Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 830: What should I do with you?

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"Hao Ran, you divorced Yao Ting for such a woman, and you really lived and went back." Li Zhenzhen looked at Li Haoran and said mockingly.

Li Haoran listened, but smiled bitterly.

Li Zhenzhen took a bite of the dish and said: "Horan, to be honest, you are really willing to leave Yao Ting so far? To know that she will definitely have a man who loves her and loves her, maybe Yao Ting will be pregnant with his child, There are three people in the family, and you can only guard a woman who doesn't love. Are you jealous? "

Li Haoran's hands clenched slowly, his knuckles were white, and his tendons were exposed.

When it comes to Yao Ting's problems, his reason is almost completely lost, and he can't look at it with objective reason.

"She doesn't want to see me now, what do you think I can do?" Li Haoran said like a beast of a sleepy beast.

Li Zhenzhen hooked her lips, she knew she was right, no matter how smart Li Haoran usually is, as long as it is related to Yao Ting, then he can't use reason to analyze the cause and effect of the matter.

"Hao Ran, you are so clever, and you have done a great job in your career. Even if you open a film and television company, you can cope with it when you are a producer, but you still don't understand women's thoughts emotionally, Yao Ting. If you really do n’t have any feelings for you, then I wo n’t believe it. She only minds the child of Zhang Jiaqi ’s belly, ”Li Zhenzhen paused and said in a cruel way:“ I do n’t think you expect the child of her belly either. , Just get rid of it, become a big deal, no matter how trivial, I do n’t think you are such a womanly man. "

Li Haoran had thought of trying to get rid of Zhang Jiaqi's baby, but Yao Ting's overly determined divorce almost emptied his reason. He has been immersed in sorrow for the past few days, and has no time to consider Zhang Jiaqi Her child.

"Why, do you still want her to have a baby? Haoran, I can honestly say that if this baby is born, I am afraid that you and Yao Ting will be impossible in this life. I can see that Yao Ting's eyes are quite tolerant. Do n’t let sand, do n’t lose it because of a small one. ”Li Zhenzhen persuaded.

Li Haoran's eyes flashed a complex dark awn.

Li Zhenzhen shrugged and said, "Of course, Zhang Jiaqi is pregnant with your child after all, and you should be reluctant to deserve it. Fortunately, I said it in vain. In the final analysis, Yao Ting can't compare to a child who has not yet been born."

Li Haoran's face changed and changed.

"I know what to do." He said in a deep voice. He didn't even want Zhang Jiaqi to give birth to a child. If the child was not born by Yao Ting, he would rather not be a dad in this life.

He likes children too, but compared with Yao Ting, it seems less important.

Li Zhenzhen nodded without asking deeply.

Li Haoran looked at Li Zhenzhen and said, "Zhenzhen, can you talk to Tingting now? Help me take care of her and wait for me to deal with the child in the woman's stomach. I will go find her."

"Okay." Li Zhenzhen thought for a while, and said, "Horan, let me help you. I have no way to get a woman pregnant, but I have many ways to make her miscarry. You are inconvenient to shoot. I will come."

Li Haoran looked at her and returned rationally. He noticed that Li Zhenzhen was too enthusiastic.

Abnormality is a demon.

"Zhenzhen, why do you help me this way? I don't think you are a helpful person." Li Haoran said.

"According to what you need, help you and Yao Ting break the mirror and re-finish it, which is indirectly grateful to Yao Yiyi, and also climbed the big tree of Ouqing Heng. I was not smart before, so I went against him everywhere. However, I have only discovered that with the shadow of Ou Qinheng, I can develop the Li Group better. "Li Zhenzhen said genuinely and falsely:" So I helped you, it is a win-win situation, do you believe it, You can stop working with me. "

Li Haoran withdrew his gaze.

"Okay, I believe you."

Li Zhenzhen hooked her lips and smiled, "That line, I will help you get rid of the child in Zhang Jiaqi's belly."

"No, I'll do it myself. I'm a man, there is no reason for women to help."

Li Zhenzhen shrugged her shoulders and didn't force it.

After eating, the two left the Korean restaurant side by side. After leaving, Li Zhenzhen got into the car and called June.

"June, do me a favor." Li Zhenzhen asked June to help her get rid of the child in Zhang Jiaqi's belly.

June said doubtfully on the other end of the phone: "Jia Jiaqi? What the hell? I don't know her, why should I get rid of the baby in her stomach? You panic when I am idle."

"She is the granddaughter of Shanghai's prestigious Zhang Dewang, who is entangled with Li Haoran, and is still pregnant with his children. If you want me to be able to get close to Yao Ting and Yao Yiyi, you can help me do it, don't be chicky. "Li Zhenzhen said angrily.

June said: "Send all of her information, I will let someone do it."

"Thanks, I will send her all the information in a few minutes." Li Zhenzhen will hang up the phone when she finishes talking.

June stopped her on the cell phone: "You came to me tonight, I haven't touched you for a long time, I suddenly wanted you."

Li Zhenzhen's expression was astonishing, and said, "June, I don't think I have an obligation to be your bed-warming tool. I hope you can respect my cooperation partner."

June chuckled and said sarcastically: "If you are with Xu Chengxun, you will need to defend him like a jade? Do n’t forget that we are entangled in the video, but once it went crazy on the website. Alright. "

Li Zhenzhen's face was blue and white.

Half is angry, half is ashamed.

"June, if you don't know how to respect me so much, there is no need to continue our cooperation." Li Zhenzhen said coldly.

June languidly said: "It's unpleasant? But this is all the truth. You really think Xu Chengxun will see you as a treasure. You're just a junk that I have used. Either you come tonight, or I'll take it We have shown him videos of going back to bed several times, and I think he will be happy to see the ecstasy of his woman under other men. "

Li Zhenzhen's face was distorted: "You mean!"

After that, she hung up the phone directly.

Looking at the black screen, her hands were shaking.

Cooperating with June is no less than trying to find a skin with Tiger. She has been moving away on this road and it is difficult to look back.

She and Xu Chengxun had long been impure, and she was sometimes afraid that Xu Chengxun would be full of disgust after seeing the truth.

She closed her eyes and eased for a while, and when she opened her eyes, she had recovered her clarity, and Leng Su drove back to the company.

On the other side, Li Haoran returned to the company, and the secretary greeted him and said, "Mr. Li, Mr. Feng is here again."

Li Haoran frowned, a bit gloomy between the eyebrows, nodded coldly to the secretary, and opened the door directly into the office.

Lawyer Feng got up from the sofa and said politely: "Mr. Li."

"Lawyer Feng, I said that I can help Tingting to take charge of the company, but she is the legal legal person of the company. As for the property under my name, I have to transfer it to her account. I do n’t know if you came this time because What's the matter? "Li Haoran said straight away.

Mr. Feng took out the documents and said: "Mr. Li, the company ’s transfer letter Miss Yao did not sign. As for the real estate under your name and several sets of villas, Miss Yao also does not need it, as long as she does not have a signature, she will not have any It worked, please take a look. If there is no problem, I will go. "

Li Haoran took the documents to see that there was no Yao Ting's name in several places where he signed.

His face became a little ugly. He had entrusted lawyer Feng to go to it three times, but Yao Ting still refused to sign. She still didn't want the property under his name. He wanted to cut him clean.

Li Haoran's heart felt like he was grabbed, and it hurts.

"Is there anything she wants you to bring me?" Li Haoran lowered his eyes and said.

"Miss Yao told me to tell you that she wouldn't want it, and she would also transfer back the money in the account. Since you have been divorced, you don't have any relationship." Lawyer Feng said one by one.

Li Haoran chuckled lightly, his face full of bitterness.

"You go out first."

Attorney Feng nodded, took the briefcase and left.

Li Haoran held his head in his hands and whispered: "Tingting, I'm sorry for you first, don't you even want money compensation? What should I do, you will forgive me?"

The office was empty, and no one answered him at all.

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