Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 834: Unsuccessful miscarriage

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Li Zhenzhen learned from June that Zhang Jiaqi had been hit and had no miscarriage, and she despised, "June, you can't do such a small thing, what are you talking about to deal with Ou Qingheng?"

June was also angry, saying, "This is Li Haoran's private affair. What do you do so much? If you want me to say that you will stay calm, don't go to An'an first. The person I sent will come back to Ou Qingheng. During this time, many people were sent to protect An An in secret, and his people are very good at every effort. The people who are your three-legged cat kung fu are simply not opponents. "

Li Zhenzhen despised it even more.

"June, do n’t shirk your responsibilities if you do n’t have the patience. The waste is waste, OK, I wo n’t tell you, or you will find a way to get into the hospital to get rid of the child in the woman ’s stomach, or you will shut Put it on your mouth. "Li Zhenzhen finished and hung up the phone without saying anything.

"Zhenzhen, listen to me ... shut, even hang up my phone." June dropped his phone and kicked angrily at the man standing in front of him, angrily said: "Waste, even a woman can't deal with it, I I spent so much money to hire you not to let you eat dry food. I will give you another chance to go to the hospital and get rid of the child in the woman ’s stomach. If you ca n’t do well, you will get out early. "

"Yes, boss." The man left with a straight face.

At night, several black shadows sneaked into the hospital quietly. While no one was in the ward, they saw no one in them. They walked lightly to the hospital bed, and they were about to get started. A sad female voice was miserable. Cried out: "Ah ... there are thieves, come soon."

The few people were startled and quickly glanced at the silhouettes that had ran outside, glanced at each other and crawled down the window.

The figure that ran out quickly brought a group of people over, turned on the lights, and only then could see who this person was under the light.

It's not who Mrs. Li can be.

The maids, doctors, nurses, and others who followed them saw that there was no one in the ward except Zhang Jiaqi, who was lying on the bed. A maid asked, "Ma'am, where are the thieves?"

Mrs. Li hurriedly said: "It must have escaped, call the police quickly, and instructed people to enclose the hospital. Dare someone dare to move my grandson of the Li family, I just didn't take my eyes."

The maid hesitated and said, "But ma'am, all the patients except the doctors and nurses on duty in the hospital are patients. This hospital is so big that it is impossible to surround it."

Mrs. Li pierced her fiercely and said angrily: "I will call the police soon."

"Yes, ma'am, I'll report it now."

The servant hurriedly took out her mobile phone to call the police, and the doctor persuaded: "Mrs. Li, the patient is in urgent need of a good rest. We still do not disturb her. The thief should not come back in a short time. Let The carer stays and takes care of it, and the others are still coming out. "

Mrs. Li nodded and drove out the rest.

The police came quickly and made a transcript. Due to the pressure of the Li family, he specially called up the hospital video to see. In the video, almost no suspicious people were seen except the doctors and nurses who were on night shifts.

"Mrs. Li, there is no suspicious person in the video. Could it be late at night? You looked dazzled?" Said one of the policemen.

Mrs. Li sneered and said, "What do you mean by this? Could it be that I am actually lying?"

"Mrs. Li, don't be impulsive. We will investigate this matter. It's just that I think the patient hasn't suffered any substantial harm. Investigating it is just a waste of police power."

Mrs. Li's eyes were even colder, and those who wanted to make things difficult were stopped by the rushed Li Haoran.

Li Haoran politely invited people away, and then said to the doctors and nurses who were on duty at night: "All of you go back, my mother is giving you trouble."

The doctors and nurses politely left.

Mrs. Li grabbed Li Haoran's hand and said, "Horan, how can you let people go? You don't know how excessive this policeman is. I called the police to catch thieves. They even suspected that I reported false police. Instead, I'll call your secretary and ask the last question about how he disciplined the people under him. It was so rude. "

Li Haoran said impatiently: "Mom, have you had enough trouble? When will you make trouble for Zhang Jiaqi?"

"Horan, what are you talking about, why is mom so angry? It's not to protect the baby in Jiaqi's belly, but he is your son." Mrs. Li glared at Li Haoran and gritted her teeth.

Li Haoran looked at Mrs. Li complexly and whispered: "Mom, I have never admitted this child at all, and I wish he would be lost in this car accident."

Mrs. Li looked at him in disbelief, like a stranger.

"Horan, what are you talking about?" She said in disbelief.

"I said, I hope the baby in her stomach drains."

With a snap, Mrs. Li looked at her right hand in disbelief. She just slapped Li Haoran with this hand.

Li Haoran licked the corner of his beaten mouth, looked at Mrs. Li, and said with hate: "Mom, do you know that your self-proclaimed ruined my happiness, and forcibly stuffed a child I didn't even expect, If you do n’t know what to do unless you do n’t know what you ’ve done to your son, you know best. Yao Ting and I should be happy to divorce me, but your son is bleeding, I really doubt you are mine Mom, do you know? I really want to hate you in my heart. Your selfishness has cost me the most important person. "

Li Haoran wiped his face and continued: "I rushed over just to see if Zhang Jiaqi was dead or not. Don't blame your son for speaking badly. I was completely disgusted by the two of you."

Mrs. Li staggered for several steps and looked at Li Haoran sadly.

Li Haoran didn't look at her, but turned around and left.

"Horan." She shouted in a panic.

Li Haoran turned a deaf ear.

Mrs. Li paced back and forth in panic, whispering: "It's impossible, Haoran won't hate me. I am his mother, how could he hate me? Yes, it must be Yao Ting's stubbornness. This **** woman, seeing how cruel she is, is divorced and dares to provoke divorce in front of Haoran. "

With that, Mrs. Li's eyes became ruthless.

The next day, Mrs. Li made people take good care of Zhang Jiaqi and went to the company where Yao Yiyi went to work.

Yao Yiyi was a little surprised to learn that Mrs. Li had seen her, but expected that she was mostly due to Yao Ting.

"Young lady, I will send her down for you." Gong Lin said.

Yao Yiyi pondered and shook her head, "No, I will meet her down."

Gong Lin nodded.

Yao Yiyi collected the documents on the desk and went straight downstairs.

Mrs. Li took off the glasses on her face and opened the door to ask a question: "Yiyi, what about Yao Ting? The number I called her became an empty number."

Yao Yiyi chuckled: "Mrs. Li, Yao Ting has nothing to do with you. I don't think I can tell her whereabouts."

Mrs. Li put her arms around her chest and said, "Yiyi, if you don't say that, I will preach everywhere how Yao Ting reluctantly re-intervened in the marriage of her ex-husband and his wife after divorce.

Yao Yiyi's eyes suddenly became cold and said: "Mrs. Li, please don't make people think you are an elder who is not respected by the old."

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