Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 827: Clean out

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Li Zhenzhen looked at the five or six foreign men who were tall and hard-covered in front of her. She said: "You are all retired special forces?"

"Back to Miss Li, we are all special forces retired in 2008." One of them said with a cold face.

A series of falling flowers hit by Ou Qingheng's bodyguards, the group of retired special forces also felt shameless, so this time June called them to assist a woman. Although they were reluctant, they thought that if they caught the child, they would be able to Shameless before the snow, the unwillingness was extinguished.

"Very well, I'll trust you all." Li Zhenzhen said politely to them.

"Miss Li does not have to be polite, this is our duty."

Li Zhenzhen personally arranged a place for them to live, saying, "You will live here first during this time. I will tell you when the time is right."

The bodyguards have no objections.

After arranging the people properly, Li Zhenzhen drove to the area where Yao Yiyi lived. Coincidentally, she saw Yao Ting take An'an out to play without Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng.

She drove slowly followed, and saw Yao Ting take An An to the nearby small park.

She got out of the car and followed, pretending to be a chance encounter with Yao Ting.

Yao Ting guarded An An behind him and said, "Miss Li, what a coincidence, not you can meet you here on weekends."

The implication is that you are not working at the company on weekends, but you ran to the park near the neighborhood where Yao Yiyi lived. It was a coincidence. I am afraid that no one except the fool believed it.

Li Zhenzhen pretended not to hear the meaning of Yao Ting's words, took off her glasses, and looked at An'an behind her with her eyes, said: "Miss Yao, it is also a fate to meet here, if you don't mind Let's talk around. "

Yao Ting hugged An An and refused to say thousands of miles away: "Sorry, I am not familiar with you. I'm afraid I have nothing to say to you. An An should also be hungry. I will take him to eat something."

Li Zhenzhen quickly stepped forward and smiled: "Miss Yao, I don't seem to offend you. I don't know where you are so hostile to me?"

A trace of impatience flashed in Yao Ting's eyes. She and Li Haoran handled the divorce agreement, and she was already upset. If Yao Yiyi insisted on letting her take An'an out for a break, she might feel bored in the house. The situation of the earth and the wilderness is now. The last thing she wants is to think of snakes with people, especially those with the surname Li. She knows that the relationship between Li Zhenzhen and Li Haoran is still good, so now she does n’t want to see Li Zhenzhen at all, regardless of whether Li Zhenzhen is because What appeared here, she was not in a mood to talk to her.

"You didn't offend me, but I don't want to talk to you now." Yao Ting walked back to An An.

Li Zhenzhen said leisurely at the back: "Miss Yao, I know you and Haoran signed the divorce agreement. Don't you want to know how Haoran is going?"

Yao Ting's footsteps stopped, and then left as quickly as there was any chase behind him.

Li Zhenzhen's eyes were cold and her lips sneered twice.

Yao Ting, it seems that you are still in love with Li Haoran. As long as you are in love, I can approach you under the name of Li Haoran. In this way, I still do n’t believe I ca n’t catch Ou Zhenxuan. This time, I must let Ou Zhenxuan Qingheng and Yao Yiyi tasted the accident of their biological son, and let them feel the pain of my skin-cutting.

Yao Yiyi looked at Yao Ting and went back with An An, a little strange, said: "Ting Ting, why are you back?"

Yao Ting looked a little bit sullen, just looked at Yao Yiyi.

An An said: "Mom, the **** mother met an aunt who was very unfriendly to her mother in the park, the one with the surname Li. She deliberately got close to the **** mother, but she looked at An An from time to time. She looked at An An's eyes. I hate it. "

Because An An is small and has a pure mind, she is very keen on whether she is kind or malicious.

As soon as Yao Yiyi heard it, she knew who the aunt Li was in An'an's mouth. Who else could be besides Li Zhenzhen, but how could she appear here?

When she thought of Xu Chengxun reminding her before, she had to have a snack, and An An said that she always looked at her, so she would doubt that Li Zhenzhen appeared here on non-weekends with ulterior motives.

Yao Yiyi frowned: "Tingting, why did Li Zhenzhen appear here?"

Yao Ting shook her head and said, "I don't know." She thought for a while, and then said: "She and Li Haoran know each other. When I came back from holding An An, she said Li Haoran's name, so I think she might be Li Haoran. The one sent may also be. "

But having said that, based on her knowledge of Li Haoran, it is impossible for him to let Li Zhenzhen be a lobbyist. If it were not for this reason, she really could not think of any reason.

Yao Yiyi could only barely believe this excuse.

"An An, you go upstairs to play, and your godmother and I will take you to the amusement park in the afternoon." Yao Yiyi deliberately opened An An.

An An nodded cleverly and ran upstairs.

Yao Yiyi sat next to Yao Ting and said, "Ting Ting, I don't think it's a way for you to be in the house all day. I received a call from the director last night to ask for a script, otherwise you will write a script , I promised you, and you ca n’t regret it, do you? "

Yao Ting held his head in his hands and smiled bitterly: "My dear, if I said that my brain is blank now, there is no inspiration, would you believe it?"

Yao Yiyi sighed and said, "We won't write without inspiration. I'll ask Qingheng to invite you to continue writing with some of the most famous screenwriters in the industry. I will explain to the director first, and then you will travel abroad for a few days. , Relax. "

Yao Ting shook his head and said, "No, I will write the script tomorrow, and I plan to move back to the apartment I bought before, and I cannot live with you every day."

Yao Yiyi's face sank slightly and said, "Ting Ting, you hurt my heart by saying this. We two don't know each other. Have you forgotten?"

Yao Ting smiled and said, "My dear, I know you don't mind that I live here, but I should always have my own house, right?"

Yao Yiyi thought about it and could only agree.

"My dear, I plan to move back to the apartment in two days, and then ask Li Haoran to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with me to finish the divorce." Yao Ting said her plan.

"The move is not in a hurry. I can't safely let you go back to live in a situation like this. This matter cannot be negotiated." Yao Yiyi said firmly: "As for the divorce, we should leave it to Lawyer Feng for the whole process. , You do n’t have to come forward. "

Yao Ting stopped talking.

Yao Yiyi glanced at her and asked tentatively: "Or do you still want to see Li Haoran again?"

Yao Ting lowered his eyes and smiled bitterly, "Dear, do you think I am particularly hypocritical? I mentioned the divorce. Now I want to see him as well. I know that I am hypocritical, but I still have a hard time forgetting his existence. , I just want to see him again, maybe I will, and the extravagance in my heart no longer exists. "

Yao Yiyi took her hand and patted her, and said with a long heart: "Tingting, you have to recognize the facts, Zhang Jiaqi is already pregnant. The Li family can't refuse to recognize this child. Is there really nothing to be worried about this child? "

"..." Yao Ting was silent.

Yao Yiyi looked at her collapse, more serious than her divorce and blindness, and did not know how long it would take her to get out of this divorce.

Divorced in less than a year of marriage, the sweetness and once-in-a-life alliance turned into a fragile bubble, which broke after a poke.

"Forget it, if you really want to go, I will go with you." Yao Yiyi compromised.

"Thank you."

On Friday morning, Yao Yiyi accompanied Yao Ting and lawyer Feng to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

When Yao Yiyi arrived outside the Civil Affairs Bureau, Li Haoran had not arrived yet.

Waiting for nearly five minutes, Li Haoran's car stopped at the door.

Yao Ting looked forward to it. As a result, when she saw the person coming out of the car, her eyes dimmed, and the light she had hoped for suddenly disappeared.

Li Haoran knew she did n’t want to see Zhang Jiaqi at all, but he also brought her over. He also said that he had nothing to do with Zhang Jiaqi, but how much does it mean to bring people over now?

Yao Ting couldn't bear the bitter laughter. Their three-year relationship and one-year marriage were not as good as Zhang Jiaqi's pregnancy.

She would like to ask Li Haoran, Li Haoran, our feelings for several years, do you just say that and forget?

It ’s just useless to ask these questions now. It ’s just increasing sorrow. What's the point of asking?

It was Mrs. Li who got out of the car and finally Li Haoran.

Mrs. Li said: "Hao Ran, to help Jiaqi, she is now carrying the most precious grandson of our Li family, but there can be a little bit of failure."

Li Haoran turned a deaf ear, but his eyes looked at Yao Ting without blinking.

Mrs. Li was anxious, which made her angry.

She glared at Yao Ting angrily, as if stimulating Yao Ting deliberately, and said: "Jia Qi, you must be careful, don't fall, the doctor said that you are now pregnant with children, I am Let you have a good rest at home, you have to follow, if there is something long and short, I will be heartbroken to death. "

Li Haoran stepped up, looked at Yao Ting wholeheartedly, and said indifferently: "Ting Ting, are you okay? Haven't you eaten well this time? Everyone has become thinner."

Yao Ting looked at him calmly, and if she still had the remaining thoughts about Li Haoran before coming back, now, her hopes had vanished due to the pretentiousness of Zhang Jiaqi and Mrs. Li.

"Go in, we have signed, and you can also leave your mother and future wife early." Yao Ting said.

A bit of sadness flashed in Li Haoran's eyes. He wanted to touch Yao Ting, but he was blocked by Yao Yiyi without thinking.

Yao Yiyi said: "Mr. Li, let's go in. You have nothing to do with Tingting after signing, but it's really disgusting to bring your mother and lover to me. I used to think that you are very responsible, now It does n’t look like it. I ’m wrong. I hope you do n’t appear in front of Tingting again, or I ’ll feel sick if I look at your beautiful face. ”

Li Haoran's complexion changed, and he withdrew his eyes and made a serious look.

"Tingting, let's go in."

Yao Ting nodded slightly.

A group of people went in.

The staff asked if they really wanted to divorce. Both hesitated and both nodded to say that they were sincere, and then signed the name on it, and the staff stamped them to complete the divorce.

Yao Ting put the divorce book into the bag and said, "Yiyi, let's go."

Yao Yiyi supported her and walked to the door.

Li Haoran looked at her back. When he approached the door, he opened his mouth: "Tingting, I transferred all the property under my name to your account. As for the company, I also called Mr. Feng to put the legal person Has passed your name, and now you are the owner of the publishing company and my newly opened film and television company. I'm sorry, no matter what I do is voluntary, wrong or wrong , I have nothing to say, I only hope to compensate you financially. "

Yao Ting's footsteps froze, his eyes were red, his fists clenched, and he said without looking back: "Horan, I won't want any of your property, I'm a writer who can only code, company The only loser in my hands, I will ask lawyer Feng to return to your name, you did not persuade me. "

After that, she walked without stopping.

Li Haoran followed her out, watching her get in the car, and then opened the car, he opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word.

He wanted to stop Yao Ting, but what if he stopped? He has no such position at all.

Mrs. Li stared at the car she had drove away and said angrily: "Horan, are you crazy? You and Yao Ting are both divorced. She will give her all the property. Do n’t forget to carry your child now. It ’s Jiaqi. "

Li Haoran looked at her calmly and said indifferently: "Mom, I will tell my grandfather to give up the inheritance of the Li family. From now on, I have nothing to do with the Li family. I think this is the result you are thinking about. Now, I am as you wish. "

Mrs. Li listened, her face pale.

She looked at Li Haoran in disbelief and shivered: "Horan, what are you talking about?"

Li Haoran withdrew his eyes and looked at the cars in the driveway, saying: "Mom, you designed me to touch Zhang Jiaqi, and then made her pregnant. The purpose is nothing more than wanting me to marry her, but I tell you, this life I I won't marry her. I can admit the children in her stomach, but I will never marry her. Tingting and I are impossible, and I and her are even more impossible. You two died. "

After he finished, he went down the stairs, got into the car, and drove away.

Leaving Mrs. Li alone to jump on the spot, but everyone shouted loudly: "You come back to me, you come back to me."

Zhang Jiaqi stood on the side silly, his face blue and white, especially brilliant.

Mrs. Li shouted several times, seeing that Li Haoran was determined to leave, so she stopped calling and turned to see Zhang Jiaqi, but she saw that Zhang Jiaqi's face was not right, and she worriedly supported her and hurriedly said: "Jiaqi, What's wrong with you? Isn't your body uncomfortable? Don't scare your aunt, you are pregnant with the most honorable grandson of our Li family. Can't have a long or short.

Zhang Jiaqi recovered, looked at Mrs. Li and cried, "Auntie, Haoran doesn't want to marry me. My child can only be an illegitimate child. It seems that I can only take him abroad, or even the Zhang family Not acknowledging his existence. "

Mrs. Li's complexion changed even more, anxiously said: "I don't allow, how can my grandson go abroad. Don't worry, Jiaqi, I will let Haoran marry you, or I will threaten my life directly , I ’m a goddamn, I do n’t believe he ’s going to compromise. "

Zhang Jiaqi lowered his eyes, his eyes flashed with pride.

She tried her best to find out where Li Haoran would not marry her. She no longer expected Li Haoran to love her, but she wanted the position of Mrs. Li's family. Zhang's family was already disappointed with her. At home, she had a lifeline. Now she can only enter the door of the Li family with the children in her belly. The Li family has the most face, and it is absolutely impossible to let her grandson live outside.

Mrs. Li said: "Jiaqi, let's go back first. You just have to take a good rest and wait until the child is born. As for Haoran, I'll get it done. I can guarantee that he will marry you."

"Thank you auntie." Zhang Jiaqi said obediently.

"We will be a family soon, you don't have to be so polite."

Zhang Jiaqi nodded.

The two returned to the Li family.

The old man was sitting in the living room. When he saw the two of them, his face was neither bad nor bad.

Mrs. Li said carefully: "Dad, are you at home today?"

The old man glanced at her and said indifferently, "How about Haoran?"

"Haoran and Yao Ting drove away after signing the divorce certificate, and I don't know where he went." Madam Li said truthfully: "Jiaqi just seemed to have moved her fetus. I will take her to rest first."

The old man glanced at Zhang Jiaqi and said, "Jiaqi, it's not my old man who doesn't like you, but now the Li family is troubled, otherwise you should go to another apartment under the Li family's name, rest assured, the old man will arrange The Filipino maid takes care of you. You have n’t married Haoran yet. You lived in the Li family after entering the room. It ’s not very good for your reputation. ”

Zhang Jiaqi's face changed again.

Li Haoran was reluctant to marry her, making her identity in the Li family awkward.

With Li Haoran's child, she didn't get the place she deserved. Her elder Zhang Family was reduced to today's design-only opportunity to come to the room. Think about it, it is not pitiful.

Mrs. Li guarded: "Dad, Yao Ting is going to divorce herself. You can't blame Jia Qi. Besides, Jia Qi is pregnant now. It's better than Yao Ting who can't have a baby. Besides, Jia Qi's identity Yao Ting is much better. Yao Ting is supported by Ou Qingheng, but she and Ou Jia are not close to each other, and they ca n’t say anything better than Jia Qi. Zhang Jia Qianjin is stronger, so I prefer Jia Qi to me Daughter-in-law. "

The old man smiled, but the smile was a little cold.

"Jiaqi, you go upstairs first. My aunt and I have something to say," he said.

Zhang Jiaqi glanced at Mrs. Li and said, "Grandpa Li and aunt, I will go upstairs first."

As soon as Zhang Jiaqi left, the old man said: "Daughter-in-law, everyone you do is open-minded. You don't say anything in your eyes. You can do it for yourself. Don't overdo it. Even Haoran hates you."

Mrs. Li's back stiffened, pretending to be silly and stupefied: "Dad, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

The old man looked at her with a smile, and said: "I am old, and I can't control how long you are. You are my favorite daughter-in-law. Haoran is also the most outstanding grandson of the Li family. I wanted him to inherit, but just yesterday, he told me that he did n’t want to inherit. You can force Yao Ting who can control him away. I ca n’t help you to be smart, but if the Li family loses every day, That ’s your responsibility. You can do it for yourself. "

Mrs. Li's face stiffened, and there was a trace of disbelief in her eyes.

"Dad, are you kidding me?"

"I'm a lot of years old, is it necessary to make fun of this kind of thing? I have repeatedly told you to calm down, don't make smart clever mandarin ducks, but unfortunately you don't listen, I can't help it. No way, you can do it. "

After that, the old man went out directly.

Mrs. Li was paralyzed directly on the sofa, her head in chaos.

At night, Father Li came back into the bedroom to see Mrs. Li alone, and he asked with some concern: "Wife, what's wrong with you?"

Mrs. Li raised her head and said pitifully: "My husband, what should I do? Haoran told his dad that he would give up the inheritance of the Li family. If he really gave up, then we would have nothing."

Father Li frowned, and said: "What moth does he want to make trouble? Doesn't today say he is going to divorce Yao Ting?"

"Leave, but do you know how he is? He really gave Yao Ting all the property under his name, and he didn't know what drugs Yao Ting gave him. He even worked hard for several years in publishing. Both the company and the newly opened film and television company have transferred to her name. I think your son is really crazy this time. "

Father Li heard that his brows were almost able to pinch a fly.

"He really gave all the property under his name to that woman?"

"There is still something wrong with it. He changed it when he changed. Now he does n’t even need the inheritance of the Li family. You are not interested in doing business. Only he can help us fight for the property of the Li family, so he will give up. He is going to drive me to death. "

Father Li didn't know how to comfort anymore.

The grandfather is not only his son, the sons of other brothers have also grown up to marry his wife and have children, and they are also eyeing the company under the name of the Li family. He now has only Li Haoran to fight for the Li family ’s property. If he gives up, Then they are really sitting down.

He couldn't help getting upset.

Mrs. Li said: "Her husband, did you say that my insistence was really wrong? If I did not target Yao Ting, would Haoran be able to return to inherit the Li family?"

Father Li put his arms in his arms and said, "Don't think too much. The Li family has a great cause. I still don't believe that without the help of the Li family, what else can he come up with? No man does not love reputation and status. , I believe he dare not give up the Li family's property. "

Mrs. Li nodded, but she was still worried.

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