Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 792: I torture you, who will he help?

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It was already evening after eating out, saying goodbye to each other, Yao Yiyi took An'an into the back seat, Ou Qingheng drove them back home.

As soon as the family of three came out of the elevator, they saw that Zhang Shujun and Ou Tingting were constantly involved. Zhang Shujun said anxiously: "Tingting, come back with me. Lin Shufen and I are really just a misunderstanding. I admit that we had a relationship before, She broke off before you, she was unwilling to be entangled with me all the time, I did not think about breaking your heart, I really love you. "

Ou Tingting avoided his touch and said angrily: "Don't touch me."

"Tingting ..." Zhang Shujun hadn't finished speaking yet, and Yao Yiyi said, "What are you doing?" She didn't care if Zhang Shujun and Ou Tingting were reconciled, but she ran to their door to stage a quarrel. It was not allowed, An An was still young, she didn't want him to see such an unbearable side.

As soon as Zhang Shujun saw Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi, the momentum was obviously reduced, and he said politely: "Brother, sister-in-law."

Ou Tingting walked towards Yao Yiyi, and Ou Qingheng subconsciously protected Yao Yiyi and An An from behind.

Ou Tingting grieved and said: "Brother, sister-in-law, Zhang Shujun is very annoying. Who can I be with you tonight? I don't want to see him at all now."

Ou Qingheng coldly refused: "Go back."

Ou Tingting looked at Yao Yiyi, and said quietly, "Sister-in-law, I want to sleep here tonight, can I?"

Yao Yiyi put An'an in his arms and said, "Qingheng, let them go first. This is not the only one here. It's not good to quarrel with the neighborhood."

Ou Qingheng nodded.

Zhang Shujun and Ou Tingting followed Yao Yiyi in.

Yao Yiyi held An An Road: "Qing Heng, I took An An upstairs to take a bath. It's not too early. An An should be sleepy later."

Ou Qingheng nodded.

Yao Yiyi went upstairs, and Ou Qingheng's face sank completely.

"What do you two want to do?"

"Brother, I'm really sorry. I just wanted Tingting to go back. I didn't expect her to come to you. You are the elder brother. Would you please say a few good things to Tingting for me?"

Zhang Shujun said.

Ou Qingheng glanced at Ou Tingting, and really spoke up to help: "Tingting, you've made troubles too, it's time to go home, don't rely on Shujun's favor for you to be arrogant, the man did not get married If you do n’t have one or two women, do n’t take Joe this matter, either divorce or go back and live with him. Choose one of the two. ”

Ou Tingting bit her lip.

Zhang Shujun was somewhat flattered. He did not expect Ou Qingheng to be on his side.

"Tingting, please forgive me, I don't dare anymore." Zhang Shujun followed the trend.

Ou Tingting glared at him, then unexpectedly plunged to Ou Qingheng, took his arm, and said coquettishly: "Brother, I really know that I am wrong, forgive me, we It ’s awkward to have been in trouble for three years, no matter how angry you should be.

Ou Qingheng looked at her coldly.

"Brother, forgive me, as long as you are willing to forgive me, I will go back to Shujun immediately."

Ou Qingheng don't give a deep glance at her, said: "I think I forgive you so much?"

Ou Tingting looked at him brightly.

"Ok, I forgive you."

Ou Tingting's eyes are brighter, "Brother, what are you saying is true?"

Ou Qingheng nodded.

Ou Tingting walked towards Zhang Shujun with a stomach on his stomach, arms around his neck and said, "Shujun, have you heard? My elder brother has forgiven me, you can't bully me at will in the future, otherwise I will directly Put your place away. "

Zhang Shujun hugged Ou Tingting, the excitement flashed in his eyes.

If Ou Qingheng and Ou Tingting are close, then his husband, who is the biggest beneficiary, will also be of great help to the development of the Zhang Group, but why Ou Qingheng suddenly changed his mouth and said that he would forgive Ou Tingting? He doesn't think that Ou Qingheng is such a person without principles and easy-going. Will there be any fraud?

Zhang Shujun couldn't help but wonder when he was overjoyed.

"Zhang Shujun, what are you thinking? I said so much to you and you ignored it. Tell me honestly, are you thinking about how to make Lin Shufen's cheap woman into Zhang's house?" Ou Tingting was sharp The voice pulled Zhang Shujun back, "I tell you, one day when I was Ou Tingting, she wouldn't want to enter the door."

Zhang Shujun petted and took a little helpless look at Ou Tingting, "Tingting, you nonsense, you know I only have you in her heart, she is just my past."

"You know the best." Ou Tingting proudly said: "Let's go home first, don't disturb the elder brother and sister-in-law."

When Zhang Shujun and Ou Tingting left, Ou Qingheng got up and wanted to go upstairs, but unexpectedly saw Yao Yiyi standing at the stairs.

He smiled with a lip, walked up, and kissed her forehead as she said, "Any sleep?"

Yao Yiyi nodded.

Ou Qingheng embraced her waist and led her to the bedroom, saying, "You don't ask me why I promise to forgive Ou Tingting?"

"Why should I ask? You will have your own reasons for what you do, there is no need to scrutinize my ideas." Yao Yiyi said generously.

In her view, the grievance between her and Ou Tingting didn't need to involve Ou Qingheng at all. He and Ou Tingting were brothers and sisters anyway. Because of her personal grievances, she forced him to sever ties with Ou Tingting. Yu Li is not reasonable, and it seems that she is too unreasonable.

"I did this simply because I wanted Zhangjia to stand at the peak of his career. When Zhang Shujun tasted the benefits of power, and then pulled him down, he fell to the ground from a height, and I was helping. One, guess whether he will bite the dog with Ou Tingting's dog, a mouthful of hair? "Ou Qingheng said casually.

Yao Yiyi looked up at him and met his smiling eyes, saying: "Are you going to count them?"

"Originally, there was no such plan, but they should never hit their minds on you again. With Ou Tingting's hate for you, she couldn't show favor to you for no reason, or Zhang Shujun's advice Either Zhang Zhiling encouraged, no matter who, since they want to use Ou Tingting to deal with me, would n’t it waste their good intentions if I did n’t push the boat? ”Ou Qingheng's eyes flashed cruelly,“ I just have a little time, just play with them. "

It's just that Ou Qingheng didn't think that he would play out of this game.

If he knew his calculations, he and Yao Yiyi would be separated again for a short time. He would definitely sweep away the obstacles in front of them and show Yao Yiyi a blue light.

Unfortunately, no medicine can be bought to know.

Yao Yiyi felt funny: "Sleep."

Ou Qingheng led her to the bathroom, and the two took a passionate mandarin duck bath. When Yao Yiyi came out of it, she was too tired to sleep.

No dream overnight.

The next day, Ou Qingheng sent Yao Yiyi to work, and then transferred to Ou Shi Group. On the way, he received a call from Lin Shufen.

"Ou Shao, when will you give me the rest of your money? Your sister has been looking for someone to watch me over the past few days. I'm afraid she will be unpredictable to me. I can't count on Zhang Shujun. Then arrange for me to leave City T? Here I can see that there is no place for me to stand. "Lin Shufen said anxiously over the phone.

Ou Qingheng twisted his eyebrows.

"Looking at the fact that you gave me a lot of news before, I can give you more money, but this game can only be stopped by me, I have not said it is over, the love and hatred between you and Zhang Shujun can only You deal with it yourself, I won't interfere. "Ou Qingheng refused.

"Ou Shao, I beg you, as long as you can save me from your sister's troubles, I sell you a big secret, about Zhang Shujun, I dare to guarantee that you will be interested." Lin Shufen anxiously said.

Ou Qingheng sinked his eyes, thought for a while, and said, "Say."

"Okay, I said, his secret is ..." Before Lin Shufen finished, there was a busy tone on the phone.

Ou Qingheng looked at the phone that had been hung up and couldn't help but frown, but he didn't plan to hit it anymore. In his view, Lin Shufen was just a humble piece.

At the moment, Lin Shufen was being pulled directly to the sofa by the hair, and the next second, he was directly dropped on the sofa.

Only listen to a female voice: "Call me."

A burst of punches and kicks fell on Lin Shufen's body, and Lin Shufen wailed more than once.

I didn't know how long it took, the female voice said: "Stop."

Those beaten up with their hands and feet.

"This face looks pretty good, and it's no wonder that it can enter Shujun's eyes." Ou Tingting picked Lin Shufen's face and said cruelly: "If you say that I have scratched your face, then call Shujun. See, will you say she will help you? "

Panic flashed across Lin Shufen's face, her pupils first widened, then shrank subconsciously.

"Miss Ou, you, you must know that the wounded person must go to jail." Lin Shufen's teeth fought up and down. "I have followed Shujun for many years. Anyway, you will come up later. If you have complaints, I have them too. So you can't do this to me. "

Ou Tingting patted her cheek heavily and said unreasonably: "I care how many years you have followed him, now he is mine, only I can take possession of him, and the rest of them leave me away."

Lin Shufen pretended to be very scared and said weakly: "Miss Ou, I have no intention of robbing you of a man, I just want to get his blessing, please forgive me, my kind of betrayal can't compare with you . "

Ou Tingting squeezed her cheek fiercely and said, "You still have self-knowledge."

Looking at the red seal on Lin Shufen's face, the retribution flashed in her eyes: "Call Shu Jun and let him come within half an hour."

"Yes, Miss." The sturdy man took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Shujun's phone number. He said coldly, "Zhang Shao, Miss is here, Miss Lin. She asked you to come over."

After speaking, he hung up the phone and said, "Miss, Zhang Shao said he will arrive soon."

Ou Tingting chuckled and said, "Lin Shufen, it seems that Shu Jun still cares a lot about you. You said I tortured you in front of him. How would he choose? Let's gamble, will he defend you?"

Lin Shufen couldn't help but shudder.

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