Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 765: I disagree with her studying abroad

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As soon as Reiter got out of the company, he received a phone call. He listened for a while and said, "Well, we will meet you at a coffee shop near your company. I will definitely arrive on time."

Hanging up the phone, Reiter said: "You go back to the hotel to wait for me, and I will meet a friend."

The others nodded and left.

As soon as someone left, Ritter drove to the address specified by the person who called him over the phone. When he arrived at the coffee shop, he parked the car, got off the car, and turned to look at the magnificent restaurant opposite the coffee shop. The company building is not what the Euclidean group can be.

He stepped in and found someone in the corner.

"Chi Ling," Reiter said.

Zhang Zhiling got up and smiled: "You came quite quickly, I thought I had to wait at least an hour."

"Punctuality is one of our basic requirements." Ritt said.

Zhang Zhiling chuckled and said, "Rhett, you are still as humorous as ever."

"I'm just humorous about beautiful women. Other things, I think it's hard for me to humor."

"What should I do if I have no one else in my heart, I think I will fall in love with you, a gentleman who will make women happy."

"No, even if you have no one else, neither of us can get electricity, because we are both smart people."

Zhang Zhiling smiled while covering her lips, but there was no smile in her eyes.

"By the way, what happened to the company introduced to you by Qingheng?" Zhang Zhiling called the waiter to order coffee, and then Reiter asked.

"Yes, I already plan to sign with them. Qingheng's wife is a very talented woman. I saw that she has a very talent for design before, but just lacking a little aura, I want to force her, Want to know to what extent the bottom line of her design, she really lived up to my expectations and set up a work full of soul. In your Chinese words, the more the spring is pressed, the stronger its rebound ability will be. In my opinion, this is the case. I have to ask Qingheng to come out and thank him very much. Thank you for introducing me such a good seedling. I blamed him before for introducing me to a little-known medium-sized company. Hidden in a medium-sized company. "Reiter said with emotion and praise.

Zhang Zhiling's hand on her leg was slowly clenched, feeling that her gums were about to be bitten by herself. She was about to come out to listen to his nonsense. Now she just heard others praise Yao Yiyi's teeth. Sour, obviously mad and jealous.

"Rhett, would you be too exaggerated? She really is so powerful?" Zhang Zhiling said with a reluctant smile.

"Of course, she is one of the few women I have ever seen that is very talented in design. I also plan to let her go abroad for further study, and I will serve as a mentor for her." Reiter said enthusiastically. He rarely encounters a good seedling, and he would be too sorry if he missed it so much.

Zhang Zhiling felt sour water in her heart.

"Rhett, I don't seem to see you complimenting others." She pretended to laugh.

"It's not that I don't want to exaggerate, but that people who are talented in design are really rare." Ritter seemed to think of something good. His eyes lit up, like the eyes of a cat that glowed at night. Same thing, "Chi Ling, you are working next to Qing Heng, or if you help me to mention to him, can you borrow his wife for a year or two, Miss Yao is really a talented person, if it is a waste It ’s a pity. "

Zhang Zhiling avoided his eyes, and thought in her heart that if she had such a weight in front of Ou Qingheng, she would not be so painstakingly wanting to get him.

"Ritt, you despise me too much," Zhang Zhiling said.

Reiter glanced at her and realized with great enlightenment: "Yes, a opinionated man like Qingheng, I think it's hard to persuade you to work for him."

Zhang Zhiling's face changed, and her mood became worse. She really didn't know what magic Yao Yiyi had. She could make every man who saw her praise her.

"Rhett, you seem to have a pretty good impression of Yao Yiyi?" Zhang Zhiling asked unwillingly.

"She is beautiful and talented, shouldn't I take a look at her?" Ritt asked back.

Zhang Zhiling took a sigh of relief and felt even worse.

Finally, Zhang Zhiling unilaterally believed that their meeting was unhappy.

Reiter deliberately entered the Euclidean Group with Zhang Zhiling. Zhang Zhiling endured the air: "Ruiter, won't you sign your contract?"

"My subordinates will be able to sign the contract. I will talk to Qingheng. If he can lend his wife to me for a year or two, I promise to make him a more dazzling woman. I think Miss Yao needs a more Platform. "Rui Te said with bright eyes.

Zhang Zhiling glanced at him like a fool. She felt that once he put forward this suggestion, Ou Qingheng didn't directly bombard him.

But she didn't intend to tell Rhett, who asked him to praise Yao Yiyi just in front of her. She was a woman and she was very careful, so she was happy to see Rhett deflated.

"Right, good luck." Zhang Zhiling smiled.

"Thank you! I think Qingheng will thank my generosity."

I hope it is as you think, but I prefer you to be beaten up by Ou Qingheng.

Zhang Zhiling went to his floor and said, "Ritter, I'm going to work first. Let's eat together if we have time."

Rui characteristic nodded.

Reaching the top floor, Rhett went out of the elevator and went straight to the secretary's office to ask Linlin if Ou Qingheng was there.

"Mr. Reiter, hello, Mr. Ou just went to the bathroom. Would you like to wait outside for a while? Mr. Ou doesn't like people walking in and out of his office without his permission." Lin Lin said politely and gracefully .

Rhett shrugged and waited outside with a good temper.

Ou Qingheng came back and saw Ritter standing there without showing much surprise.

"Qingheng, you can come back. I have some good news to share with you. Let's talk in the office." Reiter said well.

Ou Qingheng nodded.

Entering the office, Reiter said excitedly: "Qingheng, I found that your wife is a woman with a very design talent, so I suggest sending her to study abroad. I can serve her as a tutor for as long as a year or two, I can make her a famous designer in Europe. "

Ou Qingheng's eyes narrowed, his eyes turned cold.

Reiter still said excitedly: "My pledge is always verbal, and I can make Miss Yao more shiny."

"No, she is very shiny now. I don't need her to go to Europe famously." Ou Jingheng directly interrupted his talk.

"Qingheng, you can't be so selfish. You have never seen your wife's very spiritual design. It's too talented. Such a genius shouldn't be a small designer in a medium-sized company. Use you In Chinese, it is too violent. "

Ou Qingheng said: "If she wants, I can give her better."

"But my design circle in Europe is an authority. You introduced me to your wife's company, don't you want me to recognize her design talent? Now I give her an opportunity to go abroad for further study, and I still personally Why don't you agree to be her mentor? You are so selfish. "Rhett was also excited, and his voice became sharper.

Ou Qingheng's expression became very cold, he said: "Rhett, you are out of bounds."

Reiter came back and coughed twice, saying: "Sorry, I just don't want to waste such a good talent. She is so talented, do you really not consider it?"

"Rhett, do you think with my ability, if she wants, can't I push her to the top of the design world?"


Reiter was frustrated. Indeed, with the financial resources of the Ou family, he could indeed invite top designers for Yao Yi. What's more, he went abroad to study abroad, but he was a little unwilling. Why is such a good seedling not regulated to him? Of his men.

He is confident that as long as Yao Yiyiken, he will make him rise like a dazzling star.

"Rhett, if you have nothing else to do," Ou Qingheng said.

Reiter was still somewhat unwilling.

"Qingheng, is there really no room for negotiation? I think we can discuss it," Ritt said. "I am a talented person, and I can promise to make her shine."

"No, you can leave."

Reiter can only leave the office in disgrace.

He took the elevator to the floor where Zhang Zhiling worked and went directly to her office, saying: "Chi Ling, beautiful lady, think of a way for me to allow Qing Heng to lend his wife to me for a year or two. "

Zhang Zhiling looked up and looked at Reiter, who seemed to have a magic barrier, and said, "It's not impossible."

"Then say it quickly."

"Let her fall in love with you directly, and she will divorce Big Brother O."

Reiter gave her a white look and said, "Chiling, don't make a joke. Can I grab a woman with Qingheng?"

"Can't you, or can't you dare? I think Yao Yiyi looks beautiful and elegant, but you really don't have a little heartbeat?" Zhang Zhiling tentatively said.

"Bullshit! In my eyes, she is just like my junior. I am a foreigner, but I have studied in China for a few years. I still have the same traditional thinking as you. Chiling, I didn't expect you to be such a woman. "Ritter said angrily.

Zhang Zhiling shrugged and said, "In addition to this method, I come up with any method that can help you."

Ritter looked at her without moving her eyes.

Zhang Zhiling felt a little hairy in his heart, and some people were uncomfortable.

"Rhett, what do you want to do? What do you look at me like this?" Zhang Zhiling said angrily.

"Chi Ling, you are really a good abacus, and I still wanted to ask you for help. The Chinese woman was really struggling. I thought you were wrong." Ritter finished and turned directly out of the office.

Zhang Zhiling, who was scolded, had a look of aggression in her face. She was a little bit terrible, and she didn't know which door Rite had opened again.

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