Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 743: Uterine septum

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Yao Yiyi received a text message from Yao Ting, saying that she came to the hospital to check her body. She was shocked, thinking that Yao Ting had any problems with her body, and told Mrs. Huang that she had something to leave and let Huang Lingxuan take care of Mrs. Huang.

Out of the ward, Yao Yiyi immediately called Yao Ting.

After that, she opened the door and said: "Ting Ting, are you uncomfortable? Why should you come to the hospital to check your health?"

"My dear, do n’t worry, I do n’t have any problems. I just want to check if there are other problems in my body. I have been married to Haoran for several months. I have n’t avoided pregnancy, but my stomach has never been informed. You do n’t want to have a child so early, but you know my mother-in-law, so you want to go to the hospital for an examination. You can ask James to arrange for me one of the best gynecologists in their hospital. ”Yao Ting said.

Yao Yiyi understood what she meant.

When a woman marries a person, she often stands up, especially when it comes to giving birth to a child. It seems that it is a matter of course for a woman to be unable to conceive a child. The couple who had a very good relationship had to part ways because of the child.

Children are not only a magic weapon for maintaining husband and wife, but also a magic weapon for mother-in-law to take a look at you.

Some patriarchal families even condemn you directly as a sinner because you gave birth to a daughter.

Sometimes, women are quite helpless and pitiful.

"Then come here, I will ask James to arrange for you to see the experts." Yao Yiyi said.

Hanging up the phone, Yao Yiyi went downstairs to wait for Yao Ting.

Yao Ting drove a red Audi bag and parked not far from the hospital, got off the bus and walked towards Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yiyi looked at what she was wearing today. Her fiery hat, black glasses, fiery lips, and fiery skirt. It could be said that she was all red.

Her mouth could not help but smoke, what are these dresses, all in red, she is not enough to swagger?

"Tingting, why is it dressed like this?" Yao Yiyi asked.

Yao Ting sighed and said, "My mother-in-law gave me a match. She heard me say that she had to go to the hospital for an examination and she had to ask me to wear a red suit. It was said that red could suppress the invasion of the Hundred Ghosts. I can get pregnant as soon as possible without any carelessness. "

There was a strong sense of fatigue in Yao Ting's voice: "My dear, my mother-in-law looks at fashion and beautiful, but a lot of feudal old ideas, I tried all kinds of methods in order to make me pregnant, maybe I can no longer When she was pregnant, she was really swept out of the house. "

"The child is in a hurry, and it's not something you say there is, so you need to relax, or she won't be able to get pregnant with such a lot of pressure, and even if you can't get pregnant, it's not a problem for you. Why didn't you call Haoran together? "Yao Yiyi said.

Yao Ting took her hand and walked in. Her red body attracted the attention of others.

"I wanted to call it, but she said that Haoran was strong and strong, and there could be no problems. If there were any problems, I also had them. Haoran was afraid that his mother would continue to look for my stubble, so I would come to the hospital by myself. My family made me pregnant every day, but no one accompanied me to check the body, even my own husband. ”Yao Ting complained a little.

As they entered the elevator, Yao Yiyi watched her face and said, "Did you have a problem with Haoran?"

Yao Ting was startled and lost: "My dear, this is all seen by you. Yesterday, I had a quarrel with him because of his mother's business. It was not a big deal, even if I accidentally said his mother was not , So they quarreled. I ca n’t think it will be better in a day or two. "

Yao Yiyi looked at Yao Ting and felt a pain in her heart. The woman who married her favorite man was supposed to be radiant, but Yao Ting's face was pale and her face was thinner. Not particularly good.

"My dear, you have a lot of troubles, I still tell you this, I'm sorry, don't worry about me, I will solve the problem of marriage, I will find a time to talk to Haoran at night, I love He, he also loves me, we will not divorce. "Yao Ting said firmly.

Yao Yiyi reached out and wanted to take off the glasses on her face. Yao Ting avoided it and said, "My dear, what are you doing?"

"There is no sun here. Take it off."

"No, I feel comfortable wearing it."

Yao Yiyi's face sank, and she took off her glasses without saying a word, looking at the bluish purple circles around her eyes, and she said angrily: "Tingting, what's the matter?"

Yao Ting grabbed the glasses and put them back on again, saying, "Dear, don't ask."

The two went out of the elevator. Yao Yiyi said with a voice: "Ms. Li did it?"

Yao Ting shook his head.

Yao Yiyi's eyes flashed with surprise, and he didn't dare to set the channel: "Is it Hao Ran's fight?"

Yao Ting couldn't help crying or laughing.

"Not them, it was my father-in-law. She looked at me and my mother-in-law, and said that I was not filial, so I slapped me and slapped me. I fell on the case without paying attention and knocked to the corner of my eye, Fortunately, I didn't touch my eyes, otherwise I would be blind. "Yao Ting said pretending not to care.

Yao Yiyi's whole body trembles, and the Li family is too deceiving. It has hurt people over and over again, without any upbringing. This is not like a highly-educated rich family. The rascals are still unreasonable.

"What does Haoran say? Seeing you being bullied by Li's family, did he really say nothing at all?" Yao Yiyi said angrily, and was somewhat disappointed with Li Haoran. At first, she saw that Li Haoran was mature and able to support Yao Ting. I came to entrust Yao Ting to him. I didn't expect him to be so unreliable.

"Hao Ran also mentioned to Li's family once that they moved out and lived together. Everyone under the same roof is prone to friction." Yao Ting sighed: "But the night before I mentioned it, his mother's old illness was committed and I sent it all night. He went to the hospital, and then his father accused him of having a daughter-in-law who had forgotten his mother. Finally, he hoped that he would take a wife home and live together. He did not expect to move out again for a woman. "

Enough of scolding, his mother woke up at the right time and said that she had nothing to do with her body, just let them move out, anyway, she was just thinking that her child could go home to eat with her every day, thinking Chatting with my daughter-in-law and being a commendable good mother-in-law, it seems that the daughter-in-law doesn't like her very much and she doesn't want to do anything to others, so they just move out.

In and out of words, she became the culprit in making this family trouble.

In the end there was no choice but to stay.

Li Haoran also told her that she was wronged, but she married him. In order to integrate him into the family as much as possible, he would not be embarrassed between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Wei, Li Haoran was not there. Mrs. Li hated her as always, and she didn't bother her with any inspiration. The director was in a hurry to ask for a manuscript, and she still scolded her on the phone several times.

Caught between family and work, she is suffering.

Yao Yiyi listened and accompanied her silently.

For a long time, she said: "Ting Ting, you should know that this was the case. I shouldn't have agreed to marry you in the past. Mrs. Li was not my mother-in-law. Even if my mother-in-law hated me because I said good-bye with good-bye, and she should have the kind of cultivation. Yes, it won't make you arrogant to make Ou Qingheng take her seriously. "

"I insisted on marrying, and I have no regrets. I love Haoran, so I am willing to change for her. I went first and went up to see your aunt with you later."

Watching Yao Ting go in, Yao Yiyi sighed lowly.

She didn't say a word.

Li Haoran looked mature and steady, but he did not have the courage of Ou Qingheng. She was afraid that Li Haoran would eventually succumb to the family. Maybe he could resist the family for Tingting before marriage, but after marriage, because of the family Questions came one after another. By that time, could Li Haoran really stick to Tingting as always?

This is what Yao Yiyi worried about.

She was afraid of Yao Ting's efforts and became a bamboo basket to get water.

Yao Ting didn't know Yao Yiyi's concerns. She entered and the doctor let her lie down on the bed.

"Miss Yao, pick up your clothes. I'll check it for you. It may be a little itchy. You can bear it." The doctor is a woman in her 40s and 50s, and she doesn't speak as coldly as other doctors.

Yao Ting nodded.

The female doctor circled her belly with a cold instrument for a few minutes, and her brow furrowed slightly.

"Miss Yao, you may have to be mentally prepared. There is a thing growing horizontally in your uterus, called the uterine septum. It is a type of uterine malformation. It is formed during the development of the congenital uterus. Its existence can cause infertility. Difficult to conceive, or pregnant women increase ectopic pregnancy and fetal abortion, spontaneous abortion, premature birth, fetal malposition and other probability. I advise you to do treatment early. "

The doctor said.

"Dr. Yun, you honestly told me, what is the probability of a uterine diaphragm being cured? Can I still be pregnant?"

"Miss Yao, don't worry, now that the medical technique is well developed, it will always be cured, and this disease is not to say that it can't be pregnant, but the possibility of miscarriage or fetal death will be greater, don't give it to yourself Too much pressure, relax. "

Dr. Yun placated.

Yao Ting rubbed his lips and said, "Dr. Yun, please help me prepare for the operation. I want to be treated as soon as possible."

"Miss Yao, it is a good thing to actively cooperate with treatment, but pregnancy is a matter of urgency and urgency. It is best to let it happen naturally. If you are too stressed, you will not be able to afford it."

Yao Ting nodded.

"Miss Yao, you go home to calm down and let your husband accompany you to the hospital for inpatient surgery. The uterine diaphragm is not a big problem. Just do an operation. I believe you will be the most beautiful in the future. Mom's. "Dr. Yun smiled.

"Dr. Yun, I think you are quite different from other doctors, who love to laugh, and are very comfortable with patients."

"Patients are very nervous when they come to the hospital. If I have a straight face, they will be even more nervous. It might be better to relax and chat with them and let them relax, so that the inspection will be more effective."

Yao Ting gave her a thumbs up.

After a few more chats, Yao Ting went out.

Yao Yiyi greeted him and said, "Tingting, how's it going, okay?"

Yao Ting took the examination report and said, "The doctor said that I had a uterine septum, that is, there is a long thing in the uterus. I need surgery. I will go back and discuss with Haoran. I may come to the hospital for surgery tomorrow."

"Don't worry, as long as you can operate, there will be no major problems. You can have children after you have taken care of your body. You can relax physically and mentally. In a comfortable environment, children can come quickly."


Yao Ting accompanied Yao Yiyi upstairs to see Mrs. Huang and stayed for an hour before driving home.

At night, she and Li Haoran talked about her uterine diaphragm.

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