Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 773: She suddenly felt sick

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Ou Tingting was particularly bored when she saw no one should respond to her. All her curse words were like a punch on cotton.

Zhang Zhiling said: "Yao Yiyi, I love Brother Ou. The two of us kissed that day, but we couldn't help it, but he told me that the woman he loved most was you, I can only be ranked second, but even so I am also content with myself and able to be treated intimately by him. I am happier than anyone. I really do n’t want much. I just want to be by his side. "

Yao Yiyi's face sank, and the hand on his thigh moved, and his heart was dull and dull like a stone pressed.

"Done talking?"

"No, I haven't finished speaking. From the first time I saw Big Brother O when I returned to China, I fell in love with him. It took me nearly three years to slowly approach him before I let him kiss me. I was the woman behind him, and I was discovered by you. He was afraid that you would be angry and let me leave the company first, but only in the company can I approach him so close, so please forgive him for this time? I really I do n’t want to see him upset because of you. "Zhang Zhiling played the feeling card smartly.

Yao Yiyi felt more blocked in his heart.

The kiss in the photo stimulated her brain nerves all the time. She wanted to forget, but someone deliberately exposed her scars to prevent her from being too good.

"Gong Lin, let's get off." Yao Yiyi said.

Gong Lin nodded and wanted to open the door, but the door was locked.

"Open the door." Gong Lin said.

Zhang Zhiling was unmoved.

Gong Lin didn't know where to pull out a gun, resisted Zhang Zhiling's head, said: "Open the door!"

Zhang Zhiling turned her head slowly, looking at the gun that accurately pointed at her eyes. She almost didn't faint.

She grew so big, this is the first time she saw a gun.

This kind of thing that has only been seen on TV, she didn't expect to see it in reality one day, and it was still against her forehead.

"You put the gun down."

"Open the door."

Gong Lin didn't want to talk nonsense with her.

Zhang Zhiling originally wanted to be angry, but Ou Tingting was scared and said incoherently: "Chi Ling, please open the door quickly, you want to kill both of us."

Zhang Zhiling did not dare to make it, and hurriedly opened the door.

Yao Yiyi got off the bus and entered the company silently all the way.

Entering the elevator, Gong Lin gave her a worried look and said, "Young lady, the boss is not what they said, they will know that they are lying at first glance, don't listen to your ears."

Yao Yiyi shook his head, his expression somewhat tired, and did not want to say anything.

Gong Lin wanted to say something, but Yao Yiyi said, "Don't tell Qingheng about the two of them coming to me today, Gong Lin, you said it yourself, I was yours while I was hired to protect me Big employer, unless you need to report everything to Qingheng, but you told me about the photos without my permission. I have n’t said anything to you, but I do n’t want to have a second time, do you understand?"

Gong Lin's expression sullenly said, "Young lady, I just don't want you to be cranky."

"I'm an adult. I can handle my marital problems myself. I don't want to rely on Qingheng for everything." Yao Yiyi said, a trace of exhaustion in her voice. "Gong Lin, as long as you protect me, I can handle the rest."

Gong Lin moved her mouth, but finally nodded.

Back in the design department, Yao Yiyi buried his head in the design drawings, but his expression was a little bad.

Gong Lin looked at her like this, in fact, she was also a little worried, just thinking that she had encountered too many bad facts these days, and may need to be quiet, so she thoughtfully did not bother.

Downstairs Ou Tingting and Zhang Zhiling have not left yet, they are still immersed in the fear of being pointed at by the gun.

Ou Tingting patted his chest and said, "Chi Ling, was that the gun just now?"

"Yes, yes." There can be no such realistic gun.

"I was really scared to death. These bodyguards trained in my brother's back are all sturdy, and they don't take me in the eye at all." Ou Tingting said with a lingering fear: "Brother really takes this woman seriously. With Gong Lin, we can't get close to her. "

Zhang Zhiling was also jealous in her heart, but she still said stiffly: "But at least we should have met her. As long as she feels uncomfortable, isn't that what we want?"

Ou Tingting's mood improved instantly.

"Yes, yeah, you didn't see how funny she was just because she pretended not to care about what she clearly cared about. I just wanted to see her painful way. The more painful she is, the more comfortable I am in my heart.

Zhang Zhiling smiled.

She drove away from the company, Ou Tingting asked: "Chi Ling, where are we going?"

"Go shopping."

"Also, I haven't gone shopping for three days. I feel like the whole person is rusty. I feel uncomfortable. You leave the Euclidean group. There is really no need for a hard-working lady to work hard. Is n’t it better to have clothes to reach out and open your mouth? "

You think everyone wants to be a pig like you can't do anything but eat, drink and play.

Zhang Zhiling glanced at her and thought disdainfully in her heart, but she wouldn't say it.

The two were happy to go shopping, but Ou Qingheng returned home at night but not so much better. He obviously felt the alienation that Yao Yiyi showed to him.

"Yiyi, we need to have a good talk." Ou Qingheng grabbed Yao Yiyi who had just come out from the inside and said.

Yao Yiyi raised his head, looked at him emotionally, opened his lips slightly, and said, "Qingheng, I am a little tired and want to sleep. Let's talk about it another day, OK?"

Ou Qingheng frowned, and the clipped eyebrow peak could pinch a fly.

"Yiyi, what's wrong with you?" Ou Qingheng asked: "You are alienating me on purpose, why? I have let Zhang Zhiling leave the company, I have nothing to do with her, you really don't want to give me another chance ?"

Fortunately, Zhang Yiling didn't mention it. Yao Yiyi's face was awkward for a minute or two.

"Qingheng, I have a headache today, so let's talk about it tomorrow." After that, Yao Yiyi wanted to draw his hand, but was unexpectedly pulled into the arms by Ou Qingheng and then lifted her. Chin, kissed her lips accurately.

At the moment when Yao Yiyi was kissed, a picture of Ou Qingheng kissing Zhang Zhiling suddenly appeared in her mind. She didn't know if it was hypocritical or something. She suddenly felt sick.

She pushed Ou Qingheng away and wiped the corners of her mouth fiercely. She subconsciously avoided Ou Qingheng's gaze and whispered: "Qinheng, I'm sorry, I'm tired."

"Just because I kissed someone else, you really didn't plan to forgive me? Even if I said there was no memory at that time, you didn't plan to believe it?" Ou Qingheng's fist was tight and his face was very ugly. , He is restraining his anger and sorrow: "I came back from Beijing, I said that I will treat you well, yes, from the photo, I kissed Zhang Zhiling, this is my fault, I will not shirk, but I really I do n’t know why I kissed her. I have no impression at all. Can you choose to believe me and forgive me? You have been angry for a day. If you do this again, I will be really sad. I thought my feelings for you Will let you choose to trust me unconditionally. "

Yao Yiyi's back stiffened, and finally sighed faintly.

She admits that Zhang Zhiling's words in the car today have really fluctuated her, so she was only so touched by Ou Qingheng kissing her.

She didn't want Ou Qingheng to touch the lips of other women for a while, and she would feel sick.

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