Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 817: The old man's statement

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Yao Ting looked at him with deep sorrow in her eyes. She said, "Come with the divorce agreement? I can sign it now."

Li Haoran clenched his fists and endured the sadness of rolling: "Tingting, let's talk."

Yao Ting shook his head, his face pale and bloodless.

"There is nothing to talk about. Yesterday I saw you like Zhang Jiaqi. I knew we were completely over. I don't want to guess what your relationship is with her, but we really don't have any possibility." Yao Ting said with some interest.

After the hangover was over, her whole body was soft, and with Li Haoran's betrayal, she only felt that all of them became particularly uninteresting. Some were lazy and just wanted to find a quiet place to stay.

Now, the last thing she wants to see is Li Haoran.

Li Haoran took a step forward, Yao Ting reached out to block: "Don't come over, I hope that the two of us can get together well, even if they get divorced, I don't want to hate you."

Li Haoran is restless, and he is just as eager to get rid of this dilemma as a beast in a trapped beast.

The difference in his thoughts almost destroyed his feelings.

"Tingting, I'm begging you. Let's talk. We have been in love for so many years. Can you really break it?" Li Haoran red eyes and said in a deep voice.

"When you touched her, why didn't you think about our feelings for many years?" Yao Ting smiled sadly.

"..." Li Haoran gaped, did he tell him that he didn't know how to start with Zhang Jiaqi, only to know that after he drank Mrs. Li's glass of milk, he was completely conscious, and then he knew a woman came in, only However, he thought it was Yao Ting. He threw people on the wall and saw Yao Ting. He vaguely remembered the kind of ecstasy that the two of them merged together, but he was only surprised when he was cleared by the water. The woman underneath wasn't Yao Ting at all. Later, when he saw Yao Ting standing behind him, he only felt that the world was turning.

Yao Ting's indignant divorce made him completely irrational, unable to think about all this flawed, but after the thought just now, he couldn't help sweating, he really couldn't believe his mother's design Got him.

Yao Ting leaned over him and tried to go downstairs, but unexpectedly he was caught by his wrist.

"Tingting, if I said I was designed by someone, would you believe me?" He whispered.

Yao Ting looked at him sideways and said, "Is it still meaningful to believe it or not?" She had already found him guilty in her heart. No matter how he explained it, she would not believe it.

A bitter smile appeared on Li Haoran's mouth.

"You really don't want to believe me anymore, do you?"

"..." Yao Ting withdrew his arm, this is her answer.

Yao Ting came downstairs and smiled palely at Yao Yiyi, saying, "My dear, I'm ugly in front of you again. I promised you to be happy before. I didn't expect such a short time, I experienced What should I do if the marriage fails, you said I am born to be a loser? "

Yao Yiyi looked at her distressedly and said softly: "Don't laugh if you don't want to laugh, it's ugly to die."

Yao Ting couldn't help turning red, sobbing: "My dear, help me to pass the man upstairs. I go to the kitchen to see what to eat. I'm starving."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

Yao Ting entered the kitchen, and Li Haoran was still on the spot like a telephone pole.

Yao Yiyi looked at it and couldn't help but sigh. The two of them are destined to torture each other.

She went upstairs and said, "Hao Ran, go back first. When Ting Ting gets better, I will accompany her. When the two of you get together and sign up for a divorce, you won't be happy to be together. , At least Tingting will be like this. "

Li Haoran looked at her blankly and said tiredly: "Yiyi, are you really not going to do me a favor?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head: "No plan, you made an unforgivable mistake. Maybe other women will open their eyes and close their eyes, but Tingting is quite paranoid, and there is no sand in his eyes."

The glory in Li Haoran's eyes lost, and said bitterly: "I will not give up, I will ask her for forgiveness." After he finished, he turned around and walked straight on his back, but in Yao Yiyi's opinion, how he looked Some depression.

Yao Yiyi shook his head, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

Yao Ting experienced her three years ago, I don't know if she can survive.

If she really decided to divorce, even ten cows would not be able to pull back.

Yao Yiyi entered the kitchen and saw Yao Ting standing blankly in front of the lid, with nothing in front of her.

"Tingting, you can't eat enough in front of the air." Yao Yiyi opened the lid and took out the breakfast that Wu Ma prepared early in the morning.

Yao Ting looked back, looked at Yao Yiyi, and smiled reluctantly: "He left?"

"Leave." Yao Yiyi said: "Are you really going to divorce him?"

"What else can I do without divorce? I watched him and other women turn our backs in our wedding bed, and I will also feel heartache. I suddenly feel tired and do not want to struggle." Yao Ting took the buns in the dish Eat slowly, but his eyes are very dim.

Yao Yiyi looked at her like this and grabbed her hand to pull her out.

Pressing her on the sofa, Yao Yiyi squatted in front of her and said softly: "Are you really not going to give him a chance to explain?"

Yao Ting shook his head, his smile more bitter.

She took nothing out of the kitchen and sat on the sofa with her eyes blank.

Yao Yiyi followed her out and saw that she had lost her soul, but she didn't know how to persuade her.

"Tingting, if you really decide, I will accompany you to Li's house." Yao Yiyi said.

Yao Ting supported his head with both hands, and said with a loud voice: "My dear, thank you, I want to stay with you for a few days and then go back, give me a little buffer time, otherwise I'm afraid I will be crazy."

"it is good."

Yao Ting stayed here for five days. Li Haoran came every day, carrying food that Yao Yao Ting liked to eat.

Yao Yiyi opened the door to Li Haoran again, and said helplessly: "Horan, don't come, Tingting doesn't have the intention to see you now, you should go back."

Li Haoran said: "I just want to talk to her."

Yao Yiyi was at the door, not planning to let Li Haoran come in.

Ou Qingheng came from the inside and surrounded Yao Yiyi from the back, saying, "Go back, don't come again, I have asked Ting Ting the best lawyer, he will come to you and talk about the divorce, As for the division of property, he will also talk to you personally, so you do n’t have to come. "

Li Haoran's heart seemed to be gripped, and it hurt badly.

"Qingheng, you are also a man. You should understand my feelings. I did something wrong, but I haven't reached the point of evil. I don't want her to sentence me to death without even an explanation, so you let me go Seeing her, I want to have a good talk with her. "Li Haoran looked at Ou Qingheng and said sincerely.

These days, Yao Ting's divorce almost tortured him. His dark circles under his eyes were thick, his beard was shabby, his cheeks were sunken, and he felt quite dispirited.

Ou Qingheng looked at his embarrassment and didn't know what he thought of, and finally left Yao Yiyi halfway behind him.

Yao Yiyi looked up at Ou Qingheng, and Ou Qingheng shook her head at her.

Li Haoran went in and went directly upstairs, gently opened the door of the guest room, and saw Yao Ting leaning quietly against the window, his back looking extremely depressed.

He felt a pain in his heart and walked over.

"Tingting." He cried softly.

Yao Ting was taken aback, quickly raised his hand and wiped his eyes.

Li Haoran was shocked and quickly walked past Yao Ting's body, seeing tears on Yao Ting's face.

"Are you crying?" Li Haoran wanted to help her wipe her tears in distress, but unexpectedly escaped her.

Yao Ting stepped back three steps and said indifferently: "Why are you here?"

Li Haoran shook his heart and prayed, "Ting Ting, don't do this, okay?"

Yao Ting lifted his mouth and said, "I'm not like that. What do you want? Haoran, I don't want to quarrel with you. I have asked Ou Qingheng to ask me the best lawyer for a divorce case. I ’m talking to you about divorce. As for divorce property, I do n’t need any points. "

The sorrow in Li Haoran's eyes was almost beyond his eyes.

"Tingting, did you really sentence me to death?" Li Haoran said dumbly.

Yao Ting avoided his gaze and watched him look awkward, she was afraid she would not be able to bear it.

"Hao Ran, it was you who gave up our marriage first. I just cut off this marriage that was no longer simple." Yao Ting murmured to himself.

Li Haoran quickly rushed over and hugged Yao Ting, unable to control the tears, and said hoarsely: "Ting Ting, I'm begging you, give me another chance, I really didn't think about touching Zhang Jiaqi, this It ’s really a misunderstanding. I do n’t know how I have a relationship with her. You ’re so cold to me that I ’m really sad than anyone else. ”

Yao Ting froze and let him hug him, said quietly: "Hao Ran, don't do this, even if you get divorced, we can still be friends."

Li Haoran loosened her and looked at her calmly in a complicated way.

"Do I really have no chance to redeem?" Li Haoran said dumbly.

Yao Ting nodded.

Li Haoran looked at her deeply, and suddenly, he kneeled unexpectedly in front of Yao Ting.

Yao Ting was taken aback and took a step back. He unconsciously reached out and tried to lift him up, but he reached halfway and paused again. The next second, she silently took her hand back.

Li Haoran raised his head and said, "Tingting, even if I kneel, won't you give me a chance?"

Yao Ting looked at him complicatedly, bent his knees, and knelt down directly.

"Horan, don't force me." She lowered her eyes and whispered.

Li Haoran looked at her, suddenly burst out laughing, tears of laughter came out.

"Tingting, I always thought I knew you very well. I didn't expect your heart to be more ruthless than I thought. I just made a mistake. You just sentenced me to death. I didn't give me any chance to recover. Our feelings for the past four years have no attachment in your eyes. "

Yao Ting wept silently.

Li Haoran turned and left.

The door was closed heavily, and Yao Ting was paralyzed on the ground, looking at the gate in confusion.

I don't know how long she watched. Yao Yiyi pushed the door in and knelt in front of her. She rolled her eyes and came in tears.

Yao Yiyi distressed her and held her in her arms, comforting: "Cry out if you want to cry. We will go to the Li family if we cry enough. It's nothing. If we can't go on, we can leave. , This time you divorce, I will also accompany you, don't be afraid. "

Yao Ting grabbed Yao Yiyi's arm and cried out in a rest.

This time, Yao Ting almost shed tears in her life.

Her fragility made Yao Yiyi once thought she would not persevere.

Fortunately, after nearly ten days of decadence, she came out slowly, at least on the surface.

Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng accompanied her to Li's house.

In addition to Mr. Li and Mrs. Li's husband and wife, the Li family also brought a lot of Li family. More than 20 people gathered in the hall, just like the three sessions.

Yao Ting could not help hooking his lips, these people really did not miss any chance to see her ugly.

Li Haoran walked downstairs, Yao Ting looked like the two had unintentionally faced each other, Yao Ting's eyes flashed a little fluctuation.

Li Haoran lost a lot of weight, his cheeks were sunken badly, his beard was not shaved, and his handsome appearance was replaced by languidness.

Yao Ting was so uncomfortable to see him that way, she couldn't figure out why the marriage between them came to this point?

The oath to marry is still in my ears. Li Haoran said that he would love her, hurt her, and cherish her life, but their marriage would collapse after a year.

She was really a very failed woman, and even her husband couldn't bear it, and she pushed her into the arms of other women.

Li Haoran came to her step by step. Ruqi's eyes fell on her, and she said lowly, "You are here."

Yao Ting quickly avoided his gaze, closed his eyes, and swallowed the tears that were about to overflow his eyes.

Li Haoran still looked at her, not wanting to miss any expression on her face.

Yao Yiyi hugged Yao Ting's shoulder and whispered: "Ting Ting, let's sit down."

Yao Ting nodded.

As soon as the two turned around, Li Haoran grabbed her hand.

"Tingting, don't go, will you?" Li Haoran pleaded.

Yao Ting didn't turn his head.

Yao Yiyi turned to look at him and said, "Horan, there are so many people watching, don't make Tingting embarrassed, will you?"

Li Haoran just looked at Yao Ting's back.

Ou Qingheng stepped forward and broke Li Haoran's hand.

Li Haoran was struggling with him, and even a hint of plea appeared in his eyes.

Ou Qingheng leaned into Li Haoran's ear and said, "It's a man, just be angry, don't embarrass a woman in front of him."

Li Haoran finally let go of Yao Ting's hand.

Yao Yiyi took Yao Ting to sit on the other side of the sofa, because of Ou Qingheng's pressure, facing the Li family, many eyes were not at all frightened.

Grandpa Li looked at Yao Ting and said, "Ting Ting, Haoran has done something I'm sorry for you. I've heard about it, and I also taught him a meal for you. Men always make some unforgivable mistakes when they grow up. As long as his heart is on you, I think it should be forgivable. "

Yao Yiyi grabbed Yao Ting's hand, looked at the old man, and smiled decently: "Old man, it may seem to you that your grandson committed nothing but men in life. She is stubborn and wants her husband ’s single-mindedness. It seems a bit stupid to you, but I will support what she decides. Naturally, my opinion is that of Qing Heng. "

Father Li's face changed and changed.

"Tingting, Haoran has done something sorry for you. You have ignored my grandfather?" The old man took a deep breath and looked at Yao Ting, said lovingly.

Yao Ting took a deep breath and met the look of the old man, calmly said: "Grandpa, from my marriage to the Li family, I am very grateful for your care for me, but Haoran and I may have no relationship, I came here today If you talk to him about divorce, you will take good care of yourself in the future. "

Grandpa Li's eyes changed again.

"Tingting, I have already asked Jiaqi out of the Li family, and Haoran's mistakes were also deliberately flew to the Zhang family to explain it. I promise that he and Jiaqi will not have any more troubles. Give Grandpa one. Face, can you forgive him this time? "Said Mr. Li, who put down almost all the racks.

Yao Ting lowered his eyes. The whole person didn't know what he was thinking.

Grandpa Li looked at her nicely and said, "Tingting, you really don't plan to think about it again?"

Struggling in Yao Ting's eyes, she said that she hated Li Haoran, that she wanted to divorce, and said firmly, but she really couldn't bear Li Haoran, she loved Li Haoran more than she thought.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, but let me think about it again. I'm confused now." Yao Ting finally opened his mouth.

Father Li was obviously relieved, Li Haoran's eyes burst out with a strong surprise, and Mrs. Li's complexion flashed for a moment.

Father Li laughed softly and said: "Good boy, I know you love Haoran. I dare to guarantee that Haoran will never commit any more. You are the only granddaughter-in-law I have ever admitted. If he is sorry for you I broke his leg directly. "

Everyone knows that Mr. Li's statement is nothing more than looking at Ou Qingheng's face.

The Euclidean Group will not offend at will as long as it is not a fool.

Yao Ting rubbed his lips and said, "Grandpa, I'll go back first. You calm me down for a few days, and I will give you the answer."

"it is good."

Yao Yiyi helped Yao Ting stand up, turned around and left.

Father Li stopped Ou Qingheng and said, "Qingheng, Haoran is ignorant and makes mistakes that men will make. If you have time, just teach him for me and give Tingting an explanation."

Ou Qingheng turned his head and said with a smile: "If the old man orders, I would be happy to accompany, but not now." After that, he followed Yao Yiyi's side as a protector and left.

Li Haoran also got up and followed out in a panic.

In a hurry, Mrs. Li said sadly: "Horan, you come back to me."

Li Haoran turned a deaf ear.

Grandpa Li glared at her fiercely, and said in a rare voice: "Daughter-in-law, put away your careful thoughts, Haoran really wants to divorce Yao Ting, I don't think you should stay in Li's house.

Mrs. Li's face sank in an instant, but she dared not make it in front of the old man.

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