Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 836: An An was arrested

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Gong Lin knocked on the window, Yao Yiyi rolled down the window, Gong Lin said: "Young lady, sorry, I'm late, and you are surprised."

Yao Yiyi looked at the wet Gong Lin and opened the door for her.

Gong Lin quickly sat in and drove towards the gunmen in black. If there were several cars around, she would have rushed out.

Those people shot at Gong Lin's car.

Yao Yiyi put An'an in his arms and covered his ears, soothing softly: "An'an, don't be afraid, there is a mother."

An An obediently nestled in her arms, said with a milky voice: "Mom, An An is not afraid, An An will also protect you."

Yao Yiyi was still worried. He was amused by his words, and the fear in his heart was also relieved.

Gong Lin drove Che in a small space, and the kidnappers with guns fled in a panic.

When Gong Lin stopped the car, Yao Yiyi saw a person pointing a gun at Ou Qingheng, and then fired mercilessly. Yao Yiyi's pupils widened for a moment and shouted sadly: "Qing Heng "" After the words were over, she saw despair, sadness and pain in her eyes.

The next second, her startled faint passed.

Yao Ting shouted: "Yiyi, Yiyi."


By the time Yao Yiyi woke up, she was already in her own home. There was no one beside the Yao Ting who guarded her.

She quickly got up from the bed, grabbing Yao Ting's arm and anxiously said: "Tingting, Qingheng? How is Qingheng people?"

Yao Ting appeased: "My dear, calm down, he's okay, don't worry about it, he just went after the escaped kidnappers with other people, Gong Lin worried that you would send you back first."

Yao Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, but still said in disbelief: "But I clearly saw someone shooting him."

Yao Ting recalled the crisis at that time and felt very incredible. She did not expect that Ou Qingheng's skill would be better than that.

"My dear, how much do you know about your husband?" Yao Ting said suddenly.

Yao Yiyi wondered her question and said, "Why do you ask?"

Yao Ting glanced at her, and suddenly she danced with excitement: "My dear, you do n’t know how powerful Ou Qingheng is. I watched him avoid the bullet, and then the bullet directly hit another of my associates. In the chest of the person, the person is finished. This is the first time I have seen a person bleed and die on the spot. Fortunately, you are fainted, otherwise you may be scared, but your husband is really handsome. "

Yao Yiyi looked at her suspiciously: "Really so powerful?"

Yao Ting gave her a white look and said, "My dear, you really don't care enough about your husband, even if he knows how to do kung fu, but it's no wonder that his bodyguards are so powerful one by one, he wants no two brushes It ’s hard to deter those people. "

Yao Yiyi just smiled.

She got off the bed and said, "What about An An?"

"Asleep in his bedroom."

"I went to see him."

In the past, Yao Yiyi only saw Gong Lin lying on the bed alone. Panic flashed in her eyes. She trot to the bed and shook Gong Lin to wake people up. She was anxious: "Gong Lin, An An?"

"Little Master is not beside ..." Before she finished speaking, she saw that there was no one next to her. She hurriedly got up from the bed, looked around and looked again, and panicked: "Little Master obviously Why are you missing in bed? Why are you missing? "

Yao Yiyi looked desperate and said, "Gong Lin, don't joke with me. Give An An to me, otherwise I'm really angry."

Gong Lin looked at Yao Yiyi guiltily and said incoherently: "Young lady, the young master really fell asleep in bed. I don't know how I disappeared when I woke up. I usually don't sleep that deep. I , I ... Mrs. Young, you give me some time, and I will get the young master back. "

Gong Lin walked to the door, and then came back, feeling excited: "Young lady, don't worry, you don't have to worry first, I'll find it here, but where to find it, the young master can't be in front of me I ca n’t see you, I ca n’t see him. ”

Yao Yiyi couldn't bear to see her like this, and took her hand quickly, saying, "Gong Lin, you calm down first, we will sort out the causes and consequences of the matter first, and then I believe An An will not be okay. "

She could see all these mutations, the fundamental purpose is to come to An'an, they did so many protective measures are still a trick.

She can only get An An back now if she calms down. The more flustered she is, the more An Ji was captured.

Gong Lin glanced at Yao Yiyi, suddenly bent down and knelt down, guilty and said: "Mrs. Shao, I'm not good at doing things, I didn't protect the young master, I swear to you, if I don't save the young master, I will take this Pay your life to the young master. "

Yao Yiyi stooped to support her and said, "I don't want your life, An'an will be fine."

And Yao Ting, who had remained quiet, walked to the window and saw a rope tied to the edge of the window and laid down, she said: "Yiyi, these people should have come here to get An An away, just to Gong Lin's vigilance can't cause An An to be taken away without realizing it. "

Gong Lin was even more guilty.

"Sorry," she said.

Yao Yiyi widened her heart: "Gong Lin, don't be like this. It's not a time of guilt and self-blame. Can you help me call up the video of this community and the surrounding area? I want to see who is so brave. The child came to steal the child. "

Gong Lin nodded and wanted to leave, but walked a few steps and came back again: "Young lady, I still want to protect you. Xu Chen and Fang Hui both followed the boss and chased people. If you have a Anything long and short, it ’s not enough to repay my life. "

Yao Yiyi lowered her face slightly and said, "I will go with you."

Yao Yiyi and the three went to the community administrator to ask for the video. Gong Lin personally checked the video when they came back. There were no suspicious people at all. They came out of the security room. Gong Lin said: "Young lady, these people are Prepared, and completely walked away from the dead end of the camera, it seems that nothing can be found by checking the video. "

Yao Yiyi twisted her eyebrows and was about to say something. Her cell phone rang and took it out for a look. It was Ou Qingheng's phone.

Her tense heart was miraculously relaxed, and there was a lot of tension and grievances in her heart, so she answered the phone, and she cried with a voice: "Qingheng, I'm sorry, I lost An'an, how? What to do? If he has something long and short, I'm afraid I don't want to live anymore. "

There was silence for a while, Ou Qingheng tried to keep calm and said: "Yiyi, calm down, where are you now? Come back first, I'm home now, no matter what happened and I'm here, I promise An'an won't have Anything, you believe in me, right? "

Yao Yiyi's eyes turned red and he trusted: "I believe in you."

The three of Yao Yiyi returned to the apartment, and Yao Yiyi directly fell into Ou Qingheng's arms, and wept silently: "Qingheng, An An was captured by them. I'm scared, I'm really scared, I'm scared He would really be surprised. "

Ou Qingheng hugged her and appeased: "Don't be afraid, and me, I assure you that no one will move."

Yao Yiyi nodded in his arms and came out of his arms.

Ou Qingheng glanced at Gong Lin. Gong Lin was frightened to step forward and told the cause and effect of the matter.

"Boss, it is not good for me to protect the young master. I will try my best to rescue the young master. Please give me a chance to redeem the merits. As long as the young master returns safely, I will let you handle it." Gong Lin knelt down, Said seriously.

Ou Qingheng looked at her condescendingly and said, "Gong Lin, you have been with me for many years, you should understand my rules, you made the lowest mistake, and said, are you colluding with people over there? An An Where were they taken? You were trained by myself, and you can't even be aware of the vigilance of people coming in. "

Gong Lin's face was white and anxiously said: "Boss, I don't have it. I'm loyal to you. I don't know why people come in. I don't have any feeling. I suddenly felt very sleepy when I was guarding the young master, and then I didn't know I fell asleep unconsciously, and then the young lady woke me up, and I realized that the young master was gone. "

The murderous intention flashed in Ou Qingheng's eyes, kicking Gong Lin up with his foot, and then stepping on her chest, said cruelly: "Say."

Gong Lin looked at Ou Qingheng in horror and coughed several times violently, shaking, "Boss, I really don't have it."

The killing intention in Ou Qingheng's eyes is even stronger: "Gong Lin, do you want to say it, believe it or not I killed you?"

After Yao Yiyi froze, she walked over to hold Ou Qingheng, shook her head at him, and said, "Qinheng, let go of Gong Lin first."

Ou Qingheng froze for a while and let go of his feet. Yao Yiyi stooped to support her and patted the dust on her body. She cared and said, "Are you all right?"

Gong Lin shook her head, coughed twice, and said, "Thank you Mrs. Young, I'm fine."

Yao Yiyi comforted: "Gong Lin, Qing Heng are also worried about An An. Don't go to your heart. I believe you are sincere for An An and me. When An An comes back, I will let him apologize to you personally. . "

Gong Lin busy said: "No, it is my duty to save the young master."

Xu Chen and Fang Hui came back and said in unison: "Boss, I found five kidnappers, but their mouths are hard enough, and they haven't knocked them open yet."

"Continuing the trial, An An was captured by their people. I need to know where they got An An." Ou Qingheng said somberly.

Xu Chen listened and gave Yao Yiyi a subconscious look.

Fang Hui's voice pulled back Xu Chen's distraction.

"Yes, boss." Fang Hui responded.

Xu Chen thought for a while and said, "Boss, I sent a chain to An An before, and put a global positioning system in it. As long as the chain doesn't fall, I can locate his specific location."

Ou Qingheng thoughtfully glanced at him, then raised his hand and patted his shoulder, said: "Xu Chen, An An rescued back, I think Ou Qingheng owes you a favor, you will be with you in the future By his side, you are more caring about him than me. "

Xu Chen bowed his head and said, "You are welcome, this is my duty, and I promised Yiyi to protect the safety and security."

"Very good," Ou Qingheng said with a little more effort, and said quite complicatedly.

He loves Yao Yiyi and An An deeply, but the security issue of An An is not as thorough as Xu Chen considered. It is because he is too confident in his ability, so it becomes this almost irreversible situation.

Xu Chen went to locate An An and spent almost half an hour finally positioning An An, in an abandoned building on the far west side of the city.

Ou Qingheng said: "Fang Hui, organize all the people in the organization to the west of the suburbs, all listen to my orders, so that they must rescue An Anping safely, and An An must not be hurt by a trace."

"Yes, boss." Fang Hui quickly called to notify people all over the city, as for those who performed tasks outside the province or abroad, there was no notice.

A group of people opened the door to save people, but unexpectedly they saw Xu Chengxun and Li Zhenzhen coming out of the elevator.

Xu Chengxun walked over and looked at Yao Yiyi, and said, "Yiyi, are you okay? The bridge collapsed and Zhenzhen and I spent some time. They sent someone to bring a boat to come. We are on the other side. I ’m worried about seeing you in danger. "

Yao Yiyi glanced at Li Zhenzhen and shook his head: "I'm fine."

Ou Qingheng directly ordered: "Fang Hui, look at the two of them first and wait until I come back."

Fang Hui made a "please" gesture towards the two of them and said, "Mr. Xu, Miss Li, please inside."

Xu Chengxun looked puzzled and said, "Ou Shao, what do you mean?"

"You invited us to play in Jingfeng Mountain, and my son would have an accident. Could you think that we believe that all of this is a coincidence?" Ou Qingheng said quietly, and took Yao Yiyi's hand into the elevator.

Xu Chengxun, who remained in place, gave Li Zhenzhen a complicated look, and then entered the house obediently with Fang Hui.

Inside the house, Li Zhenzhen said: "Chengxun, did you believe Ou Qingheng's words and suspected that I was planning it all?"

Xu Chengxun glanced at her, shook his head, and smiled bitterly: "I don't know."

Li Zhenzhen moved her mouth, a flash of sadness flashed in her eyes.

She intended to move An'an, but this time it was really not planned by her, and she didn't have the ability to invite these kidnappers with guns. This time she went to Jingfeng Mountain to mention to June, and June was not allowed to use her This incident was planned in secret. If it is exposed, it is not difficult to ensure that he will not push this incident to her. This man is insidious and poisonous. It is not impossible if he wants her to be a dead ghost.

Li Zhenzhen's heart suddenly cooled down, only to find that her cooperation with June was simply to seek skin with the tiger. If June pushed this matter to her, then she had to do well to withstand the turbulent anger of Ou Qingheng.

Xu Chengxun noticed her face, and there was a trace of disappointment in her eyes. She said, "Zhenzhen, did you really do this? Are you deliberately close to me and you just want to use me?"

"..." Li Zhenzhen moved his mouth and smiled bitterly: "If I said that it was really not what I did, I simply wanted everyone to go to Jingfeng Mountain for fun, would you believe it?"

Xu Chengxun shook his head and said: "I don't know, you have changed too much. It's not the woman who looked at me first three or four years ago, so I don't know if you will take advantage of me or take me as a stepping stone. Against Yiyi, she was the woman I had loved for many years. Even now, she still holds a very important position in my heart. It is about her. I do n’t know if I can believe you. ”

Li Zhenzhen's body froze, and the hope in her heart instantly shattered into scum.

She put away the bitter smile on her face and clasped her hands on her chest, stubbornly said: "I know, I don't expect you to believe it anymore, the Qing people clear themselves, everything will be said when An An is rescued, I'm a little tired, don't mind I ’ll go to bed first, I have to have a meal before the death sentence. "

After talking, she really lay on the bed, closed her eyes and did not look at Xu Chengxun.

Xu Chengxun glanced at her in a complicated way, then walked out of the room, looked at Fang Hui who was at the door with a pestle, and asked, "Fang Hui, can I ask why An An is missing? When I saw An An at Jingfeng Mountain, On body. "

Fang Hui glanced at him and said: "Mr. Xu, sorry, no comment."

Xu Chengxun was not annoyed and said, "Do you know the specific location of An An? I can call someone to help."

"Mr. Xu, you should go in." Fang Hui said politely.

Xu Chengxun didn't ask anything when he saw it. He was still very worried about An'an's safety. He was afraid that what happened to An'an. Yao Yiyi would not be able to bear the blow.

On the other side, Ou Qingheng drove the car to the westernmost suburb with the fastest speed.

A lot of bodyguards have been hidden in the forest or thickets, seeing Ou Qingheng come out one after another, saying: "boss."

"What's going on inside?"

"Back to the boss, we sent a person to find the way, and make sure that the young master is indeed inside. The young master is temporarily okay, lying on the floor and sleeping. Their people are still very much. Seeing their walking and gun gestures, they seem to be They are retired soldiers, and there are black whites and Europeans among them. Among them, most of them are whites. It is not easy to save the young master. "One of them analyzed carefully.

Ou Qingheng's eyes became deeper and deeper, clenching his fists, and said in a cold voice: "Deploy, let's go to save people when it's dark. Heng's son. "

"Yes, boss." A group of bodyguards echoed in unison.

Ou Qingheng intends to explore the abandoned building in person, and wants to see what happened to An An.

Yao Yiyi grabbed his hand and worriedly said: "Qing Heng."

Ou Qingheng touched her face and said softly: "Don't worry, with me, I won't let our son be in trouble."

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