Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 811: Father Li's position

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After eating, Yao Yiyi and Xu Chengxun separated, returned to work in the company, and soon arrived in the afternoon.

Just packed things and wanted to go downstairs, but the phone ringing sounded at this time.

She picked it up and saw a strange call.

She hesitated and took it.

"Is it Yiyi? I'm Haoran's mother." There was a very nice female voice over the phone.

There was a trace of surprise in Yao Yiyi's eyes, and she could not guess that Mrs. Li would call her.

"Aunt Li, how are you doing calling me?" She said politely.

"There is nothing wrong, just want to invite you and Qingheng to have a meal, Yao Ting and Haoran also come." Mrs. Li said.

Yao Yiyi was even more puzzled. She wanted to use Mrs. Li's nature to say that she would not invite her to eat with Ou Qingheng.

There must be a demon in the event, she could not help but a trace of caution.

"Auntie, I don't know why you suddenly wanted to invite me and Qingheng to dinner?" She asked.

"I just feel that my attitude towards you and Qingheng was a little bad, so I want to be the host and invite you two juniors to eat this meal together. The right should be my elders to pay you off. Right? "Mrs. Li said very gently and lovingly.

"... Good." Yao Yiyi had no choice but to agree.

"Then at seven o'clock tomorrow night, in the box of Marriott Restaurant 209, you must arrive on time." Mrs. Li's words were finalized.

"Got it, Qingheng and I will definitely arrive on time."

"That's it first, see you tomorrow night."

Hanging up the phone, Yao Yiyi suspiciously put the phone in her bag and went downstairs with Gong Lin.

Entering the car, Ou Qingheng fastened her seat belt and saw a lingering suspicion between her eyebrows. He said: "What's the matter, who can't solve the problem for you?"

Yao Yiyi smiled and said, "No, it's just that Mrs. Li just called me to have dinner with you. We have almost no intersection with her. I'm afraid she will use our name to hurt Tingting?"

Ou Qingheng chuckled and scraped her nose indulgently, saying: "Little fool, Yao Ting is not a three-year-old child, how come she will hook up if she wants to calculate, don't think about it, want to know What the **** is she doing, it ’s okay to eat this meal tomorrow. "

Yao Yiyi nodded.

After work the next day, Ou Qingheng took Yao Yiyi to the Marriott Restaurant. As soon as she entered, the delicate and tight lady Yingbin invited the two of them to the box.

The two went into the box. The Li family, Yao Ting and Li Haoran were all there, and an uninvited guest was sitting on the left side of Mrs. Li, who could be Zhang Jiaqi.

Mrs. Li got up personally and said enthusiastically: "Yiyi, Qingheng, you can count, the old man will be there in ten minutes, please sit down first."

Yao Yiyi nodded calmly on the face.

She and Ou Qingheng sat on Yao Ting's side, and looked at Mrs. Li without traces. When she saw her as usual, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, which was slightly sharper than before, and became even more passionate.

Yao Yiyi had some doubts in her heart and turned her head to look at Yao Ting. Perhaps it was out of tacit agreement. Yao Ting shook her head gently towards her, implying that she didn't even know what medicine this Madam Li sold in the bottle. Too.

Mrs. Li poured the tea to Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng gracefully. Yao Yiyi watched Mrs. Li quietly. She did n’t dare to drink the tea. She was really afraid that Mrs. Li would move in this tea. What's wrong with it.

"Yiyi, Qingheng, invite you to dinner tonight, in fact, it means the old man, he just wanted to get acquainted with the younger Qingheng." Mrs. Li smiled.

Yao Yiyi nodded.

A knock on the door happened to happen outside the door, and Zhang Jiaqi cleverly said, "I'll open the door."

She went to open the door, and just outside the door was Mr. Li who was still in good spirits.

"Grandpa Li, you are here, everyone is waiting for you." Zhang Jiaqi said obediently.

Father Li nodded lightly.

In fact, at today's party, Zhang Jiaqi's existence was also a bit embarrassing, and it was also indirect for Madam Li to bring her to Yao Ting.

Mr. Li went in. Mrs. Li helped Mr. Li in the past and smiled: "Dad, today I invited Qing Heng, the little Buddha, and you can talk to him."

Grandpa Li just glanced at her, then sat on the throne.

He looked at Ou Qingheng and said like a gentle elder: "Qingheng, I asked my daughter-in-law to ask you and your wife to have a meal together tonight for the bad attitude of my daughter-in-law some time ago I apologize to you. Secondly, the company has a project that intends to cooperate with the Euclidean Group, so I invite you to talk in advance. "

Ou Qingheng smiled with a smile on his lips, and said, "Her grandfather, you're welcome, please apologize, and don't apologize. My aunt didn't say too much to me and Yiyi, but Yao Ting, as my personally recognized sister, is My wife ’s best friend, I hope the Li family will give her fair treatment, otherwise my face will not look good. "

Grandpa Li ’s expression remained unchanged, and he smiled: “Naturally. I am extremely satisfied with Yao Ting ’s granddaughter-in-law. All the previous misconceptions were due to misunderstandings. As long as the two of them have a good relationship, I will always recognize them.”

Old Master Li indirectly gave Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng a guarantee.

Ou Qingheng picked up the tea cup and smiled: "Senior man, I'm relieved to say this to you. I really treat Yao Ting as a sister. I love Yiyi, and naturally I don't spare her good friends as long as she When the Li family is not wronged, the Euclidean Group will be willing to give the Li family benefits in a certain way. "

A smile flickered between Mr. Li's eyebrows.

Compared with the Zhang family, the Ou family in T city is more beneficial to the Li family.

The waiter brought the dishes up, and Grandpa Li said with a big voice: "Come on, let's eat, we will chat while eating."

Ou Qingheng nodded.

The face of Zhang Jiaqi sitting next to Mrs. Li flashed a bit of obscurity. While others looked at Mrs. Li, Mrs. Li shook her head gently towards her, instructing her to be restless.

Mrs. Li personally filled the soup for Grandpa Li and said, "Dad, this is the chicken broth that I specially asked the cook to cook for you. I let them go to the oil, which is relatively light, and it is good for my health."

Mr. Li took a sip and looked at Zhang Jiaqi, seemingly inadvertently said: "Jiaqi, I heard you say you were abroad, and you are currently settled in Italy. When will you go back to Italy? My old man is ready for you A generous gift. "

Zhang Jiaqi's face stiffened.

Mrs. Li said, "Dad, it's rare that Jiaqi and I can talk to me. I want to keep her here for a few days. I don't know how long it will take to see her."

Mr. Li gave her a meaningful look and said, "Then stay for a few more days."

Madam Li was a little dazed by the old man's heart, and grabbed Zhang Jiaqi's hand under the table.

Halfway through the meal, Yao Ting waited politely: "Grandpa, my stomach hurts a bit and I want to go to the bathroom."

Father Li smiled and said: "Go, everyone is a family, there is no need to be so polite."

Yao Ting nodded.

Yao Yiyi then said that she wanted to go to the bathroom, and then Yao Ting went out.

At the bathroom, Yao Yiyi said: "Ting Ting, you have to be more careful. I don't think Mrs. Li has even given up. I want to put Zhang Jiaqi and Haoran together. I think this meal is a Hongmen banquet. What moth is she coming up with again? "

Yao Ting can also see, but Mrs. Li is her mother-in-law, and she cannot say anything even if she is dissatisfied. Otherwise, if her body has a problem again, I am afraid she will be poked by the Li family again. .

She smiled bitterly: "My dear, I know, don't worry about me, but she shouldn't involve you and Ou Qingheng."

Yao Yiyi washed her hands and said, "I and Qingheng are nothing. Qingheng's identity is there. She will never be stupid enough to do anything with us."

Yao Ting just smiled.

The two returned to the box together, and they saw Zhang Jiaqi holding a glass of wine and toasting Mr. Li.

"Grandpa Li, Jiaqi would like to have a drink. Jiaqi is very grateful for your care. Jiaqi always sees you as her biological grandfather. I have no connection with Haoran and I can't be your granddaughter. I I am about to go to Italy. I have few chances to meet in the future. After drinking this glass of wine, Jiaqi wishes you a long life and a grandson as soon as possible. "Zhang Jiaqi said sweetly and sweetly.

The three words of grandson are like slapping Yao Ting hard.

Yao Ting is not easy to get pregnant, but she just mentioned it deliberately, which pot is really not open.

Mr. Li picked up the tea that Mrs. Li deliberately poured her and drank.

"Jiaqi, you are a good boy. If you are unhappy in Italy, you will come back to the country. After all, this is your root, and you are not too young. To marry a child as soon as possible, how good a woman is after all? A man who loves you and loves you. "Father Li said kindly, but after listening carefully, it was just words.

Zhang Jiaqi naturally also heard that the old man was guarding her.

Her eyes flashed and smiled: "Got it, Grandpa Li, if you meet the right one, I will bring it to you."

Father Li nodded.

Zhang Jiaqi drank up the wine in the glass and sat down.

Mrs. Li smiled and said, "Dad, today Qingheng and Yiyi are the protagonists. Don't worry about Jiaqi's marriage, if you don't know, you think this is to prevent Jiaqi?"

Grandpa Li glanced at her.

Father Li tugged her hand under the table, implying that she would say nothing less. After all, the Li family is still the master of Li.

Mrs. Li also knew that it was enough, but today she was not very willing to invite Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi. If Grandpa Li insisted on this, she secretly warned her to have a better attitude. Too much contact.

Yao Ting has Ou Qingheng as a backer. She may be even more difficult to force her to leave the Li family, which is of no benefit to her plan.

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