Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 809: Sinisterly forced her to stand in line

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

June, who was still working in the office, received a strange call. He answered, and said: "Mr. Huang, we have injected Madame Li with a phantom drug. She has also successfully fought with the dog we arranged in. The dog bit his arm and thigh and is now being treated in the hospital. When will I see the rest of my remuneration? "

June's lips turned slightly upward, and he was in a good mood, saying: "I'll let people put money into your account in a moment."

"Then thank you Mr. Huang, there are tasks that can be given priority to me in the future, I will definitely complete it for you."

Hanging up the phone, June sneered: "Zhenzhen, don't blame me for being cruel. I'm forcing you and me to share the same heart. A man who once disdained you and gave you a revenge will be relieved. , Then I had to work on your mother's body, only then you would stand on the same camp with me, I have suffered so many losses in the hands of Ou Qingheng, let him go so easily, as long as we The two teams will sooner or later break him up. "

June got up, took his suit jacket and went to the hospital. He didn't expect to see Xu Chengxun outside the ward.

He smiled and said, "It turns out that it was Xu Shao, what did you do standing outside? Wouldn't it be Zhenzhen who drove you out, too, Zhenzhen? There was a struggle, but she was afraid that I was angry and insisted on keeping a distance from you, tut. "

Xu Chengxun clenched his fists and glared at June. He didn't fight him as June had planned.

June's eyes became deeper, and the smile was more false.

"Xu Shao is really brave and I admire it." He said speciously: "But what to do, Zhenzhen loves me now. As for you, I think it should be a thing of the past."

This man is simply too beating.

Xu Chengxun was completely irritated by him and waved his fist at him. The two then fought in the hospital, attracting many doctors and nurses. The security guard inside the hospital finally separated the red-eyed two.

Li Zhenzhen ran out of the ward and looked at the two men with endless color, her face sinking, her eyes flashing with anger.

She held her breath: "June, why are you here?"

June walked over and hugged her waist, she was still struggling, but unexpectedly June leaned into her ear and said: "In Xu Chengxun's eyes, the two of us have an improper relationship, don't you Want him to see what doesn't work? "

Li Zhenzhen will no longer struggle.

But when they approached, they looked like Xu Chengxun's intimate words.

Xu Chengxun's face suddenly changed.

The head nurse stepped forward and said with some dissatisfaction: "Miss Li, this is a hospital. Family members are forbidden to fight loudly. These two are your friends. Please tell them well. Don't quarrel with other patients. After all, it is not your family who lives here. "

Li Zhenzhen was a bit sullen and nodded: "I know, nurse, sorry, the two of them have some quarreling disputes, I will talk about them."

The head nurse did not say anything, and took the other nurses away.

June ’s arms around Li Zhenzhen tightened, and he said, “Zhen Zhen, I heard that the aunt was injured, how is it, is she in good condition?”

Being hugged by June so much, she felt awkward and was very repulsive in her heart.

"She's okay, just just fell asleep, you don't have to go in to see her, so as not to wake her up." Li Zhenzhen said.

June leaned over and kissed her face, the voice was quite loud, and appeared abrupt on the hospital corridor.

Xu Chengxun looked at the interaction between the two of them, and his heart was tingling with pain, and he finally tasted the feeling of self-reliance.

In the past, he dismissed Li Zhenzhen, and now Li Zhenzhen rests in the arms of others.

Xu Chengxun gave Li Zhenzhen a deep look and turned away.

Li Zhenzhen was sad to watch Xu Chengxun leave without looking back. His body was like a deflated ball, and if his hands and feet were soft, he would fall to the ground.

June caught her and smiled, "Jin Zhen, it seems that you are very affectionate with him, why, after going to bed with me, do you still want to start with him? Do you think he will not mind that you have used it? Used goods? "

Li Zhenzhen pushed him away, his hands clasped his chest, and said with a cold face: "June, don't forget that the two of us are only for a cooperative relationship. My personal feelings are still not your turn to intervene. I get out. "

June evil smiled, and wandered around her with lascivious eyes, and said indecently: "Zhenzhen, you forgot, I have touched your body several times, which sensitive point I don't know Ah, it ’s too late for me now, do n’t you think it ’s too late? "

Li Zhenzhen's face was blue and white.

She gritted her teeth: "Go!"

Instead of rolling, June took a step forward, grabbed Li Zhenzhen's wrist, and whispered: "Zhenzhen, you have said that we are suitable for the relationship, please be positive and enthusiastic about my partner, don't always think It ’s good to rebuild the old one with Xu Chengxun. As for your body that is clearly seen by men all over the city, do you think the Xu family will agree to marry you? Do n’t be stupid, I think Xu Chengxun ca n’t give up the Xu family ’s inheritance right for you as a woman. ”

Li Zhenzhen's body stiffened, lowered her eyes, and gritted her teeth: "I know what I look like now. You can remind me if you don't bother. You can get me away. When my mother's body is better, I will cooperate with you. "

"That's the best." June didn't have too much entanglement and left proudly.

He was very proud to be able to hit Li Zhenzhen, sharpen the sharp edges of her body, and cooperate with him obediently.

When June left, Li Zhenzhen took a deep breath and returned to the ward.

Father Li came here at eleven o'clock in the night.

"Zhenzhen, go back and rest. It's enough for me to watch it here," Li said.

Li Zhenzhen glanced at Father Li and said, "Dad, where are you going? I couldn't call you in the afternoon."

"Just after the meeting, your uncle Su, they were clamoring to sell the stock in their hands. I advised them not to think about whether they could spend a lot of money to buy the shares in their hands. During this time, the losses were so great that I couldn't buy a lot of money for a while. "Li Father said a bit old.

During this time, the Li family can be said to be leaking in the house during the night. Not only did Li Zhenzhen have something to hide, but even the company suffered losses. The friends who used to be known as brothers and brothers were one by one when the Li family was in trouble No excuses, he lived a lot of age, but for the first time once again tasted the taste of the world coolness.

The list on him almost overwhelmed his worthy spine.

When Li Zhenzhen heard it, he felt angry, and said, "Why did Su suddenly want to sell stocks? When my video was rumored before, other people were in trouble and didn't see him. Why are you suddenly selling stocks?"

Father Li waved his hand and said, "It's no use investigating these now. Your Uncle Su's stocks in their hands add up a lot. If they are bought by intentional people, then our company will really change ownership."

"Dad, don't worry, I will find a way to raise money to buy these stocks. This company has spent decades running your business. I won't let it happen."

Father Li nodded.

Li Zhenzhen let Father Li take good care of Mother Li, and then hurriedly left the hospital.

She called June.

After the communication, she opened the door and said: "June, where are you now? I want to borrow money from you and turn around. I don't know if you want to borrow me to get through the difficulties?"

June said an address there.

Li Zhenzhen rushed to his location with the fastest speed.

It is a five-star hotel.

Li Zhenzhen got out of the car, looked up at the hotel for a long time, and finally lifted her feet in.

He took the elevator upstairs, and as soon as he got out of the elevator, he was unexpectedly caught by the dark shadow that sprang from another elevator.

Li Zhenzhen was taken aback and turned her head. She didn't expect Xu Chengxun to appear.

She blurted out in surprise: "Chengxun, why are you here?"

Xu Chengxun took her into the elevator, taking advantage of the elevator closing and walking down, he leaned directly and kissed Li Zhenzhen's mouth.

Li Zhenzhen was shocked, and her pupils widened.

Xu Chengxun kissed her firmly.

Xu Chengxun reached out and pressed the elevator to prevent it from opening, and the elevator had to continue to go up.

He wanted to continue to kiss Li Zhenzhen deeply, but he did not expect to be hidden by her.

"Xu Chengxun, don't you go crazy, okay?" She shouted injured. "What do you think of me?"

Xu Chengxun pressed her against the wall and looked down at her.

"I have been waiting under the hospital, your dad also called me about the stock, I can help you, but why would you rather go to June than to ask me to help me? You really like the vain Tossed by the person you like? "

Li Zhenzhen's face changed from time to time, feeling particularly humiliating.

She glared at Xu Chengxun stubbornly and pushed him away, just when the phone came, she picked it up and saw it from June.

She took it, and hadn't spoken yet, the phone in her hand was snatched by Xu Chengxun.

Xu Chengxun said: "June, I don't care what your purpose is to get close to Zhenzhen. She is mine now, I will help her, and you, you better go back to your country.

After talking, Xu Chengxun hung up the phone directly.

Li Zhenzhen looked at him complicatedly, her body seemed to be deflated. She slowly leaned against the wall and said tiredly: "Xu Chengxun, my business, please don't intervene, can you?"

"No." Xu Chengxun refused completely.

The elevator returned to the first floor and opened. He took Li Zhenzhen's hand and walked out of the restaurant.

He dragged Li Zhenzhen into the car and closed her lips again without saying a word.

The more he kissed, the more excited he actually put Li Zhenzhen down on his seat.

Li Zhenzhen was a little confused by his kiss, but when the body touched the seat, the whole person recovered.

She wanted to struggle, but unexpectedly stimulated Xu Chengxun's desire to conquer.

Xu Chengxun kissed her hand fiercely, and his wide palm went all the way down, and stopped on the tall twin peaks.

Li Zhenzhen raised his hand subconsciously to stop his aggression.

Xu Chengxun's reason returned to her, let go of her lips, propped her body to look at her, and said hoarsely, "What's wrong?"

Li Zhenzhen was frightened by his movements. He looked at him with red eyes and said weakly: "Chengxun, don't be like this. I'm still afraid, please.

Xu Chengxun looked at her deeply, his lingering desire condensed in his deep eyes.

He lowered his head, buried his head in Li Zhenzhen's neck, absorbing the smell unique to her, and said dumbly: "Jinzhen, don't torture me anymore? I really fall in love with you, and give me another chance, I will prove with action that I really love you. "

Li Zhenzhen's eyes slipped in tears, crying very sadly.

"Chengxun, if I say that the only condition for me to give you this opportunity is to stand on my side to deal with the Ou family for me and Yao Yiyi, will you agree?" She stared blankly at the ceiling. Said.

Xu Chengxun raised his body and looked at her in disbelief.

Li Zhenzhen rolled his eyes, looked at him mockingly, and said, "Why, don't you say you are in love with me? I can't be promised by this request."

Xu Chengxun raised his eyebrows and said, "You are not Ou Qingheng's opponent."

"It is because he is not his opponent, so I want to pull you in, depending on whether you want it or not."

"Why do you want to deal with the European family?"

Li Zhenzhen snorted and let Xu Chengxun withdraw her body. She got up from the seat and slowly arranged some messy clothes, saying: "Her mother was hurt by Ou Qingheng like this, but you asked me why I should deal with it. Ou Jia? Xu Chengxun, you are thinking that you are confused. "

Xu Chengxun frowned, and was very uncomfortable with Li Zhenzhen's refusal to stay a thousand miles away.

Li Zhenzhen smiled again, but his eyes were cold.

Her slender fingers rubbed Xu Chengxun's cheeks and whispered: "Don't you always wonder why me and June are hooked together? Because I have a common enemy with him, he promised that I will help me deal with Eurovision Heng, so I paid my body, do you think I am particularly dirty, it does n’t matter, this is the way I am, I have loved you before I have converged my nature, now it is different, you disdain , I had to switch to the arms of other men. "

Xu Chengxun's face changed and changed.

He saw a turbulent storm in his eyes, and finally he was calm again.

"Zhenzhen, do you want to force me to leave? I know you care about the video, but I promise you, I won't let anyone hurt you." He said deeply.

A trace of movement flashed in Li Zhenzhen's eyes, but the next second, she looked at Xu Chengxun full of sarcasm.

"Xu Shao, you are too worthy of yourself."

She opened the door and wanted to get out of the car. Unexpectedly, Xu Chengxun fell on the seat again.

She groaned and looked at Xu Chengxun, who was lying on her body, and her eyes flashed the longing for restraint.

Xu Chengxun stared at her eyes and said, "Zhenzhen, if you really have no feelings for me, you will not be escaping me all the time. What the **** are you afraid of?"

Li Zhenzhen dropped her eyes in a panic and said coldly: "Let me go, I want to get off."

Xu Chengxun kept her head down, but wanted to kiss her mouth.

Li Zhenzhen avoided Xu Chengxun's touch and said coldly: "Xu Chengxun, don't let me hate you."

Xu Chengxun paused.

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