Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 794: Bauble coward

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Lin Shufen sent Ou Qingheng a lot of inside information about Zhang Shujun. These can be sentenced if given to the police, but he will not be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Ou Qingheng accepted these and looked at Lin Shufen, saying, "Speak, how much do you want?"

"Five million, and help me get an identity. I want to change my life in another country. I don't want to go back to my country in my life." Lin Shufen said.

"Yes." Ou Qingheng agreed, but looking at her embarrassment, he said again: "You got Zhang Shujun's injury?"

"No, he made it with your sister." Lin Shufen smiled and smiled sarcastically: "Ou Shao, when it comes to fierceness, your sister is much more ruthless than you." Although the brain does not look so smart .

Ou Qingheng nodded in agreement.

If Tingting was not ruthless, he would not hire a murderer to hit Yao Yiyi who was still pregnant with his child, and almost caused their mother and son to die one life and two lives. That's why he couldn't admit this sister in his life.

He who wants the lives of his wife and children, he can't let it go so easily, he will make her nothing.

From frugality to extravagance is easy, from extravagance to frugality, he will see what it is like to have nothing after Ou Tingting's betrayal, so it is definitely more pleasant than killing her directly.

"Ou Shao, you see I have nothing to hide from you. I hope you can hurry up with the money and other identities."

Ou Qingheng said: "You leave first, I will let you get what you want, but you don't want to see Zhang Shujun's final ending?"

Lin Shufen hooked his lips and said, "Since he broke my hand with his own hands, he has nothing to do with me. Rather than wasting time looking at his retribution, I might as well go abroad to live the little life I want."

"You are a smart woman."

"Thank you for Ou Shao's praise."

Lin Shufen put on sunglasses and left the company directly. As a result, she just got into her car and saw Zhang Zhiling and Ou Tingting coming over from the other side with talking and laughing.

Lin Shufen stared at Ou Tingting, who was staring at her stomach with resentment, this woman, her hands were directly scrapped, she had not seen the doctor just to keep this pain longer, when she became stronger, one day She will return to China again, witnessing Zhang Shujun fall from the cloud, become embarrassed, and have nothing.

She waited and waited for Zhang Shujun to creep down at her feet, and then confessed to him that he was wrong, he should not abandon her and marry a arrogant and willful woman.

Zhang Shujun, Ou Tingting, you two are waiting for me, I will be back in a few years.

Lin Shufen drove away and went to the hospital to look at her finger. The doctor said that her finger had been crushed by someone. The chance of repair was zero, and she could only change a fake finger.

She was lying alone on the icy operating table waiting for the doctor to change the fake fingers. This bill was directly counted on Zhang Shujun and Ou Tingting.

The humiliation and pain she suffered today, she will definitely retaliate back in her day.

Ou Tingting didn't know that she was resented by Lin Shufen. She and Zhang Zhiling took the food and went upstairs and out of the elevator. Linlin stopped them both.

"Miss Ms. Zhang, Ms. Ou is working inside. The two of you are inconvenient to enter." Lin Lin said with a scalp.

Ou Tingting raised her eyebrows and glanced at her, and said angrily: "When I come to see my brother, when will it be your turn to get a little secretary to talk about things?"

Lin Lin's scalp is even heavier. Ou Tingting, who is the real old lady of the Ou family, is even more difficult than Zhang Zhiling. If she is really angry with her, then her job will really be unnecessary.

"Miss, you also know President Zou's temper. You can go in if you want, but I have to go in and report to President Zou."

Ou Tingting wanted to lose her temper and was tossed by Zhang Zhiling, indicating that she should not act lightly.

"Lin Lin, go in and tell Brother O. We two are idlers, but don't disturb his work." Zhang Zhiling said.

Linlin nodded.

Linlin came into the office and didn't know what she said. When she came out, she said respectfully: "Miss, Miss Zhang, President Ou, please come in."

Ou Tingting went in arrogantly. As soon as she saw Ou Qingheng, she couldn't help but complain: "Brother, your secretary is really a big shelf. When you see you, you have to report it. If you want me to say it, you will She was fired, changed and obedient and sensible. "

Ou Qingheng was just burying his head at work, and he didn't even care about Ou Tingting.

"Brother ..." Ou Tingting dissatisfied.

Ou Qingheng put the pen down, raised his head, and said, "What are you doing here?"

Zhang Zhiling said: "Brother Ou, Ting Ting said that it has been a long time since she prepared the food for you, so I asked her to cook with you to cook for you. These are all made by us. You try it."

Ou Qingheng said: "Let's put it on the table, I will eat it when I am busy."

Ou Tingting took out a small dish of pastries from the basket and walked upright, saying, "Brother, you have something to eat. I rarely cook, and our brothers and sisters have rarely repaired the relationship. Don't be right. Am I so cold, OK? "

Ou Qingheng took a piece and tasted, said: "It tastes good. Put it on the table, you can leave."

Zhang Zhiling stepped forward and said with a smile: "Brother Ou, it is rare that Tingting is so kind, you eat more."

Ou Qingheng took another piece to eat. Zhang Zhiling watched him finish eating, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and his eyes were bright like the cats in the night.

He said: "You can leave."

Ou Tingting still wanted to stay here for a while, but Zhang Zhiling didn't expect to directly pull her, and then said: "Brother Ou, Tingting and I left first, and you work well."

Ou Qingheng just buried his head and continued to work, ignoring Zhang Zhiling.

Zhang Zhiling was in a good mood and did not care about Ou Qingheng's indifference to her.

Out of the Euclidean group, Ou Tingting shook her hand away and said, "Chi Ling, don't you still have feelings for my elder brother, why don't you take advantage of this opportunity and keep him warm?"

One of Zhang Zhiling ’s fans laughed and said, “Tingting, I am doing long-line fishing for big fish. Brother Ou is not looking at me now. I want to appear in front of him from time to time. I ’m afraid he will hate me even more, but He will fall in love with me soon, and I am confident. "

Ou Tingting glanced at her like an idiot and said, "You all ran for three years after my elder brother's ass. Are you sure you will fall in love soon? Don't you still dreaming."

Zhang Zhiling laughed more mysteriously.

She said: "I have my own way. I used to be proud and proud that I could capture your brother's heart with my own appearance, but now I only found that it was a fool's dream, but now I have changed my strategy. I believe that as long as you Brother ’s heart is on me for a moment. When I have children for him, he will really fall in love with me someday. "

Ou Tingting didn't understand.

Zhang Zhiling didn't expect her to understand. She only needs Ou Tingting to be the **** she uses. As long as Ou Tingting is there, she can let Ou Qingheng eat the cakes she made and wait for a certain amount of her. It can make people hypnotize Ou Qingheng. Although the medicine she gave can not make Ou Qingheng die for her life, but as long as a few years, she will make Ou Qingheng really fall in love with her.

It's a pity that Zhang Zhiling overestimated her charm value and underestimated Ou Qingheng's emotion towards Yao Yiyi, so in the end she was destined to be a loser.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to listen to your gods. You accompany me to go shopping. I haven't bought a bag for a long time. I have been having a temper with your brother these days and I don't want to go shopping." Ou Tingting posed. Shake hands and say.

Zhang Zhiling accompanied him obediently.

"Tingting, I heard that you are in trouble to find Lin Shufen today. What happened? She didn't kill you?"

"Are you scared of killing me?"

"Of course I am afraid. We are a family. I'm afraid you get into an unnecessary lawsuit. It's not a woman with no background. If you look at her, you can just ask a few people to teach you. Where else do you need you? Go for it yourself, it would be bad if my little nephew was disturbed. "

"I'm just going to see what she's so good about, and you can let your brother raise her for nearly ten years, and your brother is really a kind of affectionate kind, while showing affectionate money to me, He swears to her again, he wants to hug him right, I will make a decision for him to ask her or me, but in the end your elder brother did not let me down, otherwise I have a way to repair him. "Ou Tingting said cruelly.

"Tingting, I still envy you. The eldest brother is obedient by your training. If I can marry your elder brother in the future, I must ask you a few tips."

"Come on, if my brother is like this, unless he is willing to spoil you, otherwise you won't be able to influence his thoughts at all. Do you think everyone is like your brother and is not good for you?"

Zhang Zhiling just smiled.

In the evening, Zhang Zhiling brought two glasses of wine to the top floor, feeling the breeze blowing, she said: "Brother, I heard Tingting say you broke Lin Shufen's finger by hand, why, you are willing to do it?"

Zhang Shujun's face sank, and his expression became very dark.

"Go down," he said.

Zhang Zhiling chuckled and said, "Brother, no wonder Tingting would say that you are unattractive and can't keep the beloved woman, being overwhelmed by his wife, and relying on the Ou family in your career. Success, I really ca n’t see what else you can do. "

Zhang Shujun's face was even more terrifying, and Zhang Zhiling's words simply poked him into the heart of his heart and sprinkled a little more salt on his wound.

"Shut up for me." Zhang Shujun growled.

"Why, so angry and angry?" Zhang Zhiling spoke more sharply.

"Zhang Zhiling, believe it or not I killed you?" Zhang Shujun pinched her neck and said angrily.

Zhang Zhiling's pinched cheeks were all red, but the smile on his face was even more dazzling.

"Brother, when you talk about your pain, you will treat me like this. If you want me to say, you might as well think about how to tune Ou Tingting, otherwise she would crawl directly onto your head." By the way, you have to coax your little lover, otherwise people will follow you and run away without heartbreak for years. "

Zhang Shujun's eyes flashed with unspeakable anger.

He shook Zhang Zhiling away and went downstairs angrily.

"It's really a fool of cowards," Zhang Zhiling murmured mockingly.

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