When she saw the contents, her face also changed.

"Mom, this ... why would someone send you such a video?" Yao Yiyi said very puzzled.

Mrs. O took a deep breath and reluctantly calmed herself down, saying: "I used to think that Chi Ling was a good one. I didn't expect her to be so unbearable. I was filmed with such unbearable video. Fortunately, That person sent it to me. If it is posted online, she will wait for her reputation to be wiped out. "

Yao Yiyi frowned, thinking about the intention of the person behind the scene to send Mrs. Ou the video. Obviously, it was not used to threaten Mrs. Ou for money. If so, it would be more effective to blackmail Zhangjia.

It was just painstakingly taken the video but not asking for money, so why send it to Mrs. Ou again? Although Zhang Zhiling is the dry daughter of Mrs. Ou, she is an outsider emotionally, not for money or power, so why did she take this video?

Yao Yiyi was puzzled.

Mrs. Ou glanced at her, "Yiyi, what are you thinking?"

Yao Yiyi pondered, and said, "Mom, it's not me who thinks too much, but I can't figure out why the person behind this scene should send you such a video? You are Miss Zhang's godmother, so what can I say? The home of the family is still there. If there is any extortion, it should be sent to the Zhang family, but now it is sent to you. Is there any conspiracy? "

After Yao Yiyi mentioned this, Mrs. Ou also had a thought. She couldn't help thinking whether this was a bureau set by Zhang Zhiling and outsiders, but instead she thought that Zhang Zhiling didn't need to use her reputation to make a bet. Instead of getting anything else, she hated herself.

"Yiyi, if you say that, do you think there is a conspiracy?" Mrs. Ou asked.

Yao Yiyi put the phone down and said: "Mom, I just talk about it casually, where can I guess what kind of thoughts the person who sent you the video."

Mrs. Ou held An An on her lap and sat down, and changed the subject: "I asked the cook to prepare a lot of delicious food for you and An An, and the servant at home brought a dozen pounds from his hometown. The blue crab with the big fist comes over, the meat is delicious and tender, and you will bring some back to Anan for a while. "

"Good." Yao Yi said.

Mrs. Ou said, "You haven't gone to work for a few days in An'an, is there any problem? I don't think your company is particularly large. An'an needs your care. If you are too busy, just quit and save. The company runs at both ends of the house, and the house is not short of your tens of thousands of wages. "

Yao Yiyi smiled and said: "Mom, I am not tired, An An is very good, and he told me yesterday that he is going to primary school, I was thinking about his early wisdom, he would not be happy to send him to kindergarten, just simply Let him go to first grade, just do n’t know what you think about mom? "

Mrs. Ou looked at An An and was surprised: "An An, are you really going to elementary school?"

An An nodded and said seriously with a small face: "Grandma, An An not only has to go to school, but also learns Kung Fu with his father. An An will soon protect you and your mother."

Mrs. Ou was pleasantly surprised and kissed An Anmeng several times, saying, "My good-grandson is so powerful, not only good at learning, but also kung fu. Grandma is really proud of you. Let your mother buy whatever you want. "

Mrs. Ou put a gold card in An An's hand.

An An accepted it and said sweetly, "Thank you grandma."

The grandchildren and grandchildren chatted with pleasure. The three of them sat down and ate together. Mrs. Ou planned to go to Zhang's house to see Ou Tingting and take a look at Zhang Zhiling's situation.

Yao Yiyi didn't know what kind of consideration, but he wanted to take An An with him.

"Yiyi, do you really want to go?" Mrs. Ou said strangely.

Yao Yiyi said: "Mom, Tingting is also my little aunt. She gave birth to a son. My sister-in-law has never seen it at a glance.

Mrs. Ou said: "Then go."

Yao Yiyi took An'an and followed Mrs. Ou to the Zhang family.

On the way, Yao Yiyi called Ou Qingheng and said that she was going to Zhangjia. Although Ouqingheng felt a little strange, she still said: "I will finish driving, I will drive to Zhangjia to pick you up."

Hanging up the phone, Yao Yiyi casually said: "Mom, before I heard Qingheng, didn't you say that you plan to take Tingting back to Ou's house for confinement?"

Mrs. Ou said: "It was this plan, but Tingting disagreed. She said that she was married, and she should have confinement at the Zhang family. I think about it, and I followed her."

A strange light flashed in Yao Yiyi's eyes, and then he smiled and said, "It seems that Tingting is a lot more sensible." Although she said that, she didn't believe that Ou Tingting would become so sensible. Instructed.

Mrs. Ou smiled with relief, she broke her heart for this daughter, and now she finally heard a word from her heart.

Driving to Zhang's house, the driver parked the car, then untied the seat belt and got off the car, attentively opened the door for Mrs. Ou and Yao Yiyi.

He put his hand in front of the car to prevent Mrs. Ou and Yao Yiyi from hitting the door when they got out of the car.

Mrs. Ou and Yao Yiyi entered the hall, and Mrs. Zhang hurriedly came down from the upstairs and said: "My dear mother, why are you here?"

Mrs. Ou said: "Yi and I came to see Ting Ting, and what you said on the phone was unclear. How is Chi Ling's situation, is it serious?"

There was a trace of confusion in Mrs. Zhang's eyes, and she said in disguise: "It's okay, she's okay, even if her arm was accidentally scratched by a knife, isn't she going to see Tingting? I'll accompany you."

Mrs. Ou gave a skeptical glance to Mrs. Zhang, but she did not have too much trouble with Zhang Zhiling.

The three went upstairs and were about to walk to Ou Tingting's bedroom. As a result, a roar came from the third floor: "Who are you? Why are you in my bedroom? Ah ah ... you dare touch my body, I will kill you."

Soon, a man wearing only a pair of underwear panickedly rolled out of it. Seeing this picture, Mrs. Zhang's face changed, and she subconsciously glanced at Mrs. Ou.

Mrs. Ou looked at Zhang Zhiling, who was chased out of the quilt, and there was a trace of disappointment in her eyes. She did not expect Zhang Zhiling to be in such a mess in her own home. It would be so chaotic in terms of sex, and she was so thankful that she behaved so well in front of her.

Yao Yiyi covered An An's eyes, and then couldn't help her lips curling up, suddenly a trace of revenge crossed her heart.

This woman is entangled in Ou Qingheng due to Mrs. Ou ’s love. This is all right. Without Mrs. Ou ’s support, she wants to see how she is entangled with Ou Qingheng.

Mrs. Ou took a deep breath and calmly said: "My mother-in-law, Yiyi and I went to see Tingting first. There is my grandson here too, and it is not good to be seen by children."

Mrs. Zhang's face was blue and white for a while. She clenched her fists and said patiently: "My mother, you and Yiyi go first."

Mrs. Ou and Yao Yiyi were about to leave. Unexpectedly, the man ran downstairs, and Zhang Zhiling also chased down, just meeting Mrs. Ou and Yao Yiyi.

Zhang Zhiling looked at Mrs. Ou and instantly looked blank.

"Fuck, godmother, you, why are you here?" Zhang Zhiling shuddered.

She came to this point by any means, but she guessed the beginning but couldn't guess the end. She was confused, and her footsteps were false, and she was about to fall to the ground.

Mrs. Ou looked a little disappointed and said: "Chi Ling, you should put on your clothes first, even if you have a boyfriend, you can't be so rude at home."

"Goddam, no, he isn't, me, I ..." Zhang Zhiling said anxiously.

If Mrs. Ou is not supported, even if he designed Ou Qingheng, I am afraid that the door of this Ou family will not be easy to enter.

Mrs. Ou said with a deep voice: "Chi Ling, go up and get dressed first, as for your boyfriend," Ms. Ou looked at the obviously embarrassed man without showing traces, and she was very disdainful: "Just like it, It ’s better to find someone who can catch the eye. Yiyi and I went to Tingting first. If you have anything to wear, go to Tingting and talk again. "

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