Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 753: She is about to succeed

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

Shortly after Huang Fu and Huang Yiyi returned to Shanghai, an anonymous post appeared on the Internet. The title of the post was that the heirs of the Euclidean Group used their power to prevent their wives from recognizing their relatives. He was authoritarian and forced his wife and his relatives who had just recognized him to sever all relations. He also invited Chairman Huang, who missed the daughter of the Huang Group, to drink tea, saying that it was tea. There are many bruises.

This post is very colorful, and many people read it, and soon became the first.

Although there is no named surname in the post, Ou Group and Huang Group are very famous companies in T City and Shanghai, which soon attracted the attention of the media. Those media are not afraid of death. Interview with Ou Qingheng.

Linlin knocked on the door, and with the permission of Ou Qingheng, she pushed the door in.

"President Ou, the chief reporter of Xinhua Daily wants to interview you. I wonder if you mean that?" Lin Lin asked.

"I don't accept any interviews, and there are people who deal with online posts." Ou Qingheng processed the documents and said.

"But Mr. Ou, this Xinhua Daily is the best publishing house in T City. The daily sales of newspapers typeset are the best. They are also very important in the whole country. You may wish to take an hour for an interview to clarify the Internet Fraud to you. "Lin Lin thought for a moment and said with courage.

"My family doesn't need to publicize the world yet." Ou Qingheng raised his head, glanced at Lin Lin and said.

Linlin took a deep breath and depressed the tension in her heart, saying: "Zou Ou, let me say that everyone who knows you knows that this report is fake, but now it is browsed by people all over the country, cyber violence It's more influential than we thought, so I think you might as well make a short explanation, or the stock's movement will also be affected by this fluctuation. "

"No, it's just a random post." Ou Qingheng waved his hand and said, "Go down."

Linlin glanced at him, and could only helplessly go out.

As soon as Lin Lin went out, Zhang Zhiling came out of the elevator.

"Director Zhang." Lin Lin greeted politely.

Zhang Zhiling nodded and whispered: "Brother Ou is inside?"

Linlin nodded.

"OK, I'll go in and find him."

"Director Zhang, Mr. Ou is working on the job. Without his permission, I don't think you should go in. It is our little secretaries who will end up suffering."

Zhang Zhiling glanced at her and said, "I have something to look for him. I promise that he will never blame you."

Lin Lin saw that she was so sure that she did not stop.

Zhang Zhiling knocked on the door, as expected, Ou Qingheng agreed to enter.

Zhang Zhiling went in and said, "Brother Ou, I have asked people to check the ID of that post. It was sent by a resident in a community in Shanghai. I asked a friend in Shanghai to find it in that community. He ran away, he learned from the property that the poster was an IT developer, and the computer was quite powerful. He worked as a technician in a medium-sized company and resigned a few days ago. Then this post appeared and appeared in his account. An unknown amount of money was transferred in. "

Ou Qingheng said without looking up: "I know, I have found it, but it's just a beam-jumping clown, there is no need to control him."

"Brother Ou, other people are bullying you, and you are unreasonably falsely treating you with your wife and unwilling to recognize your father-in-law's family, which has caused damage to your reputation. I think you should come forward to clarify. Said with a frown.

Ou Qingheng chuckled and finally looked up.

"Do you have anything else?"

"Brother Ou, I am worried about you. Why are you so casual?"

"Zhang Zhiling, if you have nothing else to do, you can go out. In the company, I don't need a public or private person to do things for me."

Zhang Zhiling bit her lip.

"Brother Ou, I think we can be good friends. I am not blessed to be your woman, but in the name of your sister, you don't have to treat me like an anti-thief." Zhang Zhiling said reasonably.

Ou Qingheng held the pen and stopped Zhang Zhiling.

Zhang Zhiling looked at Ou Qingheng deeply and then turned around.

"Director Zhang, are you going back to work?" Lin Lin asked.

Zhang Zhiling glanced at her, and then entered the pantry unconsciously.

When she came out, there were two more cups in her hand, one cup of coffee and one cup of tea.

She handed the coffee to Linlin and said, "Linlin, I made it for you, try it, and this cup is for Brother Ou. I think he is always busy during this time and wakes up with a cup of tea. God. "

Linlin took the coffee and pretended to be flattered: "Director Zhang, thank you for your coffee. I will definitely send this tea to President Zou. You can rest assured."

Zhang Zhiling said with a smile: "Then please."

As soon as Zhang Zhiling left, Lin Lin looked at the coffee in her hand and grimaced.

"Lin Lin, you have been stared at by Director Zhang, but you have to be careful, don't end up with Linda." One of the secretaries specially reminded.

Linlin looked at the hot cup of tea and seemed to say to herself: "I think there should be no problem with a cup of tea. It is not poisoned inside."

After the psychological construction was completed, Lin Lin sent the tea in.

"Mr. Ou, I think you are so busy at work, I made a cup of tea for you, do you want to see if you have an appetite? The young lady specially taught me." Lin Lin said.

Ou Qingheng raised his head, looked at the steaming tea in front of him, took it up and blew it, took a sip while he was cold, and then looked at Lin Lin and said, "Is this really Yiyi teach you?"

"Go back to Europe, I have learned from the young lady, is it not good? It seems that my class has gotten axe, it is really embarrassing." Lin Lin said with a smile.

"Alright. You go out to work." Ou Qingheng waved his hand and said.

Linlin was relieved.

She nodded at Ou Qingheng, then turned and left.

As soon as she left the office, she thought Zhang Zhiling, who had left long ago, was still in front of her desk.

Her heart raised again: "Director Zhang, do you have anything else to command?"

"Don't be nervous, I just want to see Brother Ou drink that cup of tea?" Zhang Zhiling and Yan Yuesai said.

There was a trace of surprise in Lin Lin's heart, but she said honestly: "Go back to Director Zhang, Mr. Ou drank it. Do you have anything else?"

A smile flashed in Zhang Zhiling's eyes, and he smiled and said, "No, you all work, and I go to work too."

Zhang Zhiling turned around and left in a very good mood.

The secretary who had a good relationship with Lin Lin said strangely: "Lin Lin, do you think Director Zhang is very strange, every time he makes tea or coffee for the European President very attentively, but she does not send it in, she does Could it be something in the coffee? "

"You think you're making a TV series, who would be so stupid that the public is adding something else to the drink? Go to work." Lin Lin said.

"Lin Lin, the guardian's heart is indispensable, you still have to be cautious, don't end up insulting others."

"Got it, I'm not stupid."

Linlin sat back in her chair, still a little suspicious, but then thought that Zhang Zhiling should not be so stupid, but only when she loves Ou Qingheng.

When Zhang Zhiling returned to her office, her eyes flashed with crazy excitement. Ou Qingheng drank a lot of her tea and coffee. As long as she put more effort, she can hypnotize him deeply.

Zhang Zhiling seemed to see the picture of Ou Qingheng holding her in her arms.

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