Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 832: Someone wants to start with An An

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Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng came back to see Xu Chen and Li Haoran, who were painted separately, and Yao Yiyi frowned.

She looked at Li Haoran and said, "Horan, what do you mean?"

Li Haoran stroked the corner of his beating mouth and said, "I just want to see Ting Ting. Your bodyguard is really too dedicated, so if you don't match any words, you will fight. In the end, this is what you see."

Yao Yiyi clasped her hands on her chest and said succinctly: "Horan, I remember you and Tingting have been divorced, and in the Civil Affairs Bureau, you also brought Zhang Jiaqi and your mother over to humiliate Tingting. , Can't think of reuniting with Tingting? "

Li Haoran raised his eyebrows and said seriously: "The Civil Affairs Bureau, I never thought of humiliating Tingting."

Yao Yiyi waved his hand and said, "I don't care what you mean. In short, you and Tingting are divorced. What is your responsibility now to take care of Zhang Jiaqi and the children in her stomach. As for Tingting, we will take care of it, of course. We will also arrange for a man to blind date with her. On the condition of her, some rich second generation marry her, and only you Li family will have no eyes. "

Li Haoran's face was gloomy like water.

"Yiyi, let's be friends." He gritted his teeth.

Yao Yiyi raised his chin and said quietly, "No, it's not anymore."

Li Haoran was like eating something disgusting, and his face was particularly ugly.

He waved his hand and said, "I don't quarrel with you, I want to see Tingting."

Yao Yiyi clasped his hands on his chest and sneered: "Horan, if you still have a little face, you will leave now. Tingting is no longer your responsibility, and entanglement will only make each other have no face."

Li Haoran took a deep breath. He exhorted himself not to be angry. The impulse is the devil. Once he is really angry, I am afraid that Ou Qingheng will have hundreds of ways to prevent him from seeing Yao Ting.

"I'll go back first, please take good care of Tingting, I will come to see her again." Li Haoran said decadently.

Yao Yiyi wanted to say a few words to choke him, but when he looked at him in a state of depression, he swallowed it back when he spoke.

When Li Haoran left, Yao Yiyi looked at Xu Chen and cared about his injury.

Xu Chen said: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

That being said, Yao Yiyi went upstairs and took the medicine chest down.

Xu Chen painted the wound himself, and was consciously retreated.

Yao Yiyi wanted to keep people down for dinner, but after looking at Ou Qingheng he didn't say anything.

As soon as Xu Chen left, Yao Yiyi frowned and said, "Qingheng, can you help Li Haoran stop looking for Tingting again?"

"Yes, people don't show up when they're gone, otherwise it's to start with his company and keep his busy feet free from taking care of their children's private feelings." Ou Qingheng said seriously.

Yao Yiyi thought about it and thought it was not very reliable.

"Forget it, let's ask Ting Ting before making a plan. What is all this, it's a complete mess." Yao Yiyi said a little irritably.

Ou Qingheng's eyes deepened and he came over and promised: "You can rest assured that I will let him have no time to come to find Yao Ting."

Yao Yiyi looked at him and pondered for a while, but still said: "Qingheng, don't intervene, let Ting Ting tell him clearly. Otherwise, if you can stop him for a while, it is impossible to stop him for a lifetime. It ’s better to make it clear from the beginning, and to save him from being a father and returning to Tingting with a family of three. I really regret it. At that time, Tingting was with him. "

Ou Qingheng's eyes became deeper and deeper, as if thinking about how to deal with Li Haoran.

Yao Yiyi called Yao Ting and asked where she is now.

Yao Ting did not answer the question: "Is he gone?"

"Let's go, come back, don't you say move to your apartment? Qing Heng and I will accompany you to see it."

Yao Ting said an address on the phone.

Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng drove to the community.

She took the elevator upstairs and stood in front of the apartment door. She raised her hand and knocked on the door. Yao Ting soon came to open the door for her.

Yao Yiyi went in and it was cleaned up. There was almost nothing else except the sofa case. The cleanliness was as simple as a temporary rental place for tourists.

"Tingting, do you really plan to live here in the future?" Yao Yiyi asked. Here is too quiet, and security is not good, the key is whether the privacy of the senior apartment cannot be fully protected. This apartment is quite small, only three rooms and one hall, and the decoration is too streamlined. All in all, she is not very satisfied. That's it.

Yao Ting said with a smile: "It's nice, quiet, and the environment is good for me to write. If you have time, take An'an to play, and I changed the card. You will remember my phone number later, I I do n’t want to have any problems with the Li family. "

Yao Yiyi nodded: "Relax, this will be resolved between me and Qingheng. Will you write the script to the director now?"

"The outline has been outlined. You can enter the state tonight. Be busy, and people will not be cranky." Yao Ting shrugged, and the state did not look too bad.

Yao Yiyi was somewhat happy: "You can just walk out. I have invited you to work for two hours to take care of your diet. Rest assured, they promise not to disturb your code, that is to prepare you three meals a day, save You do n’t even eat your meals upside down day and night. "

Yao Ting agreed, knowing that Yao Yiyi was worried about her.

Yao Yiyi told her to say a few words before leaving.

Yao Ting took them to the door and hesitated, saying: "Yiyi, if Li Haoran asked me, you said I was abroad, I don't want to have any contact with him."


Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng took the elevator downstairs, Ou Qingheng said: "Yiyi, do you want to see me with Mr. Li?"

Yao Yiyi raised his head and blinked his eyes.

"I just called the old man when you talked to Yao Ting, and he asked us to drink tea in the past." Ou Qingheng explained.

Yao Yiyi nodded.

Ou Qingheng drove her to a very classically decorated teahouse.

The graceful and graceful lady etiquette greeted her and made a "please" gesture, saying: "Mr. Ou, Mrs. Ou, please inside."

Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi followed Miss Etiquette into the box. Miss Etiquette bowed halfway and respectfully said, "Sir, Mr. Ou, they are here."

The old man put down the teacup, waved his hand, and said, "Go ahead."

The etiquette nodded and stepped back lightly.

Ou Qingheng embraced Yao Yiyi in the past and said, "Senior man."

Mr. Li pointed to the empty space opposite, and wanted to pour tea for both of them. Yao Yiyi intercepted it and poured tea for them.

Ou Qingheng glanced at the old man and said straight away: "Old man, the junior called you to come out for nothing else, just want to talk to you about your grandson."

A glimmer of light flashed in Mr. Li's eyes, but it quickly became calm again.

"What happened to my unfilial grandson?" The old man asked.

"He ran to my house to make trouble today, and he also shot a set of sofas I bought back from Italy, so I thought about asking you out to ask how to solve this problem, I do n’t say anything, people Everyone thinks that I Ou Qingheng is a soft persimmon that everyone rubs round and flat. "Ou Qingheng narrowed his eyes and said indifferently, but the old man was coming, and naturally he could hear the threat of his words. .

The old man touched the beard of his chin and said in a deep voice: "That unfilial grandson really wants to do such an unreliable thing, my old man can't spare him naturally, so I will call him to come and give you personally Condemned. "

Ou Qingheng took a cup of tea and sipped tea, laughing: "Sir, I am not here to let Li Shao come over to pay me guilt. The Li family and the Ou family have **** because of their younger generation. "

The old man's cloudy eyes became very dull.

He suddenly sighed leisurely and said, "It's Haoran who doesn't have this blessing anymore. My old man has always liked Tingting, but his mother's short-sighted eyes only saw the surface, but forgot to think deeply. It ’s like thinking about my face as an old man. Forget it. When I go back, I ’ll talk about him and make sure he wo n’t go to Tingting. ”

Ou Qingheng was holding a tea cup and smiled: "Thank you, old man. If there is a suitable cooperation project, Ou Jia will naturally cooperate with Li Jia. The juniors will not mix any personal feelings in business negotiation. Come, this cup of tea is regarded as a respect for the younger generation. "

Master Li picked up the cup and touched it, and took a sip with his head up. Their eyes met in the air. The meaning was self-evident.

After drinking the tea, Ou Qingheng smiled and said, "Senior man, it's not too early. An An is still at home. Yi Yi and I went back first, and the sky was empty. You can ask my junior to go fishing together."

With the help of the bodyguard, Mr. Li said, "Alright, I'm sleepy with an old bone. Go back first."

The three went out of the teahouse, and Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi nodded politely to Mr. Li and said, "Sir, please get in the car."

Mr. Li took the lead in the car and leaned out of his head. He said: "Qingheng, Yiyi, do you think Tingting is free tomorrow? My old man wants to invite her for a meal. She has been married to the Li family for almost a year. It ’s my unfilial grandson who ’s sorry for her, she wo n’t even recognize my cheap grandpa. ”

Yao Yiyi stooped and said: "Senior man, I will tell Ting Ting, if she agrees, I will let Qing Heng call your old man."

"Then trouble you, my old man just wanted to tell her a few words, she didn't need to avoid the Li family like a flood beast."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

The old man closed the door and drove the car.

Yao Yiyi watched the car go away and said, "Qingheng, let's go back."

Ou Qingheng led her into the car and personally fastened her seat belt.

Yao Yi leaned on the seat and said, "Qingheng, will we make the old man angry?"

"He won't." Ou Qingheng said firmly: "He has dominated the Li family for decades, and he has spent most of his life in it. He knows what to do to be good for the Li family. The Ou Group is currently ranked in the T city. The first company, he dare not offend the Ou family, he sees more clearly than Mrs. Li, knowing that I care about you, and you have a good relationship with Yao Ting, Yao Ting was divorced because of Li Haoran ’s derailment, he wanted to appease Yao Ting will definitely teach Li Haoran a meal, because he will do the show for us. "

Yao Yiyi thought about it and understood the causes and consequences in his words.

She suddenly hated this kind of communication. When she thought that Yao Ting had lived in such a ulterior motive for nearly a year, she felt disgusted, Mrs. Li did not like it, and Mr. Li ’s pretentious use of kindness, Li Haoran seemed The sincerity is false, wanton derailment, harming pregnancy, and now want to entangle Yao Ting, it is disgusting to her from the heart.

"Qingheng, if I said I wanted you to break the cooperation with the Li family, would it embarrass you?" Yao Yiyi said suddenly.

Ou Qingheng smiled, raised her hand to touch her cheek, and asked, "I really want to intervene in my work?"

Yao Yiyi is like a deflated ball-she is gone, she said: "Forget it, I'm just kidding."

Ou Qingheng smiled and did not say anything, but he has decided that the Ou Group will not cooperate with the Li family in the future. It is not necessary to tell Yao Yiyi about this.

The two returned to their home, and An An was already asleep by Fang Hui.

Yao Yiyi said: "Fang Hui, you have worked hard. It should be boring to let you take care of An An."

Fang Hui bent over halfway and said, "Mrs. Hui Young, no, young master is very intelligent and sensible. Many times I am an adult who can't keep up with his thinking. I am ashamed to be right."

Yao Yiyi chuckled.

Fang Hui said: "Young lady, I'm going out first."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

Fang Hui was about to leave, and suddenly remembered something, said: "Young lady, you go to see the young master, I have something to tell the boss."


Fang Hui went to the study and mentioned his findings with Ou Qingheng.

Ou Qingheng listened and raised his eyebrows, "You said you found someone intentionally following An An?"

"Go back to boss, this is my suspicion with Xu Chen. I always feel that someone is watching the young master secretly, but I do n’t see anyone when I chase it out, but it ’s still good to be careful. It's the same hands-on, "Fang Hui said seriously.

Ou Qingheng hooked his lips and sneered, "I want to see who dares to deal with my Ou Qingheng's son. You send a few people to guard in secret. I will not allow An An to have any accidents.

"Yes, boss." Fang Hui hesitated and said: "Boss, these people even moved their thoughts to the young master, will it be the Yujia residual party that handled the unclean five years ago?"

Ou Qingheng narrowed his eyes and shot a dangerous light from his eyes: "I hope they are, I just beat them all."

Fang Hui bowed his head and said, "Boss said yes."

Ou Qingheng took a deep breath and said, "Fang Hui, you pay attention to An An during this time, and he is not allowed to contact any strangers, you know?"

Fang Hui nodded.

Ou Qingheng waved his hand and said, "You go down first."

After Fang Hui left, Ou Qingheng rubbed his forehead with a somber expression.

Yao Yiyi opened the door with a glass of milk and saw that his face was not particularly good. She walked over to put the milk on the desk and said, "What's wrong, did Fang Hui tell you something?"

Ou Qingheng condensed her expression, hugged her into her arms, and smiled: "It's just a little thing at work, don't worry, I will deal with it."

Yao Yiyi nodded, broke free from his arms, and picked up the milk on the table and handed it in front of her, saying: "Come on, drink a glass of milk, don't get too busy working too late."

Ou Qingheng took the milk, lifted her head and drank it, then kissed her lips and gave her a sip of milk, laughing: "Sweet?"

Yao Yiyi swallowed in and said, "Sweet."

Ou Qingheng stroked her face and said, "Go to bed first. I'll go back and hug you to sleep after finishing some documents on hand."

Yao Yiyi took the empty glass and kissed him on the cheek, saying, "Good night."

When Yao Yiyi left the study, his face sank again, and he made several phone calls all night and ordered something, before leaving back to the bedroom, putting Yao Yiyi, who had fallen asleep, into his arms, and slowly slept. .

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